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The Democrats white man problem

Have you seen congress ? It’s still mostly white males . Dems included .

Yes they did take the white guys for granted . They need to get back to working man / union roots and not take the GOP bait on fringe issues.

Yup, that's what we need in Congress, more Maxine Waters, more Cory Bookers....dumbass.
Have you seen congress ? It’s still mostly white males . Dems included .

Yes they did take the white guys for granted . They need to get back to working man / union roots and not take the GOP bait on fringe issues.

Yup, that's what we need in Congress, more Maxine Waters, more Cory Bookers....dumbass.

Damn straight . Someone has to counter all those white racist psychos in congress .
She didn't go far enough. The government schools are teaching whites in general to hate their own race and white males in particular to hate their gender. This didn't happen overnight....the 60's hippies had a plan to take over the media and government schools and pulled it off. Not only could they turn out obedient voters, but manipulate American history and her heroes into villains. These kids were taught religion was a hoax instead of global warming and that communism made for a much easier journey through life than free enterprise. Told them reefer was fine knowing it made them lazy and susceptible to their hairbrain ideas. Taught them queers are normal and interracial dating was preferred. And white girls ended up beat up, knocked up, and dependent on the government Look at our society....$21T in debt, divided into warring tribes, now trying to bring down a duly elected President with rumor and innuendo. In other words, the left don't want any males in charge, much less white males or statutes saluting them for building a country that tolerated the leftists crazy ideas. They don't hate the military so much as they want that money the Pentagon gets. They've deluded themselves into thinking our enemies will come around if we stop being imperialist warmongers. And the kids believe it because they were never taught the true stories. Understand this....the democrat leaders don't believe a word of it...they're in it for the power and the money and couldn't care less about the damage they're doing to our people and institutions. And for that, they should pay with their lives on the gallows.

You're nuts, dude.

"dude"? I explained your problem to you but you don't believe you have a problem...you just want the left to come up with new tricks to lure white males back into their coven. I'm a Viet combat veteran, boy. My eyes have seen what true communism is and how it rules it's victims. I was taught about the true America in the public schools in the 1950's when we'd just come out of a war against fascism. I've watched what's been done to my country and you sit there and tell me I'm "nuts". Fine...keep buying their bullshit but know that electing Trump was the first shot over the communist bow in our America and if they succeed in bringing him down, there will be a full-scale civil war....a shooting war and we will win it handily. If you choose to join your comrades on those gallows, so be it.

Most people just want an even playing field. Some go a little too far in their pursuit of it. Others are actually the insidious weasels that you seem to believe they all are, but most people who care about these things just want fairness. And let's face it; white guys have had it better than everyone else for quite a long time, possibly with the exception of the last few decades, where I think it has pretty much evened out (in terms of equal opportunity).

You went off the deep end long ago.

Considering we built this country I dont think it's to much to ask that we get a fair shake.
And the attacks on the white male is hardly a fair shake.

How are "we" not getting a fair shake? What is being denied you on account of your being white and male? Other than maybe a membership at Curves or some other bullshit no man would want anyway.
..for one--white police do not get a fair deal at all--when they are justifiably using self defense
...so this ruins part of the community/the country
Have you seen congress ? It’s still mostly white males . Dems included .

Yes they did take the white guys for granted . They need to get back to working man / union roots and not take the GOP bait on fringe issues.

Yup, that's what we need in Congress, more Maxine Waters, more Cory Bookers....dumbass.

Damn straight . Someone has to counter all those white racist psychos in congress .

Good to know you want more black racist psychos.
As a left leaning Independent, I tend to vote Democrat more than Republican, but it's high time the Democrats face a very unpleasant issue:

From the 40's to the 80's, my father was a working class, blue collar, pro union Democrat. The kind of guy the Democratic lawmakers could count on for their vote. Enter the Reagan revolution, and the landscape began to change. Democratic strategists began to take guys like my father for granted. Democrats began their feminist friendly, gay friendly, immigrant friendly, entitlement friendly, minority friendly march to the present day. Reaching out to these groups is all well and good up to a point, but in doing so, the Democratic party has allowed their once strong core of support to drift away. Today the working class white male feels like little more than an afterthought in the Democratic party. Democratic lawmakers and strategists had better find a way to reverse this exodus, or their problems will only get worse.

The math is clear: Democrats need to win more working-class white votes

When you have lived a life of privilege, you see a march toward equality as a march toward oppression.

You are a person who lacks empathy for those who’ve not had a fair shake in this nation. And you are not going to forego your sense of entitlement in order to ensure that the playing field is leveled.

Vote GOP, guy. We can live without your support.
As a left leaning Independent, I tend to vote Democrat more than Republican, but it's high time the Democrats face a very unpleasant issue:

From the 40's to the 80's, my father was a working class, blue collar, pro union Democrat. The kind of guy the Democratic lawmakers could count on for their vote. Enter the Reagan revolution, and the landscape began to change. Democratic strategists began to take guys like my father for granted. Democrats began their feminist friendly, gay friendly, immigrant friendly, entitlement friendly, minority friendly march to the present day. Reaching out to these groups is all well and good up to a point, but in doing so, the Democratic party has allowed their once strong core of support to drift away. Today the working class white male feels like little more than an afterthought in the Democratic party. Democratic lawmakers and strategists had better find a way to reverse this exodus, or their problems will only get worse.

The math is clear: Democrats need to win more working-class white votes

When you have lived a life of privilege, you see a march toward equality as a march toward oppression.

You are a person who lacks empathy for those who’ve not had a fair shake in this nation. And you are not going to forego your sense of entitlement in order to ensure that the playing field is leveled.

Vote GOP, guy. We can live without your support.

So who hasn't had a fair shake in this country?
Have you seen congress ? It’s still mostly white males . Dems included .

Yes they did take the white guys for granted . They need to get back to working man / union roots and not take the GOP bait on fringe issues.

So the Congress is still mostly white males. Do you have a point with that?
As a left leaning Independent, I tend to vote Democrat more than Republican, but it's high time the Democrats face a very unpleasant issue:

From the 40's to the 80's, my father was a working class, blue collar, pro union Democrat. The kind of guy the Democratic lawmakers could count on for their vote. Enter the Reagan revolution, and the landscape began to change. Democratic strategists began to take guys like my father for granted. Democrats began their feminist friendly, gay friendly, immigrant friendly, entitlement friendly, minority friendly march to the present day. Reaching out to these groups is all well and good up to a point, but in doing so, the Democratic party has allowed their once strong core of support to drift away. Today the working class white male feels like little more than an afterthought in the Democratic party. Democratic lawmakers and strategists had better find a way to reverse this exodus, or their problems will only get worse.

The math is clear: Democrats need to win more working-class white votes

When you have lived a life of privilege, you see a march toward equality as a march toward oppression.

You are a person who lacks empathy for those who’ve not had a fair shake in this nation. And you are not going to forego your sense of entitlement in order to ensure that the playing field is leveled.

Vote GOP, guy. We can live without your support.

So who hasn't had a fair shake in this country?

White men. Who else?
Working class whites are the demographic that the democrats are working to replace.

That's going a bit too far I think, but the Democrats have a lot of work to do if they want to win back the white male vote.

I don't think he went far enough.

The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. Yes, they do want to replace us. Why? To make this country a single-party government forever.

Why do you think the Democrats are fighting so hard against the shutdown of sanctuary cities? Why do you think they stopped Kate''s law; a law that would have given felons who returned to this country after deportation a five year minimum sentence? Why do you think they would even go as far as to shutdown the government over building a wall?

There is only one reason for this.
Have you seen congress ? It’s still mostly white males . Dems included .

Yes they did take the white guys for granted . They need to get back to working man / union roots and not take the GOP bait on fringe issues.

And this is the best example yet of why its not the white males fault. Women outnumber men in this country, they could simply vote each other in if they wanted to.

Ask yourself why thats not happening.

As a left leaning Independent, I tend to vote Democrat more than Republican, but it's high time the Democrats face a very unpleasant issue:

From the 40's to the 80's, my father was a working class, blue collar, pro union Democrat. The kind of guy the Democratic lawmakers could count on for their vote. Enter the Reagan revolution, and the landscape began to change. Democratic strategists began to take guys like my father for granted. Democrats began their feminist friendly, gay friendly, immigrant friendly, entitlement friendly, minority friendly march to the present day. Reaching out to these groups is all well and good up to a point, but in doing so, the Democratic party has allowed their once strong core of support to drift away. Today the working class white male feels like little more than an afterthought in the Democratic party. Democratic lawmakers and strategists had better find a way to reverse this exodus, or their problems will only get worse.

The math is clear: Democrats need to win more working-class white votes

When you have lived a life of privilege, you see a march toward equality as a march toward oppression.

You are a person who lacks empathy for those who’ve not had a fair shake in this nation. And you are not going to forego your sense of entitlement in order to ensure that the playing field is leveled.

Vote GOP, guy. We can live without your support.
First you earn, then maybe privledges come, but never criticize before experiencing both
As a left leaning Independent, I tend to vote Democrat more than Republican, but it's high time the Democrats face a very unpleasant issue:

From the 40's to the 80's, my father was a working class, blue collar, pro union Democrat. The kind of guy the Democratic lawmakers could count on for their vote. Enter the Reagan revolution, and the landscape began to change. Democratic strategists began to take guys like my father for granted. Democrats began their feminist friendly, gay friendly, immigrant friendly, entitlement friendly, minority friendly march to the present day. Reaching out to these groups is all well and good up to a point, but in doing so, the Democratic party has allowed their once strong core of support to drift away. Today the working class white male feels like little more than an afterthought in the Democratic party. Democratic lawmakers and strategists had better find a way to reverse this exodus, or their problems will only get worse.

The math is clear: Democrats need to win more working-class white votes

When you have lived a life of privilege, you see a march toward equality as a march toward oppression.

You are a person who lacks empathy for those who’ve not had a fair shake in this nation. And you are not going to forego your sense of entitlement in order to ensure that the playing field is leveled.

Vote GOP, guy. We can live without your support.

So who hasn't had a fair shake in this country?
Such a sinking feeling to read pathetic blaming and excuse making
The strong Identity Politics the Dims subscribe to amounts to 'reverse racism' or simply racism for the rest of us.

They are not concerned with majority interests, and if whites ever become a minority, tjey wont care then eitehr.
Actually the only real hate and hate crimes are committed by non-Whites against Whites, but charges are quite often dropped because the non-White's rage is a result of White "oppression" and the courts have very few White judges. Plus the non-Whites have been emboldened by Obama and the fake news MSM into even more racism.

Just the other day an employee at a high school in Bridgeport stated he wanted to execute all Whites.

BRIDGEPORT - Harding High School was put in lock-down Wednesday after police said a school employee threatened to go on a killing spree. Carl Lemon, 63, an in-school suspension coordinator, was charged with second-degree threatening and breach of peace and was later released on $5,000 bond. Police said Lemon stated that he hates white people and couldn’t wait “for the panthers to give the OK and a revolution begins because he will execute every white man he gets his hands on.” Lemon also stomped on an American flag in a classroom telling the students, “This is what I think about it,” police said. Police said the principal subsequently found an anonymous note in her mailbox stating, “Mr. Lemon talks about shooting whites a lot! He watches radical stuff during class. I am scared he will do something… he is crazy.” Lemon was previously arrested on charges of creating a public disturbance, disorderly conduct and harassment but those charges were later nolled or dropped.

Released on $5,000 after threatening to kill every White person the creature encounters? Is that a typical bail bond for threatening a Holocaust?

Police: Bridgeport high school locked down after staffer threatens killing spree
We must not forget the Southern Dixie Democrat moved to the Republican Party when Blacks were given the full right and strength to vote.

White Supremacy is a stronghold in the Republican Party and that is anyone's fault if they can't get along with diversity.
As a left leaning Independent, I tend to vote Democrat more than Republican, but it's high time the Democrats face a very unpleasant issue:

From the 40's to the 80's, my father was a working class, blue collar, pro union Democrat. The kind of guy the Democratic lawmakers could count on for their vote. Enter the Reagan revolution, and the landscape began to change. Democratic strategists began to take guys like my father for granted. Democrats began their feminist friendly, gay friendly, immigrant friendly, entitlement friendly, minority friendly march to the present day. Reaching out to these groups is all well and good up to a point, but in doing so, the Democratic party has allowed their once strong core of support to drift away. Today the working class white male feels like little more than an afterthought in the Democratic party. Democratic lawmakers and strategists had better find a way to reverse this exodus, or their problems will only get worse.
The math is clear: Democrats need to win more working-class white votes

Afterthought is probably the best way to put it.

I would put it this way, "area of focus" but I like your term too. The Democrats, to me, seem to be this political party that is run much like a business runs things. I have AT&T for cable TV in my condo. I see ads in our commons for 2 years of cable TV at $49.00 per year; HBO, Showtime, and Cinemax included....new subscribers only. I have had AT&T for nearly a decade but those 3 networks would cost me an extra 41 a month or something like that. The Democrats seem to be geared more toward any new demographic that presents itself. Confused about what bathroom to use? Democrats got your back. Offended by a bakery that you want to bake your wedding cake turning you down, call the Democrats!!! I do not see why a white male who is a Democrat would be offended by the inclusion of the gender confused and the hyper sensitive, but I also don't see why the Democrats go out of their way to try to legitimize every quirk of the species with laws and specific representation.

We have this calendar in our breakroom that is meant as a joke. Virtually every single workday is a day dedicated to someone. Today is national barrier awareness day by the way. I can imagine what the calendar at the DNC is. May 29 is National Hispanic Females Who Dress Like Males but Secretly Wish They were Asian Day.
^ Wowsa :cuckoo:

candycorn, did you graduate from a high school and if so where if I may ask? :icon_cry:
As a left leaning Independent, I tend to vote Democrat more than Republican, but it's high time the Democrats face a very unpleasant issue:

From the 40's to the 80's, my father was a working class, blue collar, pro union Democrat. The kind of guy the Democratic lawmakers could count on for their vote. Enter the Reagan revolution, and the landscape began to change. Democratic strategists began to take guys like my father for granted. Democrats began their feminist friendly, gay friendly, immigrant friendly, entitlement friendly, minority friendly march to the present day. Reaching out to these groups is all well and good up to a point, but in doing so, the Democratic party has allowed their once strong core of support to drift away. Today the working class white male feels like little more than an afterthought in the Democratic party. Democratic lawmakers and strategists had better find a way to reverse this exodus, or their problems will only get worse.

The math is clear: Democrats need to win more working-class white votes
The Party left me. Families that voted Democrat since FDR and went to church on Sunday completely pushed out of Democratic Party. If your a white heterosexual male you are not welcome in the party. Look at first Democratic debate of 2018. Crowd was aghast when Jim Webb told of how he shot a Viet Cong soldier who and already shot him, back in 1968. The Democratic narrative in 2016 was they were going to have a woman as president and the dumb Americans were going to shut up and do as Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Huma Abedien, and liberal media told them.
As a left leaning Independent, I tend to vote Democrat more than Republican, but it's high time the Democrats face a very unpleasant issue:

From the 40's to the 80's, my father was a working class, blue collar, pro union Democrat. The kind of guy the Democratic lawmakers could count on for their vote. Enter the Reagan revolution, and the landscape began to change. Democratic strategists began to take guys like my father for granted. Democrats began their feminist friendly, gay friendly, immigrant friendly, entitlement friendly, minority friendly march to the present day. Reaching out to these groups is all well and good up to a point, but in doing so, the Democratic party has allowed their once strong core of support to drift away. Today the working class white male feels like little more than an afterthought in the Democratic party. Democratic lawmakers and strategists had better find a way to reverse this exodus, or their problems will only get worse.
The math is clear: Democrats need to win more working-class white votes

Afterthought is probably the best way to put it.

I would put it this way, "area of focus" but I like your term too. The Democrats, to me, seem to be this political party that is run much like a business runs things. I have AT&T for cable TV in my condo. I see ads in our commons for 2 years of cable TV at $49.00 per year; HBO, Showtime, and Cinemax included....new subscribers only. I have had AT&T for nearly a decade but those 3 networks would cost me an extra 41 a month or something like that. The Democrats seem to be geared more toward any new demographic that presents itself. Confused about what bathroom to use? Democrats got your back. Offended by a bakery that you want to bake your wedding cake turning you down, call the Democrats!!! I do not see why a white male who is a Democrat would be offended by the inclusion of the gender confused and the hyper sensitive, but I also don't see why the Democrats go out of their way to try to legitimize every quirk of the species with laws and specific representation.

We have this calendar in our breakroom that is meant as a joke. Virtually every single workday is a day dedicated to someone. Today is national barrier awareness day by the way. I can imagine what the calendar at the DNC is. May 29 is National Hispanic Females Who Dress Like Males but Secretly Wish They were Asian Day.
So you just summed up why the Democratic Party is completely dysfunctional and fucked-up. Oh, and I’m not offended when gay people want a wedding cake or want inclusion. I get pissed at the crybaby nonsense of attempting to make it a civil rights issue. The bakery owner has rights too. They DNC went out of its way to make the Philadelphia Convention the most anti-law enforcement, anti-sovereignty, anti-current taxpaying U.S. citizen, anti-white male, political gathering in history.
Most people just want an even playing field. Some go a little too far in their pursuit of it. Others are actually the insidious weasels that you seem to believe they all are, but most people who care about these things just want fairness. And let's face it; white guys have had it better than everyone else for quite a long time, possibly with the exception of the last few decades, where I think it has pretty much evened out (in terms of equal opportunity).

You went off the deep end long ago.

Me and my kind are who you'll deal with if you ignore more "reasonable" requests to end your attacks on the American way of life. Turn the schools back into places a child can learn the truth and be proud to be whatever color they are and to be an American. Turn the media back into truth-tellers instead of propaganda arms of the Ratocrats. Get the fuck off welfare and earn a living and raise your children to believe in God and do the right thing always. We're ready to hang every fucking one of you so you best be quick in telling the others who's in the treeline if they don't heed our warnings.
Your a good man Tom Horn.

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