The difference between California and Kansas proves liberal economics work

Hmm and yet California is the world's 6th biggest economy. Texas is...what?
State of California Debt Clock
Once again, the debt was created by the Terminator and republican legislators. This isn't hard to figure out. It's democrats that are aiming to fix the debt.

You are avoiding my questions.

Here are MORE questions to avoid

Have you asked NON PARASITIC Kansanites if they are experiencing a budget surplus thanks to Gov. Sam Brownback's tax reforms?

You do realize of course the deficit of Kansas is the deficit of Kansas regardless of whether or not non parasites live there right? Lol you really do top yourself in the dumb things you say.

Yo do realize that the Kansanites having more money in their pocket is a good thing.

The state of Kansas can balance the budget by reducing EXPENDITURES.

Lol you really do top yourself in the dumb things you say.

Um who has more money in Kansas right now? Oh yeah rich people and absolutely no one else. Wow what a great system!
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great:

Yo butthead

Who AUDITED the State of California and concluded they have a budget surplus?

California retirement liabilities remain despite surplus

Again, we both know it was republican policies that created the debt problem to begin with. Doy!

Taxing and spending like Democrats never got us into financial problems, I feel you

You do realize of course the concept of taxing and spending is how govenment is supposed to function right? Cutting taxes and spending is how debt is created. Doy!

We had a balanced budget with Clinton. Then bush cut taxes and spent.

I saw a recent projection that without Bush's tax cuts and wars we would have had an $11 Trillion surplus by the end of his term.

Republicans suck ass.
I'll admit that Obama between his wars, tax cuts(he extended Bushs) and expansions in welfare has put this nation deep into debt. My only beef is that investment that makes sense like infrastructure, science, r&d and education hasn't grown above the Reagan level under him. Hell, Infrastructure is at the lowest levels in many decades. Why defund investments that grow our economy and allow for expansion? I'll admit that we should increase taxes on the top 75% of society(includes getting rid of loop holes on the rich!), get out of the wars and reduce welfare to 2008 levels.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

California doesn't have a huge surplus...the supposed surplus is just book keeping fiction.

The state, as well as local and county governments, has huge unfunded pension obligations. Our road are about the worst in the country. A very small group of people pay most of the taxes. Middle class families are fleeing the state. And the Income Inequality that has your panties in a wad is quite extreme.
Once again, the debt was created by the Terminator and republican legislators. This isn't hard to figure out. It's democrats that are aiming to fix the debt.

You are avoiding my questions.

Here are MORE questions to avoid

Have you asked NON PARASITIC Kansanites if they are experiencing a budget surplus thanks to Gov. Sam Brownback's tax reforms?

You do realize of course the deficit of Kansas is the deficit of Kansas regardless of whether or not non parasites live there right? Lol you really do top yourself in the dumb things you say.

Yo do realize that the Kansanites having more money in their pocket is a good thing.

The state of Kansas can balance the budget by reducing EXPENDITURES.

Lol you really do top yourself in the dumb things you say.

Um who has more money in Kansas right now? Oh yeah rich people and absolutely no one else. Wow what a great system!

Why are rich people bad?

Can the poor parasitic Kansanites move to California and mooch from Beverly Hills "liberals"?

You don't realize how big 400 billion is do you? That and it's unfunded...look it up
What is this 400 billion you speak of? As of when? Show me a source that isn't Fox News. Also, it wasn't liberal policy that created the debt problem in the first place. This isn't hard to figure out.

You lose, toad and once again you're trying to debate something you know very little about. Next time come better prepared

California’s $400 billion debt worries analysts
Lol you are so dumb. I never said Cali didn't have a debt. You're just too much of a wuss to admit it was republican policies that created the debt to begin with.

You screeched about a "surplus" while ignoring 400 billion in is a hint there can't be a surplus when you owe 400 billion. I bet your personal finances are a hoot, my checking account is balanced but I have 30,000 in credit card debt....but my checking account is balanced!!!!!!! was republican legislators and a republican governor who created the debt. Gee who would have thought cutting taxes on the wealthy even further would create more borrowing? Doy! Luckily liberals stepped in and are cutting the debt with, you know, actual revenue generating policies.

Yeah and Proposition 13 has nothing to do with it right? Who was leading California when it was passed?
Once again, the debt was created by the Terminator and republican legislators. This isn't hard to figure out. It's democrats that are aiming to fix the debt.

You are avoiding my questions.

Here are MORE questions to avoid

Have you asked NON PARASITIC Kansanites if they are experiencing a budget surplus thanks to Gov. Sam Brownback's tax reforms?

You do realize of course the deficit of Kansas is the deficit of Kansas regardless of whether or not non parasites live there right? Lol you really do top yourself in the dumb things you say.

Yo do realize that the Kansanites having more money in their pocket is a good thing.

The state of Kansas can balance the budget by reducing EXPENDITURES.

Lol you really do top yourself in the dumb things you say.

Um who has more money in Kansas right now? Oh yeah rich people and absolutely no one else. Wow what a great system!

Why are rich people bad?

Can the poor parasitic Kansanites move to California and mooch from Beverly Hills "liberals"?

No one said rich people were bad. Smart people say republican people are bad because they ONLY cater to the interests of the rich. Don't you think that's a problem?
What is this 400 billion you speak of? As of when? Show me a source that isn't Fox News. Also, it wasn't liberal policy that created the debt problem in the first place. This isn't hard to figure out.

You lose, toad and once again you're trying to debate something you know very little about. Next time come better prepared

California’s $400 billion debt worries analysts
Lol you are so dumb. I never said Cali didn't have a debt. You're just too much of a wuss to admit it was republican policies that created the debt to begin with.

You screeched about a "surplus" while ignoring 400 billion in is a hint there can't be a surplus when you owe 400 billion. I bet your personal finances are a hoot, my checking account is balanced but I have 30,000 in credit card debt....but my checking account is balanced!!!!!!! was republican legislators and a republican governor who created the debt. Gee who would have thought cutting taxes on the wealthy even further would create more borrowing? Doy! Luckily liberals stepped in and are cutting the debt with, you know, actual revenue generating policies.

Yeah and Proposition 13 has nothing to do with it right? Who was leading California when it was passed?

Thank goodness we have Prop 13! Without it, many long time homeowners would be forced from their homes due to huge tax increases.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

OP is a lie. Calif has over $400 Billion debt in unfunded mandates.

State of California Debt Clock
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

California individual income tax rates:

State T/I over $526K single = 12.3%
Over 316K = 11.3%
Over 263K = 10.3%
Over 52K = 9.3%
Over 47K = 8%
Over 29K = 6%

Kansas individual income tax rates:

Over 15K = 4.6%
Over under 15K 2.7%

California sales tax rates = 8% to 10%

Kansas sales tax rate = 6.5% to 10%

California corporate tax rates:

Banks = 10.84%
Non-banks = 8.84%

Kansas corporate tax rate = 4%

California tax receipts from all sources 2015 = $111.8 billions

California state disbursements 2015 = $167.6 billions

Kansas tax receipts from all sources 2015 = $6.0 billions

Kansas state disbursements 2015 = $15.3 billions

So while California's deficit is 50%, Kansas' deficit is 155%.


Kansas needs to raise their state tax rates.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

California individual income tax rates:

State T/I over $526K single = 12.3%
Over 316K = 11.3%
Over 263K = 10.3%
Over 52K = 9.3%
Over 47K = 8%
Over 29K = 6%

Kansas individual income tax rates:

Over 15K = 4.6%
Over under 15K 2.7%

California sales tax rates = 8% to 10%

Kansas sales tax rate = 6.5% to 10%

California corporate tax rates:

Banks = 10.84%
Non-banks = 8.84

Kansas corporate tax rate = 4%

California tax receipts from all sources 2015 = $111.8 billions

California state disbursements 2015 = $167.6 billions

Kansas tax receipts from all sources 2015 = $6.0 billions

Kansas state disbursements 2015 = $15.3 billions

So while California's deficit is 50%, Kansas' deficit is 155%.


Kansas needs to raise their state tax rates.

^^^ Pins the Bogometer ^^^
You are avoiding my questions.

Here are MORE questions to avoid

Have you asked NON PARASITIC Kansanites if they are experiencing a budget surplus thanks to Gov. Sam Brownback's tax reforms?

You do realize of course the deficit of Kansas is the deficit of Kansas regardless of whether or not non parasites live there right? Lol you really do top yourself in the dumb things you say.

Yo do realize that the Kansanites having more money in their pocket is a good thing.

The state of Kansas can balance the budget by reducing EXPENDITURES.

Lol you really do top yourself in the dumb things you say.

Um who has more money in Kansas right now? Oh yeah rich people and absolutely no one else. Wow what a great system!

Why are rich people bad?

Can the poor parasitic Kansanites move to California and mooch from Beverly Hills "liberals"?

No one said rich people were bad. Smart people say republican people are bad because they ONLY cater to the interests of the rich. Don't you think that's a problem?

Yes, indeed taking sides is a problem.

The government is supposed to be NEUTRAL - neither favoring the rich nor the poor.

But the poor votes, they are the majority so politicians tend to cater to that group.

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Yo do realize that the Kansanites having more money in their pocket is a good thing.

The state of Kansas can balance the budget by reducing EXPENDITURES.

Lol you really do top yourself in the dumb things you say.
If there's the slightest chance you can still be educated, read this:

Kansas’ Insane Right-Wing Experiment Is About to Destroy Its Roads
I've been in Third World nations with better roads than Calif.

Plus this: “A Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Development Committee backgrounder from last July noted that ‘68 percent of California’s roads are in ‘poor’ or ‘mediocre’ condition, putting California behind 43 other states in road condition, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers.’”

Crumbling Roads? Let’s Build Bike Lanes!
Yo do realize that the Kansanites having more money in their pocket is a good thing.

The state of Kansas can balance the budget by reducing EXPENDITURES.

Lol you really do top yourself in the dumb things you say.
If there's the slightest chance you can still be educated, read this:

Kansas’ Insane Right-Wing Experiment Is About to Destroy Its Roads

Have you read this

The US insane fascist experiment will destroy the country

In a A country which respects private Property and subscribes to Capitalism the government need not worry about roads - the marketplace will take care of them
U-Haul rentals tells you everything you need to know about the health of the Calif economy.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.


Number of Californians Moving to Texas Hits Highest Level in Nearly a Decade

Why Businesses Leave California
Hmm and yet California is the world's 6th biggest economy. Texas is...what?
State of California Debt Clock
Once again, the debt was created by the Terminator and republican legislators. This isn't hard to figure out. It's democrats that are aiming to fix the debt.

The debt was also contributed to by Gray Davis and the Republicans haven't controlled the California legislature in almost 20 years.

This isn't hard to figure out

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