The Democrats plan to protest Trump's state of the union address.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Why do the Left Wingers always have ridiculous protests?
The infamous Nancy Pelosi is supporting protests against Trump’s state of the union address.
The conservatives never protested Obama’s state of the union address.
Are Liberals just mentally immature people?
The angry racist Congressional Hispanic Caucus Democrats rejected Trump’s generous offer to give a path to citizenship 1.8 million illegal aliens.
Why do the Racist Democrat Voters refuse to accept that America is a sovereign country with borders and immigration laws?

4 big ways Democrats plan to protest Trump's State of the Union
Good. There will be more room for Republicans to celebrate America. All Democrats do is condemn or apologize for America.
OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME Democrats are going to protest the SOTU with a responding comment after the speech. And protest by wearing black and other protests. What shall we do? This has never happened before and we are appalled! OMG! OMG!
'The Democrats plan to protest Trump's state of the union address.'

'NO $H!T!

They were fully exposed for their criminal sexual misconduct, from Hollywood to the Liberal Media to the floor of Congress, exposed for stealing tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims...and they are banding together to protest the immoral, unethical, criminal sexual misconduct they have been caught engaging in.

While they protest this at the SoTU Speech it is ironic that several who used to be among their ranks will not be able t join them in protest because those members have been FORCED OUT OF OFFICE for their own personal sexual misconduct against women.
- How's that for HYPOCRISY? :p


The Democrats are banding together, after CHOOSING to stand with Illegals over American citizens by shutting down the US Govt, to form their own 'Sanctuary City' in protest of Trump's elimination of Obama's Un-Constitutional 'Dream' Act, for forcing people to realize DEMOCRATS betrayed illegals by not legally passing the 'Dream Act' when they had the chance to do so, for forcing them to do their jobs now - pass legislation for the President to sign, and for daring to enforce US Immigration Law and adhere to the Constitution....something Obama and the Democrats under him refused to do.

I hope Democrats make a GRAND, HUGE gesture to remind Americans that the Democratic Party died with ILLEGALS over American citizens and shut down the US govt for THEM!
Good. There will be more room for Republicans to celebrate America. All Democrats do is condemn or apologize for America.
OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME Democrats are going to protest the SOTU with a responding comment after the speech. And protest by wearing black and other protests. What shall we do? This has never happened before and we are appalled! OMG! OMG!

Democrats are petulant children when they don't get their way. Elections have consequences and they ebb and flow. If they want to win in '18 and '20, they should tone down the hard left rhetoric. Americans want opportunity not unrealistic promises of wealth redistribution rooted in class envy.
They are becoming more and more intolerant to opposition of their views, ideology, and agenda. They have literally engaged in treason because Hillary did not win and they can not / will not accept the outcome of a political election.
I've gotten to the point I just don't give a damn what they say, think or do. They are so far out there that they've made themselves completely irrelevant on most issues.

I know, I know...That makes me a racist or some stupid shit, but you know what? IDGAF anymore
Let's be honest, Trump could find a cure for cancer and solve world hunger and Liberals would protest it because they aren't in charge.
Good. There will be more room for Republicans to celebrate America. All Democrats do is condemn or apologize for America.
OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME Democrats are going to protest the SOTU with a responding comment after the speech. And protest by wearing black and other protests. What shall we do? This has never happened before and we are appalled! OMG! OMG!

Democrats are petulant children when they don't get their way. Elections have consequences and they ebb and flow. If they want to win in '18 and '20, they should tone down the hard left rhetoric. Americans want opportunity not unrealistic promises of wealth redistribution rooted in class envy.
What the hell are you talking about. This reads like a collection of Infowars bumper stickers. Unrealistic promises? You mean like Mexico paying for a wall..100% as promised? Like coal returning to its former glory? Like US Steel firing up the the old furnaces? Like Carrier wouldn't move to Mexico? Those unrealistic promises? And how about that wealth redistribution rooted in class envy? Do you actually think that redistribution to the top 10% ISN'T the purpose of the recent 'tax reform' while you wag your tail furiously for the few crumbs that drop from their table?
The State of the Union Address is BULLSHIT anyway. It's nothing but a bunch of TV ratings political grandstanding bullshit!!!

— Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution
He shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.

He can do that in a letter or a telephone conference.

Good. There will be more room for Republicans to celebrate America. All Democrats do is condemn or apologize for America.
OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME Democrats are going to protest the SOTU with a responding comment after the speech. And protest by wearing black and other protests. What shall we do? This has never happened before and we are appalled! OMG! OMG!

Democrats are petulant children when they don't get their way. Elections have consequences and they ebb and flow. If they want to win in '18 and '20, they should tone down the hard left rhetoric. Americans want opportunity not unrealistic promises of wealth redistribution rooted in class envy.
What the hell are you talking about. This reads like a collection of Infowars bumper stickers. Unrealistic promises? You mean like Mexico paying for a wall..100% as promised? Like coal returning to its former glory? Like US Steel firing up the the old furnaces? Like Carrier wouldn't move to Mexico? Those unrealistic promises? And how about that wealth redistribution rooted in class envy? Do you actually think that redistribution to the top 10% ISN'T the purpose of the recent 'tax reform' while you wag your tail furiously for the few crumbs that drop from their table?

Hahaha.... you mention wealth have no clue about anything. My God. Wealth redistribution under the 8 years of Obama was at minimum, 10 times that of Bush and Reagan combined.
You guys are simply remarkable in your ignorance. The wealth got wealthier under Obama than anyother time in our nations history - PERIOD. Meanwhile, there are more abandoned, empty homes in America than ever before. There are actually more empty homes than there are homeless! Nationwide!
Under Obama, people were kicked out of their homes...they lost everything. But the investment firms that owned the mortgages - THEY WE'RE PAID BACK THEIR LOSSES 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR!!...Obama cared more about the investment firms than the people who lived in them.
And Immigration?????????....... Obama kicked more illegal immigrants out of the United States, broke up more familes than any other President....and you have the gull to complain about Trump??????

Useful idiots.
Yeah, all we need is for Hillary to show up in a black dress (probably pantsuit). What a bunch of fricken petulant children.
The State of the Union Address is BULLSHIT anyway. It's nothing but a bunch of TV ratings political grandstanding bullshit!!!

— Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution
He shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.

He can do that in a letter or a telephone conference.

I think he should send a letter to the Congress, too.

I wonder how the snowflakes would have protested that.
Good. There will be more room for Republicans to celebrate America. All Democrats do is condemn or apologize for America.
OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME Democrats are going to protest the SOTU with a responding comment after the speech. And protest by wearing black and other protests. What shall we do? This has never happened before and we are appalled! OMG! OMG!

Democrats are petulant children when they don't get their way. Elections have consequences and they ebb and flow. If they want to win in '18 and '20, they should tone down the hard left rhetoric. Americans want opportunity not unrealistic promises of wealth redistribution rooted in class envy.
What the hell are you talking about. This reads like a collection of Infowars bumper stickers. Unrealistic promises? You mean like Mexico paying for a wall..100% as promised? Like coal returning to its former glory? Like US Steel firing up the the old furnaces? Like Carrier wouldn't move to Mexico? Those unrealistic promises? And how about that wealth redistribution rooted in class envy? Do you actually think that redistribution to the top 10% ISN'T the purpose of the recent 'tax reform' while you wag your tail furiously for the few crumbs that drop from their table?
would you rather those crumbs went back to the rich also?

for a party that hasn't given the taxpayer a break in a long long time, it sure is funny when someone does they call it "crumbs". great, then don't take your crumbs and pay more in taxes. problem solved.
Good. There will be more room for Republicans to celebrate America. All Democrats do is condemn or apologize for America.
OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME Democrats are going to protest the SOTU with a responding comment after the speech. And protest by wearing black and other protests. What shall we do? This has never happened before and we are appalled! OMG! OMG!

Democrats are petulant children when they don't get their way. Elections have consequences and they ebb and flow. If they want to win in '18 and '20, they should tone down the hard left rhetoric. Americans want opportunity not unrealistic promises of wealth redistribution rooted in class envy.
What the hell are you talking about. This reads like a collection of Infowars bumper stickers. Unrealistic promises? You mean like Mexico paying for a wall..100% as promised? Like coal returning to its former glory? Like US Steel firing up the the old furnaces? Like Carrier wouldn't move to Mexico? Those unrealistic promises? And how about that wealth redistribution rooted in class envy? Do you actually think that redistribution to the top 10% ISN'T the purpose of the recent 'tax reform' while you wag your tail furiously for the few crumbs that drop from their table?

Don't ya wish you knew what the frick you were talking about....we sure do.
Income Inequality Worse Under Obama Than George W. Bush | HuffPost
"Mr. President, I've got some good news and I've got some bad news, 11 Democrats including Maxine Waters, Primila Jayapal and John Lewis are boycotting your speech tonight and will not be in attendance"

"Okay now tell me the bad news."
Good. There will be more room for Republicans to celebrate America. All Democrats do is condemn or apologize for America.
OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME Democrats are going to protest the SOTU with a responding comment after the speech. And protest by wearing black and other protests. What shall we do? This has never happened before and we are appalled! OMG! OMG!

Democrats are petulant children when they don't get their way. Elections have consequences and they ebb and flow. If they want to win in '18 and '20, they should tone down the hard left rhetoric. Americans want opportunity not unrealistic promises of wealth redistribution rooted in class envy.
What the hell are you talking about. This reads like a collection of Infowars bumper stickers. Unrealistic promises? You mean like Mexico paying for a wall..100% as promised? Like coal returning to its former glory? Like US Steel firing up the the old furnaces? Like Carrier wouldn't move to Mexico? Those unrealistic promises? And how about that wealth redistribution rooted in class envy? Do you actually think that redistribution to the top 10% ISN'T the purpose of the recent 'tax reform' while you wag your tail furiously for the few crumbs that drop from their table?

Hahaha.... you mention wealth have no clue about anything. My God. Wealth redistribution under the 8 years of Obama was at minimum, 10 times that of Bush and Reagan combined.
You guys are simply remarkable in your ignorance. The wealth got wealthier under Obama than anyother time in our nations history - PERIOD. Meanwhile, there are more abandoned, empty homes in America than ever before. There are actually more empty homes than there are homeless! Nationwide!
Under Obama, people were kicked out of their homes...they lost everything. But the investment firms that owned the mortgages - THEY WE'RE PAID BACK THEIR LOSSES 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR!!...Obama cared more about the investment firms than the people who lived in them.
And Immigration?????????....... Obama kicked more illegal immigrants out of the United States, broke up more familes than any other President....and you have the gull to complain about Trump??????

Useful idiots.
You have examples, I assume, of the 10-fold Wealth redistribution for the past 8 years? With a graph showing the comparisons with Bush and Reagan? I'd also request some documentation on the payback of abandoned mortgages, since it was GWB that fathered the bundling process in an effort to make every American a homeowner. I believe his heart was in the right place there, but Wall St outfoxed him to his regret and created a plethora of abandoned homes well before 2008. I guess I also am a tad confused that you condemned Obama vociferously for outdoing what you want Trump to do to immigrant criminals.

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