The Dems Have Less Than 40 Days To Dump Biden Before They're Stuck With Him


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
So with all this talk about Dems now panicking and realizing their corrupt, compromised Octogenarian is super unpopular - and would probably lose the Electoral College to Orange Man - it got me thinking.

How long do they really have before Biden is pretty much set as their nominee? (Barring any health issues, of course.)

The full answer is complex, because states all have different filing deadlines. Most fall between November and January, but one outlier has one in March.

However, the first deadline is coming up on October 16th.

And which state would that be?

The all important swing state of Nevada.

There is no formal, national deadline to file to run for president of the United States. Instead, candidates must meet a variety of state-specific filing requirements and deadlines to appear on each state's election ballot.

These regulations, which are set at the state level, are known as ballot access laws. They often include collecting a certain number of signatures or paying a filing fee. A presidential candidate must prepare to meet ballot access requirements well in advance of primaries, caucuses, and the general election if he or she wants to make it to the election ballot.

The earliest filing deadline we have identified for a presidential state primary is October 16, 2023, in Nevada.

Now, I may be no expert on the esoteric particulars regarding Presidential candidate filing rules and standards.

But I do know a bit about politics.

And there is just no way in Hades that the Dems are going to bring their candidate into the general while ceding Nevada.

It won't happen. I don't think anyone on the Left, or the Right would argue this point.

Therefore, unless we see a knight in shining armor suddenly jump in and declare within the next 35 days or so - the DNC is tied to Biden like white on rice.

And it will be their inevitable downfall.

If 10/16 comes and goes, that's the ball game folks.

And we can all look back and laugh that the election was actually won over a year before it even happened.

Well, at least us Trump supporters can. ;)
I just can't wait to see these scumbags losing their minds when they finally have to admit they can't get rid of Trump with all these indictments, trials, OR the coming guaranteed, corrupt convictions. His popularity is going to continue to increase, probably even faster as average Americans see these DC scum for what they are. They're firkin' COWARDS. They can't win elections so they steal and if another steal is too complicated, they try the banana republic path of arresting their opponent.
So with all this talk about Dems now panicking
Such talk comes entirely from the Trump cult losers. Biden has got them crapping themselves uncontrollably.

No, the gaslighting won't work. We're not cult imbeciles like you, so we understand how and why you're lying. You're trying to get rid of the candidate that will beat you like a gong. And you're failing badly.

Enjoy losing again, because we're certainly certainly going to enjoy stomping you. Do you plan to leave the board to escape your humiliation?
I just can't wait to see these scumbags losing their minds when they finally have to admit they can't get rid of Trump with all these indictments, trials, OR the coming guaranteed, corrupt convictions. His popularity is going to continue to increase, probably even faster as average Americans see these DC scum for what they are. They're firkin' COWARDS. They can't win elections so they steal and if another steal is too complicated, they try the banana republic path of arresting their opponent.

All of this is so true.

And the best part?

Even though the lackeys like the Leftists on this message board may not have yet received the memo - the elites KNOW it.

In the past week or so I can't move a virtual inch on the internet without stumbling over yet another article signaling their desperate panic that Trump could really be President again very soon.

I literally just opened these two gems:

Num num num.

The prog shills on TV are talking him down as we know. So, they were given their marching orders from their masters. Some of the hardcore leftists are now speaking not as left like Maher. This is so easy.
I wouldn't classify Nevada as critical regarding either party's presidential nomination. Am I wrong here?

Yes, you are absolutely wrong.

Nevada is a crucial state that the Dems need in their row - and the GOP would love to win it as well.

Really I doubt either Party would allow their nominee to be absent from any ballot in all 50.

But Nevada is crucial.
The prog shills on TV are talking him down as we know.


I just saw Chuck Todd virtually begging Gavin to jump in, and Gruesome Newsom pointed out that the filing deadlines are coming up and Biden is the candidate.

It's actually what spurred me on to do the research for this thread in the first place.

The Democrat panic is real.
As long as there is no real primary Uncle RICO can LBJ himself out anytime before the dem convention.

Yes but that would manifest in chaos as multiple candidates would spar for the position - AND Kamala would attempt to step into the breach.

The only chance they have to do this in a way that does not internally nuke the Party apparatus completely disappears in 38 days.
Yes but that would manifest in chaos as multiple candidates would spar for the position - AND Kamala would attempt to step into the breach.

The only chance they have to do this in a way that does not internally nuke the Party apparatus completely disappears in 38 days.
Why the warning, who cares if they self-destruct? :dunno:
You're on.

If Trump wins you leave, if Biden wins I leave.

The only sucker aspect about the bet is I get the feeling this message board is your whole life.

So the stakes are much higher for thee. ;)
Says my bestest little stalker ...

Oh, I'm a dude, as anyone who doesn't have gender confusion issues was well aware of. I understand conservative men often need help in that area, so I'm cutting you some slack.

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