The Despicable Conduct Of Democrats Since Ted Cruz Announced He Was Running


Liberal gun reference targeting Ted Cruz

You can tell a political party has no good ideas when they feel they have to start flinging insults the moment a candidate announces he will be running for president. With Ted Cruz it began with silly accusations about scaring 3 year olds.

The wailing by Democrats is deafening. Calling Ted Cruz crazy, scary, dangerous, you name it. I think he's the right guy for the job. Nothing causes liberals to lose their minds like a genuine candidate that scares the shit out of them, meaning somebody that is a real conservative, not a fake conservative that can be manipulated. I figure they're going to be Palinizing him for the next year or so. They even have their bought and paid for Spanish station Univision trashing Cruz. Chris Matthews called him a hijacker, alluding to his Cuban ancestry, a Cruise missile aimed at the U.S. Capital. This insanity is a direct reflection of Democrats that feel they need to trash their opposition rather than give voters a reason to vote for their shitty candidate of choice, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It's absolutely priceless some of the accusations they're using.

  1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate
  2. He's never accomplished anything
  3. He's inexperienced
  4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Jesus......this sounds just like Barack H. Obama.


Donny Deutsch Attacks Scary Dangerous Slimy Ted Cruz
On Day Cruz Announces for President Hardball s Matthews Spends Much of Program Blasting Him As Latter-Day McCarthy
Satirist Andy Borowitz Blogger Charles Pierce Welcome Disturbed Extremist Fanatic Ted Cruz to Presidential Race
From the Get-Go Univision Hammers Cruz
Crushing Cruz The Media s Worst Attacks on the GOP Presidential Candidate

Now at least you realize just how unpopular your actual candidates are.

If Christie, Jeb, Cruz, Walker, Graham, Huckabee, Happy Gilmore, Jindal, Kasich, Paul, Perry, Rubio and Santorum can't even beat Trump, Fiorino & Ben Carson, how are they going to beat anyone the Democrats nominate? They can't.

And we know Carson & Fiorino aren't going to be the GOP nominee for obvious reasons. So really all you have is Trump. Good luck with that. LOL
Who sees guys like this and says "oh yea I want to vote for that guy"?

View attachment 49742
View attachment 49743View attachment 49742
TIL that a candidate's worth is based entirely on their facial appearance.

Now I remember why I stopped paying attention to you.
Are you too dumb to know when a used car salesman is slimy? And no. They are even worse when they open their mouths.
You're right. I was dumb. I thought you were supposed to evaluate a candidate on their positions, voting history, and personal legacy of scandals. I only learned today from you that this is wrong and we should actually be looking at party affiliation and what sorts of silly facial expressions they are capable of making. You have my deepest apologies and my thanks for educating me in this matter.
Who sees guys like this and says "oh yea I want to vote for that guy"?

View attachment 49742
View attachment 49743View attachment 49742
TIL that a candidate's worth is based entirely on their facial appearance.

Now I remember why I stopped paying attention to you.
Are you too dumb to know when a used car salesman is slimy? And no. They are even worse when they open their mouths.
You're right. I was dumb. I thought you were supposed to evaluate a candidate on their positions, voting history, and personal legacy of scandals. I only learned today from you that this is wrong and we should actually be looking at party affiliation and what sorts of silly facial expressions they are capable of making. You have my deepest apologies and my thanks for educating me in this matter.
Search Results

I dunno, shutting down the government while reading a kid's book seems like it should pretty much disqualify any clown candidate
I dunno, shutting down the government while reading a kid's book seems like it should pretty much disqualify any clown candidate
You realize a lot of those students have come forward and said they would have freaked the fuck out had he reacted any differently, right? NORAD was handling it. Staying calm and collected was priority number one for him.

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