the Dems- party of the old and the white


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads
Dems search for fountain of youth

Don't hear the msm talking about this? Yet the Conservatives have whites, blacks, latinos, men, women, etc... who is the party of DIVERSITY again?

Democrats lean heavily on young voters to win elections, but their leading candidates for the White House are 68-year-old Hillary Clinton and 74-year-old Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

The two other Democrats who were often implored to enter the race are Vice President Biden, 72, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), 66.

Democrats are led on Capitol Hill by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) — who are both 75.
Pelosi’s top two lieutenants are 76-year-old Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.) and 75-year-old Rep. James Clyburn (S.C.). In comparison, Reid’s expected successor as Democratic leader in the next Congress is a relative spring chicken: Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.) is 64.

The age of the Democratic Party’s lynchpins is a sensitive subject as the party prepares for life after 54-year-old President Obama.

Since Obama’s election in 2008, Democrats have wracked up net losses amounting to more than 900 seats in state legislatures, almost 70 House seats, 13 Senate seats and 12 governors’ mansions.
What's funny is 90% of blacks, 75% of hispanics, asians and only 40% of whites vote for the democratic party.

They should have at least one or two non-whites running.
No, Asians, the fastest growing minority are 50-50 and breaking Republican which is no surprise as they are hard-working.
Dems search for fountain of youth

Don't hear the msm talking about this? Yet the Conservatives have whites, blacks, latinos, men, women, etc... who is the party of DIVERSITY again?

Democrats lean heavily on young voters to win elections, but their leading candidates for the White House are 68-year-old Hillary Clinton and 74-year-old Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

The two other Democrats who were often implored to enter the race are Vice President Biden, 72, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), 66.

Democrats are led on Capitol Hill by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) — who are both 75.
Pelosi’s top two lieutenants are 76-year-old Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.) and 75-year-old Rep. James Clyburn (S.C.). In comparison, Reid’s expected successor as Democratic leader in the next Congress is a relative spring chicken: Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.) is 64.

The age of the Democratic Party’s lynchpins is a sensitive subject as the party prepares for life after 54-year-old President Obama.

Since Obama’s election in 2008, Democrats have wracked up net losses amounting to more than 900 seats in state legislatures, almost 70 House seats, 13 Senate seats and 12 governors’ mansions.

This is arguably the stupidest post ever from a member of the Old White Boys Republican Party.
What's funny is 90% of blacks, 75% of hispanics, asians and only 40% of whites vote for the democratic party.

They should have at least one or two non-whites running.
No, Asians, the fastest growing minority are 50-50 and breaking Republican which is no surprise as they are hard-working.

Your post has no basis in lived reality. 5 Fast Facts About 2012 Asian American Voters

Like most any demographic, Asian Americans are not monolithic. Though 49% of them list themselves as Democrats, 34% are listed as Republicans while 17% are Independents.

73% of them voted for Obama in 2012, meaning he took every single one that considers themselves Democrats & Independents, and picked off a quarter of the ones who consider themselves Republican.

If Republicans weren't so extreme, more Asian Americans would vote for them. One huge turn-off of the Republican party these days is that they have their hair on fire and demand that YOU set your hair on fire over the debt. Problem is, most people see it as a rather solvable issue with a fair blend of modest tax increases and some spending cuts.

Asian Americans are certainly business-savvy, so it says something that they see right through Republican talking points.

The anti-immigrant rhetoric only further helps to keep AA's from joining the Republican tent.
What's funny is 90% of blacks, 75% of hispanics, asians and only 40% of whites vote for the democratic party.

They should have at least one or two non-whites running.
Looks like to me all the old whites in the Democrat party want the blacks, hispanics, and asians for is votes.
What's funny is 90% of blacks, 75% of hispanics, asians and only 40% of whites vote for the democratic party.

They should have at least one or two non-whites running.
No, Asians, the fastest growing minority are 50-50 and breaking Republican which is no surprise as they are hard-working.

Your post has no basis in lived reality. 5 Fast Facts About 2012 Asian American Voters

Like most any demographic, Asian Americans are not monolithic. Though 49% of them list themselves as Democrats, 34% are listed as Republicans while 17% are Independents.

73% of them voted for Obama in 2012, meaning he took every single one that considers themselves Democrats & Independents, and picked off a quarter of the ones who consider themselves Republican.

If Republicans weren't so extreme, more Asian Americans would vote for them. One huge turn-off of the Republican party these days is that they have their hair on fire and demand that YOU set your hair on fire over the debt. Problem is, most people see it as a rather solvable issue with a fair blend of modest tax increases and some spending cuts.

Asian Americans are certainly business-savvy, so it says something that they see right through Republican talking points.

The anti-immigrant rhetoric only further helps to keep AA's from joining the Republican tent.
You're a definite hack going back to 2012 and ignoring the 2014 results:

Republicans on Election Day had their best showing among Asian voters in decades, topping Democrats for the first time since the 1990s, according to exit polls that have analysts wondering if the GOP has found a way to make inroads with the fast-growing demographic.

The GOP won 50 percent of Asian voters compared to 49 percent for Democrats, according to the latest calculations — a stunning turnaround, given that they regularly get trounced by 20 points or more.

Asian vote breaks for Republicans in midterms - Washington Times

No bases in reality, my ass!

Try again.
What's funny is 90% of blacks, 75% of hispanics, asians and only 40% of whites vote for the democratic party.

They should have at least one or two non-whites running.
No, Asians, the fastest growing minority are 50-50 and breaking Republican which is no surprise as they are hard-working.

Your post has no basis in lived reality. 5 Fast Facts About 2012 Asian American Voters

Like most any demographic, Asian Americans are not monolithic. Though 49% of them list themselves as Democrats, 34% are listed as Republicans while 17% are Independents.

73% of them voted for Obama in 2012, meaning he took every single one that considers themselves Democrats & Independents, and picked off a quarter of the ones who consider themselves Republican.

If Republicans weren't so extreme, more Asian Americans would vote for them. One huge turn-off of the Republican party these days is that they have their hair on fire and demand that YOU set your hair on fire over the debt. Problem is, most people see it as a rather solvable issue with a fair blend of modest tax increases and some spending cuts.

Asian Americans are certainly business-savvy, so it says something that they see right through Republican talking points.

The anti-immigrant rhetoric only further helps to keep AA's from joining the Republican tent.
So it's solvable by kicking the deadbeat Democrats off welfare and making them get JOBS...
IMHO-----the middle class ----in general ---is tired of the current government which is DEMOCRAT all of the middle class------even da joooos who are virtually all
registered democrats. It is possible that I will vote repub for the first time in my life-----------<sob>
Too bad the GOP can't keep up the diversity.

The year of the token republicans may not be something to sneeze at, but I find it amusing that the GOP can't pull this off during every presidential election!!

Yes, I said it. Year of the Token Republicans
Too bad the GOP can't keep up the diversity.

The year of the token republicans may not be something to sneeze at, but I find it amusing that the GOP can't pull this off during every presidential election!!

Yes, I said it. Year of the Token Republicans

what does "token repubs .. " mean ALL of the candidates seem kinda "token"
to me-------a token woman----a token socialist----a token black doc---a token
casino owner
Too bad the GOP can't keep up the diversity.

The year of the token republicans may not be something to sneeze at, but I find it amusing that the GOP can't pull this off during every presidential election!!

Yes, I said it. Year of the Token Republicans


"yes i said it". hilarious that this idiot thinks he said something provocative, something shocking. Like it isnt old hat hearing left-wing losers slur Black conservatives.

like i said comical the way left-wing idiots are so impressed with themselves!
only in the self-deluding minds of left-wing nutjobs is the frontrunner a "token".
Carson became the front-runner by polls of Republicans, not by polling the views of douchebag Progressives angry because Carson isnt what the still mostly White Progressive set demands all Black people be, a Democrat

I'd give the edge on diversity to the Democrats.
What's funny is 90% of blacks, 75% of hispanics, asians and only 40% of whites vote for the democratic party.

They should have at least one or two non-whites running.
The Democrat white ruling majority has simply enslaved minorities on to their plantation. This is why they carp so much when an uppity Negro like Carson wanders off and becomes a conservative. It is the old white masters like Reid and Hillary ruling over the slaves.
In the GOP we welcome everyone. So we have real intellectual diversity--Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell are not the same--as well as racial and ethnic diversity. That's what happens when you value freedom and individual rights.

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