The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

Soviet Union — Leningrad

I wonder if these BLM's know what a GHETTO really is?

You just run that DS, hell you don't have a clue.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

If I had a dollar for every time you told us you were Jewish I would be rich. You had a lot of help rising from oppression, starting your own businesses, communities and being mainstreamed into American society. My ancestors survived fought in WW2 to help free your folks from the Holocaust and to think when they came back to America they were still treated as 3rd class citizens, didn't have the freedoms that your ancestors enjoyed. Hell you don't have any racism to survive from me that is just some bullshit you have made up.

Your ancestors did shit. Fuck off. My ancestors freed my ancestors as the Soviet Union lost 25 mil in the war. We don’t kill each other at record rates you do. Somehow you don’t want to discuss that. I gave you a link. You’re a born anti semite.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

That's a good question , once we were brought here we were robbed language, robbed of our names, robbed of country, we lost our religion, our culture our God.

Waaaa waaaa waaaa waaaa that was 400 yrs ago.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

That's a good question , once we were brought here we were robbed language, robbed of our names, robbed of country, we lost our religion, our culture our God.

That was a long fuckin' time ago. And I refuse to take ANY responsibility for it. We had no colored slaves in Poland. BTW--It was NOT 400 years of slavery. It was 244 years. And it was ENGLAND who started it. The USA did not exist until 1776. Just proves how phony "Black History" is. Blacks are owed NOTHING. Time to start EARNING a living. Those who hate the USA can get the fuck out. That includes Sharpton , Wright ,Farrakhan ,and that rancid bitch who started BLM/. And all kneelers who make 100 Million for playing a sport.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

That's a good question , once we were brought here we were robbed language, robbed of our names, robbed of country, we lost our religion, our culture our God.

That was a long fuckin' time ago. And I refuse to take ANY responsibility for it. We had no colored slaves in Poland. BTW--It was NOT 400 years of slavery. It was 244 years. And it was ENGLAND who started it. The USA did not exist until 1776. Just proves how phony "Black History" is. Blacks are owed NOTHING. Time to start EARNING a living. Those who hate the USA can get the fuck out. That includes Sharpton , Wright ,Farrakhan ,and that rancid bitch who started BLM/. And all kneelers who make 100 Million for playing a sport.

It sounds like you hate it. When are you leaving?
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

Soviet Union — Leningrad

I wonder if these BLM's know what a GHETTO really is?

You just run that DS, hell you don't have a clue.

So what is a Ghetto ,bastard? It is NOT an American City destroyed by blacks on Welfare BTW.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

That's a good question , once we were brought here we were robbed language, robbed of our names, robbed of country, we lost our religion, our culture our God.

That was a long fuckin' time ago. And I refuse to take ANY responsibility for it. We had no colored slaves in Poland. BTW--It was NOT 400 years of slavery. It was 244 years. And it was ENGLAND who started it. The USA did not exist until 1776. Just proves how phony "Black History" is. Blacks are owed NOTHING. Time to start EARNING a living. Those who hate the USA can get the fuck out. That includes Sharpton , Wright ,Farrakhan ,and that rancid bitch who started BLM/. And all kneelers who make 100 Million for playing a sport.

It sounds like you hate it. When are you leaving?

"I know you are but what am I?" . (snicker)
As honest as I can be, watch the two body cam videos.
Floyd was combative, uncooperative and was acting/saying things that wasn't making sense - which we now know was the result of the drugs he had taken.
He was asked - "are you on something now?" - he answered no. At that point he could have said "I swallowed a bunch of drugs because I was afraid of getting caught". - Perhaps if he was honest and said that, he would have received medical care for that - and would be alive today.
When he was resisting going into the squad car, three police officers couldn't get him in the car. He was a big strong dude.
When they placed him on the ground, he kicked at the two officers... at that point... Chauvin pinned him to the ground.
Indeed, he said several times I can't breathe. But a person who can't breath, can't talk. He continued to talk, groan and shout out.
Plus you have to take into consideration - he was talking about dying, and breathing problems continuously BEFORE he was pinned.

All the officers wanted him to do was simply sit down in the squad car. That is all. And he wouldn't do it. He talked about dying, talked about not wanting to die today... BECAUSE HE KNEW HE TOOK THE HIGH DOSE... but throughout the whole time, he never mentions he did that.

It's not murder.

If by murder you mean premeditated, I agree. I'm still not sure that he isn't guilty of negligent homicide, but then the latter also seems to go to inadequate training.
Negligent homicide seems a decent fit.
There is no reason why he kept him pinned down for 4-5 minutes after he was no longer resisting. To me, Chauvin was being a bit sadistic at that point. I don't think he thought for a moment he would die, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was rather enjoying what he was doing to him.
But, again, as far as Floyd's death - probably 80% fault is the lethal dose he took. And you cannot just discount that to fit a narrative you want. Which is what 80% of the folks in this thread are doing.
Comparing the legal definitions according to Minnesota law between Second-degree manslaughter (a.k.a. unintentional) and third-degree murder. Negligent homicide as you mentioned could fall back on insufficient training. Or, if it is revealed in the trial that Chauvin had sufficient training and his training did not include continuing to use a restraint maneuver beyond the point of any movement, words, or struggle, that’s going to fall back on him. Floyd’s criminal activity, including his resistance prior to being handcuffed and held down face first on the ground by three small cops, is on Floyd.

Chauvin’s overkill might not have happened had one of the other three cops intervened, particularly after there was no movement nor sound going on for several minutes. Chauvin has no business being a cop, but at this point I’m pretty sure that’s a non-issue. There are so many more good cops compared to cops like Chauvin who give the good ones a bad rap.

There is no doubt being a cop, most anywhere, is not an easy job...particularly in areas that have rough neighborhoods where crimes plays out by the hour. It takes a most unique individual to be a successful cop, particularly on the beat in crime-infested areas. I don’t envy a one of them, and have complete respect for all good cops.
And again, holding the violent criminal down with a knee did not kill the criminal. the criminal died of drug overdose.
Chauvin’s ex supervisor testified he used more force than needed (paraphrasing here but I’d be happy to get his exact wording if requested). There is little doubt that the supervisor’s testimony that “went against the defense” weighed heavily on the mind of the supervisor prior to taking the stand; he knew his testimony will be thoroughly scrutinized by the jury. This matters to many what police officers say regarding fellow employees and ex-employees who have recently been fired. There is no way he wanted to make the department look bad, but he went with truth.
Honey, If I have to put you on the ground bind your hands because you bat shit crazy drug up and threat to everyone else---I am going to err on the side of caution and hold your ass down once you are there.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

That's a good question , once we were brought here we were robbed language, robbed of our names, robbed of country, we lost our religion, our culture our God.

That was a long fuckin' time ago. And I refuse to take ANY responsibility for it. We had no colored slaves in Poland. BTW--It was NOT 400 years of slavery. It was 244 years. And it was ENGLAND who started it. The USA did not exist until 1776. Just proves how phony "Black History" is. Blacks are owed NOTHING. Time to start EARNING a living. Those who hate the USA can get the fuck out. That includes Sharpton , Wright ,Farrakhan ,and that rancid bitch who started BLM/. And all kneelers who make 100 Million for playing a sport.

It sounds like you hate it. When are you leaving?

"I know you are but what am I?" . (snicker)

Seriously. You told anyone who hates America to get out. You hate America and Americans. Why should they leave because you hate them? Where are your ancestors from? When are you headed back?
So, when are they going to let Chauvin off with a slap on the wrist for doing his job so that all the blacks can start breaking windows, setting cars on fire and looting Walmarts again?
So, when are they going to let Chauvin off with a slap on the wrist for doing his job so that all the blacks can start breaking windows, setting cars on fire and looting Walmarts again?

His superior said the force was excessive. Or does his superior not know what he is talking about?
So, when are they going to let Chauvin off with a slap on the wrist for doing his job so that all the blacks can start breaking windows, setting cars on fire and looting Walmarts again?

His superior said the force was excessive. Or does his superior not know what he is talking about?
His superior is most likely afraid of being demonized by race bating progressives and media. It is just intimidation on a grand scale to keep people hating and divided. You are helping to do that.
So, when are they going to let Chauvin off with a slap on the wrist for doing his job so that all the blacks can start breaking windows, setting cars on fire and looting Walmarts again?

His superior said the force was excessive. Or does his superior not know what he is talking about?

No...his superior doesn' the actual use of force Training shows that the knee on the neck is a valid tool. If they don't want to use that, then they need to train the officers differently...

His "Superior," has been called in by his "superiors," and told to hang the officers out to dry.....that is the policy we are seeing....they know that Minneapolis is going to burn and they want to try to keep it down to just certain areas instead of the entire city....

And again..... the autopsy shows that there was no physical injury to his any level.....that means the knee to the neck did not kill him.

the Hennepin County Chief Medical Examiner, Andrew Baker:

"No life-threatening injuries identified --

"A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae

"B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures

"C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries

"D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column injuries, or visceral injuries

"E. Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma"

In short: No bloodshot eyes and no trauma to any part of Floyd's neck.

And yet, day after day, prosecutors, witnesses and the media tell us that Chauvin "squeezed the life out of" Floyd. The medical evidence establishes that whatever else caused his death, it was NOT asphyxiation.

That's the entire case against Officer Chauvin! But the howling mob isn't giving up its holy religious observance because of one dork in a lab coat. The sun might not rise! The city of Minneapolis could be wiped out! Wait -- that might actually happen.

The medical examiner also found that Floyd had enough fentanyl in his system -- I don't want to say "to kill a horse," because that would be a cliche. But it would be enough to bump off an entire team of Budweiser Clydesdales. In technical medical jargon:

"A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:

"1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL"

That's just the first few words of the "Toxicology" section. Also listed are norfentanyl, 4-ANPP, methamphetamine, cannabinoids, amphetamines, morphine and so on.

But the 11 nanograms per milliliter of fentanyl is rather important, inasmuch as the chief medical examiner called this "a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances," saying, "deaths have been certified with levels of 3."

Three. But George Floyd went up to 11.

Naturally, Baker was quick to add, "I am not saying this killed him." Please don't throw me to the woke gods! Leave me to my test tubes! (And you thought lawyers were craven.)

Derek Chauvin, Human Sacrifice
So, when are they going to let Chauvin off with a slap on the wrist for doing his job so that all the blacks can start breaking windows, setting cars on fire and looting Walmarts again?

His superior said the force was excessive. Or does his superior not know what he is talking about?

WHAT force was excessive? When did it happen? And how was it outside permitted police guidelines and procedures? And what is the basis for the superior's comments?

Finally, assuming you mean kneeling on his neck 8 minutes until quiescent was the excessive part, what factor did Floyd's resisting arrest play in that and how does that justify keeping a man arrested in jail for a year, ending his career and accusing him of murder?
So, when are they going to let Chauvin off with a slap on the wrist for doing his job so that all the blacks can start breaking windows, setting cars on fire and looting Walmarts again?

His superior said the force was excessive. Or does his superior not know what he is talking about?

WHAT force was excessive? When did it happen? And how was it outside permitted police guidelines and procedures? And what is the basis for the superior's comments?

Finally, assuming you mean kneeling on his neck 8 minutes until quiescent was the excessive part, what factor did Floyd's resisting arrest play in that and how does that justify keeping a man arrested in jail for a year, ending his career and accusing him of murder?

Don't forget the aggressive and angry crowd....had those asshats not been in the faces of the police, they likely could have relaxed and tried to put the idiot back in the car.....but they were facing a mob....a mob so aggressive that the paramedics refused to render immediate aid and decided to get out of the area first.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

That's a good question , once we were brought here we were robbed language, robbed of our names, robbed of country, we lost our religion, our culture our God.

That was a long fuckin' time ago. And I refuse to take ANY responsibility for it. We had no colored slaves in Poland. BTW--It was NOT 400 years of slavery. It was 244 years. And it was ENGLAND who started it. The USA did not exist until 1776. Just proves how phony "Black History" is. Blacks are owed NOTHING. Time to start EARNING a living. Those who hate the USA can get the fuck out. That includes Sharpton , Wright ,Farrakhan ,and that rancid bitch who started BLM/. And all kneelers who make 100 Million for playing a sport.

It sounds like you hate it. When are you leaving?

"I know you are but what am I?" . (snicker)

Seriously. You told anyone who hates America to get out. You hate America and Americans. Why should they leave because you hate them? Where are your ancestors from? When are you headed back?

Pinko assholes who tear down monuments and burn cities down are not Americans. GFY
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

That's a good question , once we were brought here we were robbed language, robbed of our names, robbed of country, we lost our religion, our culture our God.

That was a long fuckin' time ago. And I refuse to take ANY responsibility for it. We had no colored slaves in Poland. BTW--It was NOT 400 years of slavery. It was 244 years. And it was ENGLAND who started it. The USA did not exist until 1776. Just proves how phony "Black History" is. Blacks are owed NOTHING. Time to start EARNING a living. Those who hate the USA can get the fuck out. That includes Sharpton , Wright ,Farrakhan ,and that rancid bitch who started BLM/. And all kneelers who make 100 Million for playing a sport.

It sounds like you hate it. When are you leaving?

"I know you are but what am I?" . (snicker)

Seriously. You told anyone who hates America to get out. You hate America and Americans. Why should they leave because you hate them? Where are your ancestors from? When are you headed back?

Pinko assholes who tear down monuments and burn cities down are not Americans. GFY

American by tradition and law has been defined as someone born here or naturalized. Odd I don’t recall anything about political beliefs or idealism being the determining factor.

So when are you leaving? Where are you going? Where are your ancestors from?
So, when are they going to let Chauvin off with a slap on the wrist for doing his job so that all the blacks can start breaking windows, setting cars on fire and looting Walmarts again?

His superior said the force was excessive. Or does his superior not know what he is talking about?
His superior is most likely afraid of being demonized by race bating progressives and media. It is just intimidation on a grand scale to keep people hating and divided. You are helping to do that.

The law talks about Reasonable. Reasonable use of force. Reasonable is determined later. After the fact. It is the normal process. Reasonable is determined first by the police. Later by the DA. Later still by the Grand Jury. And finally by a court of law.

Every step has found his actions unreasonable. The Police, the DA, and the Grand Jury has found his actions were not reasonable use of force. Now it is being decided by the next step. The Court. The Jury will decide. After that the appeals process will kick in.

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