The Democrats are in mega-panic mode

The thing about Trump and his Chumps is they are constantly projecting.

So if you want to know what is going on with them, just see what they are saying about the opposition.





The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.
I'd say all those Miss Universe contestants and underaged girls coming forward today have Trump in a panic, not the Democrats.

The Wikileaks sauce was weak. Just like I told you it would be. that wasn't totally orchestrated by the Hillary campaign, right?

At this time anyone who listens to the media is a fool.

Wikileaks has made it obvious that the media is just the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. They have been caught feeding debate questions to Hillary, feeding Interview questions to Hillary, covering up her illness, covering up all her sleaze and dirt. It's no wonder Hillary wanted to assassinate Julian Assange. If she's elected, his days are numbered.
Step away from the crack pipe and check yourself into a treatment center.
I don't do drugs, Dirtbag.
Good thing. You're brain damaged enough.
I'd say all those Miss Universe contestants and underaged girls coming forward today have Trump in a panic, not the Democrats.

The Wikileaks sauce was weak. Just like I told you it would be.

At least you'll be faux OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA like all good Soros drones.

I remember at about 16 getting a job as a busboy at a restaurant. They had a fashion show on Tuesdays and Thursdays and changed back at the bus/waitress station. The models would come back and drop their cloths right in front of us. Some times they had panties on, usually just pantyhose. Either way the boobs were exposed.

That's how that world operates.

Despite your demagoguery and utter bullshit, this is yet another example of you communists playing at a scandal that is just some much idiocy.

Yes, you want to smear the enemy of your filthy party, but beware comrade, EVERY LAST Hollywood director and producer has stood there as girls changed costumes - every last one. Go after Trump, the sane people WILL go after Hollywood, though you will defend them.
LOL Trump and his minions are in total panic. Women make up 53% of the vote. And a good percentage of the vote is made up of people that are minorities, of which Trump has left none uninsulted. Kind of hard to win an election like that.

It blew up in her face? LOL! She's going to get 350+ electoral votes.

You've got THAT many dead people and illegal aliens voting, Comrade? :eek:
No, we have Americans on our side. The non-deplorable ones.

IF you can turn enough against Trump you could put that crooked pile of shit in office.

But you SURE the fuck don't have America on your side.

Make no mistake, America rightly HATES Hillary, even if you con them into hating Trump more.
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.

You people have such vivid imaginations

It blew up in her face? LOL! She's going to get 350+ electoral votes.

You've got THAT many dead people and illegal aliens voting, Comrade? :eek:
No, we have Americans on our side. The non-deplorable ones.

IF you can turn enough against Trump you could put that crooked pile of shit in office.

But you SURE the fuck don't have America on your side.

Make no mistake, America rightly HATES Hillary, even if you con them into hating Trump more.
Female voters HATE Deplorable Don, he's cooked.

It blew up in her face? LOL! She's going to get 350+ electoral votes.

You've got THAT many dead people and illegal aliens voting, Comrade? :eek:
No, we have Americans on our side. The non-deplorable ones.

IF you can turn enough against Trump you could put that crooked pile of shit in office.

But you SURE the fuck don't have America on your side.

Make no mistake, America rightly HATES Hillary, even if you con them into hating Trump more.
Female voters HATE Deplorable Don, he's cooked.


ALL voters hate Deplorable Hillary, the traitorous crook.

I'm not a Trump fan, but calling him a crook sounds like Peewee Herman shit.

He may be a pig, but a crook? Nah, that's Hillary's bag, the Mafia Don Hillary.

Oh, and did you see the Hillary staff in EXACTLY the same sort of locker room shit as Trump?

I know, it's only wrong if a Republican does it.

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