The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

That’s all well and good but, should Chauvin be convicted for the murder of Floyd because he violated departmental policy or because he murdered Floyd?

Because he murdered Floyd.

That has yet to be proven.

People have been saying that Chauvin was just acting according to his training, but that defense is falling apart.

Maybe. But even if does, it still does not prove that Floyd died because of Chauvin’s actions.
That’s all well and good but, should Chauvin be convicted for the murder of Floyd because he violated departmental policy or because he murdered Floyd?

Because he murdered Floyd.

That has yet to be proven.

They're in the process of that. You asked and I answered.

I understand that. But do you understand that it has not been proven?
That’s all well and good but, should Chauvin be convicted for the murder of Floyd because he violated departmental policy or because he murdered Floyd?

Because he murdered Floyd.

That has yet to be proven.

They're in the process of that. You asked and I answered.

I understand that. But do you understand that it has not been proven?

Sure. That’s what the trial is for.
Maybe. But even if does, it still does not prove that Floyd died because of Chauvin’s actions.

The medical examiners claim he did. I'll go with what they say.

That’s your right of course. But I don’t entirely trust that they were not just caught up in the anti-cop mania and felt pressured by this to say what they thought people wanted to hear.

I know what you’ll probably say to that but let me say first that people have already proven themselves to be less than objective in these matters.

It has already happened that officers have been demonized for what turned out to be justified shootings. What’s more, some are still demonized after being officially cleared.
That’s all well and good but, should Chauvin be convicted for the murder of Floyd because he violated departmental policy or because he murdered Floyd?

Because he murdered Floyd.

That has yet to be proven.

They're in the process of that. You asked and I answered.

I understand that. But do you understand that it has not been proven?

Sure. That’s what the trial is for.

You say that but I’m betting that you’ve already convicted Chauvin in your own mind.
You say that but I’m betting that you’ve already convicted Chauvin in your own mind.

Based on what I’m seeing, he looks guilty at this point. If the defense presents a good argument, I’ll hear them out. But so far they’ve done a horrible job in my opinion.

I reckon we’ll see what happens. I just don’t want to see him convicted just because half the country has it in for cops. We’ve seen far too much of that shit already.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

That's a good question , once we were brought here we were robbed language, robbed of our names, robbed of country, we lost our religion, our culture our God.

That was a long fuckin' time ago. And I refuse to take ANY responsibility for it. We had no colored slaves in Poland. BTW--It was NOT 400 years of slavery. It was 244 years. And it was ENGLAND who started it. The USA did not exist until 1776. Just proves how phony "Black History" is. Blacks are owed NOTHING. Time to start EARNING a living. Those who hate the USA can get the fuck out. That includes Sharpton , Wright ,Farrakhan ,and that rancid bitch who started BLM/. And all kneelers who make 100 Million for playing a sport.

It sounds like you hate it. When are you leaving?

"I know you are but what am I?" . (snicker)

Seriously. You told anyone who hates America to get out. You hate America and Americans. Why should they leave because you hate them? Where are your ancestors from? When are you headed back?

Pinko assholes who tear down monuments and burn cities down are not Americans. GFY

American by tradition and law has been defined as someone born here or naturalized. Odd I don’t recall anything about political beliefs or idealism being the determining factor.

So when are you leaving? Where are you going? Where are your ancestors from?

I will leave when the last pinko asshole is in PRISON.

Jailing people for political beliefs. I missed that part of the Constitution. You proclaim yourself as a real American. A true American. But obviously you detest the founding documents and ideals. So what do you base your image of a true American on?
Maybe. But even if does, it still does not prove that Floyd died because of Chauvin’s actions.

The medical examiners claim he did. I'll go with what they say.

That’s your right of course. But I don’t entirely trust that they were not just caught up in the anti-cop mania and felt pressured by this to say what they thought people wanted to hear.

I know what you’ll probably say to that but let me say first that people have already proven themselves to be less than objective in these matters.

It has already happened that officers have been demonized for what turned out to be justified shootings. What’s more, some are still demonized after being officially cleared.

Things can be legal and wrong. Just as they can be illegal and right.

Thise cleared cops may have been legally justified. But that is not the same thing as right.

In Texas a Sheriffs Department conducted a search warrant raid. The homeowner believed it was criminals breaking in. He fired in self defense. His shots killed a deputy. The Grand Jury did not indict him for the killing. It was a self defense shooting. He was convicted of growing marijuana. And will be out of prison soon.

He killed a cop. He got away with it. It was legal. But was it right?

Legal and right are differing terms. One is the law with all its flaws. The other is moral or ethical with still other flaws.

Cops have shot other cops. Seeing only a person with a gun. It was legal. Justified. But was it right?

Remember the mall shooting a few years ago? A CCW permit holder was at the mall when shots are fired. He tried to get innocents out of the area. He pulled his gun to engage the shooter if he could. The police arrived and shot the first person with a gun they saw. Legal. But was it right? A good guy is dead. Nobody went to prison for killing the good guy. It was understandable. A reasonable mistake. And it was wrong.
You're an idiot, how many innocent folks do you think Dr. King and Rosa Parks saw that were murdered by whites and the police and those murderers were NEVER brought to the Bar of Justice.
Probably none by the police

Your as dumb as you are racist.

The WWII generation blacks in MLK’s day may not have been as stupid as their grandchildren are today

Meaning they knew better than to fight with the cops when they got arrested

Is that why so many died while in police custody, because the police were treating them so well. You really need to study some history, because you are so blinded by racism that you don't have a clue.
MarcATL apparently chickened out of the bet. How about you XponentialChaos? Would entertain a $20.00 bet the trial results in a not guilty verdict?

What black person would make that bet, as many white murdering police we have seen get away with murder when they put folks like you on the jury.
So did Floyd.

Here was a guy hopped up on opioids, driving a vehicle.

Civilians are no less responsible for other peoples’ lives when they get behind the wheel. Floyd apparently never gave a second thought to others’ safety or even to his own. He very well could have killed himself or someone else driving in the state he was in.

But no one ever considers these sorts of things in cases like this because, you know, evil white police officers.

Floyd wasn't driving the vehicle, his friend was.

Look, nothing he did justified Chauvin killing him, you racist shitbag.

This case is great because all the racists are outing themselves.
That’s all well and good but, should Chauvin be convicted for the murder of Floyd because he violated departmental policy or because he murdered Floyd?

I don’t care for the tone from a lot of folks that want to see Chauvin convicted that basically suggests he should be convicted because he’s a bad cop.

There has been a sea change in attitude in this country to the point that people want to see certain others hanged simply because they don’t like their character, not necessarily because they’re guilty of anything.

His being a bad cop is why Floyd died. That's why he needs to be convicted, dummy.

His violation of departmental policy caused Floyd's death.

Sorry, man, the old day of Klan Juries acquitting murdering racists are over. Deal with it.
That’s your right of course. But I don’t entirely trust that they were not just caught up in the anti-cop mania and felt pressured by this to say what they thought people wanted to hear.

I know what you’ll probably say to that but let me say first that people have already proven themselves to be less than objective in these matters.

It has already happened that officers have been demonized for what turned out to be justified shootings. What’s more, some are still demonized after being officially cleared.

That's because our system is geared towards acquitting them no matter how guilty they are. Like the guy who shot Philandro Castille. Castille was cooperating, informed the officer he had a CC permit (Silly Darky, Rights are for White people) and was shot with his girlfriend and baby daughter feet away.

This whole case is the same shit they tried to pull with the Laquan McDonald shooting.

"Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes!!!"
The Civil Rights movement is over....

We went from Rosa Parks, an NAACP officer being arrested for sitting in the back of a bus in a democrat party controlled state.......

To a violent felon, high on 2X the lethal dose of fentanyl, fighting police during a lawful arrest for trying to pass a bogus 20 dollar bill....

Martin Luther King jr. and Rosa Parks.....are ashamed....

You're an idiot, how many innocent folks do you think Dr. King and Rosa Parks saw that were murdered by whites and the police and those murderers were NEVER brought to the Bar of Justice.
And your point is?? DemoKKKrats were responsible for nearly ALL white on Black murders at the time, yet now you vote for them. Sorry; YOU'RE the STUPID ONE!!!


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