The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

That’s all well and good but, should Chauvin be convicted for the murder of Floyd because he violated departmental policy or because he murdered Floyd?

I don’t care for the tone from a lot of folks that want to see Chauvin convicted that basically suggests he should be convicted because he’s a bad cop.

There has been a sea change in attitude in this country to the point that people want to see certain others hanged simply because they don’t like their character, not necessarily because they’re guilty of anything.

His being a bad cop is why Floyd died. That's why he needs to be convicted, dummy.

His violation of departmental policy caused Floyd's death.

Sorry, man, the old day of Klan Juries acquitting murdering racists are over. Deal with it.
That is NOT a reason to convict UNLESS THE EVIDENCE OF A CRIME IS BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT!!! Seems you acquired the same mindset as the DemoKKKrat lynch mobs!! Stupid Bru!!!

Here's the good news. White cops have seen what is happening to Chauvin and are now declining to pursue black criminals. Everybody is happy!
I am going to say something that nobody is going to like. Both sides are right.

Yes. The force was excessive. Yes it contributed to the death of Floyd. Yes it was routine. Yes Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. Yes he had a problem with excessive force in the past. Yes.

Let’s focus on Chauvin being thrown to the wolves. It was excessive force. It was routine. And the cops get away with it a hundred times a day. But it is fair he is being prosecuted.

Let’s say you are driving on an interstate. The speed limit is 70. Everyone is doing 75 or more. You get pulled over and handed a ticket. You sound like a child arguing that everyone was going over the speed limit.

Cops routinely use excessive force and abuse people. It happens every day. Chauvin had 17 complaints about it. They were all swept under the rug. Because the cops act like that is normal. Routine. Like the cars all doing 75 or more in the 70 zone. It is routine. But it is illegal too.

Is it fair he is being thrown to the wolves? Yes. He did it. Is it right that the cops go all Foghorn Leghorn about it? Not so much. And they do.

They get in front of the camera and lie. In all my days I have never seen anything like this. I declare it made me sick. The fine men and women who wear the uniform are shocked and humiliated by the actions of this one bad apple.

Now Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. And his excuses are hollow. Everyone does it. It is still illegal. It is still wrong.

You can argue it was drugs. You can argue that he deserved it. But we are dealing in truth. And the truth is that when you have someone in custody you are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well-being. Chauvin should have called a paramedic as soon as he saw distress. He should have allowed the paramedic to try and help. He should have done a lot of things. He did none of them.

If those things would have happened. Even basic CPR and it would be likely that Floyd would have lived.

Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. But not to placate the Black Community. To maintain the illusion that the rest of the cops don’t do the same thing.
chauvin did not use excess force-----6'7 druggies are dangerous people when they refuse to be arrested. Cpr wouldn't have saved the druggy....Floyd lied about taking drugs...and no emt would have been able to save him---

Wow. Both Chauvin and you are Doctors now. Excellent. I have to question your assertion however. People survive the most unbelievable things. And people die when least expected. There is no iron clad rule that this is instant death. It is why we have Doctors. Paramedics. And other trained.

A paramedic was there. Begging to help. A trained first responder who could have done more than write off a man as already dead.

The Actual Doctors tried for thirty minutes at the Emergency Room.

We don’t know what may have happened. We know what should have happened. We know what did happen. What should have happened is an effort to save his life. If the cops were unwilling. Then let the paramedic do it. I don’t know what she might have done. I don’t know if it would have worked. I know we try. Because the law says the person isn’t dead until a doctor says so.

Turn it around. If it had been a cop who stopped breathing not only would they do CPR even if the cop overdosed. But they would have raced ahead of the ambulance to clear the road to save seconds that may well be precious.

So next time a cop has a heart attack. Do nothing. Declare him already dead. Because you can’t guarantee that CPR and all that will definitely work. Just watch him die.

Floyd overdosed on DRUGS again --------druggies don't live long. Eventually their overdosing kills way or the other. Floyd had previously od, was large (any large thing has a short life expectancy hence why large breed dogs have shorter life expectancies), had had covid (which weakens the heart lungs and everything else which I believe shortens survivors life further), and had more than enough drugs in his system to kill a horse.

Some people are worth saving...
Some people live or die it doesn't matter to society..
some people dying is a good thing for everyone else.

Floyd was a violent criminal overdosing on drugs-------his death was good for society.
You're an idiot, how many innocent folks do you think Dr. King and Rosa Parks saw that were murdered by whites and the police and those murderers were NEVER brought to the Bar of Justice.
Probably none by the police

Your as dumb as you are racist.

The WWII generation blacks in MLK’s day may not have been as stupid as their grandchildren are today

Meaning they knew better than to fight with the cops when they got arrested

Is that why so many died while in police custody, because the police were treating them so well. You really need to study some history, because you are so blinded by racism that you don't have a clue.
Yep; YOU ARE STUPID!!! You must vote DemoKKKrat!!!


In this case, Chauvin's "rights" do NOT coincide with the interests of the party/state, therefore, he must be found guilty and sent to prison for life.
druggies don't live long.
That is NOT a reason to convict UNLESS THE EVIDENCE OF A CRIME IS BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT!!! Seems you acquired the same mindset as the DemoKKKrat lynch mobs!! Stupid Bru!!!


The standard is REASONABLE doubt. Not all doubt.

Most reasonable people can look at the tape of Floyd dying under Chauvin's knee and they can connect the dots.
Floyd overdosed on DRUGS again --------druggies don't live long. Eventually their overdosing kills way or the other.


Floyd had previously od, was large (any large thing has a short life expectancy hence why large breed dogs have shorter life expectancies), had had covid (which weakens the heart lungs and everything else which I believe shortens survivors life further), and had more than enough drugs in his system to kill a horse.

Um, yeah. So what. If he died at his home or in a hospital, then you could reasonably claim that was the cause of death.

He died when THIS was going on.


Some people are worth saving...
Some people live or die it doesn't matter to society..
some people dying is a good thing for everyone else.

Floyd was a violent criminal overdosing on drugs-------his death was good for society.

Okay, by that logic, we should convict Chauvin. If we don't convict Chauvin, then there will be riots and a lot of people will be killed. Convicting Chauvin will be good for society.
That is NOT a reason to convict UNLESS THE EVIDENCE OF A CRIME IS BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT!!! Seems you acquired the same mindset as the DemoKKKrat lynch mobs!! Stupid Bru!!!


The standard is REASONABLE doubt. Not all doubt.

Most reasonable people can look at the tape of Floyd dying under Chauvin's knee and they can connect the dots.
Funny..I thought I wrote REASONABLE...must check....yes I did. I already said so you dill!!!

Floyd overdosed on DRUGS again --------druggies don't live long. Eventually their overdosing kills way or the other.

View attachment 476717
Floyd had previously od, was large (any large thing has a short life expectancy hence why large breed dogs have shorter life expectancies), had had covid (which weakens the heart lungs and everything else which I believe shortens survivors life further), and had more than enough drugs in his system to kill a horse.

Um, yeah. So what. If he died at his home or in a hospital, then you could reasonably claim that was the cause of death.

He died when THIS was going on.

View attachment 476718

Some people are worth saving...
Some people live or die it doesn't matter to society..
some people dying is a good thing for everyone else.

Floyd was a violent criminal overdosing on drugs-------his death was good for society.

Okay, by that logic, we should convict Chauvin. If we don't convict Chauvin, then there will be riots and a lot of people will be killed. Convicting Chauvin will be good for society.
The Capitol Police have made it a precedent that shooting rioters is acceptable. Go RIOT, dirtbag!!!

XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

That's a good question , once we were brought here we were robbed language, robbed of our names, robbed of country, we lost our religion, our culture our God.

That was a long fuckin' time ago. And I refuse to take ANY responsibility for it. We had no colored slaves in Poland. BTW--It was NOT 400 years of slavery. It was 244 years. And it was ENGLAND who started it. The USA did not exist until 1776. Just proves how phony "Black History" is. Blacks are owed NOTHING. Time to start EARNING a living. Those who hate the USA can get the fuck out. That includes Sharpton , Wright ,Farrakhan ,and that rancid bitch who started BLM/. And all kneelers who make 100 Million for playing a sport.

It sounds like you hate it. When are you leaving?

"I know you are but what am I?" . (snicker)

Seriously. You told anyone who hates America to get out. You hate America and Americans. Why should they leave because you hate them? Where are your ancestors from? When are you headed back?

Pinko assholes who tear down monuments and burn cities down are not Americans. GFY

American by tradition and law has been defined as someone born here or naturalized. Odd I don’t recall anything about political beliefs or idealism being the determining factor.

So when are you leaving? Where are you going? Where are your ancestors from?

I will leave when the last pinko asshole is in PRISON.

Jailing people for political beliefs. I missed that part of the Constitution. You proclaim yourself as a real American. A true American. But obviously you detest the founding documents and ideals. So what do you base your image of a true American on?

Where in the constitution does it say we have to open our borders and allow illegals in or that America is systematically racist? Both are leftist narratives
No, suicide. Was it Chinese communist fentanyl smuggled through Mexico?

Baltimore, 2017: Enhanced Brain Hypoxia
’....Our findings indicate that accidental use of fentanyl instead of heroin or even a relatively minor contamination of “street heroin” with fentanyl poses great danger for acute health complications, including a comatose state and death.’
It's not looking good for Chauvin at this point, in my opinion.

- So far we have plenty of credible witnesses who are consistent in saying that they were concerned about Floyd while this was happening. They were vocal about their concerns for Floyd and some of them even had a specific background in understanding why it was so concerning. The MMA guy and the EMT lady expressed professional insight into why this was a a concern. The EMT lady even offered to help.

- The paramedic testified that Floyd was dead at the scene.

- Chauvin's former superior officer said that it was unnecessary for Chauvin to use that much force after he was unresponsive.

I have no idea what the defense is going to do with all that. So far, they've tried to show that the crowd was angry and that it was distracting for Chauvin. Seems like a terrible strategy.

I have to guess that their strategy is more about the medical examiner's report. But I don't think that's going to work either as the report itself is clear about how he died.
The EMT "lady" told the court she did not have any ID with her you moron! So the cops were supposed to stand aside and let her work on Floyd?
The ONLY medical examiner who examined Floyd wrote in his official report the cause of death was a drug overdose.
"This one's for you Nicole and Ron".
It's not looking good for Chauvin at this point, in my opinion.

- So far we have plenty of credible witnesses who are consistent in saying that they were concerned about Floyd while this was happening. They were vocal about their concerns for Floyd and some of them even had a specific background in understanding why it was so concerning. The MMA guy and the EMT lady expressed professional insight into why this was a a concern. The EMT lady even offered to help.

- The paramedic testified that Floyd was dead at the scene.

- Chauvin's former superior officer said that it was unnecessary for Chauvin to use that much force after he was unresponsive.

I have no idea what the defense is going to do with all that. So far, they've tried to show that the crowd was angry and that it was distracting for Chauvin. Seems like a terrible strategy.

I have to guess that their strategy is more about the medical examiner's report. But I don't think that's going to work either as the report itself is clear about how he died.
The EMT "lady" told the court she did not have any ID with her you moron! So the cops were supposed to stand aside and let her work on Floyd?
The ONLY medical examiner who examined Floyd wrote in his official report the cause of death was a drug overdose.
"This one's for you Nicole and Ron".

You should probably read the medical examiner’s report.
That is NOT a reason to convict UNLESS THE EVIDENCE OF A CRIME IS BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT!!! Seems you acquired the same mindset as the DemoKKKrat lynch mobs!! Stupid Bru!!!


The standard is REASONABLE doubt. Not all doubt.

Most reasonable people can look at the tape of Floyd dying under Chauvin's knee and they can connect the dots.

Yeah....the video doesn't show everything, doesn't take into account the entire situation......

No damage to the neck, no trauma to the neck.....he died from the over dose...
It's not looking good for Chauvin at this point, in my opinion.

- So far we have plenty of credible witnesses who are consistent in saying that they were concerned about Floyd while this was happening. They were vocal about their concerns for Floyd and some of them even had a specific background in understanding why it was so concerning. The MMA guy and the EMT lady expressed professional insight into why this was a a concern. The EMT lady even offered to help.

- The paramedic testified that Floyd was dead at the scene.

- Chauvin's former superior officer said that it was unnecessary for Chauvin to use that much force after he was unresponsive.

I have no idea what the defense is going to do with all that. So far, they've tried to show that the crowd was angry and that it was distracting for Chauvin. Seems like a terrible strategy.

I have to guess that their strategy is more about the medical examiner's report. But I don't think that's going to work either as the report itself is clear about how he died.
The EMT "lady" told the court she did not have any ID with her you moron! So the cops were supposed to stand aside and let her work on Floyd?
The ONLY medical examiner who examined Floyd wrote in his official report the cause of death was a drug overdose.
"This one's for you Nicole and Ron".

You should probably read the medical examiner’s report.

You mean where they say there was no physical trauma to the neck? In any way?

That medical report...or the one that said

the Hennepin County Chief Medical Examiner, Andrew Baker:

"No life-threatening injuries identified --

"A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae

"B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures

"C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries

"D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column injuries, or visceral injuries

"E. Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma"

In short: No bloodshot eyes and no trauma to any part of Floyd's neck.

And yet, day after day, prosecutors, witnesses and the media tell us that Chauvin "squeezed the life out of" Floyd. The medical evidence establishes that whatever else caused his death, it was NOT asphyxiation.

That's the entire case against Officer Chauvin! But the howling mob isn't giving up its holy religious observance because of one dork in a lab coat. The sun might not rise! The city of Minneapolis could be wiped out! Wait -- that might actually happen.

The medical examiner also found that Floyd had enough fentanyl in his system -- I don't want to say "to kill a horse," because that would be a cliche. But it would be enough to bump off an entire team of Budweiser Clydesdales. In technical medical jargon:

"A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:

"1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL"

That's just the first few words of the "Toxicology" section. Also listed are norfentanyl, 4-ANPP, methamphetamine, cannabinoids, amphetamines, morphine and so on.

But the 11 nanograms per milliliter of fentanyl is rather important, inasmuch as the chief medical examiner called this "a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances," saying, "deaths have been certified with levels of 3."

Three. But George Floyd went up to 11.

Naturally, Baker was quick to add, "I am not saying this killed him." Please don't throw me to the woke gods! Leave me to my test tubes! (And you thought lawyers were craven.)

Derek Chauvin, Human Sacrifice
I am going to say something that nobody is going to like. Both sides are right.

Yes. The force was excessive. Yes it contributed to the death of Floyd. Yes it was routine. Yes Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. Yes he had a problem with excessive force in the past. Yes.

Let’s focus on Chauvin being thrown to the wolves. It was excessive force. It was routine. And the cops get away with it a hundred times a day. But it is fair he is being prosecuted.

Let’s say you are driving on an interstate. The speed limit is 70. Everyone is doing 75 or more. You get pulled over and handed a ticket. You sound like a child arguing that everyone was going over the speed limit.

Cops routinely use excessive force and abuse people. It happens every day. Chauvin had 17 complaints about it. They were all swept under the rug. Because the cops act like that is normal. Routine. Like the cars all doing 75 or more in the 70 zone. It is routine. But it is illegal too.

Is it fair he is being thrown to the wolves? Yes. He did it. Is it right that the cops go all Foghorn Leghorn about it? Not so much. And they do.

They get in front of the camera and lie. In all my days I have never seen anything like this. I declare it made me sick. The fine men and women who wear the uniform are shocked and humiliated by the actions of this one bad apple.

Now Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. And his excuses are hollow. Everyone does it. It is still illegal. It is still wrong.

You can argue it was drugs. You can argue that he deserved it. But we are dealing in truth. And the truth is that when you have someone in custody you are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well-being. Chauvin should have called a paramedic as soon as he saw distress. He should have allowed the paramedic to try and help. He should have done a lot of things. He did none of them.

If those things would have happened. Even basic CPR and it would be likely that Floyd would have lived.

Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. But not to placate the Black Community. To maintain the illusion that the rest of the cops don’t do the same thing.
chauvin did not use excess force-----6'7 druggies are dangerous people when they refuse to be arrested. Cpr wouldn't have saved the druggy....Floyd lied about taking drugs...and no emt would have been able to save him---

Wow. Both Chauvin and you are Doctors now. Excellent. I have to question your assertion however. People survive the most unbelievable things. And people die when least expected. There is no iron clad rule that this is instant death. It is why we have Doctors. Paramedics. And other trained.

A paramedic was there. Begging to help. A trained first responder who could have done more than write off a man as already dead.

The Actual Doctors tried for thirty minutes at the Emergency Room.

We don’t know what may have happened. We know what should have happened. We know what did happen. What should have happened is an effort to save his life. If the cops were unwilling. Then let the paramedic do it. I don’t know what she might have done. I don’t know if it would have worked. I know we try. Because the law says the person isn’t dead until a doctor says so.

Turn it around. If it had been a cop who stopped breathing not only would they do CPR even if the cop overdosed. But they would have raced ahead of the ambulance to clear the road to save seconds that may well be precious.

So next time a cop has a heart attack. Do nothing. Declare him already dead. Because you can’t guarantee that CPR and all that will definitely work. Just watch him die.

Floyd overdosed on DRUGS again --------druggies don't live long. Eventually their overdosing kills way or the other. Floyd had previously od, was large (any large thing has a short life expectancy hence why large breed dogs have shorter life expectancies), had had covid (which weakens the heart lungs and everything else which I believe shortens survivors life further), and had more than enough drugs in his system to kill a horse.

Some people are worth saving...
Some people live or die it doesn't matter to society..
some people dying is a good thing for everyone else.

Floyd was a violent criminal overdosing on drugs-------his death was good for society.
Sure was good for his deadbeat family. 27 Million for a dead junkie hood.
It's not looking good for Chauvin at this point, in my opinion.

- So far we have plenty of credible witnesses who are consistent in saying that they were concerned about Floyd while this was happening. They were vocal about their concerns for Floyd and some of them even had a specific background in understanding why it was so concerning. The MMA guy and the EMT lady expressed professional insight into why this was a a concern. The EMT lady even offered to help.

- The paramedic testified that Floyd was dead at the scene.

- Chauvin's former superior officer said that it was unnecessary for Chauvin to use that much force after he was unresponsive.

I have no idea what the defense is going to do with all that. So far, they've tried to show that the crowd was angry and that it was distracting for Chauvin. Seems like a terrible strategy.

I have to guess that their strategy is more about the medical examiner's report. But I don't think that's going to work either as the report itself is clear about how he died.
The EMT "lady" told the court she did not have any ID with her you moron! So the cops were supposed to stand aside and let her work on Floyd?
The ONLY medical examiner who examined Floyd wrote in his official report the cause of death was a drug overdose.
"This one's for you Nicole and Ron".

You should probably read the medical examiner’s report.

You mean where they say there was no physical trauma to the neck? In any way?

That medical report...or the one that said

the Hennepin County Chief Medical Examiner, Andrew Baker:

"No life-threatening injuries identified --

"A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae

"B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures

"C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries

"D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column injuries, or visceral injuries

"E. Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma"

In short: No bloodshot eyes and no trauma to any part of Floyd's neck.

And yet, day after day, prosecutors, witnesses and the media tell us that Chauvin "squeezed the life out of" Floyd. The medical evidence establishes that whatever else caused his death, it was NOT asphyxiation.

That's the entire case against Officer Chauvin! But the howling mob isn't giving up its holy religious observance because of one dork in a lab coat. The sun might not rise! The city of Minneapolis could be wiped out! Wait -- that might actually happen.

The medical examiner also found that Floyd had enough fentanyl in his system -- I don't want to say "to kill a horse," because that would be a cliche. But it would be enough to bump off an entire team of Budweiser Clydesdales. In technical medical jargon:

"A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:

"1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL"

That's just the first few words of the "Toxicology" section. Also listed are norfentanyl, 4-ANPP, methamphetamine, cannabinoids, amphetamines, morphine and so on.

But the 11 nanograms per milliliter of fentanyl is rather important, inasmuch as the chief medical examiner called this "a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances," saying, "deaths have been certified with levels of 3."

Three. But George Floyd went up to 11.

Naturally, Baker was quick to add, "I am not saying this killed him." Please don't throw me to the woke gods! Leave me to my test tubes! (And you thought lawyers were craven.)

Derek Chauvin, Human Sacrifice

Is that the same medical report where they specifically classify this death as a homicide?

I noticed you left that out.

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