The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

Then let us bet on the outcome of this case.

I will bet you $10.00 that the trial does not result in a conviction. Even without defense witnesses, the prosecution failed to prove their ridiculous theory that a knee killed Floyd. Imagine if you will defense witnesses who explain the toxicology and physiology intelligently. There is zero chance of a conviction if the jury is not afraid to vote for justice. It is understandable in this day and age, the jury has an underlying fear of domestic terrorists like BLM and Antifa continuing their Democrat supported war on the USA and possibly themselves. That is the only variable.
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MarcATL, the police chief said a knee to the nape of the neck to subdue a suspect resisting arrest was indeed policy even when cuffed until they recently changed it. To top it off, the police chief admitted the knee was mainly against the shoulder blade (scapula). Generally speaking, thus far the prosecution witnesses have been very ineffective in supporting the ridiculous theory that a knee killed Floyd.

Turtlesoup, the thing is the EMTs were obliged to at least try to administer Narcan, as well as the ER physician, even though that is a little late and Floyd would end up like DMX (a vegatable). But when administered in the first few minutes, there are numerous videos that show Narcan literally brings a seemingly dead person back to life. The EMTs and ER physician were negligent in that regard. Of course, the drug dealer passenger in the Mercedes SUV Floyd (who is pleading the Fifth) should have told the cops Floyd was a speedball addict and just got out of the hospital as a result of a heroin overdose. In fact, since it is available at most CVS stores without a prescription, opiod addicts often have Narcan handy just in case.
From what I have read other posters post--they are saying that the emt were claiming fear of the crowds so narcan there. ER physicians are not required to give narcan to deceased individuals. Doctors are the only ones that can call a druggy as being dead officially.
I've seen the prosecution witnesses--------they are dumb as a box of rocks. I trained as a nurse before becoming a daytrader----------Floyd was a goner--a quick goner with a crowd of idiots screaming about the poor violent criminal screaming that he couldn't breathe as the fentanyl shut down his lungs and their presence only created more chaos and delayed any possible treatment. NO Cpr would have saved his ass---------Narcan likely wouldn't have either even if it was on scene. Intelligent people realize Floyds death is a good thing for society as he won't be terrorizing others anymore.

The emt you refer has an iq of about what 75? Most Jr High students who have taken a CPR course would have her azz beat in medical training and knowledge--------
Only thing you're proving here is your continued and open hostility to blacks by posting this claptrap, nothing more, nothing less. Nothing new or news breaking.

The good news is, that no professional agrees w/your dumb racist day-trading ass.

And Derek is going to pay for this by being locked away for most, if not all, of the rest of his life.

Just stand back, and stand by...
Hostility to blacks? By what screaming the facts over and over? AGAIN in case you missed it....floyd died of drug overdose....going after the cop is an abuse. Actually, most professional agree with me----which makes wonder why the prosecution is putting up all these racist idiots claiming stupid chit.
As soon as Floyd was loaded in the ambulance the EMT who apparently battled trying to hook up various contraptions could have administered Floyd with doses of Narcan or had the cop on board do it for him. My guess is the defense is going to provide expert witnesses such as this physician to clearly explain why Floyd croaked.

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I will bet you $10.00 that the trial does not result in a conviction. Even without defense witnesses, the prosecution failed to prove their ridiculous theory that a knee killed Floyd. Imagine if you will defense witnesses who explain the toxicology and physiology intelligently. There is zero chance of a conviction if the jury is not afraid to vote for justice. It is understandable in this day and age, the jury has an underlying fear of domestic terrorists like BLM and Antifa continuing their Democrat supported war on the USA and possibly themselves. That is the only variable.
I don't need money, I want to bet for all the marbles.

Leaving the site for good.

Say when!
Okay, how about a compromise. The bet being leaving the site for ONE MONTH. You obviously enjoy the site and I do not want to be responsible for you quitting. How about it?
Hostility to blacks? By what screaming the facts over and over? AGAIN in case you missed it....floyd died of drug overdose....going after the cop is an abuse. Actually, most professional agree with me----which makes wonder why the prosecution is putting up all these racist idiots claiming stupid chit.
By your very post here you communicate that you aren't watching the trial. Yet you post w/much conviction, based on nothing but your emotions. You're like pudding.

Today the medical witness testified that Mr. Floyd, in fact, died of asphyxiation.

Okay, how about a compromise. The bet being leaving the site for ONE MONTH. You obviously enjoy the site and I do not want to be responsible for you quitting. How about it?
No dice. That's like betting to be shot in the buttocks.

No! I want to shoot your block off. AKA shoot to kill.

Snouter, you do realize that your wanting to compromise and such gives away that you're talking smack and don't even believe your own argument, right?

XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

That's a good question , once we were brought here we were robbed language, robbed of our names, robbed of country, we lost our religion, our culture our God.

That was a long fuckin' time ago. And I refuse to take ANY responsibility for it. We had no colored slaves in Poland. BTW--It was NOT 400 years of slavery. It was 244 years. And it was ENGLAND who started it. The USA did not exist until 1776. Just proves how phony "Black History" is. Blacks are owed NOTHING. Time to start EARNING a living. Those who hate the USA can get the fuck out. That includes Sharpton , Wright ,Farrakhan ,and that rancid bitch who started BLM/. And all kneelers who make 100 Million for playing a sport.

It sounds like you hate it. When are you leaving?

"I know you are but what am I?" . (snicker)

Seriously. You told anyone who hates America to get out. You hate America and Americans. Why should they leave because you hate them? Where are your ancestors from? When are you headed back?

Pinko assholes who tear down monuments and burn cities down are not Americans. GFY

American by tradition and law has been defined as someone born here or naturalized. Odd I don’t recall anything about political beliefs or idealism being the determining factor.

So when are you leaving? Where are you going? Where are your ancestors from?

I will leave when the last pinko asshole is in PRISON.
“When I look at the facial expression of Mr. Floyd, that does not appear in any way, shape or form that [he used] light to moderate pressure,” the chief testified, adding that Chauvin’s actions were “in no way shape or form ... anything that is by policy.”

“It is not a part of our training,” said Arradondo, “and it is certainly not part of our ethics or our values."

Arradondo also said Chauvin did not follow the department’s de-escalation policy, describing Chauvin’s over nine-minute-long neck restraint of Floyd as an action that should’ve ended when Floyd “stopped resisting,” nor MPD’s policy requiring officers to aid suspects needing medical care.

More very damaging testimony against Chauvin. The case that he was acting according to his training is completely shattered. He’s done. do realize that your wanting to compromise and such gives away that you're talking smack and don't even believe your own argument, right?

I am compromising for YOUR benefit. I have no fear of opposing commentary like you seem to have. How about this. $20.00. Your choice Bitcoin, Paypal, whatever. But your money where you mouth is!
Hostility to blacks? By what screaming the facts over and over? AGAIN in case you missed it....floyd died of drug overdose....going after the cop is an abuse. Actually, most professional agree with me----which makes wonder why the prosecution is putting up all these racist idiots claiming stupid chit.
By your very post here you communicate that you aren't watching the trial. Yet you post w/much conviction, based on nothing but your emotions. You're like pudding.

Today the medical witness testified that Mr. Floyd, in fact, died of asphyxiation.

this doctor is why medical mistakes are the #3 killer in the US for adults-------tox report showed clear overdose of drugs but yet he claims no signs of drug overdose. Unconscious, not breathing, pupils, etc---this doctor is worried about being sued for malpractice.

dying of asphyxiation does not mean that someone stopped someone from breathing btw---it means that the body did not receive enough oxygen for whatever reason.

the doctor was being asked about floyd dying of a heart attack verses lack of air. The doctor said that when he opened floyds shirt that he no signs of a heart attack------------so his opinion differs from the medical examiner who said basically that floyds heart stopped.

Again, Floyd died of a drug overdose which slowed lungs to stopping which then stopped the heart. Classic Fentanyl.
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“When I look at the facial expression of Mr. Floyd, that does not appear in any way, shape or form that [he used] light to moderate pressure,” the chief testified, adding that Chauvin’s actions were “in no way shape or form ... anything that is by policy.”

“It is not a part of our training,” said Arradondo, “and it is certainly not part of our ethics or our values."

Arradondo also said Chauvin did not follow the department’s de-escalation policy, describing Chauvin’s over nine-minute-long neck restraint of Floyd as an action that should’ve ended when Floyd “stopped resisting,” nor MPD’s policy requiring officers to aid suspects needing medical care.

More very damaging testimony against Chauvin. The case that he was acting according to his training is completely shattered. He’s done.

That’s all well and good but, should Chauvin be convicted for the murder of Floyd because he violated departmental policy or because he murdered Floyd?

I don’t care for the tone from a lot of folks that want to see Chauvin convicted that basically suggests he should be convicted because he’s a bad cop.

There has been a sea change in attitude in this country to the point that people want to see certain others hanged simply because they don’t like their character, not necessarily because they’re guilty of anything.
MarcATL apparently chickened out of the bet. How about you XponentialChaos? Would entertain a $20.00 bet the trial results in a not guilty verdict?
MarcATL apparently chickened out of the bet. How about you XponentialChaos? Would entertain a $20.00 bet the trial results in a not guilty verdict?

I don’t bet people money online if I don’t know them. I wouldn’t expect a payment if I won.

I’ll do an avatar bet with you if you like.
I am going to say something that nobody is going to like. Both sides are right.

Yes. The force was excessive. Yes it contributed to the death of Floyd. Yes it was routine. Yes Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. Yes he had a problem with excessive force in the past. Yes.

Let’s focus on Chauvin being thrown to the wolves. It was excessive force. It was routine. And the cops get away with it a hundred times a day. But it is fair he is being prosecuted.

Let’s say you are driving on an interstate. The speed limit is 70. Everyone is doing 75 or more. You get pulled over and handed a ticket. You sound like a child arguing that everyone was going over the speed limit.

Cops routinely use excessive force and abuse people. It happens every day. Chauvin had 17 complaints about it. They were all swept under the rug. Because the cops act like that is normal. Routine. Like the cars all doing 75 or more in the 70 zone. It is routine. But it is illegal too.

Is it fair he is being thrown to the wolves? Yes. He did it. Is it right that the cops go all Foghorn Leghorn about it? Not so much. And they do.

They get in front of the camera and lie. In all my days I have never seen anything like this. I declare it made me sick. The fine men and women who wear the uniform are shocked and humiliated by the actions of this one bad apple.

Now Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. And his excuses are hollow. Everyone does it. It is still illegal. It is still wrong.

You can argue it was drugs. You can argue that he deserved it. But we are dealing in truth. And the truth is that when you have someone in custody you are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well-being. Chauvin should have called a paramedic as soon as he saw distress. He should have allowed the paramedic to try and help. He should have done a lot of things. He did none of them.

If those things would have happened. Even basic CPR and it would be likely that Floyd would have lived.

Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. But not to placate the Black Community. To maintain the illusion that the rest of the cops don’t do the same thing.
chauvin did not use excess force-----6'7 druggies are dangerous people when they refuse to be arrested. Cpr wouldn't have saved the druggy....Floyd lied about taking drugs...and no emt would have been able to save him---

Wow. Both Chauvin and you are Doctors now. Excellent. I have to question your assertion however. People survive the most unbelievable things. And people die when least expected. There is no iron clad rule that this is instant death. It is why we have Doctors. Paramedics. And other trained.

A paramedic was there. Begging to help. A trained first responder who could have done more than write off a man as already dead.

The Actual Doctors tried for thirty minutes at the Emergency Room.

We don’t know what may have happened. We know what should have happened. We know what did happen. What should have happened is an effort to save his life. If the cops were unwilling. Then let the paramedic do it. I don’t know what she might have done. I don’t know if it would have worked. I know we try. Because the law says the person isn’t dead until a doctor says so.

Turn it around. If it had been a cop who stopped breathing not only would they do CPR even if the cop overdosed. But they would have raced ahead of the ambulance to clear the road to save seconds that may well be precious.

So next time a cop has a heart attack. Do nothing. Declare him already dead. Because you can’t guarantee that CPR and all that will definitely work. Just watch him die.
You're an idiot, how many innocent folks do you think Dr. King and Rosa Parks saw that were murdered by whites and the police and those murderers were NEVER brought to the Bar of Justice.
Probably none by the police

The WWII generation blacks in MLK’s day may not have been as stupid as their grandchildren are today

Meaning they knew better than to fight with the cops when they got arrested

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