The Despicable Conduct Of Democrats Since Ted Cruz Announced He Was Running

Now at least you realize just how unpopular your actual candidates are.

If Christie, Jeb, Cruz, Walker, Graham, Huckabee, Happy Gilmore, Jindal, Kasich, Paul, Perry, Rubio and Santorum can't even beat Trump, Fiorino & Ben Carson, how are they going to beat anyone the Democrats nominate? They can't.

And we know Carson & Fiorino aren't going to be the GOP nominee for obvious reasons. So really all you have is Trump. Good luck with that. LOL

ROFL. Silly Bonobo; even Sanders is a ahead of Hillary - and Trump beats them both.

Bernie Sanders surges ahead of Hillary Clinton in Iowa: poll - Washington Times
Bats fly.
Sharks swim.
Turds float.

Somebody expected Democrats to do something other than what Democrats do?
What lie?

Did Ted Cruz's father fight for Castro?

Of course not - if he had they would have stayed in Cuba. He fought against Batista but opposed the Communist regime.

You lied because you are a demagogue, slander and libel are what you have to offer - ALL you have to offer.
Ted Cruz thought his green eggs and shit would get him moving up much faster than he is.
People can see right through the loser and the other koch funded jerks on the list.
Cruz must be up in the polls....Democrats have gone into full-panic posting mode!
I was notified that someone commented to a comment I made a few weeks ago. No other reason I'm talking about Cruz.

The GOP is in trouble. They can't even nominate a moderate Republican now that trumps in it.

Steven Colbert or John Stewart should run in the democratic party and see if we're as sick of our politicians as Republicans are of theirs.

We told you the GOP sucked. You never admit we are right but trump carson and fiorino kicking all your real candidates butts is all the proof necessary.
Republicans are WAAAAAAAY sicker of liberal politicians, don't get confused. The Dims have a pathological liar over the hill hag and an even older socialist that thinks government money grows on trees. Let's not overlook that particular detail.

So your disapproval of Republican candidates is as relevant as your morning poop.
I'm not asking if Republican voters like the GOP candidates more than Hillary. I'm just pointing out that none of the top three candidates in the GOP primaries is any of the guys you worship. Ted Cruz, Kasich, Walker or Rubio. Why are these three losers losing to Fiorino? Ask yourself that.

We know you'd take any of those 15 idiots over Hillary. That's a given. It's a given you vote straight ticket just like I do.
Now at least you realize just how unpopular your actual candidates are.

If Christie, Jeb, Cruz, Walker, Graham, Huckabee, Happy Gilmore, Jindal, Kasich, Paul, Perry, Rubio and Santorum can't even beat Trump, Fiorino & Ben Carson, how are they going to beat anyone the Democrats nominate? They can't.

And we know Carson & Fiorino aren't going to be the GOP nominee for obvious reasons. So really all you have is Trump. Good luck with that. LOL

ROFL. Silly Bonobo; even Sanders is a ahead of Hillary - and Trump beats them both.

Bernie Sanders surges ahead of Hillary Clinton in Iowa: poll - Washington Times
Nominate him then. Please nominate Donald Trump. In fact I don't care who you vote for. Those polls are just as good as the polls Romney and Carl Rove were listening to. Dummy.
Cruz must be up in the polls....Democrats have gone into full-panic posting mode!
I was notified that someone commented to a comment I made a few weeks ago. No other reason I'm talking about Cruz.

The GOP is in trouble. They can't even nominate a moderate Republican now that trumps in it.

Steven Colbert or John Stewart should run in the democratic party and see if we're as sick of our politicians as Republicans are of theirs.

We told you the GOP sucked. You never admit we are right but trump carson and fiorino kicking all your real candidates butts is all the proof necessary.
Republicans are WAAAAAAAY sicker of liberal politicians, don't get confused. The Dims have a pathological liar over the hill hag and an even older socialist that thinks government money grows on trees. Let's not overlook that particular detail.

So your disapproval of Republican candidates is as relevant as your morning poop.
I'm not asking if Republican voters like the GOP candidates more than Hillary. I'm just pointing out that none of the top three candidates in the GOP primaries is any of the guys you worship. Ted Cruz, Kasich, Walker or Rubio. Why are these three losers losing to Fiorino? Ask yourself that.

We know you'd take any of those 15 idiots over Hillary. That's a given. It's a given you vote straight ticket just like I do.
I haven't said who I endorse. How do you know better than me? If the GOP had an idiot of course I'd vote for him over Hillary.

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