Zone1 The Devil In Disguise ….???

It is the Latin for 'the year of our Lord,' which was required by law, but not now.

The devil in disguise is orange and inhabits Donald J. Trump.

How many indictments to Durham get? That good Mormon boy would not and did not violate the law.

Let's check:

Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth....

Did you catch it? Their work was done “in the Year of our Lord.” The Christian world dates all of human history in terms of the birth of Christ. “B.C.” means “before Christ,” and “A.D.” is the abbreviation for the Latin words “anno Domini,” meaning “year of our Lord.” If the Framers were interested in being pluralistic, multi-cultural, and politically correct, they would have refrained from using the B.C./A.D. designation. Or they would have used the religionless designations “C.E.,” Common Era, and “B.C.E.,” Before the Common Era (see “Common Era,” 2008). In so doing, they would have avoided offending Jews, atheists, agnostics, and humanists. Or they could have used “A.H.” (anno hegirae—which means “in the year of the Hijrah” and refers to Muhammad’s flight from Mecca in A.D. 622), the date used by Muslims as the commencement date for the Islamic calendar. Instead, the Framers chose to utilize the dating method that indicated the worldview they shared. What’s more, their reference to “our Lord” does not refer to a generic deity, nor does it refer even to God the Father. It refers to God the Son—an explicit reference to Jesus Christ. Make no mistake: the Constitution of the United States contains an explicit reference to Jesus Christ—not Allah, Buddha, Muhammad, nor the gods of Hindus or Native Americans!

Let’s get this straight: The Declaration of Independence contains four allusions to the God of the Bible. The U.S. Constitution contains allusions to the freedom to practice the Christian religion unimpeded, the significance and priority of Sunday worship, as well as the place of Jesus Christ in history. So, according to the thinking of the ACLU and a host of liberal educators, politicians, and judges, the Constitution is—unconstitutional! Go figure.

If you did.....let's see you provide an indictment similar to this for the other side:
Before I address anything else: Both parties are made up of humans, and therefore both sides are equivalent in that respect. All humans--not just one party of humans--find saying, "I was wrong" (about anything) difficult. When was the last time you said, "I was wrong?" How many times a week does the average person say, "I was wrong"?
The Democrat Party is now running on
Which is why I am not a Democrat. Keep in mind that traditionally, liberal Democrats wanted government to stay out of what was on your list--just let people be. At some point (it seems) the Democrats seem to be in favor of pushing government to enact many of the issues on your list. I find myself wondering why more liberal Democrats aren't leaving that party for the Libertarian Party.
I detect the odor of "equivalence" between the parties in your post.

Please say didn't mean to imply same.

If you did.....let's see you provide an indictment similar to this for the other side:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

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Donald Trump was wrong to run in 2016 and 2020 and will be wrong in 2024.

He will be defeated hands down.
I would call the 2020 election a "dirty election", but it was verified by Vice-President Pence and therefore valid.

What say you? Was the 2020 election a good, clean election?
It was not a dirty election, at all.

Would Trump's own people lie about it being clean?
The 2020 US election was the most secure in American history, according to US elections officials.

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double-checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result,” the coordinating bodies on election infrastructure and security said in a joint statement issued by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

The statement directly contradicts President Donald Trump, who has made unfounded allegations of widespread voting irregularities and fraud. The president is using these claims to challenge the vote counts in several key states that delivered President-elect Joe Biden his apparent Electoral College victory.

The Trump campaign has filed dozens of lawsuits, some of which have already been dismissed. But the barrage of legal action and Trump’s false claims — often bolstered by right-wing media and some of the president’s allies in the Republican Party — have undermined overall faith in the electoral process and in the safety and security of US elections.

In the statement, election officials noted that though some states may do recounts, “All of the states with close results in the 2020 presidential race have paper records of each vote, allowing the ability to go back and count each ballot if necessary.” This beefs up the security of the vote and allows officials to correct and identify mistakes in the counting process.

But the statement made one thing very clear: “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

Or as Chris Krebs, the head of CISA, put it: “TLDR: America, we have confidence in the security of your vote, you should, too.”

Let's check:

Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth....

Did you catch it? Their work was done “in the Year of our Lord.” The Christian world dates all of human history in terms of the birth of Christ. “B.C.” means “before Christ,” and “A.D.” is the abbreviation for the Latin words “anno Domini,” meaning “year of our Lord.” If the Framers were interested in being pluralistic, multi-cultural, and politically correct, they would have refrained from using the B.C./A.D. designation. Or they would have used the religionless designations “C.E.,” Common Era, and “B.C.E.,” Before the Common Era (see “Common Era,” 2008). In so doing, they would have avoided offending Jews, atheists, agnostics, and humanists. Or they could have used “A.H.” (anno hegirae—which means “in the year of the Hijrah” and refers to Muhammad’s flight from Mecca in A.D. 622), the date used by Muslims as the commencement date for the Islamic calendar. Instead, the Framers chose to utilize the dating method that indicated the worldview they shared. What’s more, their reference to “our Lord” does not refer to a generic deity, nor does it refer even to God the Father. It refers to God the Son—an explicit reference to Jesus Christ. Make no mistake: the Constitution of the United States contains an explicit reference to Jesus Christ—not Allah, Buddha, Muhammad, nor the gods of Hindus or Native Americans!

Let’s get this straight: The Declaration of Independence contains four allusions to the God of the Bible. The U.S. Constitution contains allusions to the freedom to practice the Christian religion unimpeded, the significance and priority of Sunday worship, as well as the place of Jesus Christ in history. So, according to the thinking of the ACLU and a host of liberal educators, politicians, and judges, the Constitution is—unconstitutional! Go figure.

The 2020 US election was the most secure in American history, according to US elections officials.
My question to you was not whether it was about a "secure" election, but whether it was a "dirty" election. For example, did the FBI (who should have been non-partisan), social media executives (who could ban certain information), and were there places where "secure" ballot harvesting occurred? California--which would have gone Democrat in any case--is a good example where "secure" ballot harvesting has been done for years.

Another topic...what are your thoughts on a single day for any election where everyone votes based on the information available to all?
Let's check:

Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth....

Did you catch it? Their work was done “in the Year of our Lord.” The Christian world dates all of human history in terms of the birth of Christ. “B.C.” means “before Christ,” and “A.D.” is the abbreviation for the Latin words “anno Domini,” meaning “year of our Lord.” If the Framers were interested in being pluralistic, multi-cultural, and politically correct, they would have refrained from using the B.C./A.D. designation. Or they would have used the religionless designations “C.E.,” Common Era, and “B.C.E.,” Before the Common Era (see “Common Era,” 2008). In so doing, they would have avoided offending Jews, atheists, agnostics, and humanists. Or they could have used “A.H.” (anno hegirae—which means “in the year of the Hijrah” and refers to Muhammad’s flight from Mecca in A.D. 622), the date used by Muslims as the commencement date for the Islamic calendar. Instead, the Framers chose to utilize the dating method that indicated the worldview they shared. What’s more, their reference to “our Lord” does not refer to a generic deity, nor does it refer even to God the Father. It refers to God the Son—an explicit reference to Jesus Christ. Make no mistake: the Constitution of the United States contains an explicit reference to Jesus Christ—not Allah, Buddha, Muhammad, nor the gods of Hindus or Native Americans!

Let’s get this straight: The Declaration of Independence contains four allusions to the God of the Bible. The U.S. Constitution contains allusions to the freedom to practice the Christian religion unimpeded, the significance and priority of Sunday worship, as well as the place of Jesus Christ in history. So, according to the thinking of the ACLU and a host of liberal educators, politicians, and judges, the Constitution is—unconstitutional! Go figure.

Let's check:

Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth....

Did you catch it? Their work was done “in the Year of our Lord.” The Christian world dates all of human history in terms of the birth of Christ. “B.C.” means “before Christ,” and “A.D.” is the abbreviation for the Latin words “anno Domini,” meaning “year of our Lord.” If the Framers were interested in being pluralistic, multi-cultural, and politically correct, they would have refrained from using the B.C./A.D. designation. Or they would have used the religionless designations “C.E.,” Common Era, and “B.C.E.,” Before the Common Era (see “Common Era,” 2008). In so doing, they would have avoided offending Jews, atheists, agnostics, and humanists. Or they could have used “A.H.” (anno hegirae—which means “in the year of the Hijrah” and refers to Muhammad’s flight from Mecca in A.D. 622), the date used by Muslims as the commencement date for the Islamic calendar. Instead, the Framers chose to utilize the dating method that indicated the worldview they shared. What’s more, their reference to “our Lord” does not refer to a generic deity, nor does it refer even to God the Father. It refers to God the Son—an explicit reference to Jesus Christ. Make no mistake: the Constitution of the United States contains an explicit reference to Jesus Christ—not Allah, Buddha, Muhammad, nor the gods of Hindus or Native Americans!

Let’s get this straight: The Declaration of Independence contains four allusions to the God of the Bible. The U.S. Constitution contains allusions to the freedom to practice the Christian religion unimpeded, the significance and priority of Sunday worship, as well as the place of Jesus Christ in history. So, according to the thinking of the ACLU and a host of liberal educators, politicians, and judges, the Constitution is—unconstitutional! Go figure.

Read the actual Document:

In the Year of our Lord was required by the law in PA. Someone forgot to tell you that.

In no way should it be construed that the Founders believed they were creating a Christian Republic.

Based on the known historic characters, the "Christian" interpretation is horse crap.
Which is why I am not a Democrat. Keep in mind that traditionally, liberal Democrats wanted government to stay out of what was on your list--just let people be. At some point (it seems) the Democrats seem to be in favor of pushing government to enact many of the issues on your list. I find myself wondering why more liberal Democrats aren't leaving that party for the Libertarian Party.

As I surmises, and, it seems, proved, you cannot defend the false premise that there is any equivalence between the two parties.
Donald Trump was wrong to run in 2016 and 2020 and will be wrong in 2024.

He will be defeated hands down.

Let's check:

  • Under Trump gasoline was about $1.80 a gallon….but you voted against that
  • Under Trump we were energy independent….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump 80% of illegal alien were kept in Mexico….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump inflation was 1.4%….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump crime was far lower, as were homicides….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump Iran was kept in a box….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump America had an airbase near both China and Iran….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump our President wasn’t on China’s payroll….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump cartels weren’t free to operate….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump government didn’t favor racism, CRT, gender mutilation….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have confiscatory tax policy….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have a government working with big tech to end free speech….but you voted against that.

  • You have proven to be one of the America-hating 5th columnists. Proud?


We call the peddling of endless lies about the Democrats DISGUSTING.

Durham had nothing to show for. Zero.

How many more bridges and swamps do you have for sale for your fellow Republicans?
Demwits voted for Biden in droves based on the false belief that Trump “colluded” with Russia. Turns out that the only folks NOT involved with the Trump/Russia collusion were Trump and Russia.
And when I do, will you admit you are just as I have identified you?
What is taking you so long.

Just read the Constitution:

Demwits voted for Biden in droves based on the false belief that Trump “colluded” with Russia. Turns out that the only folks NOT involved with the Trump/Russia collusion were Trump and Russia.
Republican voters voted in drove for Biden to get their issues taken care of, something Trump and the Republicans were not doing.

And they did it again in 2022.

Will do so again in 2024.
Republican voters voted in drove for Biden to get their issues taken care of, something Trump and the Republicans were not doing.

And they did it again in 2022.

Will do so again in 2024.
What issues are you talking about. List 5 please.

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