The Dianetics Hexagon


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Sep 22, 2013
Does media in the age of the Trump Administration make you more optimistic or more cynical about 'pro-pedestrian sociology'?

List of Incendiary Tweets by Trump

I couldn't resist writing this tabloid-stylized 'media fan-fic.' I think I like Melania Trump more than Donald Trump. What about you?

This story is about the American celebrity Tom Cruise becoming frustrated with a Scientology media campaign in regards to a 'Trump Administration culture circus-act.' Would the media make a Scientologist so frustrated as to 'glamorize' Dianetics? This is the sort of thing you think would only happen to Salman Rushdie!


After Woody Allen's film Celebrity received many comments and reviews and mixed praises, people took notice of a new age geo-cultural focus on network-culture related media hysteria. The days of Princess Diana's scandals and the Clinton scandal and the new more entertainment industry oriented 'society gossip' has generated much interest in 'random hearsay,' and this affects consumerism. What celebrities endorse which goods and services and companies will affect consumer choices. So when we hear of the popular American movie star Tom Cruise involved in a tabloid-controversy regarding his intolerance of his girlfriend's unwillingness to embrace his views on Scientology, we start to mistrust Cruise's endorsement of various 'social sectors' (e.g., politically-conscious endorsements such as eco-politics).

Suddenly, we hear the new news of Kate Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge and wife of Prince William of England) engaged in a rumored online 'pen-pal' relationship with an Internet-blogger (an Armenian-American prince) who posts about the problems with the Trump Administration (in regards to gender-issues and eco-consciousness), and get the feeling that this 'pen-pal' may be a cyber-highway 'political radical' who has caught the attention of a royal who has focused views on gender politics in America. People start making gossip such as, "Middleton does not think her hubby Prince William cares enough about the Trump Administration!" Suddenly, this mysterious 'Internet pen-pal' is talked about in tabloids as a 'symbol' of new age media hysteria and a general laissez-faire morality towards politics-engaged society chatter.

So Cruise returns to the media spotlight and uses this gossip to his advantage and issues a press statement:

"We hear of a bizarre tabloid rumor that Middleton is romancing a notion about Internet-blogging idealism, and we ignore the fact that people hear me say things in the media such as, 'I hope my girlfriend will be more receptive and open-minded about my study of Scientology!' even though such comments are vital to a democracy which espouses unfiltered dialogue regarding pluralism and the exchange of ideas!"

Soon, tabloids go into a frenzy and some claim that Cruise himself is the Internet-blogging idealist making waves with Middleton regarding Trump politics (and perhaps Trump's potential investments in Scientology-related free-speech politics as they relate to religious pluralism). CNN offers up a story, in which they comment, "Perhaps Cruise's Scientology 'biases' and the strange attention it's receiving illuminates a media obsession with extreme liberalism, fostered by a high-traffic Internet which caters to unfiltered dialogue!" Cruise retorts by saying, "I'm not having an affair with Kate Middleton, and I doubt she is having an affair with anyone else (even a hypothetical 'Armenian-American prince' who stirs her fancy regarding anti-Trump politics!); such hearsay is a sign of media activity going in the wrong direction! Besides, I'm actually dating Jennifer Connelly!"

So, people then start posting comments on Facebook, such as "If Middleton-Armenian is a new Diana-Dodi, and if it's purely false, then a Cruise-Middleton media blitz is just what the doctor ordered for our celebrity-crazed society, and we need to be more conscious about the Green Party than about Planet Hollywood or The Royals!" Cruise gets wind of these comments and gets very angry and retorts again by saying, "I could be Mandrake the Magician for all the paparazzi cares; what's actually important is who has the leadership skills to direct progressive media dialogue to dissuade ISIS terrorists from creating anti-Internet slogans such as, "Internet hackers will save Facebook!" What ensues is the Internet Civil War (between Cruise/Scientology and Pro-Royals/Facebook). Rental sales of the anarchy-funhouse film Captain America: Civil War go through the roof, and the only one truly wary is President Trump! No one realizes that this 'Middleton Internet pen-pal' is actually an ISIS terrorist chatting with both Cruise and Middleton online while planning a major virus release onto Facebook after seeing the film One Hour Photo!




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