The Dems may not like what the GOP Senators consider "disqualifying" going forward

What will the GOP controlled Senate consider disqualifying for dem USSC nominees going forward

  • Any sexual misconduct

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Any juvenile transgression (theft, underage drinking, etc.)

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • Any drug use, including marijuana

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Any DUI

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Any police booking of ANY type

    Votes: 10 76.9%

  • Total voters
You play with the cards you’re dealt. Democrats didn’t have a hand where they had any control over blocking Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

It's the same players on the Republican side, Senator Flake was the one who urged Garland shouldn't get a hearing or be confirmed unless Hillary Clinton won the election (Senator Hatch signed on to that idea afterwards). Senators Murkowski and Collins pushed for hearings prior to the election.

It's like walking around the block to get next door.
So? Garland was still denied a hearing. Republicans gambled and it paid off for them. Now Democrats are gambling.
Ask Garland why he was disqualified
He was?

Don't remember reading anything about him being 'disqualified'.
Yes he was. He was disqualified for being a nominee of Obama's.

pretty much.

McConnell, AND Biden, felt that the nomination should be delayed til after an upcoming presidential election, giving the new, or incoming president, the chance to name their own Justice.
Uh, no. Biden said Bush should wait until after the election and then name his nominee; McConnell said, fuck you, don’t bother naming a nominee, not even after the election. Also, Biden said that 4 months before the election. McConnell said it when Obama still had 11months left in his presidency.

McConnell said, fuck you, don’t bother naming a nominee, not even after the election.
like to see that quote.

In any case, Obama would have been naming a Justice for his successor.

Naming the Justice should rightfully fallen on the republican or democrat that won the election.
You play with the cards you’re dealt. Democrats didn’t have a hand where they had any control over blocking Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

It's the same players on the Republican side, Senator Flake was the one who urged Garland shouldn't get a hearing or be confirmed unless Hillary Clinton won the election (Senator Hatch signed on to that idea afterwards). Senators Murkowski and Collins pushed for hearings prior to the election.

It's like walking around the block to get next door.
So? Garland was still denied a hearing. Republicans gambled and it paid off for them. Now Democrats are gambling.

Gambling on what?

there will be a new president elected in 2020?
So? Garland was still denied a hearing. Republicans gambled and it paid off for them. Now Democrats are gambling.

Man, whatever you need to tell yourself to make an irrelevant point is fine with me. Republicans had the power to keep the vote from coming forward because of the votes they had in Congress, representing the votes of the people who sent them there. The Democrats had the power to stall Kavanaugh's confirmation, because Americans elected them to be their representatives in Congress, and they managed to do whatever they could do.

You can piss and whine about who should have done what for whatever purpose you think anyone should give a damn. That's not me, and although I am not Republican, the Senator in Congress that represents me is, and I still don't have a problem with the way he has handled himself during his term (for whatever that is worth).
After the dems put up such a circus against Kavanaugh, one of the most qualified candidates in history, what repercussions can the dems expect from the GOP going forward. IMHO any "sexual misconduct" (including bringing the big dog out) is one, any "juvenile transgression" (theft, underage drinking, etc.), any drug use, including marijuana, any DUI, any PFA, any felony, etc.

I'm sure the FBI or Senate investigators could find something disqualifying on any and all democrat nominees going forward. If they can even find anyone to run that gauntlet.

The GOP's opinion of what is disqualifying will be completely moot after the November elections!
Ask Garland why he was disqualified
He was?

Don't remember reading anything about him being 'disqualified'.
Yes he was. He was disqualified for being a nominee of Obama's.

pretty much.

McConnell, AND Biden, felt that the nomination should be delayed til after an upcoming presidential election, giving the new, or incoming president, the chance to name their own Justice.
Uh, no. Biden said Bush should wait until after the election and then name his nominee; McConnell said, fuck you, don’t bother naming a nominee, not even after the election. Also, Biden said that 4 months before the election. McConnell said it when Obama still had 11months left in his presidency.

McConnell said, fuck you, don’t bother naming a nominee, not even after the election.
like to see that quote.
“Presidents have a right to nominate, just as the Senate has its constitutional right to provide or withhold consent. In this case, the Senate will withhold it.”

In any case, Obama would have been naming a Justice for his successor.
That makes no sense given Supreme Court justices are lifetime appointees, they serve under subsequent presidents no matter at what point they are appointed during a president’s term.

Naming the Justice should rightfully fallen on the republican or democrat that won the election.
Nonsense. The Constitution says the president shall appoint such justices. It doesn’t state the country should wait until the next president. And Obama was elected president in 2012 to serve for 4 years, not 3.
You play with the cards you’re dealt. Democrats didn’t have a hand where they had any control over blocking Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

It's the same players on the Republican side, Senator Flake was the one who urged Garland shouldn't get a hearing or be confirmed unless Hillary Clinton won the election (Senator Hatch signed on to that idea afterwards). Senators Murkowski and Collins pushed for hearings prior to the election.

It's like walking around the block to get next door.
So? Garland was still denied a hearing. Republicans gambled and it paid off for them. Now Democrats are gambling.

Gambling on what?

there will be a new president elected in 2020?
Gambling on Kavanaugh not getting confirmed.
Gambling on what?
there will be a new president elected in 2020?
Gambling on Kavanaugh not getting confirmed.

Gambler's Anonymous has meetings 21:00 hrs. in the Dupont Circle Club at 1623 Connecticut Ave., Washington DC, for any Congress members having troubles with their decisions. Don't be afraid to seek help before you screw up everything.
Exactly. The Republicans forced the Democrats into a corner when the Republicans went nuclear.

The Republicans wanted a nuclear war, and they got one.
The Republicans have MANY faults, no doubt. But, on Supreme Court nominations, they have been innocent.

What you have is Democrats refusing to accept the consequences of elections when it comes to SCOTUS. They have done this for DECADES!!!
The Republicans blocked a perfectly valid nominee. They disqualified him just for being nominated by a President they hated. They didn't even give him a chance for a fair hearing.
And in doing so, they were following precedent set by the Biden rule.

Precedent was set by a rule that’s not a Senate rule, that was never implemented, that never happened, while no vacancies existed and while no seats were being filled and no nominees were being named; by the suggestion of a Senator who didn’t suggest what McConnell did?

Exactly. The Republicans forced the Democrats into a corner when the Republicans went nuclear.

The Republicans wanted a nuclear war, and they got one.
The Republicans have MANY faults, no doubt. But, on Supreme Court nominations, they have been innocent.


They denied Obama's nominee from even getting a hearing, and they changed the Senate rules (nuclear option). Don't even try to sit there and pretend the Republicans are victims in all this. Jesus H. Christ!

Like I said. They wanted a nuclear war, they got one.

What you have is Democrats refusing to accept the consequences of elections when it comes to SCOTUS. They have done this for DECADES!!!
Sheer hypocrisy. The Republicans refused to accept the consequences of Obama's election and refused to even hear out his nominee.

Obama was elected for 8 years, not 7.

The Republicans wanted a nuclear war, they got one.
You play with the cards you’re dealt. Democrats didn’t have a hand where they had any control over blocking Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

It's the same players on the Republican side, Senator Flake was the one who urged Garland shouldn't get a hearing or be confirmed unless Hillary Clinton won the election (Senator Hatch signed on to that idea afterwards). Senators Murkowski and Collins pushed for hearings prior to the election.

It's like walking around the block to get next door.
So? Garland was still denied a hearing. Republicans gambled and it paid off for them. Now Democrats are gambling.

Gambling on what?

there will be a new president elected in 2020?
Gambling on Kavanaugh not getting confirmed.

and the next will be better/worse/same as Kavanaugh?

Even if the Democrats take the senate. Trump has until the next senate is seated to nominate a Justice.

and that doesnt' happen til 2 months AFTER the election
Precedent was set by a rule that’s not a Senate rule, that was never implemented, that never happened, while no vacancies existed and while no seats were being filled and no nominees were being named; by the suggestion of a Senator who didn’t suggest what McConnell did?
But, the Democrats did it to the Republicans.

Do you not see who is at fault for this?
They denied Obama's nominee from even getting a hearing, and they changed the Senate rules (nuclear option). Don't even try to sit there and pretend the Republicans are victims in all this. Jesus H. Christ!

Like I said. They wanted a nuclear war, they got one.

Did ANYONE fuck with Kegan or Sotomayor? Hell, Republicans voted to confirm.

Democrats have been playing this game since Bork and you FUCKING KNOW IT.

And I don't even like Republicans. So, do start that bullshit with me.


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