The difference between California and Kansas proves liberal economics work

Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

California individual income tax rates:

State T/I over $526K single = 12.3%
Over 316K = 11.3%
Over 263K = 10.3%
Over 52K = 9.3%
Over 47K = 8%
Over 29K = 6%

Kansas individual income tax rates:

Over 15K = 4.6%
Over under 15K 2.7%

California sales tax rates = 8% to 10%

Kansas sales tax rate = 6.5% to 10%

California corporate tax rates:

Banks = 10.84%
Non-banks = 8.84%

Kansas corporate tax rate = 4%

California tax receipts from all sources 2015 = $111.8 billions

California state disbursements 2015 = $167.6 billions

Kansas tax receipts from all sources 2015 = $6.0 billions

Kansas state disbursements 2015 = $15.3 billions

So while California's deficit is 50%, Kansas' deficit is 155%.


Kansas needs to raise their state tax rates.

Higher taxes make everything worse because it expands the size of the fucking piece of shit government…
Oh gee another failed far left drone thread from a far left drone!

But Revenue Secretary Nick Jordan said in a statement Wednesday that the state economy continues to suffer because of slumps in agriculture, aircraft manufacturing and energy production hurting the entire region.

Read more here: Kansas faces $74.5 million budget shortfall amid school funding fight

So far left policies have hurt another state..
Are you kidding me? Do you know what party runs Kansas. That's my entire point.
Over 400 billion in debt,yep they are knocken over the fence.
California has nearly 400 billion in unfunded liabilities and debt from public pensions, retiree healthcare and bonds. Until that is addressed any "surplus" doesn't mean squat
The debt problem created by the Terminator is slowly going away. That's what matters. Compare that to Kansas which is a complete economic republican shithole.

You don't realize how big 400 billion is do you? That and it's unfunded...look it up
What is this 400 billion you speak of? As of when? Show me a source that isn't Fox News. Also, it wasn't liberal policy that created the debt problem in the first place. This isn't hard to figure out.

You lose, toad and once again you're trying to debate something you know very little about. Next time come better prepared

California’s $400 billion debt worries analysts
Lol you are so dumb. I never said Cali didn't have a debt. You're just too much of a wuss to admit it was republican policies that created the debt to begin with.
California is run by Democrats,has been.
California has nearly 400 billion in unfunded liabilities and debt from public pensions, retiree healthcare and bonds. Until that is addressed any "surplus" doesn't mean squat
The debt problem created by the Terminator is slowly going away. That's what matters. Compare that to Kansas which is a complete economic republican shithole.

You don't realize how big 400 billion is do you? That and it's unfunded...look it up
What is this 400 billion you speak of? As of when? Show me a source that isn't Fox News. Also, it wasn't liberal policy that created the debt problem in the first place. This isn't hard to figure out.

You lose, toad and once again you're trying to debate something you know very little about. Next time come better prepared

California’s $400 billion debt worries analysts
Lol you are so dumb. I never said Cali didn't have a debt. You're just too much of a wuss to admit it was republican policies that created the debt to begin with.
You questioned that fact in this thread??!! ,yes cal has a huge debt .you have a huge honesty problem ,or just cant keep up.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great with actual facts:

A snapshot in time does not reflect the reality of history. But I wouldn't expect a tool like you to understand.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great:

Compare MN to WI, Dems winning big there too. From what I can tell repub states only do ok if they have some huge natural resource like oil.

See the trend. Dip shit
State of Minnesota Debt Clock
State of Wisconsin Debt Clock
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Minnesota economy beats Wisconsin: 7 charts, 1 table
Oh gee another failed far left drone thread from a far left drone!

But Revenue Secretary Nick Jordan said in a statement Wednesday that the state economy continues to suffer because of slumps in agriculture, aircraft manufacturing and energy production hurting the entire region.

Read more here: Kansas faces $74.5 million budget shortfall amid school funding fight

So far left policies have hurt another state..
Are you kidding me? Do you know what party runs Kansas. That's my entire point.
WTF are you babbling about? California is hopelessly in debt.
Bullshit. $11B surplus.
Many folks are confused by the term unfunded liabilities. Look at my link and think. Neither California nor Kansas show up in the top ten until you reach the list of liability per resident. California is 10th worst. Per capita Kansas owes about $7000 less than California.

Promises Made, Promises Broken 2014: Unfunded Liabilities Hit $4.7 Trillion
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great:

Compare MN to WI, Dems winning big there too. From what I can tell repub states only do ok if they have some huge natural resource like oil.

See the trend. Dip shit
State of Minnesota Debt Clock
State of Wisconsin Debt Clock
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Minnesota economy beats Wisconsin: 7 charts, 1 table

They all suck, that's the point. Shit for brains
Once again, the Right-Wing doesn't know the difference between deficits and debt. Sad!
If the red is larger than the black numbers are not worth a shit you fucking moron. Get your shit eaten head out of your ass, motherfucker. LOL
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great:

Compare MN to WI, Dems winning big there too. From what I can tell repub states only do ok if they have some huge natural resource like oil.

See the trend. Dip shit
State of Minnesota Debt Clock
State of Wisconsin Debt Clock
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Minnesota economy beats Wisconsin: 7 charts, 1 table

They all suck, that's the point. Shit for brains

Sure kid.
Oh gee another failed far left drone thread from a far left drone!

But Revenue Secretary Nick Jordan said in a statement Wednesday that the state economy continues to suffer because of slumps in agriculture, aircraft manufacturing and energy production hurting the entire region.

Read more here: Kansas faces $74.5 million budget shortfall amid school funding fight

So far left policies have hurt another state..
Are you kidding me? Do you know what party runs Kansas. That's my entire point.
By when the party that controls Detroit or Chicago presents policies that hurt those individuals residing there it is not their fault?
The economies, economic opportunities, environments, and pretty much everything else about California and Kansas are apples and oranges.
Yeah California has a big surplus and Kansas has a big deficit. That's the difference in tax policy, isn't it? Despite this, California's economy is thriving while Kansas is now in a recession.

Bill Maher really sums it up great:

Yo butthead

Who AUDITED the State of California and concluded they have a budget surplus?

California retirement liabilities remain despite surplus

Again, we both know it was republican policies that created the debt problem to begin with. Doy!

Taxing and spending like Democrats never got us into financial problems, I feel you

You do realize of course the concept of taxing and spending is how govenment is supposed to function right? Cutting taxes and spending is how debt is created. Doy!

Well, it is a balance. ;) What anti-government idiots can't grasps is the reality that without it = we're a third world country. Of course, there is also a point where government spends too much on stuff that doesn't help our society and should probably rethink.

You're right.

What government loving sychophants can't grasp is the choices aren't only Marxism or anarchy. Gawd you people are stupid
If you tax the hell out of people you can collect enough money to pay for the socialism bills. Of course the people don't have much money left over for the things they want and eventually the economy suffers but what the hey, greed is good, right?
Yo butthead

Who AUDITED the State of California and concluded they have a budget surplus?

California retirement liabilities remain despite surplus
Again, we both know it was republican policies that created the debt problem to begin with. Doy!

Taxing and spending like Democrats never got us into financial problems, I feel you
You do realize of course the concept of taxing and spending is how govenment is supposed to function right? Cutting taxes and spending is how debt is created. Doy!

We had a balanced budget with Clinton. Then bush cut taxes and spent.
I saw a recent projection that without Bush's tax cuts and wars we would have had an $11 Trillion surplus by the end of his term.

Republicans suck ass.

:lmao: You "saw a projection," Crooks and Liars?

His tax cuts were the only thing that helped, and he undercut that by adding complexity to the tax code and he had the huge social security and medicare increases.

It wasn't just the wars, he went on a domestic spending orgy too. That was the problem. Funny how you only bring up the parts you don't like. And you're a liar there too. What does Syndi want to call someone who voted for the wars? Madam President ...

BTW, a tip. You did a nice job there catching Ryan in the act of putting peanut butter in your bed. A tip though, next time learn how to turn off the zoom lens
If you tax the hell out of people you can collect enough money to pay for the socialism bills. Of course the people don't have much money left over for the things they want and eventually the economy suffers but what the hey, greed is good, right?
That is called "disposable income" versus "taxation burden".

The reason I compared KS to CA was to show that KS is woefully UNDER-taxed.

They (in KS) pay almost NO taxes -- that's why their state deficit is 150%.
Higher taxes make everything worse because it expands the size of the fucking piece of shit government…
Governments need to pay their bills.

This is called "fiscal responsibility".

They cannot borrow to pay for very long.

The reason I showed the CA tax rates compared with the KS tax rates was to demonstrate that the people in KS pay almost no tax -- yet their demands of their state government are quite high.

The problem is obvious -- KS needs to raise their rates.
Oh gee another failed far left drone thread from a far left drone!

But Revenue Secretary Nick Jordan said in a statement Wednesday that the state economy continues to suffer because of slumps in agriculture, aircraft manufacturing and energy production hurting the entire region.

Read more here: Kansas faces $74.5 million budget shortfall amid school funding fight

So far left policies have hurt another state..
So...Kansas is such a wonderful place to live.....all RWrs should look to move there. Paradise!

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