The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

The Civil Rights movement is over....

We went from Rosa Parks, an NAACP officer being arrested for sitting in the back of a bus in a democrat party controlled state.......

To a violent felon, high on 2X the lethal dose of fentanyl, fighting police during a lawful arrest for trying to pass a bogus 20 dollar bill....

Martin Luther King jr. and Rosa Parks.....are ashamed....

You're an idiot, how many innocent folks do you think Dr. King and Rosa Parks saw that were murdered by whites and the police and those murderers were NEVER brought to the Bar of Justice.
And your point is?? DemoKKKrats were responsible for nearly ALL white on Black murders at the time, yet now you vote for them. Sorry; YOU'RE the STUPID ONE!!!


I agree with you in the 50s and 60s they were, but in today's society it is republicans that have the mindset of the sheetwearers

No...they don' are just too stupid to realize that the democrat party never changed...

Actually the Republiklan party has. a violent felon, high on 2X the lethal dose of fentanyl...

Not for nothin', but if he'd taken twice the lethal dose, why wasn't he already dead?

He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
Just murdered by a cop first.
Chauvin is cooked. There is no defense when his boss says his actions were in no way compliant with their departmental policies or protocols.
Really-----you think everyone else is to stupid to think for themselves? The training videos and thousands of other cops taking down violent criminals by the same technique say otherwise.
Really-----you think everyone else is to stupid to think for themselves? The training videos and thousands of other cops taking down violent criminals by the same technique say otherwise
There’s been at least four police witnesses including the chief and today the actual use of force training officer who say it is not an authorized technique. Try actually watching it instead of being a moron.

Wrong, you have political officers stating it isn't a technique when it is obviously a technique in their training manual...
Wrong, you have political officers stating it isn't a technique when it is obviously a technique in their training manual...
Sure, dope. They’re perjuring themselves for politics. At no time were the actual policies entered into evidence. :cuckoo:
The fundamental problem is that both men are guilty.
No. One victim is dead, and the killer is currently on trial for his death.

None of them have completed a trial, but one will eventually.
Floyd wasn't driving the vehicle, his friend was.

Look, nothing he did justified Chauvin killing him, you racist shitbag.

This case is great because all the racists are outing themselves.
The USMB racists have outed themselves years ago, the newer ones do so within a week or less. a violent felon, high on 2X the lethal dose of fentanyl...

Not for nothin', but if he'd taken twice the lethal dose, why wasn't he already dead?
He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
Just murdered by a cop first.
Chauvin is cooked. There is no defense when his boss says his actions were in no way compliant with their departmental policies or protocols.
I know you may speak in hostility about what I am going to say to you, but it is the truths that I gathered while watching expert witnesses against Officer Chauvin, that well may send him home on judgment day. So please do yourself a favor and do not be too married to a 40 year murder sentence for the officer. And yes I understand the consequences if Chauvin is fully acquitted or you will be upset for years when and if that happens. The jury has a responsibility to go with what is shown to be good and right. And if they vote on emotions that contraindicate the facts presented, the judge has an equal obligation to prevent blatant misrepresentations from ignoring the facts presented, which only occurs when jurors who swore an oath to be fair listen to outside grandstanders who perpetrate myths outside the courtroom walls. Some people who have sworn to play by the rules fail or forget their promises.

That said the information today on both sides read the coroner's cause of death to be compression on the neck. The photos closeup showed that Officer Chauvin's foot to be on Mr Floyd's back and was not at all on his neck. Other things about the case showed that as I said earlier the police involvement was by the rule book of interventions which vary case by case but in Mr. Floyd's case he neither cooperated with being arrested nor did he accept his arrest. What he did do was intimidate the police by virtue of his huge size and he resisted arrest for an egregious white collar crime of theft by passage of counterfeit money for goods with the counterfeit bill he passed on.

Actually Mr. Floyd would have had a far better outcome had he surrendered and spent a few days in jail rather than threatening the officers charged with bodily harm..

I'm not certain which way Mr. Chauvin's jury is going to do but the law requires them to carefully examine the evidence, heed the presiding judge's instructions, and do what they are required by law to do which is to uphold the law.

The program ended with a woman threatening that the organization named BLM would burn buildings if Officer Chauvin was acquitted. I believe that would fall into the category of blackmailing justice and threatening to inflict terrorism on the innocent people who get in their path of prejudicial hatred with malice aforethought. I hope that does not happen' and I hope Officer Chauvin who seems to me to be innocent, is cleared of the false charges brought against him by political fanatics who hate the truth and commit crimes to take away justice based on the facts.
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As soon as Floyd was loaded in the ambulance the EMT who apparently battled trying to hook up various contraptions could have administered Floyd with doses of Narcan or had the cop on board do it for him. My guess is the defense is going to provide expert witnesses such as this physician to clearly explain why Floyd croaked.

Well that didn’t age well. Good job, dope. a violent felon, high on 2X the lethal dose of fentanyl...

Not for nothin', but if he'd taken twice the lethal dose, why wasn't he already dead?

He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
Just murdered by a cop first.
Chauvin is cooked. There is no defense when his boss says his actions were in no way compliant with their departmental policies or protocols.

A political police officer appointed by the mayor.........and everyone else whose job is on the line if the city gets burned again...
A political police officer appointed by the mayor.........and everyone else whose job is on the line if the city gets burned again...
That’s it. You figured it out, dope.
Better call the defense team pronto. a violent felon, high on 2X the lethal dose of fentanyl...

Not for nothin', but if he'd taken twice the lethal dose, why wasn't he already dead?
He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
Just murdered by a cop first.
Chauvin is cooked. There is no defense when his boss says his actions were in no way compliant with their departmental policies or protocols.
I know you may speak in hostility about what I am going to say to you, but it is the truths that I gathered while watching expert witnesses against Officer Chauvin, that well may send him home on judgment day. So please do yourself a favor and do not be too married to a 40 year murder sentence for the officer. And yes I understand the consequences if Chauvin is fully acquitted or you will be upset for years when and if that happens. The jury has a responsibility to go with what is shown to be good and right. And if they vote on emotions that contraindicate the facts presented, the judge has an equal obligation to prevent blatant misrepresentations from ignoring the facts presented, which only occurs when jurors who swore an oath to be fair listen to outside grandstanders who perpetrate myths outside the courtroom walls. Some people who have sworn to play by the rules fail or forget their promises.

That said the information today on both sides read the coroner's cause of death to be compression on the neck. The photos closeup showed that Officer Chauvin's foot to be on Mr Floyd's back and was not at all on his neck. Other things about the case showed that as I said earlier the police involvement was by the rule book of interventions which vary case by case but in Mr. Floyd's case he neither cooperated with being arrested nor did he accept his arrest. What he did do was intimidate the police by virtue of his huge size and he resisted arrest for an egregious white collar crime of theft by passage of counterfeit money for goods with the counterfeit bill he passed on.

Actually Mr. Floyd would have had a far better outcome had he surrendered and spent a few days in jail rather than threatening the officers charged with bodily harm..

I'm not certain which way Mr. Chauvin's jury is going to do but the law requires them to carefully examine the evidence, heed the presiding judge's instructions, and do what they are required by law to do which is to uphold the law.

The program ended with a woman threatening that the organization named BLM would burn buildings if Officer Chauvin was acquitted. I believe that would fall into the category of blackmailing justice and threatening to inflict terrorism on the innocent people who get in their path of prejudicial hatred with malice aforethought. I hope that does not happen' and I hope Officer Chauvin who seems to me to be innocent, is cleared of the false charges brought against him by political fanatics who hate the truth and commit crimes to take away justice based on the facts.
You seem to have missed quite a lot. Like Chauvin not following the correct procedures for such a reported crime.
Floyd was cuffed. Not a threat.
Certainly not threatening enough to warrant 9.5 minutes of unauthorized physical restraint.

Chauvin should have simply sat him on the curb until he calmed down and could speak reasonably with him.
I am going to say something that nobody is going to like. Both sides are right.

Yes. The force was excessive. Yes it contributed to the death of Floyd. Yes it was routine. Yes Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. Yes he had a problem with excessive force in the past. Yes.

Let’s focus on Chauvin being thrown to the wolves. It was excessive force. It was routine. And the cops get away with it a hundred times a day. But it is fair he is being prosecuted.

Let’s say you are driving on an interstate. The speed limit is 70. Everyone is doing 75 or more. You get pulled over and handed a ticket. You sound like a child arguing that everyone was going over the speed limit.

Cops routinely use excessive force and abuse people. It happens every day. Chauvin had 17 complaints about it. They were all swept under the rug. Because the cops act like that is normal. Routine. Like the cars all doing 75 or more in the 70 zone. It is routine. But it is illegal too.

Is it fair he is being thrown to the wolves? Yes. He did it. Is it right that the cops go all Foghorn Leghorn about it? Not so much. And they do.

They get in front of the camera and lie. In all my days I have never seen anything like this. I declare it made me sick. The fine men and women who wear the uniform are shocked and humiliated by the actions of this one bad apple.

Now Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. And his excuses are hollow. Everyone does it. It is still illegal. It is still wrong.

You can argue it was drugs. You can argue that he deserved it. But we are dealing in truth. And the truth is that when you have someone in custody you are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well-being. Chauvin should have called a paramedic as soon as he saw distress. He should have allowed the paramedic to try and help. He should have done a lot of things. He did none of them.

If those things would have happened. Even basic CPR and it would be likely that Floyd would have lived.

Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. But not to placate the Black Community. To maintain the illusion that the rest of the cops don’t do the same thing.
chauvin did not use excess force-----6'7 druggies are dangerous people when they refuse to be arrested. Cpr wouldn't have saved the druggy....Floyd lied about taking drugs...and no emt would have been able to save him---

Wow. Both Chauvin and you are Doctors now. Excellent. I have to question your assertion however. People survive the most unbelievable things. And people die when least expected. There is no iron clad rule that this is instant death. It is why we have Doctors. Paramedics. And other trained.

A paramedic was there. Begging to help. A trained first responder who could have done more than write off a man as already dead.

The Actual Doctors tried for thirty minutes at the Emergency Room.

We don’t know what may have happened. We know what should have happened. We know what did happen. What should have happened is an effort to save his life. If the cops were unwilling. Then let the paramedic do it. I don’t know what she might have done. I don’t know if it would have worked. I know we try. Because the law says the person isn’t dead until a doctor says so.

Turn it around. If it had been a cop who stopped breathing not only would they do CPR even if the cop overdosed. But they would have raced ahead of the ambulance to clear the road to save seconds that may well be precious.

So next time a cop has a heart attack. Do nothing. Declare him already dead. Because you can’t guarantee that CPR and all that will definitely work. Just watch him die.

Floyd overdosed on DRUGS again --------druggies don't live long. Eventually their overdosing kills way or the other. Floyd had previously od, was large (any large thing has a short life expectancy hence why large breed dogs have shorter life expectancies), had had covid (which weakens the heart lungs and everything else which I believe shortens survivors life further), and had more than enough drugs in his system to kill a horse.

Some people are worth saving...
Some people live or die it doesn't matter to society..
some people dying is a good thing for everyone else.

Floyd was a violent criminal overdosing on drugs-------his death was good for society.

Chauvin had 17 complaints for excessive and unnecessary use of force. That demonstrates that he is violent too doesn’t it? He broke departmental rules. So egregiously that the supervisor of the 911 center called it in as well as the 911 operator. An experienced MMA fighter thought it was excessive and dangerous.

As I said earlier. Police do this sort of thing routinely and usually get away with it. But it does not make them good and right in every circumstance. If anything your arguments are that we should not save cops because they lie and abuse people which makes them bad. Violent.

Floyd might have died from an overdose if the police had not gotten involved. But the police did get involved. And there is no certainty that the death while in custody was going to happen no matter what. In fact it is far from certain.

We know he died. We know the police did not do what they were supposed to. We know that Chauvin has a long history of these kinds of encounters. So we can conclude that it was in his nature to be abusive and thug like in his actions.

We keep coming back to Chauvin being responsible if we are honest.
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

That's a good question , once we were brought here we were robbed language, robbed of our names, robbed of country, we lost our religion, our culture our God.

That was a long fuckin' time ago. And I refuse to take ANY responsibility for it. We had no colored slaves in Poland. BTW--It was NOT 400 years of slavery. It was 244 years. And it was ENGLAND who started it. The USA did not exist until 1776. Just proves how phony "Black History" is. Blacks are owed NOTHING. Time to start EARNING a living. Those who hate the USA can get the fuck out. That includes Sharpton , Wright ,Farrakhan ,and that rancid bitch who started BLM/. And all kneelers who make 100 Million for playing a sport.

It sounds like you hate it. When are you leaving?

"I know you are but what am I?" . (snicker)

Seriously. You told anyone who hates America to get out. You hate America and Americans. Why should they leave because you hate them? Where are your ancestors from? When are you headed back?

Pinko assholes who tear down monuments and burn cities down are not Americans. GFY

American by tradition and law has been defined as someone born here or naturalized. Odd I don’t recall anything about political beliefs or idealism being the determining factor.

So when are you leaving? Where are you going? Where are your ancestors from?

I will leave when the last pinko asshole is in PRISON.

Jailing people for political beliefs. I missed that part of the Constitution. You proclaim yourself as a real American. A true American. But obviously you detest the founding documents and ideals. So what do you base your image of a true American on?

Where in the constitution does it say we have to open our borders and allow illegals in or that America is systematically racist? Both are leftist narratives

Naturalized citizen is someone who was not born here. So allowing people to immigrate is certainly implied. At the time of the writing of the Constitution anyone who showed up was welcomed. That was the case through to the Second World War. Ellis Island. Perhaps you heard of it.

As for our history of Racism. I think that history is pretty well established.

However. You keep backing away from your various indefensible positions and attacking on new fronts. So you admit that even leftists who are born here are Americans. Both by law and by tradition. The Natural Born American.

So what power gives you the right to decide they aren’t Americans?
I am going to say something that nobody is going to like. Both sides are right.

Yes. The force was excessive. Yes it contributed to the death of Floyd. Yes it was routine. Yes Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. Yes he had a problem with excessive force in the past. Yes.

Let’s focus on Chauvin being thrown to the wolves. It was excessive force. It was routine. And the cops get away with it a hundred times a day. But it is fair he is being prosecuted.

Let’s say you are driving on an interstate. The speed limit is 70. Everyone is doing 75 or more. You get pulled over and handed a ticket. You sound like a child arguing that everyone was going over the speed limit.

Cops routinely use excessive force and abuse people. It happens every day. Chauvin had 17 complaints about it. They were all swept under the rug. Because the cops act like that is normal. Routine. Like the cars all doing 75 or more in the 70 zone. It is routine. But it is illegal too.

Is it fair he is being thrown to the wolves? Yes. He did it. Is it right that the cops go all Foghorn Leghorn about it? Not so much. And they do.

They get in front of the camera and lie. In all my days I have never seen anything like this. I declare it made me sick. The fine men and women who wear the uniform are shocked and humiliated by the actions of this one bad apple.

Now Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. And his excuses are hollow. Everyone does it. It is still illegal. It is still wrong.

You can argue it was drugs. You can argue that he deserved it. But we are dealing in truth. And the truth is that when you have someone in custody you are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well-being. Chauvin should have called a paramedic as soon as he saw distress. He should have allowed the paramedic to try and help. He should have done a lot of things. He did none of them.

If those things would have happened. Even basic CPR and it would be likely that Floyd would have lived.

Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. But not to placate the Black Community. To maintain the illusion that the rest of the cops don’t do the same thing.
chauvin did not use excess force-----6'7 druggies are dangerous people when they refuse to be arrested. Cpr wouldn't have saved the druggy....Floyd lied about taking drugs...and no emt would have been able to save him---

Wow. Both Chauvin and you are Doctors now. Excellent. I have to question your assertion however. People survive the most unbelievable things. And people die when least expected. There is no iron clad rule that this is instant death. It is why we have Doctors. Paramedics. And other trained.

A paramedic was there. Begging to help. A trained first responder who could have done more than write off a man as already dead.

The Actual Doctors tried for thirty minutes at the Emergency Room.

We don’t know what may have happened. We know what should have happened. We know what did happen. What should have happened is an effort to save his life. If the cops were unwilling. Then let the paramedic do it. I don’t know what she might have done. I don’t know if it would have worked. I know we try. Because the law says the person isn’t dead until a doctor says so.

Turn it around. If it had been a cop who stopped breathing not only would they do CPR even if the cop overdosed. But they would have raced ahead of the ambulance to clear the road to save seconds that may well be precious.

So next time a cop has a heart attack. Do nothing. Declare him already dead. Because you can’t guarantee that CPR and all that will definitely work. Just watch him die.

Floyd overdosed on DRUGS again --------druggies don't live long. Eventually their overdosing kills way or the other. Floyd had previously od, was large (any large thing has a short life expectancy hence why large breed dogs have shorter life expectancies), had had covid (which weakens the heart lungs and everything else which I believe shortens survivors life further), and had more than enough drugs in his system to kill a horse.

Some people are worth saving...
Some people live or die it doesn't matter to society..
some people dying is a good thing for everyone else.

Floyd was a violent criminal overdosing on drugs-------his death was good for society.
Sure was good for his deadbeat family. 27 Million for a dead junkie hood.

So besides being illegal it was expensive for the taxpayers for Chauvin to kill Floyd?
XponentialChaos, you seem to have missed the point I actually weighed my knee pressure myself to confirm it is utter stupidity and ignorance to think pressure to the nape of the neck can restrict breathing. The defense should do an actual live demonstration to confirm that reality. Checkout police activity and other you tube channels and cops have been way more aggressive in doing the knee to the nape of the neck thing and the perp eventually stops moving and says he gives up. Floyd continued to move until he passed out from the drug overdose, and was out for what, one minute before paramedics arrived?

Now here is another crazy Black, but at least he does not call on his Mama when he gets tazed. He actually likes it, and the ridiculous, fat, White female cop gets all bent out of shape when he responds with a nip or two!

So you actually put your knee on someone's neck for almost 9 minutes, how did it turn out?

Actually following the release of this story---there were of course people who did do just that put their knee to the back and neck of a willing partner---no one died hun. Again, holding someone down with a knee is not a lethal manuever but watch you still try to spin nonsense. Your nuts and dishonest.

Forget it. That guy would have voted Not Guilty on O J Simpson. Just like the almost all Black Jury did.

Are you serious!!! How many white killers have we seen all white juries let off the hook for killing black folks.

Never seen one. And it is usually Blacks killing whites. And has been for over 70 years.

Thats because you have your head up your ass and you don't want to see it.

Please post articles where Jews kill blacks and I ll do the opposite. Want to play that game, racist mother fucker. Let's go. Face to face you would cry. Pussy.

Tell me Fuck boy when did I say Jews were killing black folks you lying piece of shit.

Well then stop playing the victim, mother fucker. You’re the real racist.

Dick Heads like you are full of shit, you can whine about being Jewish and that is ok. When black folks talk about our sojourn in this country then your little bitch ass wants to claim we are whining. Take your punk ass on and play with somebody else.

When do I whine about being Jewish? I do the opposite. We rose from oppression, started our own businesses, communities, etc. We didn't kill one another at record rates. Look in the mirror, little man. I am not your problem. Punk ass? You are a fake tough guy. My ancestors survived WW2 and the Holocaust. I will easily survive your racism.

AMEN! My Grandfather escaped Poland in 1935. What country was yours before here?

That's a good question , once we were brought here we were robbed language, robbed of our names, robbed of country, we lost our religion, our culture our God.

That was a long fuckin' time ago. And I refuse to take ANY responsibility for it. We had no colored slaves in Poland. BTW--It was NOT 400 years of slavery. It was 244 years. And it was ENGLAND who started it. The USA did not exist until 1776. Just proves how phony "Black History" is. Blacks are owed NOTHING. Time to start EARNING a living. Those who hate the USA can get the fuck out. That includes Sharpton , Wright ,Farrakhan ,and that rancid bitch who started BLM/. And all kneelers who make 100 Million for playing a sport.

It sounds like you hate it. When are you leaving?

"I know you are but what am I?" . (snicker)

Seriously. You told anyone who hates America to get out. You hate America and Americans. Why should they leave because you hate them? Where are your ancestors from? When are you headed back?

Pinko assholes who tear down monuments and burn cities down are not Americans. GFY

American by tradition and law has been defined as someone born here or naturalized. Odd I don’t recall anything about political beliefs or idealism being the determining factor.

So when are you leaving? Where are you going? Where are your ancestors from?

I will leave when the last pinko asshole is in PRISON.

Jailing people for political beliefs. I missed that part of the Constitution. You proclaim yourself as a real American. A true American. But obviously you detest the founding documents and ideals. So what do you base your image of a true American on?

Where in the constitution does it say we have to open our borders and allow illegals in or that America is systematically racist? Both are leftist narratives

Naturalized citizen is someone who was not born here. So allowing people to immigrate is certainly implied. At the time of the writing of the Constitution anyone who showed up was welcomed. That was the case through to the Second World War. Ellis Island. Perhaps you heard of it.

As for our history of Racism. I think that history is pretty well established.

However. You keep backing away from your various indefensible positions and attacking on new fronts. So you admit that even leftists who are born here are Americans. Both by law and by tradition. The Natural Born American.

So what power gives you the right to decide they aren’t Americans?

People are allowed to come here legally. Rest of your diatribe is meant for someone else as you and I never discussed those talking points before. My parents are immigrants. Different than illegals.
ALL you continue to show is unbridled racism and stupidity. Sorry dummy, the case against Chauvin is falling apart in front of the world. And all you have is “Wacist!!”. The good news? People will continue to laugh at you. Your hostility towards education needs to change.
Then let us bet on the outcome of this case.

Just say when yella belly.

The loser leaves the site for good. Say when!!!

Why? You won’t honor it anyway. No murder conviction.
Floyd wasn't driving the vehicle, his friend was.

Look, nothing he did justified Chauvin killing him, you racist shitbag.

This case is great because all the racists are outing themselves.
The USMB racists have outed themselves years ago, the newer ones do so within a week or less.

To be "racist" one must simply disagree with ANYTHING a black person wants.
So did Floyd.

Here was a guy hopped up on opioids, driving a vehicle.

Civilians are no less responsible for other peoples’ lives when they get behind the wheel. Floyd apparently never gave a second thought to others’ safety or even to his own. He very well could have killed himself or someone else driving in the state he was in.

But no one ever considers these sorts of things in cases like this because, you know, evil white police officers.

Floyd wasn't driving the vehicle, his friend was.

Look, nothing he did justified Chauvin killing him, you racist shitbag.

This case is great because all the racists are outing themselves.
Even better because racist uneducated cop hating shitbags like you, supergaygirl, and other idiots are showing your true stupidity. Check your ignorance asshole. a violent felon, high on 2X the lethal dose of fentanyl...

Not for nothin', but if he'd taken twice the lethal dose, why wasn't he already dead?

He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
Just murdered by a cop first.
Chauvin is cooked. There is no defense when his boss says his actions were in no way compliant with their departmental policies or protocols.
Really-----you think everyone else is to stupid to think for themselves? The training videos and thousands of other cops taking down violent criminals by the same technique say otherwise.
Really-----you think everyone else is to stupid to think for themselves? The training videos and thousands of other cops taking down violent criminals by the same technique say otherwise
There’s been at least four police witnesses including the chief and today the actual use of force training officer who say it is not an authorized technique. Try actually watching it instead of being a moron.
Try learning something instead of being ignorant your entire life dummy. That technique was taught and was in every instructional video and manual. Proven and shown multiple times. Of course being a law hating libtard, you hate the truth.
As honest as I can be, watch the two body cam videos.
Floyd was combative, uncooperative and was acting/saying things that wasn't making sense - which we now know was the result of the drugs he had taken.
He was asked - "are you on something now?" - he answered no. At that point he could have said "I swallowed a bunch of drugs because I was afraid of getting caught". - Perhaps if he was honest and said that, he would have received medical care for that - and would be alive today.
When he was resisting going into the squad car, three police officers couldn't get him in the car. He was a big strong dude.
When they placed him on the ground, he kicked at the two officers... at that point... Chauvin pinned him to the ground.
Indeed, he said several times I can't breathe. But a person who can't breath, can't talk. He continued to talk, groan and shout out.
Plus you have to take into consideration - he was talking about dying, and breathing problems continuously BEFORE he was pinned.

All the officers wanted him to do was simply sit down in the squad car. That is all. And he wouldn't do it. He talked about dying, talked about not wanting to die today... BECAUSE HE KNEW HE TOOK THE HIGH DOSE... but throughout the whole time, he never mentions he did that.

It's not murder.

That’s funny. You think the cops believed him when he said he wasn’t on anything.
They have to. Assuming the black guy is lying would be even worse
I am going to say something that nobody is going to like. Both sides are right.

Yes. The force was excessive. Yes it contributed to the death of Floyd. Yes it was routine. Yes Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. Yes he had a problem with excessive force in the past. Yes.

Let’s focus on Chauvin being thrown to the wolves. It was excessive force. It was routine. And the cops get away with it a hundred times a day. But it is fair he is being prosecuted.

Let’s say you are driving on an interstate. The speed limit is 70. Everyone is doing 75 or more. You get pulled over and handed a ticket. You sound like a child arguing that everyone was going over the speed limit.

Cops routinely use excessive force and abuse people. It happens every day. Chauvin had 17 complaints about it. They were all swept under the rug. Because the cops act like that is normal. Routine. Like the cars all doing 75 or more in the 70 zone. It is routine. But it is illegal too.

Is it fair he is being thrown to the wolves? Yes. He did it. Is it right that the cops go all Foghorn Leghorn about it? Not so much. And they do.

They get in front of the camera and lie. In all my days I have never seen anything like this. I declare it made me sick. The fine men and women who wear the uniform are shocked and humiliated by the actions of this one bad apple.

Now Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. And his excuses are hollow. Everyone does it. It is still illegal. It is still wrong.

You can argue it was drugs. You can argue that he deserved it. But we are dealing in truth. And the truth is that when you have someone in custody you are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well-being. Chauvin should have called a paramedic as soon as he saw distress. He should have allowed the paramedic to try and help. He should have done a lot of things. He did none of them.

If those things would have happened. Even basic CPR and it would be likely that Floyd would have lived.

Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. But not to placate the Black Community. To maintain the illusion that the rest of the cops don’t do the same thing.
chauvin did not use excess force-----6'7 druggies are dangerous people when they refuse to be arrested. Cpr wouldn't have saved the druggy....Floyd lied about taking drugs...and no emt would have been able to save him---

Wow. Both Chauvin and you are Doctors now. Excellent. I have to question your assertion however. People survive the most unbelievable things. And people die when least expected. There is no iron clad rule that this is instant death. It is why we have Doctors. Paramedics. And other trained.

A paramedic was there. Begging to help. A trained first responder who could have done more than write off a man as already dead.

The Actual Doctors tried for thirty minutes at the Emergency Room.

We don’t know what may have happened. We know what should have happened. We know what did happen. What should have happened is an effort to save his life. If the cops were unwilling. Then let the paramedic do it. I don’t know what she might have done. I don’t know if it would have worked. I know we try. Because the law says the person isn’t dead until a doctor says so.

Turn it around. If it had been a cop who stopped breathing not only would they do CPR even if the cop overdosed. But they would have raced ahead of the ambulance to clear the road to save seconds that may well be precious.

So next time a cop has a heart attack. Do nothing. Declare him already dead. Because you can’t guarantee that CPR and all that will definitely work. Just watch him die.

Floyd overdosed on DRUGS again --------druggies don't live long. Eventually their overdosing kills way or the other. Floyd had previously od, was large (any large thing has a short life expectancy hence why large breed dogs have shorter life expectancies), had had covid (which weakens the heart lungs and everything else which I believe shortens survivors life further), and had more than enough drugs in his system to kill a horse.

Some people are worth saving...
Some people live or die it doesn't matter to society..
some people dying is a good thing for everyone else.

Floyd was a violent criminal overdosing on drugs-------his death was good for society.
Sure was good for his deadbeat family. 27 Million for a dead junkie hood.

So besides being illegal it was expensive for the taxpayers for Chauvin to kill Floyd?
Floyd needed killing. A career criminal is like a cockroach. Needs to be stepped on. But Floyd killed himself with drugs/

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