The Democrats are in mega-panic mode

...An 'old' recording. That's the funniest part of the above.
Sadly, I'm obliged to agree.

The recording illustrates the unfettered, unfiltered hyper-sexist mindset of a spoiled, overgrown, arrogant child-man.

He was already 59-60 years old at the time of that recording.

Most sane human beings have a fully developed and permanent personality by their later teen years.

There is damned near zero (0) chance that Attila the Hun has "substantively altered" his core personality in the past 11 years.

If the recording had been of a fellow in his 20s - or even his early-to-mid 30s - it might be possible to extend a modest benefit of a doubt to the case.

But - in dealing with a 59-60 year-old man child-man?

Not a chance.

His verbal indiscretions back then - and the warped personality and mindset revealed - stink just as badly - and are still every bit as operative - now, as they were 11 years ago.

No sale, Trump minions.

I've oftentimes said that Trump is his own worst enemy, and would be his own undoing.

Looks like I (and scores of millions of other sane folk) were right, after all.
I'm sure there's much more to come. He's a pig, a criminal pig. Decency, like laws and taxes, must also be for the little people.
Enough of the pussyfooting around about, do you support us or do you not support us?”

— Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, on Good Morning America.

That's exactly what you nitwits said about Monica Lewinsky as well. Turns out she was telling the truth. So were the dozens of other women. There is no reason not to believe her other than the desperation of progressives.
Consentual. Wake up.
And you nitwits still denied it. Wake up. Grow up. Bill Clinton is a sexual predator. There were not dozens of women making false accusations.
So you think Trump is going to win?
It's hard to say. It depends on how many times you progressives can get dead people to vote. Sometimes you can get the same dead person to vote a dozen times. Sometimes you can only get that same dead person to vote four or five times.
So you think Trump is going to win?
It's hard to say. It depends on how many times you progressives can get dead people to vote. Sometimes you can get the same dead person to vote a dozen times. Sometimes you can only get that same dead person to vote four or five times.
They are currently polling only the live voters, the majority of whom are not voting for Pussy Grabber.
Mine too! Look at that Tyrone....we've found common ground.
Here let the ground move under you
Free fall
Polls seldom show actual free fall. But this looks a bit like free fall.
Hey stupid? I hate Donald Trump. The guy is an asshole. He's a typical life-long progressive Dumbocrat asshole. The ground isn't moving under me at all. I couldn't care less if both he and Hitlery die of cancer tomorrow. The U.S. would be an exponentially better place if they did.
And who won? That's correct, the one the polls said would win. You idiots never fucking learn.
Look at that...another "classy", "educated" progressive. These are the same people who cry about Trump's language :lol:
No one cars that Trump says fuck. They care that he thinks because of who he is that he can get away with grabbing pussies. The pussies are soon to show him that he cannot.
So you think Trump is going to win?
It's hard to say. It depends on how many times you progressives can get dead people to vote. Sometimes you can get the same dead person to vote a dozen times. Sometimes you can only get that same dead person to vote four or five times.
They are currently polling only the live voters, the majority of whom are not voting for Pussy Grabber.

Every poll depends on the agenda of the group doing the polling. You're so precious you little naïve, idealistic thing you.
So you think Trump is going to win?
It's hard to say. It depends on how many times you progressives can get dead people to vote. Sometimes you can get the same dead person to vote a dozen times. Sometimes you can only get that same dead person to vote four or five times.
They are currently polling only the live voters, the majority of whom are not voting for Pussy Grabber.

Every poll depends on the agenda of the group doing the polling. You're so precious you little naïve, idealistic thing you.
I'm naïve because I posted the polling showing Obama would win, then the polling saying Obama would win again, and now the polling showing Clinton winning?

Agenda? The only agenda is trying to correctly predict the election which they have and will again.

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