The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

There was virtually no force used by Derek Chauvin unless you call about 25 pounds or so pressure to the nape of the neck with most of it resting on the skull and scapula. But getting back to what could have save the drug addict from his overdose, even fake news CNN discussed Narcan some 8 years ago, that it can resurrect drug addicts who seem dead.

So the question is why didn't African American Police Chief Medaria Arrdondo train and equip the police and EMT with doses of Narcan since opiod overdoses are so common and so deadly, but can potentially be so easily reversed?
I am trying to guess the Derek Chauvin's lawyer Eric Nelson's approach in the George Floyd Overdose Case. Eric alluded to Narcan with one witness, the off duty, inexperienced EMT who distracted the cops . Nelson also pointed out that the crowd in general was a distraction and threat to Chauvin thus Chauvin did not necessarily know what the other officers were doing. Chauvin assumed it was an opiod overdose and was late to the arrest. Did Chauvin also assume the other officers injected Floyd with the injectable version of Narcan and did he continue controlling Floyd because overdosed individuals often get very aggressive when they are revived and become an even greater danger to public safety?
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I am going to say something that nobody is going to like. Both sides are right.

Yes. The force was excessive. Yes it contributed to the death of Floyd. Yes it was routine. Yes Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. Yes he had a problem with excessive force in the past. Yes.

Let’s focus on Chauvin being thrown to the wolves. It was excessive force. It was routine. And the cops get away with it a hundred times a day. But it is fair he is being prosecuted.

Let’s say you are driving on an interstate. The speed limit is 70. Everyone is doing 75 or more. You get pulled over and handed a ticket. You sound like a child arguing that everyone was going over the speed limit.

Cops routinely use excessive force and abuse people. It happens every day. Chauvin had 17 complaints about it. They were all swept under the rug. Because the cops act like that is normal. Routine. Like the cars all doing 75 or more in the 70 zone. It is routine. But it is illegal too.

Is it fair he is being thrown to the wolves? Yes. He did it. Is it right that the cops go all Foghorn Leghorn about it? Not so much. And they do.

They get in front of the camera and lie. In all my days I have never seen anything like this. I declare it made me sick. The fine men and women who wear the uniform are shocked and humiliated by the actions of this one bad apple.

Now Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. And his excuses are hollow. Everyone does it. It is still illegal. It is still wrong.

You can argue it was drugs. You can argue that he deserved it. But we are dealing in truth. And the truth is that when you have someone in custody you are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well-being. Chauvin should have called a paramedic as soon as he saw distress. He should have allowed the paramedic to try and help. He should have done a lot of things. He did none of them.

If those things would have happened. Even basic CPR and it would be likely that Floyd would have lived.

Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. But not to placate the Black Community. To maintain the illusion that the rest of the cops don’t do the same thing.
I didn't see one, so forgive me if there's already one, two or three in existence.

If not, let this be the official thread to discuss the biggest trial of the century.
As a minority who hates the guts of the racists, the bad cops I say and I might be harsh.

Did Floyd deserve to die? No.
Did Shauvin cause his death ? Yes.
I say give a life sentence to the cop but let's not make a hero out of Floyd, he was no Saint.
You can argue it was drugs. You can argue that he deserved it. But we are dealing in truth. And the truth is that when you have someone in custody you are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well-being.

Nobody is arguing it was the drugs. It OBVIOUSLY was the drugs and the cops were generally very nice to Floyd, offering to open windows, placed him on the street as he requested, etc. That is the fact and truth based on the video and toxicology. As for cops being responsible for the well being of drug addicts overdosed and resisting arrest, etc., if they are called to a scene. Good luck getting any cops to respond to such a scene in the future. :laugh:
I am going to say something that nobody is going to like. Both sides are right.

Yes. The force was excessive. Yes it contributed to the death of Floyd. Yes it was routine. Yes Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. Yes he had a problem with excessive force in the past. Yes.

Let’s focus on Chauvin being thrown to the wolves. It was excessive force. It was routine. And the cops get away with it a hundred times a day. But it is fair he is being prosecuted.

Let’s say you are driving on an interstate. The speed limit is 70. Everyone is doing 75 or more. You get pulled over and handed a ticket. You sound like a child arguing that everyone was going over the speed limit.

Cops routinely use excessive force and abuse people. It happens every day. Chauvin had 17 complaints about it. They were all swept under the rug. Because the cops act like that is normal. Routine. Like the cars all doing 75 or more in the 70 zone. It is routine. But it is illegal too.

Is it fair he is being thrown to the wolves? Yes. He did it. Is it right that the cops go all Foghorn Leghorn about it? Not so much. And they do.

They get in front of the camera and lie. In all my days I have never seen anything like this. I declare it made me sick. The fine men and women who wear the uniform are shocked and humiliated by the actions of this one bad apple.

Now Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. And his excuses are hollow. Everyone does it. It is still illegal. It is still wrong.

You can argue it was drugs. You can argue that he deserved it. But we are dealing in truth. And the truth is that when you have someone in custody you are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well-being. Chauvin should have called a paramedic as soon as he saw distress. He should have allowed the paramedic to try and help. He should have done a lot of things. He did none of them.

If those things would have happened. Even basic CPR and it would be likely that Floyd would have lived.

Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. But not to placate the Black Community. To maintain the illusion that the rest of the cops don’t do the same thing.
The only problem I have w/your statement is the assumption that we should continue w/business as usual.

Cops should be like pilots, they have to be 100% right 100% percent of the time, because they literally have people's lives in their hands.

Why do you assume that both "left" and "right" are going to have a serious problem w/your statement?
Chauvin is going to end up crying "Uncle! Uncle!" very soon.

The way this trial is going he'd be lucky to end up under the jail.

He better seek a plea deal before he gets to the point of no return.
As a minority who hates the guts of the racists, the bad cops I say and I might be harsh.

Did Floyd deserve to die? No.
Did Shauvin cause his death ? Yes.
I say give a life sentence to the cop but let's not make a hero out of Floyd, he was no Saint.
What makes you think people are making him out to be a hero?
Last week Derek's own supervisor testified that he used excessive force.

Today, his police Chief testified that what he did was not in their policy.

All the lies and BS from USMB's usual white supremacist suspects are becoming unraveled.

Will they recant? Doubtful, as white supremacists are deceitful to the core.

They will have to feel.

I am going to say something that nobody is going to like. Both sides are right.

Yes. The force was excessive. Yes it contributed to the death of Floyd. Yes it was routine. Yes Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. Yes he had a problem with excessive force in the past. Yes.

Let’s focus on Chauvin being thrown to the wolves. It was excessive force. It was routine. And the cops get away with it a hundred times a day. But it is fair he is being prosecuted.

Let’s say you are driving on an interstate. The speed limit is 70. Everyone is doing 75 or more. You get pulled over and handed a ticket. You sound like a child arguing that everyone was going over the speed limit.

Cops routinely use excessive force and abuse people. It happens every day. Chauvin had 17 complaints about it. They were all swept under the rug. Because the cops act like that is normal. Routine. Like the cars all doing 75 or more in the 70 zone. It is routine. But it is illegal too.

Is it fair he is being thrown to the wolves? Yes. He did it. Is it right that the cops go all Foghorn Leghorn about it? Not so much. And they do.

They get in front of the camera and lie. In all my days I have never seen anything like this. I declare it made me sick. The fine men and women who wear the uniform are shocked and humiliated by the actions of this one bad apple.

Now Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. And his excuses are hollow. Everyone does it. It is still illegal. It is still wrong.

You can argue it was drugs. You can argue that he deserved it. But we are dealing in truth. And the truth is that when you have someone in custody you are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well-being. Chauvin should have called a paramedic as soon as he saw distress. He should have allowed the paramedic to try and help. He should have done a lot of things. He did none of them.

If those things would have happened. Even basic CPR and it would be likely that Floyd would have lived.

Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. But not to placate the Black Community. To maintain the illusion that the rest of the cops don’t do the same thing.
chauvin did not use excess force-----6'7 druggies are dangerous people when they refuse to be arrested. Cpr wouldn't have saved the druggy....Floyd lied about taking drugs...and no emt would have been able to save him---
chauvin did not use excess force-----6'7 druggies are dangerous people when they refuse to be arrested. Cpr wouldn't have saved the druggy....Floyd lied about taking drugs...and no emt would have been able to save him---
Not one. single. professional. neither in LEO or medical. agrees w/you.

Certainly none that have taken the stand thus far, which are literally thee most important people in this matter.

Ya 2bit wannabe race-soldier.
chauvin did not use excess force-----6'7 druggies are dangerous people when they refuse to be arrested. Cpr wouldn't have saved the druggy....Floyd lied about taking drugs...and no emt would have been able to save him---
Not one. single. professional. neither in LEO or medical. agrees w/you.

Certainly none that have taken the stand thus far, which are literally thee most important people in this matter.

Ya 2bit wannabe race-soldier.
I've seen the prosecution witnesses--------they are dumb as a box of rocks. I trained as a nurse before becoming a daytrader----------Floyd was a goner--a quick goner with a crowd of idiots screaming about the poor violent criminal screaming that he couldn't breathe as the fentanyl shut down his lungs and their presence only created more chaos and delayed any possible treatment. NO Cpr would have saved his ass---------Narcan likely wouldn't have either even if it was on scene. Intelligent people realize Floyds death is a good thing for society as he won't be terrorizing others anymore.

The emt you refer has an iq of about what 75? Most Jr High students who have taken a CPR course would have her azz beat in medical training and knowledge--------
MarcATL, the police chief said a knee to the nape of the neck to subdue a suspect resisting arrest was indeed policy even when cuffed until they recently changed it. To top it off, the police chief admitted the knee was mainly against the shoulder blade (scapula). Generally speaking, thus far the prosecution witnesses have been very ineffective in supporting the ridiculous theory that a knee killed Floyd.

Turtlesoup, the thing is the EMTs were obliged to at least try to administer Narcan, as well as the ER physician, even though that is a little late and Floyd would end up like DMX (a vegatable). But when administered in the first few minutes, there are numerous videos that show Narcan literally brings a seemingly dead person back to life. The EMTs and ER physician were negligent in that regard. Of course, the drug dealer passenger in the Mercedes SUV Floyd (who is pleading the Fifth) should have told the cops Floyd was a speedball addict and just got out of the hospital as a result of a heroin overdose. In fact, since it is available at most CVS stores without a prescription, opiod addicts often have Narcan handy just in case.
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I am going to say something that nobody is going to like. Both sides are right.

Yes. The force was excessive. Yes it contributed to the death of Floyd. Yes it was routine. Yes Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. Yes he had a problem with excessive force in the past. Yes.

Let’s focus on Chauvin being thrown to the wolves. It was excessive force. It was routine. And the cops get away with it a hundred times a day. But it is fair he is being prosecuted.

Let’s say you are driving on an interstate. The speed limit is 70. Everyone is doing 75 or more. You get pulled over and handed a ticket. You sound like a child arguing that everyone was going over the speed limit.

Cops routinely use excessive force and abuse people. It happens every day. Chauvin had 17 complaints about it. They were all swept under the rug. Because the cops act like that is normal. Routine. Like the cars all doing 75 or more in the 70 zone. It is routine. But it is illegal too.

Is it fair he is being thrown to the wolves? Yes. He did it. Is it right that the cops go all Foghorn Leghorn about it? Not so much. And they do.

They get in front of the camera and lie. In all my days I have never seen anything like this. I declare it made me sick. The fine men and women who wear the uniform are shocked and humiliated by the actions of this one bad apple.

Now Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. And his excuses are hollow. Everyone does it. It is still illegal. It is still wrong.

You can argue it was drugs. You can argue that he deserved it. But we are dealing in truth. And the truth is that when you have someone in custody you are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well-being. Chauvin should have called a paramedic as soon as he saw distress. He should have allowed the paramedic to try and help. He should have done a lot of things. He did none of them.

If those things would have happened. Even basic CPR and it would be likely that Floyd would have lived.

Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. But not to placate the Black Community. To maintain the illusion that the rest of the cops don’t do the same thing.
Cops should be like pilots, they have to be 100% right 100% percent of the time, because they literally have people's lives in their hands.

So did Floyd.

Here was a guy hopped up on opioids, driving a vehicle.

Civilians are no less responsible for other peoples’ lives when they get behind the wheel. Floyd apparently never gave a second thought to others’ safety or even to his own. He very well could have killed himself or someone else driving in the state he was in.

But no one ever considers these sorts of things in cases like this because, you know, evil white police officers.
Last week Derek's own supervisor testified that he used excessive force.

Today, his police Chief testified that what he did was not in their policy.

All the lies and BS from USMB's usual white supremacist suspects are becoming unraveled.

Will they recant? Doubtful, as white supremacists are deceitful to the core.

They will have to feel.

bad white dude whipped black dudes ass
I've seen the prosecution witnesses--------they are dumb as a box of rocks. I trained as a nurse before becoming a daytrader----------Floyd was a goner--a quick goner with a crowd of idiots screaming about the poor violent criminal screaming that he couldn't breathe as the fentanyl shut down his lungs and their presence only created more chaos and delayed any possible treatment. NO Cpr would have saved his ass---------Narcan likely wouldn't have either even if it was on scene. Intelligent people realize Floyds death is a good thing for society as he won't be terrorizing others anymore.

The emt you refer has an iq of about what 75? Most Jr High students who have taken a CPR course would have her azz beat in medical training and knowledge--------
Only thing you're proving here is your continued and open hostility to blacks by posting this claptrap, nothing more, nothing less. Nothing new or news breaking.

The good news is, that no professional agrees w/your dumb racist day-trading ass.

And Derek is going to pay for this by being locked away for most, if not all, of the rest of his life.

Just stand back, and stand by...
I've seen the prosecution witnesses--------they are dumb as a box of rocks. I trained as a nurse before becoming a daytrader----------Floyd was a goner--a quick goner with a crowd of idiots screaming about the poor violent criminal screaming that he couldn't breathe as the fentanyl shut down his lungs and their presence only created more chaos and delayed any possible treatment. NO Cpr would have saved his ass---------Narcan likely wouldn't have either even if it was on scene. Intelligent people realize Floyds death is a good thing for society as he won't be terrorizing others anymore.

The emt you refer has an iq of about what 75? Most Jr High students who have taken a CPR course would have her azz beat in medical training and knowledge--------
Only thing you're proving here is your continued and open hostility to blacks by posting this claptrap, nothing more, nothing less. Nothing new or news breaking.

The good news is, that no professional agrees w/your dumb racist day-trading ass.

And Derek is going to pay for this by being locked away for most, if not all, of the rest of his life.

Just stand back, and stand by...
ALL you continue to show is unbridled racism and stupidity. Sorry dummy, the case against Chauvin is falling apart in front of the world. And all you have is “Wacist!!”. The good news? People will continue to laugh at you. Your hostility towards education needs to change.
ALL you continue to show is unbridled racism and stupidity. Sorry dummy, the case against Chauvin is falling apart in front of the world. And all you have is “Wacist!!”. The good news? People will continue to laugh at you. Your hostility towards education needs to change.
Then let us bet on the outcome of this case.

Just say when yella belly.

The loser leaves the site for good. Say when!!!

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