The Democrats are in mega-panic mode

No one cars that Trump says fuck. They care that he thinks because of who he is that he can get away with grabbing pussies. The pussies are soon to show him that he cannot.
Like I said...another "classy", "educated" progressive.

By the way - you're the same dumb ass that supported Bill Clinton's horrific sexual assault of many dozens of women. Everything Trump did (if it was even happened) was consensual. Like typical promiscuous progressive women - they were all willing to use their bodies to be around wealth and fame. That's just who you immoral progressive women are sadly.
Hey stupid? I hate Donald Trump. The guy is an asshole. He's a typical life-long progressive Dumbocrat asshole. The ground isn't moving under me at all. I couldn't care less if both he and Hitlery die of cancer tomorrow. The U.S. would be an exponentially better place if they did.
Hey Canoodle head ...Trump is a product....a product of the system you are whining about "DUDE" do favor "El Trump" and you know it

Every poll depends on the agenda of the group doing the polling. You're so precious you little naïve, idealistic thing you.

That is deep ...I better get my "hip wader" ....:lmao:.... I thought the Polls depended on random sampling statistical analysis and "measures of central tendency":lmao:
Mine too! Look at that Tyrone....we've found common ground.

Here let the ground move under you
Free fall

Polls seldom show actual free fall. But this looks a bit like free fall.

Trump sings the Beatles "I want to hold your gland"
Well that can't be right. Fox News and Russia say Trump is ahead? Or not. Fox News Poll: Clinton Edges Trump By Two Points One Month Ahead Of Election
I'm naïve because I posted the polling showing Obama would win, then the polling saying Obama would win again, and now the polling showing Clinton winning?

Agenda? The only agenda is trying to correctly predict the election which they have and will again.
You are so cute, I can't stand it! :lmao: you have any idea how many polls said that Mitt Romney was going to win in a landslide?
The one episode I watched of the primetime CBS showith "Boss" featured Japanese rope bondage and anal sex.

But Trump said "Pussy"

Every poll depends on the agenda of the group doing the polling. You're so precious you little naïve, idealistic thing you.

That is deep ...I better get my "hip wader" ....:lmao:.... I thought the Polls depended on random sampling statistical analysis and "measures of central tendency":lmao:
Then why did so many have John McCain winning?!? :lmao:
Mine too! Look at that Tyrone....we've found common ground.

Here let the ground move under you
Free fall

Polls seldom show actual free fall. But this looks a bit like free fall.

Trump sings the Beatles "I want to hold your gland"

FREE fall?


The used just TWO days in a FIVE day rolling average poll.. Then they over sampled Democrats by 16%...

The POLL IS BULL SHIT and MANUFACTURED to the max.... why change the way the poll was done? why over sample?

And yet the LA Times has Trump +3.2 in their rolling average poll.
Last edited:

Every poll depends on the agenda of the group doing the polling. You're so precious you little naïve, idealistic thing you.

That is deep ...I better get my "hip wader" ....:lmao:.... I thought the Polls depended on random sampling statistical analysis and "measures of central tendency":lmao:
Then why did so many have John McCain winning?!? :lmao:
For the same reason that Hurricanes do not move exactly to the spot predicted moves within a cone of uncertainty based on statistical models
Mine too! Look at that Tyrone....we've found common ground.

Here let the ground move under you
Free fall

Polls seldom show actual free fall. But this looks a bit like free fall.

Trump sings the Beatles "I want to hold your gland"

FREE fall?


The used just TWO days in a FIVE day rolling average poll.. Then they over sampled Democrats by 16%...

The POLL IS BULL SHIT and MANUFACTURED to the max.... why change the way the poll was done? why over sample?

Its all rigged against ...rigged rigged LOL you are getting Rigged Rick Rolled
No one cars that Trump says fuck. They care that he thinks because of who he is that he can get away with grabbing pussies. The pussies are soon to show him that he cannot.
Like I said...another "classy", "educated" progressive.

By the way - you're the same dumb ass that supported Bill Clinton's horrific sexual assault of many dozens of women. Everything Trump did (if it was even happened) was consensual. Like typical promiscuous progressive women - they were all willing to use their bodies to be around wealth and fame. That's just who you immoral progressive women are sadly.
When Trump's third wife has to denounce him for saying he can grab pussy at will you don't have a leg to stand on.

And trying to cheat on your pregnant third wife with a married woman? Just save the "classy" argument.
I'm naïve because I posted the polling showing Obama would win, then the polling saying Obama would win again, and now the polling showing Clinton winning?

Agenda? The only agenda is trying to correctly predict the election which they have and will again.
You are so cute, I can't stand it! :lmao: you have any idea how many polls said that Mitt Romney was going to win in a landslide?
Zero. 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama | RealClearPolitics

Now, guess what those same polls say about who will win this time?

Every poll depends on the agenda of the group doing the polling. You're so precious you little naïve, idealistic thing you.

That is deep ...I better get my "hip wader" ....:lmao:.... I thought the Polls depended on random sampling statistical analysis and "measures of central tendency":lmao:
Then why did so many have John McCain winning?!? :lmao:
None did. RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - General Election: McCain vs. Obama
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.
Trump isn't perfect, no one ever said he was, but Trump is a man, not some spineless liberal weinee who wants to give up the US to its enemies. Normal US citizens want Trump because of what liberalism is doing to this country and wants to stop the shit from continuing down the toilet bowl. Maybe he can maybe he cant, but most of the US citizens know that with Hillary that is 4 more years of Obama, which will leave the next president an inheritance 100 times worse than George Bush left B.O.(Stinky)

With the exposed Collusion from the Podesta email dump the liberal cesspool is real deep in shit...

The lengths at which they are going on this board to be shit heads says they are in shear panic mode....

Funny as hell to see such desperation...
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.
Trump isn't perfect, no one ever said he was, but Trump is a man, not some spineless liberal weinee who wants to give up the US to its enemies. Normal US citizens want Trump because of what liberalism is doing to this country and wants to stop the shit from continuing down the toilet bowl. Maybe he can maybe he cant, but most of the US citizens know that with Hillary that is 4 more years of Obama, which will leave the next president an inheritance 100 times worse than George Bush left B.O.(Stinky)

Puli are pretty deluded about what is going on in the world.
With the exposed Collusion from the Podesta email dump the liberal cesspool is real deep in shit...

The lengths at which they are going on this board to be shit heads says they are in shear panic mode....

Funny as hell to see such desperation...
If anyone is in panic mode it is the Trumpets. You have to stoop to being despicable human beings to support what he has said about women and Blacks.

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