The Democrats' Marxist Agenda - The Ultimate Answer to All These Threads

Votar Roja

Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2023
The Democrats' Marxist Agenda

If you have ever wondered how it is possible for Democrats and Leftists to push their most insane policies, the answer is simple: It is American Marxism. The Democrat Party and the Left have huge numbers of people trying to establish a Marxist state, and in order to do that, traditional America must first be destroyed. Every Democrat policy that seems insane in America, from open borders to wokism, to grooming kids, destroying the dollar, destroying the military, climate change insanity, socialism, Jan. 6 Nazi Show trials, conservatives banned from speaking . . . . the insanity of it all begins to form a coherent picture when you see the grand puppet master: American Marxism, and its political party, the Democrat Party.

Complete with propaganda fake news channels, schools that indoctrinate instead of teach, and also help destroy the traditional family by grooming, Antifa and BLM thugs in the streets . . . . the movement is on the brink of destroying our Liberty and our Freedom.

Democrats are the New American Marxists. Their Goal: A Marxist State. Their Plan: Destroying as much of America as they can, and then build their Marxist state on the rubble.

Have you ever noticed . . .

Why do you see communist flags at climate change events? Why do you see communist flags flying with Antifa and BLM mobs, flying at abortion events, and at other Leftist riots? Isn't it strange? Where is the connection? This article explains the connection.


They learned their history

It has been said by historians that world Communism was thwarted by two things: Faith and Family. Try as they did, they could not break the family bond and make the state the childrens' parents, and try as they might they could not break the faith in God of some folks.

Do you want to know why grooming is happening in school? This is why. In one swoop, a child learns that the traditional family is wrong and sodomy is to be celebrated, and as a bonus they learn that religious teachings are wrong and sexual perversion is good.

The Boogyman

Every movement like this needs a boogeyman. Hitler had the Jews: Communists had the "Petty Bourgeois" and the wealthy class. American Marxism also has boogeyman: The White Western Male. Do you want to know why CRT is in schools? Now you know. Do you want to know why everything is called racist? Now you know.

American Marxism

Mark Levin is a lawyer, author, and radio personality. Levin worked in the Reagan administration, he is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of several books, and one of those books is "American Marxism." I highly recommend this book. American Marxism explains how Democrats are trying to make America a Marxist state. For those who try to pick apart the union of Democrats and Marxism, Levine explains how the New American Marxism is not exactly the same as the Marxism of old. It is a unique American brand. It is still Marxism all the same, and most of it is the same, but there are a few differences too.

Levin is now the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. Below is a full audio version of the book, and below that are a few videos worth watching on this topic. If you have comments on this topic, please join our forum and start a conversation.

American Marxism by Mark R. Levin #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Audio book

More from Mark Levin

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Democrats Push Marxism in the Classroom
We're sending our kids to school to become little activists and revolutionaries, didn't you know that? As Critical Race Theory continues its relentless assault on our education system, the battleground is shifting more and more to our High Schools. Now, Mark delves deep into their latest attack. Where CRT used to be hidden in educator's agendas, an emboldened American Marxist regime has redoubled its efforts to fill our kids' heads with their racist propaganda.

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When it Comes to True Democracy, the Democrat Party is the Party of Smoke and Mirrors

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If anyone ever wondered about the socialism of the Left, this should make you stop wondering:

House passes resolution denouncing socialism, vote splits Democrats
House passes resolution denouncing socialism, vote splits Democrats
The House on Thursday approved a resolution denouncing socialism in a bipartisan vote that fractured the Democratic caucus.

Identify those Democrats who were against this bill, and you have found the Marxist extremist core of the Democrat party, and the true enemies of the state.
The Democrats' Marxist Agenda

If you have ever wondered how it is possible for Democrats and Leftists to push their most insane policies, the answer is simple: It is American Marxism. The Democrat Party and the Left have huge numbers of people trying to establish a Marxist state, and in order to do that, traditional America must first be destroyed. Every Democrat policy that seems insane in America, from open borders to wokism, to grooming kids, destroying the dollar, destroying the military, climate change insanity, socialism, Jan. 6 Nazi Show trials, conservatives banned from speaking . . . . the insanity of it all begins to form a coherent picture when you see the grand puppet master: American Marxism, and its political party, the Democrat Party.

Complete with propaganda fake news channels, schools that indoctrinate instead of teach, and also help destroy the traditional family by grooming, Antifa and BLM thugs in the streets . . . . the movement is on the brink of destroying our Liberty and our Freedom.

Democrats are the New American Marxists. Their Goal: A Marxist State. Their Plan: Destroying as much of America as they can, and then build their Marxist state on the rubble.

Have you ever noticed . . .

Why do you see communist flags at climate change events? Why do you see communist flags flying with Antifa and BLM mobs, flying at abortion events, and at other Leftist riots? Isn't it strange? Where is the connection? This article explains the connection.


They learned their history

It has been said by historians that world Communism was thwarted by two things: Faith and Family. Try as they did, they could not break the family bond and make the state the childrens' parents, and try as they might they could not break the faith in God of some folks.

Do you want to know why grooming is happening in school? This is why. In one swoop, a child learns that the traditional family is wrong and sodomy is to be celebrated, and as a bonus they learn that religious teachings are wrong and sexual perversion is good.

The Boogyman

Every movement like this needs a boogeyman. Hitler had the Jews: Communists had the "Petty Bourgeois" and the wealthy class. American Marxism also has boogeyman: The White Western Male. Do you want to know why CRT is in schools? Now you know. Do you want to know why everything is called racist? Now you know.

American Marxism

Mark Levin is a lawyer, author, and radio personality. Levin worked in the Reagan administration, he is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of several books, and one of those books is "American Marxism." I highly recommend this book. American Marxism explains how Democrats are trying to make America a Marxist state. For those who try to pick apart the union of Democrats and Marxism, Levine explains how the New American Marxism is not exactly the same as the Marxism of old. It is a unique American brand. It is still Marxism all the same, and most of it is the same, but there are a few differences too.

Levin is now the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. Below is a full audio version of the book, and below that are a few videos worth watching on this topic. If you have comments on this topic, please join our forum and start a conversation.

American Marxism by Mark R. Levin #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Audio book

More from Mark Levin

When it Comes to True Democracy, the Democrat Party is the Party of Smoke and Mirrors

Forum members

If anyone ever wondered about the socialism of the Left, this should make you stop wondering:

House passes resolution denouncing socialism, vote splits Democrats
House passes resolution denouncing socialism, vote splits Democrats
The House on Thursday approved a resolution denouncing socialism in a bipartisan vote that fractured the Democratic caucus.

Identify those Democrats who were against this bill, and you have found the Marxist extremist core of the Democrat party, and the true enemies of the state.

Wow, you posted a meme. Now I believe you.
It’s easy to understand why Dems are the way they are.

Same story is told in the Bible over and over. When people turn their backs on God, shit goes downhill real quick. Democrats engage in idolatry, creating their own morality of what is right and wrong. Since it is ungodly, it is of course ugly and disgusting. This is why their gatherings look like circus freak shows. They praise a man wearing a dress. They fly the flag of pedophiles and groomers. They celebrate a deadly sin for an entire month.
It’s easy to understand why Dems are the way they are.

Same story is told in the Bible over and over. When people turn their backs on God, shit goes downhill real quick. Democrats engage in idolatry, creating their own morality of what is right and wrong. Since it is ungodly, it is of course ugly and disgusting. This is why their gatherings look like circus freak shows. They praise a man wearing a dress. They fly the flag of pedophiles and groomers. They celebrate a deadly sin for an entire month.

Real Democrats like JFK or Harry Truman would never stand for the filthy shitshow that their party has become

TRUMP: Marxist left and other lunatics have become a cult​


Historian: Marxist roots of CRT is being 'scrubbed' from Wikipedia | The Gorka Reality Check​

BLM: America’s Homegrown Marxism
A new book from Mike Gonzalez exposes the ideological wellsprings of the Black Lives Matter movement.

A running joke on the climate-skeptic right depicts environmentalists as political watermelons—green on the outside, red on the inside. After the rampant rioting and looting of two summers ago that used George Floyd’s death as a pretext, it’s high time the culprits got their own fruit analogy. Per Mike Gonzalez’s latest book, BLM: The Making of a New Marxist Revolution (2021), the namesake group resembles a fig—black on the outside, red on the inside. For all its outward pretension of caring for the plight of black Americans, the movement’s inner drive has proven to be the overhaul of American society along Marxist lines.

Much like his prior bestseller The Plot to Change America (2020), Gonzalez’s book argues the simple point that today’s far-left social movements didn’t come out of nowhere—they’ve only been portrayed as such by a pliant media. For the lay observer, Black Lives Matter (BLM) may seem like a discrete response to the killings of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and George Floyd, one limited to advocating for the rooting out of racial inequities from policing and the criminal justice system. Gonzalez proves beyond doubt that this is not the case. BLM is but the latest iteration of a long effort, first undertaken by the Soviet Union, to whip up racial animus and urban unrest for the benefit of Marxist causes. “Behind the prison and police reform façade,” he writes, “lies a deep ideological commitment to abandoning our free-market and liberal democratic system and to remaking America along Marxist lines.” The reason this effort has fared far better than in the 1920s and 1960s is owed to the media’s refusal to cover these groups critically and to the state of ritualistic self-flagellation into which the liberal establishment has been cowed since the killing of George Floyd.

Gonzalez has emerged as one of the country’s leading analysts of the far left, but his real beat is intellectual history. The Plot to Change America (2020) traced identity politics back to a century-old tradition of Marxist thought, beginning with the Gramscian pivot from economics to culture as the locus of oppression, and continued by the Frankfurt School’s export of critical theory to American college campuses. This latest book begins further back, with the founding of our republic. BLM’s view of America as an irredeemably racist country eternally beset by racial inequities grounded in its founding documents, Gonzalez argues, echoes the views of John Calhoun and the pro-slavery factions leading up to the Civil War, who similarly saw the Jeffersonian dictum that “all men are created equal” as dangerous, preferring in its stead a nation made up of factions representing relativistic values. “Part of the reason that the woke complex today dismisses the Constitution,” he writes, “is that, as it has been written and amended, it stands in the way of many of the things they want to do, from instituting group rights and racial privileges to suppressing the right to speech, property and conscience.”

But BLM can’t be reduced to its interpretation of the Founding, lest we overlook the forward-looking elements of its ideology. Gonzalez proceeds to sketch a history of the links between communism and parts of the African American community beginning in the mid-19th century, when the Marxist objection to American capitalism wasn’t so much slavery as wage slavery—namely, industrial employment. As soon as it formed, the Soviet Union began its own efforts to convert black Americans to communism through figures from the so-called Harlem Renaissance of black letters, such as Lanston Hughes, W.E.B. Du Bois and Claude McKay. The Soviets’ ambition to destabilize America by setting up “a separate Negro state” from which to launch a revolution across the rest of the country, however, did not align with Marcus Garvey, the leader of the separatist, pan-Africanist wing of the black movement working towards a similar end. In fact, Garvey would remain a staunch anti-communist all his life. “Though black intellectuals may have fallen for the siren song of communism,” Gonzalez writes, “rank and file black Americans saw through Moscow’s actions and said no, thanks.”

But the mix of Marxism and racial identitarianism would come to a head in the 1960s, when “the core principle of the civil rights era—that discrimination on the basis of race was evil—was almost instantly reversed.” A new generation of black leaders including Malcolm X, Stokey Carmichael, Angela Davis, and Assata Shakur would break with the civil rights movement’s incrementalist methods and color-blind policies, instead deeming white Americans—and thus America at large—inherently evil. This, in Gonzalez’s telling, is precisely the generation that trained, groomed, and eventually passed the torch to today’s BLM leaders, people such as Opal Tometi, Patrice Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Melina Abdullah. “Even before they created the hashtag expression #BlackLivesMatter in 2013 that later became an empire of revolutionary organizations around the world,” Gonzalez writes, “they belonged or associated with an interlacing web of socialist groups that have been trying to overthrow the American system for decades.”

Since emerging as an online rallying cry in the wake of Trayvon Martin’s death, BLM has been beefed up with considerable organizing muscle through the creation of the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) and BLM Global Network Foundation, “both radical, anti-capitalist organizations that seek a root-and-branch change of the way the U.S. is constituted.” In 2020, this network was further ramped up through the creation of a SuperPAC—meaning that BLM can fund candidates and lobby for bills—all thanks to the support of an interlocking web of philanthropic organizations—George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, Susan Rosenberg’s Thousand Currents, Drummond Pike’s Tides Foundation, and the Buffett family’s NoVo Foundation. Through its lobbying of Congress and its funding of soft-on-crime district attorney races, BLM has been able to pressure the FBI out of investigating violence committed by what it calls Black Identity Extremists (BIEs), and effectively lessen the punishment for the lawlessness that dovetails with BLM.
The Democrats' Marxist Agenda

If you have ever wondered how it is possible for Democrats and Leftists to push their most insane policies, the answer is simple: It is American Marxism. The Democrat Party and the Left have huge numbers of people trying to establish a Marxist state, and in order to do that, traditional America must first be destroyed. Every Democrat policy that seems insane in America, from open borders to wokism, to grooming kids, destroying the dollar, destroying the military, climate change insanity, socialism, Jan. 6 Nazi Show trials, conservatives banned from speaking . . . . the insanity of it all begins to form a coherent picture when you see the grand puppet master: American Marxism, and its political party, the Democrat Party.

Complete with propaganda fake news channels, schools that indoctrinate instead of teach, and also help destroy the traditional family by grooming, Antifa and BLM thugs in the streets . . . . the movement is on the brink of destroying our Liberty and our Freedom.

Democrats are the New American Marxists. Their Goal: A Marxist State. Their Plan: Destroying as much of America as they can, and then build their Marxist state on the rubble.

Have you ever noticed . . .

Why do you see communist flags at climate change events? Why do you see communist flags flying with Antifa and BLM mobs, flying at abortion events, and at other Leftist riots? Isn't it strange? Where is the connection? This article explains the connection.


They learned their history

It has been said by historians that world Communism was thwarted by two things: Faith and Family. Try as they did, they could not break the family bond and make the state the childrens' parents, and try as they might they could not break the faith in God of some folks.

Do you want to know why grooming is happening in school? This is why. In one swoop, a child learns that the traditional family is wrong and sodomy is to be celebrated, and as a bonus they learn that religious teachings are wrong and sexual perversion is good.

The Boogyman

Every movement like this needs a boogeyman. Hitler had the Jews: Communists had the "Petty Bourgeois" and the wealthy class. American Marxism also has boogeyman: The White Western Male. Do you want to know why CRT is in schools? Now you know. Do you want to know why everything is called racist? Now you know.

American Marxism

Mark Levin is a lawyer, author, and radio personality. Levin worked in the Reagan administration, he is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of several books, and one of those books is "American Marxism." I highly recommend this book. American Marxism explains how Democrats are trying to make America a Marxist state. For those who try to pick apart the union of Democrats and Marxism, Levine explains how the New American Marxism is not exactly the same as the Marxism of old. It is a unique American brand. It is still Marxism all the same, and most of it is the same, but there are a few differences too.

Levin is now the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. Below is a full audio version of the book, and below that are a few videos worth watching on this topic. If you have comments on this topic, please join our forum and start a conversation.

American Marxism by Mark R. Levin #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Audio book

More from Mark Levin

Pure garbage.

Literally insane raving.

But keep up the good work; you're swelling the ranks of independent voters & draining your own. :)

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