The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

I understand what you are saying, I just don't think you can conclusively know that, because Floyd was complaining about not being able to breathe before they put him down,

Floyd was already in the back of the cruiser complaining he couldn't breath.

That is why the police pulled him out of the car and 'put him down'

geezus what a choice of words... 'put him down'

anyhow, y'all will hopefully choose to view the 'rest of the story' as Paul Harvey used to say (damn old white guy!)
No they haven't.

You have already found Chauvin guilty.

Your OP was a great idea, to make an official trial thread - sadly this one won't be it.

But it will be a great Chauvin trial opinion thread :)
I pride myself on basing my opinions on fact.

The facts in this matter don't bode well for Chauvin.

Just sayin'.

Then you should also be proud enough to wait for all the facts to come out before making a half baked opinion.

Just sayin'.
Well, being able to speak doesn't necessarily mean one has ample ability to breathe. Not being able to breathe doesn't mean he couldn't draw any breath at all, it could mean that he could not inhale enough air to fill his lungs to a capacity to maintain normal function, yet still have enough air to gasp out pleas for relief.

First sign of respiratory distress.
No they haven't.

You have already found Chauvin guilty.

Your OP was a great idea, to make an official trial thread - sadly this one won't be it.

But it will be a great Chauvin trial opinion thread :)
I pride myself on basing my opinions on fact.

The facts in this matter don't bode well for Chauvin.

Just sayin'.

LOL! Had to come back to this post of yours.

You have thrown the 'Right Wing White Supremacy' card at Chauvin in this thread at least a dozen times.

Show me the facts.
I would say that being a policeman is a tough job and after a while can change people. I would like to believe that most policeman when they start have a high standard of morality and strong feelings of what is right VS what is wrong.

Yet they are people and people can change for a quite a few reasons. It does take a very strong character to not be sucked into the pit when you really don't care anymore and it becomes just a job. It is not surprising that fellow officers were offended by his actions and some who will just shrug their shoulders as it is not their concern because he is a comrade in the battle.

Now he is before a jury that may be offended by what he did and others who may think differently. Who know what the verdict will be but I would suspect guilty as the evidence is there.

Then it will be up to the judge and prosecution to determine the level of punishment. Will they show mercy or do their job.
faulty training
The hold he used was taught to him in his training.
I don't know about what police training involves so I can't comment on the actual hold that Chauvin was doing. The faulty training was the overall situation. I'm sure those officers have to take classes on how to deal with different situations, and I believe they even have to take some psychology classes as well. They need to be able to read the situation, and respond appropriately.

Floyd said many times that he had anxiety and claustrophobia, and the lady at the start of the video told one of the officers that floyd "had something going on up there". Sure, thats a bit vague, but, again, it all has to be considered.

Now, I know its going to be hard to keep everything straight, especially when so much is going on, and all happening so fast, but, when they heard "clausterphobia", "anxiety", and "i can't breathe", that should have sparked something in someone that "hey, maybe we should just let this guy stand up, as long as he's still"

The best coverage of the trial is here...

Now, I know its going to be hard to keep everything straight, especially when so much is going on, and all happening so fast, but, when they heard "clausterphobia", "anxiety", and "i can't breathe", that should have sparked something in someone that "hey, maybe we should just let this guy stand up, as long as he's still"

Also.....he wasn't being still he was resisting.......and it isn't the cops job to take the suspects words as honest when they are trying to arrest them....

There job was to put him in the squad car........he resisted that....that's on him...
I disagree. An officers job is to serve and protect, and that even means the people in your custody.

No, the officers are not bound to take the person words as honest, but they are duty bound to listen and make the best judgment based on what they see and hear. As an officer, you have to be keenly aware of what is going on. You can't just arrest someone and treat them any way you want. You have to be careful and make sure your detainee is not in harms way.

Again, if you read what I wrote, and watched the video, you'd see that Floyd was not resisting, he was panicking. He was fearful of being restrained and then put into the car. He was in fight or flight mode, and that is a reaction to his fear. The officers should have seen that, from the very beginning, Floyd was distraught, even crying. Floyd was worried, and he repeatedly made his concerns known

I think the officers should have been able to see that and react differently.

Panicking is resisting.......he refused to stay in the car and they restrained him....according to MPD training.

Just what do you think the cops do if you "panic" once you realize that you are actually going to be arrested and you start to resist?

Do you understand anything about police work?
Again, I disagree, panicking is not resisting. Its fight or flight. Its a reaction to fear. Had they not been trying to force him into the car, he probably wouldn't have struggled. Yeah, he was terrified, so he didn't want to get into the car. Considering all the conditions he mentioned, and his behavior through the whole ordeal,.I understand, and the officers should have as well.

I agree, if you are about to arrest someone and they start acting panicked, yeah, one might think they are faking, but floyd.was showing signs of being distraught from the beginning.

Also, even if someone did start showing signs of panic just before they are being arrested, the officers still have to consider that, because that person may genuinely may experience anxiety and panic. Again, as an officer, you should be able to observe what is going on, if something isn't working, then you try something else. If Floyd was showing signs of panic from being forced into the car, then maybe don't put him in the car. Maybe say "ok, we will let you stay out here, in cuffs, as long as you don't try to fight, but if you do, we will put you in the car". Did they try that? Doesn't look like it. I don't think they necessarily HAD to put him in the car, especially with his obvious signs of anxiety.

I guess I don't understand the need to try to force him into the car, since really they were just there to investigate an alleged fake $20 bill.

From my take, had they not tried to force him into the car, he wouldn't have panicked, and he wouldn't have struggled.

Are you serious?

Had they not been trying to force him into the car, he probably wouldn't have struggled.

You do understand that he was being arrested....right? That when you are arrested, they are going to put you in the car....right?

Did you see the parts where Chauvin was consoling this guy? Telling him that when Floyd asked the officer to stay with him, Chauvin said they would stay with him, that they rolled down the window for him, and would turn on the air conditioning for him...did you see that?

They did everything they could to calm the criminal down, and then he resisted being in the car........
You do understand that he was being arrested....right? That when you are arrested, they are going to put you in the car....right?

Not necessarily. I don't believe there is a requirement to put them in the car, as long as they are subdued and restrained. A lot of times people are handcuffed and then told to sit on the ground, or the curb. Given the obvious anxiety and stress that Floyd was going through, this could have bee one of those times they opted to take that route. Again, with the warning that if he fought them any more, they would put him in the car.

They never gave him that option.

They did everything they could to calm the criminal down, and then he resisted being in the car....

Yeah, I saw them.say they would stay with them, that was nice. That still doesn't change the fact that Floyd was obviously panicking and in fear,.in fact, the fact that Floyd was asking them to stay with him should have been just another indicator of how afraid he was.
leftist stupid1.jpg
Autopsy. Coroner stated if the guy had been alone in his home the death would have been classified as a drug over dose.

By that logic, any nurse who kills patients in a nursing home could be set free because they were going to die, anyway.

Um... no, sorry, man, even if he were going to die a hour later, the fact that Chauvin's knee on his neck killed him is what's relevant here.
Autopsy. Coroner stated if the guy had been alone in his home the death would have been classified as a drug over dose.

By that logic, any nurse who kills patients in a nursing home could be set free because they were going to die, anyway.

Um... no, sorry, man, even if he were going to die a hour later, the fact that Chauvin's knee on his neck killed him is what's relevant here.
The prosecution witnesses ranged from stupid, to mentally ill, to pimp. LOL
Well, being able to speak doesn't necessarily mean one has ample ability to breathe. Not being able to breathe doesn't mean he couldn't draw any breath at all, it could mean that he could not inhale enough air to fill his lungs to a capacity to maintain normal function, yet still have enough air to gasp out pleas for relief.

First sign of respiratory distress.
Sure, but still unable to "breathe" none the less. Also a good reason to perhaps not hold him down onto the ground.
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.
America is on trial...................again.

America is always on trial among the global Left. True Americans love this Country unconditionally. What says you?
I wonder why you characters get so shocked when you have riots. Your legal system seems designed to deny justice to certain groups and then you fake outrage when there is a reaction.

I watched the film Detroit over the weekend.Its a film about the executions of Black youngsters by an out of control set of vigilantes who happened to be cops.

Its a terrifying film. People who are supposed to protect you are the biggest threat to your life. It shows what happens when juntas take control and all the civilised norms break down . Detroit looks like Santiago under Pinochet, a notable right wing pin up.

And of course the cops got off. But I finished the film thinking that some progress had been made. 50 years earlier there would not have been a trial.

So if you are a real American you will want justice unlike the supremacists on this thread. Chauvin killed that man in front of a world audience and the world is watching to see if you let him get away with it. That puts America on trial.
Everyone knows Chauvin will walk or get smack on the wrists. Killing black people and walking is essential in a system of of white supremacy.

Frankly I don't even know why they are bothering with the trial.
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.
America is on trial...................again.

America is always on trial among the global Left. True Americans love this Country unconditionally. What says you?
I wonder why you characters get so shocked when you have riots. Your legal system seems designed to deny justice to certain groups and then you fake outrage when there is a reaction.

I watched the film Detroit over the weekend.Its a film about the executions of Black youngsters by an out of control set of vigilantes who happened to be cops.

Its a terrifying film. People who are supposed to protect you are the biggest threat to your life. It shows what happens when juntas take control and all the civilised norms break down . Detroit looks like Santiago under Pinochet, a notable right wing pin up.

And of course the cops got off. But I finished the film thinking that some progress had been made. 50 years earlier there would not have been a trial.

So if you are a real American you will want justice unlike the supremacists on this thread. Chauvin killed that man in front of a world audience and the world is watching to see if you let him get away with it. That puts America on trial.
You learn by wacthing movies. No surprise since you are known as a morn and fool

The evidence is yet to be established trhat Chauuvin killed him you idiot
It would be interesting to see the reaction of libs if Mr. Chauvin was exonerated and the officers of color who are being tried later this spring are found guilty and sent to the penitentiary to die.
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.
America is on trial...................again.

America is always on trial among the global Left. True Americans love this Country unconditionally. What says you?
I wonder why you characters get so shocked when you have riots. Your legal system seems designed to deny justice to certain groups and then you fake outrage when there is a reaction.

I watched the film Detroit over the weekend.Its a film about the executions of Black youngsters by an out of control set of vigilantes who happened to be cops.

Its a terrifying film. People who are supposed to protect you are the biggest threat to your life. It shows what happens when juntas take control and all the civilised norms break down . Detroit looks like Santiago under Pinochet, a notable right wing pin up.

And of course the cops got off. But I finished the film thinking that some progress had been made. 50 years earlier there would not have been a trial.

So if you are a real American you will want justice unlike the supremacists on this thread. Chauvin killed that man in front of a world audience and the world is watching to see if you let him get away with it. That puts America on trial.

My shock and outrage when it comes to riots is that Liberal politicians encourage them or downplay them. I am also shock and outraged that the same social activist people who bitch and moan about no economic opportunity for minority business owners or they are hammering at white guilt for national chains to be a part of “urban renewal” - these social activists are the first to turn a blind eye or show no care or concern when a minority business owner gets beaten and his store gets looted. How about the national chain store being burnt and looted.... how and why should they come back and “serve the community”?
What makes you think this is such a "Big Trial"? The Fake Impeachment trials of twice exonerated Donald J Trump were bigger news.

The trials of the Baltimore PD officers were pretty big too.
America is on trial...................again.

America is always on trial among the global Left. True Americans love this Country unconditionally. What says you?
I wonder why you characters get so shocked when you have riots. Your legal system seems designed to deny justice to certain groups and then you fake outrage when there is a reaction.

I watched the film Detroit over the weekend.Its a film about the executions of Black youngsters by an out of control set of vigilantes who happened to be cops.

Its a terrifying film. People who are supposed to protect you are the biggest threat to your life. It shows what happens when juntas take control and all the civilised norms break down . Detroit looks like Santiago under Pinochet, a notable right wing pin up.

And of course the cops got off. But I finished the film thinking that some progress had been made. 50 years earlier there would not have been a trial.

So if you are a real American you will want justice unlike the supremacists on this thread. Chauvin killed that man in front of a world audience and the world is watching to see if you let him get away with it. That puts America on trial.
You learn by wacthing movies. No surprise since you are known as a morn and fool

The evidence is yet to be established trhat Chauuvin killed him you idiot
I saw it with my own eyes you clown.

When is the trial of the lynch mob who murdered the jogger in Atlanta ? They should be put down not jailed.

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