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The Democrats white man problem

Most people just want an even playing field. Some go a little too far in their pursuit of it. Others are actually the insidious weasels that you seem to believe they all are, but most people who care about these things just want fairness. And let's face it; white guys have had it better than everyone else for quite a long time, possibly with the exception of the last few decades, where I think it has pretty much evened out (in terms of equal opportunity).

You went off the deep end long ago.

Me and my kind are who you'll deal with if you ignore more "reasonable" requests to end your attacks on the American way of life. Turn the schools back into places a child can learn the truth and be proud to be whatever color they are and to be an American. Turn the media back into truth-tellers instead of propaganda arms of the Ratocrats. Get the fuck off welfare and earn a living and raise your children to believe in God and do the right thing always. We're ready to hang every fucking one of you so you best be quick in telling the others who's in the treeline if they don't heed our warnings.
QUOTE) What exactly is the American way of life?

What exactly is the American way of life?

God and family. Making an effort to be and or become better. Working hard for your own shit. Taking pride in being an American. Appreciating America’s history and culture. Respecting law and order. Supporting the US Constitution. Understanding the importance in stopping illegals from invading and fucking over good, REAL Americans.
All the shit you LefTards can’t wrap your heads around.
LOL you are in denial, Trump won the blue states PA, MI, and WI hello.

What does that have to with what I wrote.

did you need someone to explain the big words to you.

Here's a simple version. Trump didn't cross 50% in any of those states.

White Guilt.

Too funny.

Naw, funny is a pretend "Hispanic" sucking up to people who would deport his ass in a heartbeat.

Oh bullshit.
Very few people owned slaves.

I think you are a little confused. Very few people owned slaves, but you didn't have to own a slave to benefit from slave labor.

Who do you think made the clothes you are wearing right now?

Your manifesto did not explain how Trump charged into blue state blue collar Dem territory and kicked Hillary's ass.
Not nearly as good as Hillary kicked Hillary's ass.

It was your party leaders that made sure she was the Candidate and not Sanders.

You dems going to do something about that, or just mind your place?
I have some old sweatshirts but nothing from 1864.

do you have to do special exercises to remain as stupid as you are?

Your manifesto did not explain how Trump charged into blue state blue collar Dem territory and kicked Hillary's ass.

Um, yes, it did. I'm sorry you lack reasoning and comprehension skills.

Trump got no more votes in those states than Romney did 4 years earlier. He didn't cross 50% in any of those states.

What happened was that a lot of those folks who voted for Obama voted for Johnson and Stein, probably because they saw polls that said Hillary had this in the bag.

Trump didn't move the needle. He got LESS of a percentage of the vote in those states compared to Romney, LESS compared to Romney nationwide, and even LESS of the White vote.

What made the difference is that third party candidates sapped away Hillary's advantage. Probably because those people thought they could do a protest vote because the Media was all telling them Hillary had this in the bag.

It's why I think it's laughable when Tio Tomas Mac tells us we need to suck up to white people more rather than wait for them to eventually decline in influence.

These people have been stupid for 40 years, they aren't going to get smarter now.

Liberal playbook page 1, if conservatives destroy your argument deflect with personal insults. Your surrender is noted. :itsok:
As a left leaning Independent, I tend to vote Democrat more than Republican, but it's high time the Democrats face a very unpleasant issue:

From the 40's to the 80's, my father was a working class, blue collar, pro union Democrat. The kind of guy the Democratic lawmakers could count on for their vote. Enter the Reagan revolution, and the landscape began to change. Democratic strategists began to take guys like my father for granted. Democrats began their feminist friendly, gay friendly, immigrant friendly, entitlement friendly, minority friendly march to the present day. Reaching out to these groups is all well and good up to a point, but in doing so, the Democratic party has allowed their once strong core of support to drift away. Today the working class white male feels like little more than an afterthought in the Democratic party. Democratic lawmakers and strategists had better find a way to reverse this exodus, or their problems will only get worse.

The math is clear: Democrats need to win more working-class white votes

i was born and raised a Democrat came from a long line of democrats

the party has become so distorted that just about everyone in the family has left the party

we have one brother who is almost as much as leftist whackadoo as you see here on this board

he has remained loyal --LOL

he has mostly "de friended" the whole family from face book cause of Trump --LOL

I literally don’t know a single, legitimate, stand-up, positive contributing person who votes for or associates with the Democratic party anymore.
Nobody ‘normal’ fits in these days...one must be an illegal / barely legal, a pole puffer, a tranny, a total whack-job or a complete bottom feeder to vote Democrat these days.

my brother now retired was a lifer government employee

many years of mental indoctrination
This is retarded.

We are supposed to be AGAINST identity politics. The last thing I want is for anyone to start appealing directly to my "group".

I don't give a fuck about "white males". I care about fairness. I care about equal opportunity, at least insofar as it's possible.

The democrats do not need to appeal to white males. They need to stop making everything about race and gender, period. It matters. But it was clear to me that the democratic strategy in 2016 was to divide white males from everyone else, throw them away, and focus exclusively on women and minorities by making everything a race or gender issue and subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) hinting that white men are the "bad guys". It clearly backfired. Maybe women just don't hate men as much as they thought.
Right on, My wife votes the way I tell her to, no exceptions. If you buy that you should not talk with her. Got to go she calling.
White Guilt.
Too funny.
Naw, funny is a pretend "Hispanic" sucking up to people who would deport his ass in a heartbeat.
Oooh, nasty, personal and ugly, again.

Thanks as always, Joe. I can always count on you!


Personal insults is all the fool has left, typical liberal.
He's a Regressive, not a liberal. USMB's best example of one, too.

More than that, he's a miserable, hateful, damaged human being.
No they didn't "drift away" they were driven off by Dem policies, legislation, and regulations that harmed the blue collar base. That cost them their jobs. That stifled job growth. That lowered their wages and increased their taxes. This is not a case of the Dem's not paying attention to the blue collar base, Dem's have been kicking them in the nuts trying to appease these other groups.

Um... no.

Okay, going to show you some numbers here.

What percentage of the White vote did the Republican get?

Donald Trump got 57% of the White Vote in 2016.

Mitt Romney got 59% of the white vote in 2012

John McCain (You know the guy who is dying and you are all happy) got 55% in 2008. Yup, underwater mortgages, busted 401K's, a losing war, and 55% of you will vote for a man you hate if he has an R behind his name.

George W. Stupid got 58% of the White vote in 2004 and 54% in 2000

Bob Dole got 46% of the White vote, but 9% of the white vote went to Ross Perot.

Poppy Bush only got 41% of the White vote, but 21% of it went to Perot. Back in 1988, he got 60% of the White Vote

Ronald Reagan got 56% of the White vote in 1980 and 66% in 1984.

Jerry Ford, clumsy oaf that he was, STILL got 52% of the white vote. You can wreck the economy and pardon tricky dick and make the savings of white people worthless, and STILL get 52% of the White vote if you have an R behind your name.

How Groups Voted in 1976 - Roper Center

So, um, no, Trump didn't really represent a great awakening by stupid white people. White people have always been kind of stupid, and Trump did less well than Reagan, Both Bushes and even that Weird Mormon Robot you guys nominated that one time.

What happened- unfortunately, is too many white people who actually vote their own economic interests usually voted for third party candidates because they were told "Hillary was a crook" and "She has it in the bag".

But bad news, white people... you were only 70% of the vote in 2016. You were only 72% of the electorate in 2012, and 74% in 2008.

and no one is going to make the Third Party mistake next time.

Uh, so you clearly hate white people. Thanks for supporting your local Klan outfit.
When you can’t achieve success you denegrate those who can and point the accusing finger at “privledge” as reason for their success
As a left leaning Independent, I tend to vote Democrat more than Republican, but it's high time the Democrats face a very unpleasant issue:

From the 40's to the 80's, my father was a working class, blue collar, pro union Democrat. The kind of guy the Democratic lawmakers could count on for their vote. Enter the Reagan revolution, and the landscape began to change. Democratic strategists began to take guys like my father for granted. Democrats began their feminist friendly, gay friendly, immigrant friendly, entitlement friendly, minority friendly march to the present day. in doing so, the Democratic party has allowed their once strong core of support to drift away. Today the working class white male feels like little more than an afterthought in the Democratic party. Democratic lawmakers and strategists had better find a way to reverse this exodus, or their problems will only get worse.

The math is clear: Democrats need to win more working-class white votes
Hereditary Classes Have No Right to Exist

In the 60s, the Democrats were taken over by the spoiled, bossy, and degenerate children of Republicans. Be aware or be nowhere.
Most people just want an even playing field. Some g

You went off the deep end long ago.

Me and my kind are who you'll deal with if you ignore more "reasonable" requests to end your attacks on the American way of life. Turn the schools back into places a child can learn the truth and be proud to be whatever color they are and to be an American. Turn the media back into truth-tellers instead of propaganda arms of the Ratocrats. Get the fuck off welfare and earn a living and raise your children to believe in God and do the right thing always. We're ready to hang every fucking one of you so you best be quick in telling the others who's in the treeline if they don't heed our warnings.
QUOTE) What exactly is the American way of life?
No Exit
When you can’t achieve success you denegrate denigrate those who can and point the accusing finger at “privledge” privilege as reason for their success
Bypass the Plutes' Bootlickers; Those Cowards Won't Stop Us

No one has a right to a dime of Daddy's money; that's for raising children. If we have to do it on our own, so must the entitled usurpers. They must be excluded if they don't have to take out a heavy student loan and do menial part-time jobs to make living expenses like their Daddies mandate for the rest of us. The Whites who let this Birth-Class Supremacy suffocate us are stuck in a childish hate for their own fathers for not getting rich and spoiling them.

The majority of Whites do not have an even playing field; Fatcats place their fatkittens halfway to the finish line. We must cripple them before the race starts, and their Daddies can watch them crawl the rest of way.

We far outnumber the HeirHeads and can crush them like grapes. It's time to stop whining and start making wine.
She didn't go far enough. The government schools are teaching whites in general to hate their own race and white males in particular to hate their gender. This didn't happen overnight....the 60's hippies had a plan to take over the media and government schools and pulled it off. Not only could they turn out obedient voters, but manipulate American history and her heroes into villains. These kids were taught religion was a hoax instead of global warming and that communism made for a much easier journey through life than free enterprise. Told them reefer was fine knowing it made them lazy and susceptible to their hairbrain ideas. Taught them queers are normal and interracial dating was preferred. And white girls ended up beat up, knocked up, and dependent on the government Look at our society....$21T in debt, divided into warring tribes, now trying to bring down a duly elected President with rumor and innuendo. In other words, the left don't want any males in charge, much less white males or statutes saluting them for building a country that tolerated the leftists crazy ideas. They don't hate the military so much as they want that money the Pentagon gets. They've deluded themselves into thinking our enemies will come around if we stop being imperialist warmongers. And the kids believe it because they were never taught the true stories. Understand this....the democrat leaders don't believe a word of it...they're in it for the power and the money and couldn't care less about the damage they're doing to our people and institutions. And for that, they should pay with their lives on the gallows.

You're nuts, dude.

"dude"? I explained your problem to you but you don't believe you have a problem...you just want the left to come up with new tricks to lure white males back into their coven. I'm a Viet combat veteran, boy. My eyes have seen what true communism is and how it rules it's victims. I was taught about the true America in the public schools in the 1950's when we'd just come out of a war against fascism. I've watched what's been done to my country and you sit there and tell me I'm "nuts". Fine...keep buying their bullshit but know that electing Trump was the first shot over the communist bow in our America and if they succeed in bringing him down, there will be a full-scale civil war....a shooting war and we will win it handily. If you choose to join your comrades on those gallows, so be it.

Most people just want an even playing field. Some go a little too far in their pursuit of it. Others are actually the insidious weasels that you seem to believe they all are, but most people who care about these things just want fairness. And let's face it; white guys have had it better than everyone else for quite a long time, possibly with the exception of the last few decades, where I think it has pretty much evened out (in terms of equal opportunity).

You went off the deep end long ago.

Considering we built this country I dont think it's to much to ask that we get a fair shake.
And the attacks on the white male is hardly a fair shake.

“We,” built this Country on the backs of Slaves! You forgot that?

Now, their Ancesters simply want fair.
Taming Feral Predators

Slavery was the only way to get lazy drifting Africans to work. They were incapable of handling themselves in the jungle, so they were better off on the plantation.

Blacks are more likely to commit crime, more likely to be violent, more likely to be up to no good.
I know, I know....You love statistics, you’re a stat whore with EVERYTHING but stats related to ethnicity...haha

The Color of Crime - American Renaissance

Dude, you made your point by quoting a website run by racists and white supremacists?
Oooh -- nasty, personal and ugly, again.

Thanks as always, Joe. I can always count on you!

I have no tolerance for someone who would make nice hoping the cannibals eat him last.

Liberal playbook page 1, if conservatives destroy your argument deflect with personal insults. Your surrender is noted.

You did nothing of the sort.... I pointed out that your statements are flat out wrong.

Trump didn't win because White People were angry. White people are always angry about something, usually the people of color who did the hard work wanting their fair share of the pie.

Trump won because just enough people who should have known better voted third party. Period. Because the media hammered them every day about how corrupt Hillary was.

Now getting guys like Tio Tomas Mac to tell us we need to get on the right side of this guy is silly.


He didn't vote Democratic when Bush sent his cousin off to die in Iraq, stuck him with an underwater mortgage and a a busted 401. He didn't vote Democratic after Obama fixed everything Bush screwed up.

There's no point in appealing to this guy. He'll always be stupid and racist.

Now, let's listen to Tio Tomas Mac whine about me some more, that never gets old.

He's a Regressive, not a liberal. USMB's best example of one, too.

More than that, he's a miserable, hateful, damaged human being.

Yes, I did the most horrible thing I could do to a Malignant Narcissist with feelings of self important... I made you an object of ridicule.

Poor Tio Tomas Mac...
Oooh -- nasty, personal and ugly, again.

Thanks as always, Joe. I can always count on you!

I have no tolerance for someone who would make nice hoping the cannibals eat him last.

Liberal playbook page 1, if conservatives destroy your argument deflect with personal insults. Your surrender is noted.

You did nothing of the sort.... I pointed out that your statements are flat out wrong.

Trump didn't win because White People were angry. White people are always angry about something, usually the people of color who did the hard work wanting their fair share of the pie.

Trump won because just enough people who should have known better voted third party. Period. Because the media hammered them every day about how corrupt Hillary was.

Now getting guys like Tio Tomas Mac to tell us we need to get on the right side of this guy is silly.


He didn't vote Democratic when Bush sent his cousin off to die in Iraq, stuck him with an underwater mortgage and a a busted 401. He didn't vote Democratic after Obama fixed everything Bush screwed up.

There's no point in appealing to this guy. He'll always be stupid and racist.

Now, let's listen to Tio Tomas Mac whine about me some more, that never gets old.

He's a Regressive, not a liberal. USMB's best example of one, too.

More than that, he's a miserable, hateful, damaged human being.

Yes, I did the most horrible thing I could do to a Malignant Narcissist with feelings of self important... I made you an object of ridicule.

Poor Tio Tomas Mac...

And....we are back to your state of denial. You bunch of dumb asses got obliterated in 2010 in the House, then you lost the Senate, with a black man in the White House no less, then Trump kicked your ass and still you choose to delude yourselves its hilarious. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Blacks are more likely to commit crime, more likely to be violent, more likely to be up to no good.
I know, I know....You love statistics, you’re a stat whore with EVERYTHING but stats related to ethnicity...haha

The Color of Crime - American Renaissance

Dude, you made your point by quoting a website run by racists and white supremacists?

Is the data inaccurate...if so, post away...refute it.

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