The Democrats trying to overturn an election is treasonous & dangerous.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Is Trump trying to do way to much for the country before his inauguration, and if so is it causing a back lash from those who view themselves in the wake of it all as abject failures now ?? Are these failures causing the left to do everything it can to undermine the nation's attempt to dig itself out of the holes it had gotten itself into during years and years of political correctness, and years and years of one sided racial biases or racial biased policies, genderism, feminism, globalism, all run amuck in this nation now ?

Is the lefts failed agenda over the years on full display for all Americans to see now ? Are we seeing just how dangerous it was to allow to much power to the left over the years, and how we now see where it has taken this nation after all these years ??

The left says there was never the good ole days or years in this country, but I specifically remember as a kid being able to walk throughout my entire neighborhood or to ride my bicycle from one end of town to the other without any problems what so ever, but you absolutely can't do that hardly anywhere in this country anymore, otherwise unless one lives in a secured neighborhood. Also jobs were plentiful, and crime was few and far between for most..... Cultural decay is on full display for all to see now, but the left acts as if the nation was constantly moving in the right direction when it wasn't.

Now we have the battle over power in which is an obvious one after knowing what we all know and did know about the left. The left is gambling big time, because if they keep it up they may never recoup after the treasonous activities for which they are steady engaged in comes back to haunt them big time in their future.
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These libs are too dumb to win an election let alone overturn one. Just pat them on the head and hand them a tissue.
. Maybe not so much as being dumb, but just to dam evil to win anymore is what most people think.
Well they gave it a good shot.

First Comey and the FBI was the reason they lost.

Then the recounts proved Trump got more votes.

Now its the Russian bullshit.

They really need to grow a pair and get the fuck over it.

Hillary lost and Trump won.
Is Trump trying to do way to much for the country before his inauguration, and if so is it causing a back lash from those who view themselves in the wake of it all as abject failures now ?? Are these failures causing the left to do everything it can to undermine the nation's attempt to dig itself out of the holes it had gotten itself into during years and years of political correctness, and years and years of one sided racial biases or racial biased policies, genderism, feminism, globalism, all run amuck in this nation now ?

Is the lefts failed agenda over the years on full display for all Americans to see now ? Are we seeing just how dangerous it was to allow to much power to the left over the years, and how we now see where it has taken this nation after all these years ??

The left says there was never the good ole days or years in this country, but I specifically remember as a kid being able to walk throughout my entire neighborhood or to ride my bicycle from one end of town to the other without any problems what so ever, but you absolutely can't do that hardly anywhere in this country anymore, otherwise unless one lives in a secured neighborhood. Also jobs were plentiful, and crime was few and far between for most..... Cultural decay is on full display for all to see now, but the left acts as if the nation was constantly moving in the right direction when it wasn't.

Now we have the battle over power in which is an obvious one after knowing what we all know and did know about the left. The left is gambling big time, because if they keep it up they may never recoup after the treasonous activities for which they are steady engaged in comes back to haunt them big time in their future.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth, what else would you expect?

Then there's shit like this --

Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts

the entire dimocrap SCUM party is a criminal enterprise. Always has been.

Always will be. It needs to be destroyed. Completely
Well they gave it a good shot.

First Comey and the FBI was the reason they lost.

Then the recounts proved Trump got more votes.

Now its the Russian bullshit.

They really need to grow a pair and get the fuck over it.

Hillary lost and Trump won.

No, it's too many "Deplorables'' voting.

You don't have a voice according to dimocrap scum. Only dimocrap scum matter, not everyday, hard working Americans.

You're nothing more than the 'Donor Class'. It's your job to work until you die, prematurely, while paying taxes the whole time to dimocrap scum so they can use the money to continue to put themselves in power.

Anybody that doesn't understand that -- Needs to. Yesterday

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