The Derek Chauvin Trial Thread

I am going to say something that nobody is going to like. Both sides are right.

Yes. The force was excessive. Yes it contributed to the death of Floyd. Yes it was routine. Yes Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. Yes he had a problem with excessive force in the past. Yes.

Let’s focus on Chauvin being thrown to the wolves. It was excessive force. It was routine. And the cops get away with it a hundred times a day. But it is fair he is being prosecuted.

Let’s say you are driving on an interstate. The speed limit is 70. Everyone is doing 75 or more. You get pulled over and handed a ticket. You sound like a child arguing that everyone was going over the speed limit.

Cops routinely use excessive force and abuse people. It happens every day. Chauvin had 17 complaints about it. They were all swept under the rug. Because the cops act like that is normal. Routine. Like the cars all doing 75 or more in the 70 zone. It is routine. But it is illegal too.

Is it fair he is being thrown to the wolves? Yes. He did it. Is it right that the cops go all Foghorn Leghorn about it? Not so much. And they do.

They get in front of the camera and lie. In all my days I have never seen anything like this. I declare it made me sick. The fine men and women who wear the uniform are shocked and humiliated by the actions of this one bad apple.

Now Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. And his excuses are hollow. Everyone does it. It is still illegal. It is still wrong.

You can argue it was drugs. You can argue that he deserved it. But we are dealing in truth. And the truth is that when you have someone in custody you are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well-being. Chauvin should have called a paramedic as soon as he saw distress. He should have allowed the paramedic to try and help. He should have done a lot of things. He did none of them.

If those things would have happened. Even basic CPR and it would be likely that Floyd would have lived.

Chauvin is being thrown to the wolves. But not to placate the Black Community. To maintain the illusion that the rest of the cops don’t do the same thing.
chauvin did not use excess force-----6'7 druggies are dangerous people when they refuse to be arrested. Cpr wouldn't have saved the druggy....Floyd lied about taking drugs...and no emt would have been able to save him---

Wow. Both Chauvin and you are Doctors now. Excellent. I have to question your assertion however. People survive the most unbelievable things. And people die when least expected. There is no iron clad rule that this is instant death. It is why we have Doctors. Paramedics. And other trained.

A paramedic was there. Begging to help. A trained first responder who could have done more than write off a man as already dead.

The Actual Doctors tried for thirty minutes at the Emergency Room.

We don’t know what may have happened. We know what should have happened. We know what did happen. What should have happened is an effort to save his life. If the cops were unwilling. Then let the paramedic do it. I don’t know what she might have done. I don’t know if it would have worked. I know we try. Because the law says the person isn’t dead until a doctor says so.

Turn it around. If it had been a cop who stopped breathing not only would they do CPR even if the cop overdosed. But they would have raced ahead of the ambulance to clear the road to save seconds that may well be precious.

So next time a cop has a heart attack. Do nothing. Declare him already dead. Because you can’t guarantee that CPR and all that will definitely work. Just watch him die.

Floyd overdosed on DRUGS again --------druggies don't live long. Eventually their overdosing kills way or the other. Floyd had previously od, was large (any large thing has a short life expectancy hence why large breed dogs have shorter life expectancies), had had covid (which weakens the heart lungs and everything else which I believe shortens survivors life further), and had more than enough drugs in his system to kill a horse.

Some people are worth saving...
Some people live or die it doesn't matter to society..
some people dying is a good thing for everyone else.

Floyd was a violent criminal overdosing on drugs-------his death was good for society.
Sure was good for his deadbeat family. 27 Million for a dead junkie hood.

So besides being illegal it was expensive for the taxpayers for Chauvin to kill Floyd?
Floyd needed killing. A career criminal is like a cockroach. Needs to be stepped on. But Floyd killed himself with drugs/

A career criminal needed killing. He was mostly a petty crime guy wasn’t he? Minor crimes right? He deserved to die for that? Ok. If that is the standard we are going to use. Does Chauvin deserve to die? He has 17 documented incidents of brutality and abuse. That is certainly a long career of abusive and violent behavior isn’t it?

How about a cop who plants evidence on people? Isn’t a cop who does that a career criminal too? Does that cop deserve to die as well? Stomped on like a cockroach?

The next time a cop is killed are you going to demand to know what crimes they committed to determine if the death was warranted or are you going to bemoan the left for not tearing sack cloth and wearing ashes over the valiant hero who died?
As soon as Floyd was loaded in the ambulance the EMT who apparently battled trying to hook up various contraptions could have administered Floyd with doses of Narcan or had the cop on board do it for him. My guess is the defense is going to provide expert witnesses such as this physician to clearly explain why Floyd croaked.

Well that didn’t age well. Good job, dope.

Which part do you have issues with? Is it the fact that EMS neglected to administer Narcan? Or is it the information about Narcan provided by the ER physician?
...Does Chauvin deserve to die? He has 17 documented incidents of brutality and abuse. That is certainly a long career of abusive and violent behavior isn’t it?

Please post any brutally violent behavior Derek Chauvin has been formally accused of while performing his duties as a cop or otherwise. It seems like you might simply be regurgitating Fake News content. a violent felon, high on 2X the lethal dose of fentanyl...

Not for nothin', but if he'd taken twice the lethal dose, why wasn't he already dead?

He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
Just murdered by a cop first.
Chauvin is cooked. There is no defense when his boss says his actions were in no way compliant with their departmental policies or protocols.
Really-----you think everyone else is to stupid to think for themselves? The training videos and thousands of other cops taking down violent criminals by the same technique say otherwise.
Really-----you think everyone else is to stupid to think for themselves? The training videos and thousands of other cops taking down violent criminals by the same technique say otherwise
There’s been at least four police witnesses including the chief and today the actual use of force training officer who say it is not an authorized technique. Try actually watching it instead of being a moron.
Try learning something instead of being ignorant your entire life dummy. That technique was taught and was in every instructional video and manual. Proven and shown multiple times. Of course being a law hating libtard, you hate the truth.

I learned it from the sworn testimony of the MPD Chief, their use of force training officer, Chauvin’s supervisor and the crisis management training officer who all said you’re dumb as shit.
...Does Chauvin deserve to die? He has 17 documented incidents of brutality and abuse. That is certainly a long career of abusive and violent behavior isn’t it?

Please post any brutally violent behavior Derek Chauvin has been formally accused of while performing his duties as a cop or otherwise. It seems like you might simply be regurgitating Fake News content.

Fake news? Why is anything anyone doesn’t like fake? Truth and fact are not fake.

A simple search turns up lots of articles. They can’t all be fake. But no information is published this side of QAnon about it being fake.

They’re all in cahoots. Or something.

Look. Let’s be honest. Truth time. The police themselves said that Chauvin had the complaints. So the cops are lying? At this point you are down to the absurd claim that everyone is lying except Chauvin. His fellow cops. Experts on use of force. His superiors. His part time employer. Everyone is lying.

If it was you who was part of the majority here you would declare that the one guy was a paranoid lunatic. But your hatred has caused you to embrace the lone voice over the chorus and declare that up is really down.
No bruising, no reticial suffocation by the police officer. His air supply was not cut off....

2X the lethal dose of fentanyl....
Good luck w/that.


“Would you agree that from the perspective of Officer Kueng’s body camera it appeared Officer Chauvin’s knee was more on Mr. Floyd’s shoulder blade?” Nelson asked Arradondo.
“Yes,” Arradondo responded.
As soon as Floyd was loaded in the ambulance the EMT who apparently battled trying to hook up various contraptions could have administered Floyd with doses of Narcan or had the cop on board do it for him. My guess is the defense is going to provide expert witnesses such as this physician to clearly explain why Floyd croaked.

Well that didn’t age well. Good job, dope.

Which part do you have issues with? Is it the fact that EMS neglected to administer Narcan? Or is it the information about Narcan provided by the ER physician?

The administration of Narcan was not indicated. The problem is that people operate on what information they have. The event that preceded the cessation of breathing was Chauvin kneeling on Floyd. There isn’t a digitized display. The blood test takes time.

Moreover. Combative actions are not the norm with opioids. Lethargy is normally more common.

I broke my ankle four years ago. Circumstances dictated that I was unable to be transported by a neighbor or manage to get myself to the hospital. I called an ambulance. The paramedic administered Fentanyl to allow them to set the ankle in a splint. I got a small dose. I can assure you that I was in no mood to be combative.

Narcan is a great treatment for an overdose. If you know or have reason to suspect it is one. Otherwise you would be committing malpractice to administer it without a good reason.

If you pumped every single person you came across full of Narcan you wouldn’t be a paramedic or doctor for long.

One of the symptoms they look for is pupils. They couldn’t check those because according to witnesses Floyd’s eyes rolled back as he became unresponsive with Chauvin kneeling on him.

What is really interesting is how everyone except Chauvin should have done something different. Everyone else is wrong. Chauvin was the only one doing it right.
So did Floyd.

Here was a guy hopped up on opioids, driving a vehicle.

Civilians are no less responsible for other peoples’ lives when they get behind the wheel. Floyd apparently never gave a second thought to others’ safety or even to his own. He very well could have killed himself or someone else driving in the state he was in.

But no one ever considers these sorts of things in cases like this because, you know, evil white police officers.

Floyd wasn't driving the vehicle, his friend was.

Nope. Look at the video again. They clearly took Floyd from the driver’s side and the SUV belonged to him. Better yet, here’s a pic of Floyd behind the wheel:


Look, nothing he did justified Chauvin killing him, you racist shitbag.

Look, nothing justifies you saying Floyd wasn’t driving when he clearly was, you lying shitbag.

This case is great because all the racists are outing themselves.

So are the liars.
That’s all well and good but, should Chauvin be convicted for the murder of Floyd because he violated departmental policy or because he murdered Floyd?

I don’t care for the tone from a lot of folks that want to see Chauvin convicted that basically suggests he should be convicted because he’s a bad cop.

There has been a sea change in attitude in this country to the point that people want to see certain others hanged simply because they don’t like their character, not necessarily because they’re guilty of anything.

His being a bad cop is why Floyd died. That's why he needs to be convicted, dummy.

Not necessarily.

His violation of departmental policy caused Floyd's death.

Not necessarily.

Sorry, man, the old day of Klan Juries acquitting murdering racists are over. Deal with it.

I deal with it just fine. What I have a hard time dealing with is liberal rednecks like you who want to lynch officers on sight any time there’s a case like this. You know, just like the racists did.
That’s your right of course. But I don’t entirely trust that they were not just caught up in the anti-cop mania and felt pressured by this to say what they thought people wanted to hear.

I know what you’ll probably say to that but let me say first that people have already proven themselves to be less than objective in these matters.

It has already happened that officers have been demonized for what turned out to be justified shootings. What’s more, some are still demonized after being officially cleared.

That's because our system is geared towards acquitting them no matter how guilty they are. Like the guy who shot Philandro Castille. Castille was cooperating, informed the officer he had a CC permit (Silly Darky, Rights are for White people) and was shot with his girlfriend and baby daughter feet away.

Castile was shot because he was reaching for something. He told the officer he had a firearm and the officer simply said “Okay”. But then Castile moved like he was maybe going to show the officer the gun or the permit. The officer then told Castile not reach for it but Castile insisted (“I just need to...”) and that’s when the officer fired.

Castile was not shot for being black nor was he shot for owning a firearm. He was shot for not heeding the officer’s command not to go for the weapon.

It was tragic and unnecessary and he did not deserve to die. But his race had nothing to do with it.
SavannahMann, I saw that article and it is Fake News since it triggered your emotions and not your intellect. Reread it. It does not provide any evidence of police brutality. :dunno:
The administration of Narcan was not indicated.

Are you kidding me! :dunno: It is the absolute first and foremost obvious treatment for an unresponsive ghetto person in this day and age. Also Narcan is totally harmless should an opiod overdose not be the case. What is it $5 a dose? Floyd probably would have needed a dozen hits of it but still.

One of the symptoms they look for is pupils. They couldn’t check those because according to witnesses Floyd’s eyes rolled back as he became unresponsive with Chauvin kneeling on him.

Okay, you are taking the "bait" pun intended of those early witnesses who being coached the night before by the prosecution presented the "eyes rolling back like a dead fish" storyline bullshit. :icon_rolleyes: As far as pupils, since Floyd had taken a speedball (fent and meth) the pupils could be dilated or constricted, thus ambiguous and inconclusive in terms of diagnosis.
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I didn't see one, so forgive me if there's already one, two or three in existence.

If not, let this be the official thread to discuss the biggest trial of the century.

No bruising, no reticial suffocation by the police officer. His air supply was not cut off....

2X the lethal dose of fentanyl....
You need to understand positional asphyxia. a violent felon, high on 2X the lethal dose of fentanyl...

Not for nothin', but if he'd taken twice the lethal dose, why wasn't he already dead?

He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
He was dying.....had the police not arrived, he would have died anyway.
Just murdered by a cop first.
Chauvin is cooked. There is no defense when his boss says his actions were in no way compliant with their departmental policies or protocols.
Really-----you think everyone else is to stupid to think for themselves? The training videos and thousands of other cops taking down violent criminals by the same technique say otherwise.
Really-----you think everyone else is to stupid to think for themselves? The training videos and thousands of other cops taking down violent criminals by the same technique say otherwise
There’s been at least four police witnesses including the chief and today the actual use of force training officer who say it is not an authorized technique. Try actually watching it instead of being a moron.
Try learning something instead of being ignorant your entire life dummy. That technique was taught and was in every instructional video and manual. Proven and shown multiple times. Of course being a law hating libtard, you hate the truth.

I learned it from the sworn testimony of the MPD Chief, their use of force training officer, Chauvin’s supervisor and the crisis management training officer who all said you’re dumb as shit.
And you also omit the fact that he had to admit that that technique actually WAS taught until just recently. So you’re just another dumbfuck cop hating libtard. And that pile of shit you’re eating is smarter than you.
The administration of Narcan was not indicated.

Are you kidding me! :dunno: It is the absolute first and foremost obvious treatment for an unresponsive ghetto person in this day and age. Also Narcan is totally harmless should an opiod overdose not be the case. What is it $5 a dose? Floyd probably would have needed a dozen hits of it but still.

And if the patient is not on Opioids and instead has a broken bone or other painful injury? Giving Narcan means you can’t treat for pain for several hours.

Ghetto person. I think we are getting to your objections now. A black died and it was a public service in your eyes. Odd isn’t it that all the supporters for Chauvin are inevitably reduced to race. The rest of us just don’t understand how the darkies behave. I have Black friends. I work for and with Blacks. Some I like and respect a little. Some I don’t like or respect at all. Others I have a huge amount of respect for. In that they are no different than Whites. Some are like you. And I have virtually no respect for them.

One of the symptoms they look for is pupils. They couldn’t check those because according to witnesses Floyd’s eyes rolled back as he became unresponsive with Chauvin kneeling on him.

Okay, you are taking the "bait" pun intended of those early witnesses who being coached the night before by the prosecution presented the "eyes rolling back like a dead fish" storyline bullshit. :icon_rolleyes: As far as pupils, since Floyd had taken a speedball (fent and meth) the pupils could be dilated or constricted, thus ambiguous and inconclusive in terms of diagnosis.

Been reading up on slang eh?

If a person is hit by a car. You don’t assume that the reason for them being unconscious and unresponsive is a brain tumor. You assume that the action preceding it was the cause. Eventually you’ll find the tumor. But it won’t be your first assumption.

Coached testimony indeed. His actions would be consistent with the sequence of events for someone dying. Even someone dying from an overdose.

Again. Every single person is wrong except Chauvin. At some point if you have a shred of honesty you’ll have to admit if only to yourself that Chauvin the White Guy was wrong. Obviously you’ll never admit it here. But at some point for your own mental health you’ll have to admit it to yourself.
That’s your right of course. But I don’t entirely trust that they were not just caught up in the anti-cop mania and felt pressured by this to say what they thought people wanted to hear.

I know what you’ll probably say to that but let me say first that people have already proven themselves to be less than objective in these matters.

It has already happened that officers have been demonized for what turned out to be justified shootings. What’s more, some are still demonized after being officially cleared.

That's because our system is geared towards acquitting them no matter how guilty they are. Like the guy who shot Philandro Castille. Castille was cooperating, informed the officer he had a CC permit (Silly Darky, Rights are for White people) and was shot with his girlfriend and baby daughter feet away.

Castile was shot because he was reaching for something. He told the officer he had a firearm and the officer simply said “Okay”. But then Castile moved like he was maybe going to show the officer the gun or the permit. The officer then told Castile not reach for it but Castile insisted (“I just need to...”) and that’s when the officer fired.

Castile was not shot for being black nor was he shot for owning a firearm. He was shot for not heeding the officer’s command not to go for the weapon.

It was tragic and unnecessary and he did not deserve to die. But his race had nothing to do with it.

He had been pulled over for having a "wide set nose". How do you argue that had nothing to do with race?

SavannahMann, I saw that article and it is Fake News since it triggered your emotions and not your intellect. Reread it. It does not provide any evidence of police brutality. :dunno:

All those complaints. And there is no proof.

For anyone else who isn’t wearing a badge the fact that it was complained about 17 times would be proof enough of a problem. The old saying comes to mind. Where there is smoke there is fire.

Let’s be honest. If you were a business owner and an employee had 17 complaints for sexual harassment and you went to court for number 18 the award to the plaintiff would be so high you would not be able to afford a single Krystal Burger.

If you had seventeen accidents in 19 years even if they were not your fault insurance would cost more than the car.

The problem is that for a very long time that sort of behavior was winked at. Remember I said Chauvin was a sacrificial lamb being thrown to the wolves. Different areas have different terms. The baddie needed an attitude adjustment. The guy needed to be tuned up. He needed to be taught a lesson.

These were never written down. Never truly policy. But that is the way things have operated for a long time. As I said before. Everyone was doing it. That doesn’t make it right.

It should have ended after Rodney King. It should have ended after cell phone video started to expose the truth. It didn’t. It should have ended a long time ago. But new excuses were created.

We just didn’t understand what it was like to be a cop. That was the stupidest excuse ever. Of all time. We didn’t accept that excuse from anyone else. Soldiers coming back from combat were not allowed to beat the dog snot out of someone. Only cops were so emotionally unstable that they needed special consideration.

It didn’t take a psychic to see the times were changing. Only Chauvin didn’t want to change. Many others will face the same fate until they learn. You can’t do that now.
That’s your right of course. But I don’t entirely trust that they were not just caught up in the anti-cop mania and felt pressured by this to say what they thought people wanted to hear.

I know what you’ll probably say to that but let me say first that people have already proven themselves to be less than objective in these matters.

It has already happened that officers have been demonized for what turned out to be justified shootings. What’s more, some are still demonized after being officially cleared.

That's because our system is geared towards acquitting them no matter how guilty they are. Like the guy who shot Philandro Castille. Castille was cooperating, informed the officer he had a CC permit (Silly Darky, Rights are for White people) and was shot with his girlfriend and baby daughter feet away.

Castile was shot because he was reaching for something. He told the officer he had a firearm and the officer simply said “Okay”. But then Castile moved like he was maybe going to show the officer the gun or the permit. The officer then told Castile not reach for it but Castile insisted (“I just need to...”) and that’s when the officer fired.

Castile was not shot for being black nor was he shot for owning a firearm. He was shot for not heeding the officer’s command not to go for the weapon.

It was tragic and unnecessary and he did not deserve to die. But his race had nothing to do with it.

He had been pulled over for having a "wide set nose". How do you argue that had nothing to do with race?

Don’t be an idiot. The article says the officer said they looked like a pair that had just committed a robbery. I’m assuming the remark about the wide set nose was referring to a description of the robbery suspects.

C’mon man.

And by the way, the officer was Hispanic.
And if the patient is not on Opioids and instead has a broken bone or other painful injury? Giving Narcan means you can’t treat for pain for several hours.

Narcan in portable doses only last a few minutes so an overdosed ghetto idiot can make it to the hospital where they can get more Narcan as needed at taxpayer expense. :icon_rolleyes:

Ghetto person. I think we are getting to your objections now. A black died and it was a public service in your eyes. Odd isn’t it that all the supporters for Chauvin are inevitably reduced to race. The rest of us just don’t understand how the darkies behave. I have Black friends. I work for and with Blacks. Some I like and respect a little. Some I don’t like or respect at all. Others I have a huge amount of respect for. In that they are no different than Whites. Some are like you. And I have virtually no respect for them.

Interesting that "ghetto" triggered you. I made no reference to race. But you assumed Black. So who is the racist? :dunno: That said most Blacks I know are drug users.

And your scatter brained apology there is evidence Derek Chauvin inflicted police brutality needs work because there is none.
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That’s your right of course. But I don’t entirely trust that they were not just caught up in the anti-cop mania and felt pressured by this to say what they thought people wanted to hear.

I know what you’ll probably say to that but let me say first that people have already proven themselves to be less than objective in these matters.

It has already happened that officers have been demonized for what turned out to be justified shootings. What’s more, some are still demonized after being officially cleared.

That's because our system is geared towards acquitting them no matter how guilty they are. Like the guy who shot Philandro Castille. Castille was cooperating, informed the officer he had a CC permit (Silly Darky, Rights are for White people) and was shot with his girlfriend and baby daughter feet away.

Castile was shot because he was reaching for something. He told the officer he had a firearm and the officer simply said “Okay”. But then Castile moved like he was maybe going to show the officer the gun or the permit. The officer then told Castile not reach for it but Castile insisted (“I just need to...”) and that’s when the officer fired.

Castile was not shot for being black nor was he shot for owning a firearm. He was shot for not heeding the officer’s command not to go for the weapon.

It was tragic and unnecessary and he did not deserve to die. But his race had nothing to do with it.

He had been pulled over for having a "wide set nose". How do you argue that had nothing to do with race?

Don’t be an idiot. The article says the officer said they looked like a pair that had just committed a robbery. I’m assuming the remark about the wide set nose was referring to a description of the robbery suspects.

C’mon man.

And by the way, the officer was Hispanic.

Castile and many others driving by that day. If you really believe they were "suspects" you don't have to make a ruse about a broken tail light and he had been pulled over so many times, a quick radio transmission would have stated who he was.

They were clearly simply targeting certain people.

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