The Democrats' Marxist Agenda - The Ultimate Answer to All These Threads

Your definition of "morality" isn't in the Bible at all . . . .

Do you have some sort of problem addressing the topic?

Democrats are the party of sodomy (gay marriage), mutilating children's genitals in the name of transgenderism, murdering children by abortion, and socialism. You people are engaging in the pedophile act of sexualizing children in schools across the nation. When it comes to morality the best thing you can do is shut your big fat loud ignorant mouth. The democrats are the party of evil and Satan.

And ALL those things are mentioned in the Bible (except socialism)
Do you have some sort of problem addressing the topic?

Democrats are the party of sodomy (gay marriage), mutilating children's genitals in the name of transgenderism, murdering children by abortion, and socialism. You people are engaging in the pedophile act of sexualizing children in schools across the nation. When it comes to morality the best thing you can do is shut your big fat loud ignorant mouth. The democrats are the party of evil and Satan.

And ALL those things are mentioned in the Bible (except socialism)

Do you have some sort of issue with reality?

You're really big on demonizing Democrats there with lies, slander and nothing to back your bullshit up. God gave the human race "free will" to make our own choices, and told you not to judge others for their behaviour, or you'll be punished as you would punish others.

Jesus did not even mention "sodomy", "abortion", or any of the claims you make are "in the Bible". The only mention of gay sex is in Paul's letter to the Corinthians, where he calls men lying with men an "abomination in the eyes of God". Sodom and Gomorrah is a mistranslation, and if you knew ANYTHING about the Bible, you'd know that.

The crime of Sodom was that they didn't welcome strangers, and wanted to harm them. Kind of like how Americans refuse to welcome refugees on your Southern Border. God destroyed Sodom for that. I'd start welcoming people fleeing for their lives if I were you.

Your entire post is just Q-Anon garbage and nonsense.

So please take your lame attempt at preaching the Bible to a retired Sunday School teacher and stick it where the sun don't shine. You name calling ass wipes aren't worth the time or trouble.
You can call a turd and ice cream cone if you want to but its still a turd, and Democrats are still Marxists, and also the party of socialists, groomers, pedophiles and sodomites.
And you’re an insane ashole
Votar Roja chose a moniker named after a South American fascist group involved in election fraud.

Election choice for what he has been posting,
Levin is a Rabid Right Wing crank, and always will be.

"Long considered fringe, the right wing radio host Mark Levin has had a few good years: He picked up a weekly Fox News show ("Life, Liberty & Levin"); he counts conservative political commentator Sean Hannity as his best friend; and the president recently tweeted in support of his new book, "Word is out that book is GREAT!"

On his show, Levin speaks in the unmistakable tenor of a man experiencing road rage or shouting at a customer service representative. ......."

Where are your verifiable facts, FuckBoi? YouTube isn't a credible source. Where are your links to the communist agenda you say is being pushed??????

Anti-democracy hate and propaganda, is proof of nothing.
Any group of people that push to have a one-party only government, is the enemy of our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, thus traitors. There has NEVER been a one-party only government that wasn't: Authoritarian, Oppressive, Persecutory, Tyrannical and outright massively Murderous to its own people. It's a state police and military enforcement of everyone having to be in lock-step, or else it's: re-education centers, gulags and/or mass graves.
I don't care whether you call it Marxism, Communism, Theocracy, Military Junta, or Oligarchy. It has no business in this nation.
Also, for the record, all nations have some form of Capitalism, even the scumbag Marxist/Communist nations.
Any group of people that push to have a one-party only government, is the enemy of our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, thus traitors. There has NEVER been a one-party only government that wasn't: Authoritarian, Oppressive, Persecutory, Tyrannical and outright massively Murderous to its own people. It's a state police and military enforcement of everyone having to be in lock-step, or else it's: re-education centers, gulags and/or mass graves.
I don't care whether you call it Marxism, Communism, Theocracy, Military Junta, or Oligarchy. It has no business in this nation.
Also, for the record, all nations have some form of Capitalism, even the scumbag Marxist/Communist nations.

American Marxism is a twist on the old Soviet Marxism, very much the same but with a few notable differences. You should read the book American Marxism.
Real democrats like JFK or HT would never put up with those like Votar Roja.
Liberals tolerate everything, moron. You're not a liberal.

. . . but he is a moron. I have yet to see him post anything factual or intelligent.

Well, the premise of the thread and the first post still stand as un-refuted.

It is a fact: The Democrats do have a Marxist agenda.
Any group of people that push to have a one-party only government, is the enemy of our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, thus traitors. There has NEVER been a one-party only government that wasn't: Authoritarian, Oppressive, Persecutory, Tyrannical and outright massively Murderous to its own people. It's a state police and military enforcement of everyone having to be in lock-step, or else it's: re-education centers, gulags and/or mass graves.
I don't care whether you call it Marxism, Communism, Theocracy, Military Junta, or Oligarchy. It has no business in this nation.
Also, for the record, all nations have some form of Capitalism, even the scumbag Marxist/Communist nations.
Marxist Democrats = O
Any group of people that push to have a one-party only government, is the enemy of our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, thus traitors. There has NEVER been a one-party only government that wasn't: Authoritarian, Oppressive, Persecutory, Tyrannical and outright massively Murderous to its own people. It's a state police and military enforcement of everyone having to be in lock-step, or else it's: re-education centers, gulags and/or mass graves.
I don't care whether you call it Marxism, Communism, Theocracy, Military Junta, or Oligarchy. It has no business in this nation.
Also, for the record, all nations have some form of Capitalism, even the scumbag Marxist/Communist nations.

I don’t see the point of your post. There’s a lot of words there, but not much of a point.

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