The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

How many of those murders go unsolved because the police do a half ass investigation? You claim that folks won't "snitch", they don't snitch because they are AFRAID of the retaliation against them because they police damn sure aren't going to do anything to protect them. When you run your mouth at least know what you are talking about..

Unless someone is willing to snitch, what do you want to detectives to do to resolve the case. Activists also get pissed off if the detectives bring in the suspects and squeeze a confession out of them.

Remember this, and never forget, the CP5 CONFESSED to the fucking crime. They weren't "framed", they admitted they did it. And the libs still bitched and whined.

They confessed after being "squeezed" as you call it. Think of the countless black men who have been framed in the same manner.
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.
America is on trial...................again.
A good cop is being railroaded again-------

Derek Chauvin had 18 complaints of misconduct had filed against him.

Two of the complaints resulted in a "letter of reprimand," but the 16 others had no repercussions at all — and none of their contents have been released to the public.

.....but in your racist mind Turtle Shit that is a good officer. Smfh.
I don’t see any Trans people being represented in the Jury. No way this jury holds up without a re-trial!

0.6% of population is transgender, so representation should be about 1 out of 20 juries would have a person that is transgendered. Now, there should be at least one left handed person on a jury to be statistically correct.

If Chauvin is found not guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have been wronged and that their reaction is appropriate.

If Chauvin is found guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have had their actions of last year vindicated and that their reaction is appropriate.

Regardless of what happens, negroes are going to be out of control, just as they were last year. As good Americans, our best reaction is to arm ourselves to protect ourselves, our friends and our loved ones, and to not hesitate when a threat resents itself to dispatch that threat in haste. Negroes are pack hunters, and if allowed to assemble become a threat to anyone they see.

We must act accordingly...

Moral of the story: Dem Negroes sure are a lot of bother. I bet that's why we keep them in chains most of the time! Only time we ever got any value out of them.

Racist coward.

The negroes need to be treated like the vermin scum they are. Putting them down is best for everyone, especially the decent black folks who choose to live honorably instead of like hoodlum thugs...

Did you get your uniform out the cleaners this week?

View attachment 474187
Waits for Canon Shooter to play his blk friend card


That's his black friend

If Chauvin is found not guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have been wronged and that their reaction is appropriate.

If Chauvin is found guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have had their actions of last year vindicated and that their reaction is appropriate.

Regardless of what happens, negroes are going to be out of control, just as they were last year. As good Americans, our best reaction is to arm ourselves to protect ourselves, our friends and our loved ones, and to not hesitate when a threat resents itself to dispatch that threat in haste. Negroes are pack hunters, and if allowed to assemble become a threat to anyone they see.

We must act accordingly...

Moral of the story: Dem Negroes sure are a lot of bother. I bet that's why we keep them in chains most of the time! Only time we ever got any value out of them.

Racist coward.

The negroes need to be treated like the vermin scum they are. Putting them down is best for everyone, especially the decent black folks who choose to live honorably instead of like hoodlum thugs...

Did you get your uniform out the cleaners this week?

View attachment 474187

No dry cleaning necessary - Missus Shooter discovered a miracle recently and Canon's been rockin' the tighty whities! ;)

OJ Simpson was 100% innocent.

Marcia Clarke and Chris Darden did a poor job of presenting their case. With the evidence they had, they certainly could've won.

I wanted OJ to be innovent. I admired him when I was growing u, playing football as a running back in high school. But there are a lot of unanswered questions, and I'm not convinced of either his guilt or his innocence.

Interesting about the EDTA. If that's true, why didn't Johnny Cochrane or F. Lee Bailey, two of the most talented defense attorneys ever, fail to bring that up during the trial?
There has never been a case in the history of this country where a Black person murdered a white person on camera, and the Black person walked free. But part of white supremacist culture is the ability to lynch Black people on camera, & be immune from prosecution by white society.

It happened years ago, but it would never happen now...
There is no such thing as proof when blk ppl get murdered by the white supremacists

That's why they're setting it up because everyone knows he will walk or get a smack on the wrist.

No, they're setting it up because they know vermin negroes will riot regardless of the verdict...
The OJ trial was theater. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't anything more than another negro killing an innocent white woman and an innocent white man...
OJ Simpson was 100% innocent.

When they asked the lead detective (Mark Fuhrman who was a racist) did he plant evidence, he say he pleads the 5th..That equals NOT GUILTY. What you fail to realize was the moment the LAPD broke the chain of blood evidence, that put doubt in the case. The job of the defense isn’t to prove innocence, but punch holes in the prosecution’s case. The LAPD is rotten to the core when it comes to setting black men up. Elmer Geronimo Pratt was in prison for nearly 30 years because the LAPD set him up.

But you believe OJ got up that day, put on a sweat suit with a skull cap and some bruno magi shoes, drove to his ex wife house and killed her and another person he didn't know would be there, and didn't get any bruises on his face or body, and caught a flight afterward ?

You can say they found blood DNA on OJ's property. But they fail to mention it all had EDTA in it.
EDTA is a chemical used in stored blood.

EDTA isn't found naturally in the body in significant quantities. The fact the blood samples had it proves blood was planted. To this day no one can explain how OJ's blood samples had all those EDTA chemicals in it.


When they asked Mark Furhman if he planted the glove. He refused to answer the question on the grounds it might incriminate him.

OJ Simpson didn't kill anybody.

Mark Fuhrman wasn't just an average white supremacist (like you). He was a white extremist. These are Fuhrman words about planting evidence on blacks.


This was the lead detective in the case in the OJ Simpson case
Pay attention to the lifetime White Prog politicians who spouted the same venomous remarks and who are no more "enlightened". There is one that is President by theft now. And the V.P. Who is a joke.
Seems this thread has devolved from a thread on the Chauvin trial to another thread with racists ripping each other.

Too bad, I am not able to watch the trial at all and I was hoping for some commentary, I guess my expectations of this board was set to high. MarcATL , you probably should've started this in the CDZ. :dunno:
Whites and black and every one was protesting his death, they were mainly peaceful.
I don't blame Backs if he gets off if they riot.
That means you don't support the rule of law. You are in favor of mob violence. You should move to Nigeria or Kenya where everything hinges on tribe.

If Chauvin is found not guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have been wronged and that their reaction is appropriate.

If Chauvin is found guilty: negroes will riot in the streets, attack innocent whites and police officers and burn our cities to the ground because they will feel as though they, as a community, have had their actions of last year vindicated and that their reaction is appropriate.

Regardless of what happens, negroes are going to be out of control, just as they were last year. As good Americans, our best reaction is to arm ourselves to protect ourselves, our friends and our loved ones, and to not hesitate when a threat resents itself to dispatch that threat in haste. Negroes are pack hunters, and if allowed to assemble become a threat to anyone they see.

We must act accordingly...


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