The Democrats plan to protest Trump's state of the union address.

Good. There will be more room for Republicans to celebrate America. All Democrats do is condemn or apologize for America.
OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME Democrats are going to protest the SOTU with a responding comment after the speech. And protest by wearing black and other protests. What shall we do? This has never happened before and we are appalled! OMG! OMG!

Democrats are petulant children when they don't get their way. Elections have consequences and they ebb and flow. If they want to win in '18 and '20, they should tone down the hard left rhetoric. Americans want opportunity not unrealistic promises of wealth redistribution rooted in class envy.
What the hell are you talking about. This reads like a collection of Infowars bumper stickers. Unrealistic promises? You mean like Mexico paying for a wall..100% as promised? Like coal returning to its former glory? Like US Steel firing up the the old furnaces? Like Carrier wouldn't move to Mexico? Those unrealistic promises? And how about that wealth redistribution rooted in class envy? Do you actually think that redistribution to the top 10% ISN'T the purpose of the recent 'tax reform' while you wag your tail furiously for the few crumbs that drop from their table?

Don't ya wish you knew what the frick you were talking about....we sure do.
Income Inequality Worse Under Obama Than George W. Bush | HuffPost
Wait a minute! The Huff Post article cites the Income inequality for the years 2009-2010 during the Obama admin? IOW the Bush residue. You know darn well Bush inherited a hearty economy and turned it to crap to hand off. So Bush gets the first 2 years of Clinton effort, but Obama gets his first two years of Bush bust. Got anything from say mid-term to hand-off?
Good. There will be more room for Republicans to celebrate America. All Democrats do is condemn or apologize for America.
OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME Democrats are going to protest the SOTU with a responding comment after the speech. And protest by wearing black and other protests. What shall we do? This has never happened before and we are appalled! OMG! OMG!

Democrats are petulant children when they don't get their way. Elections have consequences and they ebb and flow. If they want to win in '18 and '20, they should tone down the hard left rhetoric. Americans want opportunity not unrealistic promises of wealth redistribution rooted in class envy.
What the hell are you talking about. This reads like a collection of Infowars bumper stickers. Unrealistic promises? You mean like Mexico paying for a wall..100% as promised? Like coal returning to its former glory? Like US Steel firing up the the old furnaces? Like Carrier wouldn't move to Mexico? Those unrealistic promises? And how about that wealth redistribution rooted in class envy? Do you actually think that redistribution to the top 10% ISN'T the purpose of the recent 'tax reform' while you wag your tail furiously for the few crumbs that drop from their table?

Don't ya wish you knew what the frick you were talking about....we sure do.
Income Inequality Worse Under Obama Than George W. Bush | HuffPost
Wait a minute! The Huff Post article cites the Income inequality for the years 2009-2010 during the Obama admin? IOW the Bush residue. You know darn well Bush inherited a hearty economy and turned it to crap to hand off. So Bush gets the first 2 years of Clinton effort, but Obama gets his first two years of Bush bust. Got anything from say mid-term to hand-off?

Really!!! On a different thread, one of you liberal clowns is claiming Trump owns the market and bringing it down on purpose. Which is different from liberals claiming the market going up last year was due to Obama. You idiots need to get on the same page, and do your own fircken homework.
Good. There will be more room for Republicans to celebrate America. All Democrats do is condemn or apologize for America.
OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME Democrats are going to protest the SOTU with a responding comment after the speech. And protest by wearing black and other protests. What shall we do? This has never happened before and we are appalled! OMG! OMG!

Democrats are petulant children when they don't get their way. Elections have consequences and they ebb and flow. If they want to win in '18 and '20, they should tone down the hard left rhetoric. Americans want opportunity not unrealistic promises of wealth redistribution rooted in class envy.
What the hell are you talking about. This reads like a collection of Infowars bumper stickers. Unrealistic promises? You mean like Mexico paying for a wall..100% as promised? Like coal returning to its former glory? Like US Steel firing up the the old furnaces? Like Carrier wouldn't move to Mexico? Those unrealistic promises? And how about that wealth redistribution rooted in class envy? Do you actually think that redistribution to the top 10% ISN'T the purpose of the recent 'tax reform' while you wag your tail furiously for the few crumbs that drop from their table?

Hahaha.... you mention wealth have no clue about anything. My God. Wealth redistribution under the 8 years of Obama was at minimum, 10 times that of Bush and Reagan combined.
You guys are simply remarkable in your ignorance. The wealth got wealthier under Obama than anyother time in our nations history - PERIOD. Meanwhile, there are more abandoned, empty homes in America than ever before. There are actually more empty homes than there are homeless! Nationwide!
Under Obama, people were kicked out of their homes...they lost everything. But the investment firms that owned the mortgages - THEY WE'RE PAID BACK THEIR LOSSES 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR!!...Obama cared more about the investment firms than the people who lived in them.
And Immigration?????????....... Obama kicked more illegal immigrants out of the United States, broke up more familes than any other President....and you have the gull to complain about Trump??????

Useful idiots.
You have examples, I assume, of the 10-fold Wealth redistribution for the past 8 years? With a graph showing the comparisons with Bush and Reagan? I'd also request some documentation on the payback of abandoned mortgages, since it was GWB that fathered the bundling process in an effort to make every American a homeowner. I believe his heart was in the right place there, but Wall St outfoxed him to his regret and created a plethora of abandoned homes well before 2008. I guess I also am a tad confused that you condemned Obama vociferously for outdoing what you want Trump to do to immigrant criminals.

Do your own research kid.
And don't put words in my mouth or assume since I say something against Obama, I therefore must be a raging Trump worshiper. That is typical partisan stupidity.
OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME Democrats are going to protest the SOTU with a responding comment after the speech. And protest by wearing black and other protests. What shall we do? This has never happened before and we are appalled! OMG! OMG!

Democrats are petulant children when they don't get their way. Elections have consequences and they ebb and flow. If they want to win in '18 and '20, they should tone down the hard left rhetoric. Americans want opportunity not unrealistic promises of wealth redistribution rooted in class envy.
What the hell are you talking about. This reads like a collection of Infowars bumper stickers. Unrealistic promises? You mean like Mexico paying for a wall..100% as promised? Like coal returning to its former glory? Like US Steel firing up the the old furnaces? Like Carrier wouldn't move to Mexico? Those unrealistic promises? And how about that wealth redistribution rooted in class envy? Do you actually think that redistribution to the top 10% ISN'T the purpose of the recent 'tax reform' while you wag your tail furiously for the few crumbs that drop from their table?

Don't ya wish you knew what the frick you were talking about....we sure do.
Income Inequality Worse Under Obama Than George W. Bush | HuffPost
Wait a minute! The Huff Post article cites the Income inequality for the years 2009-2010 during the Obama admin? IOW the Bush residue. You know darn well Bush inherited a hearty economy and turned it to crap to hand off. So Bush gets the first 2 years of Clinton effort, but Obama gets his first two years of Bush bust. Got anything from say mid-term to hand-off?

Really!!! On a different thread, one of you liberal clowns is claiming Trump owns the market and bringing it down on purpose. Which is different from liberals claiming the market going up last year was due to Obama. You idiots need to get on the same page, and do your own fircken homework.
Does this mean I get to blame you for the words of others as a gesture of fair play?
Good. There will be more room for Republicans to celebrate America. All Democrats do is condemn or apologize for America.
OMG! FOR THE FIRST TIME Democrats are going to protest the SOTU with a responding comment after the speech. And protest by wearing black and other protests. What shall we do? This has never happened before and we are appalled! OMG! OMG!

Democrats are petulant children when they don't get their way. Elections have consequences and they ebb and flow. If they want to win in '18 and '20, they should tone down the hard left rhetoric. Americans want opportunity not unrealistic promises of wealth redistribution rooted in class envy.
What the hell are you talking about. This reads like a collection of Infowars bumper stickers. Unrealistic promises? You mean like Mexico paying for a wall..100% as promised? Like coal returning to its former glory? Like US Steel firing up the the old furnaces? Like Carrier wouldn't move to Mexico? Those unrealistic promises? And how about that wealth redistribution rooted in class envy? Do you actually think that redistribution to the top 10% ISN'T the purpose of the recent 'tax reform' while you wag your tail furiously for the few crumbs that drop from their table?

The Middle Class is taking more of their pay. Small Business is on the rise. Go fuck your class warfare.
Democrats are petulant children when they don't get their way. Elections have consequences and they ebb and flow. If they want to win in '18 and '20, they should tone down the hard left rhetoric. Americans want opportunity not unrealistic promises of wealth redistribution rooted in class envy.
What the hell are you talking about. This reads like a collection of Infowars bumper stickers. Unrealistic promises? You mean like Mexico paying for a wall..100% as promised? Like coal returning to its former glory? Like US Steel firing up the the old furnaces? Like Carrier wouldn't move to Mexico? Those unrealistic promises? And how about that wealth redistribution rooted in class envy? Do you actually think that redistribution to the top 10% ISN'T the purpose of the recent 'tax reform' while you wag your tail furiously for the few crumbs that drop from their table?

Don't ya wish you knew what the frick you were talking about....we sure do.
Income Inequality Worse Under Obama Than George W. Bush | HuffPost
Wait a minute! The Huff Post article cites the Income inequality for the years 2009-2010 during the Obama admin? IOW the Bush residue. You know darn well Bush inherited a hearty economy and turned it to crap to hand off. So Bush gets the first 2 years of Clinton effort, but Obama gets his first two years of Bush bust. Got anything from say mid-term to hand-off?

Really!!! On a different thread, one of you liberal clowns is claiming Trump owns the market and bringing it down on purpose. Which is different from liberals claiming the market going up last year was due to Obama. You idiots need to get on the same page, and do your own fircken homework.
Does this mean I get to blame you for the words of others as a gesture of fair play?

Gee, isn't that a trademark of liberals?

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