The Difference

Do you believe your man can win the Republican nod for president? Would it make sense to give your vote to someone who might possibly be able to beat Trump if you hate so much what he stands for? Kasich has experience and a reasoned, measured approach, but his numbers have been awful and they don't look like they're going to improve except maybe Ohio. Or is that all just MSM propaganda?
An employer should have NOTHING to do with your healthcare. You are a hostage in that situation. It's take-it-or-leave-it bullshit. You have no options. You have to take the one insurance company plan offered, or have none at all. And if you work for a small business, your company has zero leverage with the insurance company. If one employee in a small business runs up massive insurance bills, everyone in the company sees a giant spike in their premiums.

Your employer should be responsible for paying you cash, and then it is left to you how you spend it. Period. If your employer wants to offer other bennies, that should be the employer's prerogative, not the government's.

Employer-sponsored health insurance is one of the single biggest causes of rising health care costs. It needs to go away.

Trump's bit about "lines" is correct, but he clearly never thought of it until one of his trainers fed it to him and practiced it with him.

I have been saying from the get-go you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy all your other insurance. You pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the United States that you wish. THAT is what gives you real leverage, just like it does with auto, home, and life insurance. YOU have the upper hand.

You pick the options you want with the money you have. THAT is how it should work.

Nixon was correct and you are incorrect. The nation should have adopted the Nixon-Kennedy Bill, and all this would be past history. It is sad you are one of those that believe if we get rid of those lines someone on $7.25 hr will be able to afford health insurance when they can not even afford to pay their own rent.

Also let stop the nonsense and admit the fact that the insurance that will be offered for lower income families and individuals will be substandard, and have high deductibles which mean more money out of the poor person pocket which mean either food, a roof over their head or not being able to see a doctor.

The Nixon plan was not perfect but a hell of a lot better than what you want, and as a Employer I make it my business to give my employee's a decent wage which sometimes mean they make fifty percent off a contract and offer them health insurance through the company and it is their option to take the plan I offer or get their own.
Now which one of those sounds like someone who knows what the fuck he is talking about?

Trump was fed a line about "lines around the states" by one of his trainers in the past week or so.

"We should have gotten rid of the lines around the state so there's great competition."

He sounds like a poorly trained monkey!

When Kasich speaks, you can actually hear the glaze setting in on the eyes and brains of the rubes who came to watch a WWF match.

Sad. Really, really sad.

True but the Media is also complicit in this. Notice how Rump gets center stage, as if he needs the exposure, and the three most animated speakers get bunched together 2-3-4 so that they make a nice camera frame. You could have tuned in to the debate any number of points and inferred there were only three candidates. If CNN had an honest bone left in its corporate body it would have put the louder candidates on the fringes and a Carson/Kasich front and center.

Then again, the whole scene was a mockery -- they opened up with a roaring raucous crowd that far more resembled a game show than a political debate. Even brought the game show sound effects.

The circus some politicians have done to the concept of political discourse is pathetic, but the hyper porn orgy mass media has made it into is even worse.
People in the media have pointed out that he NEVER actually answers a question, e.g. how he'd get Mexico to pay for a wall, how he'd deport 10 million . If they asked how he'd take down state market restrictions on insurance, he'd give some bullshit "I've got really smart people who will look into that and take care of it.

And the people voting for him don't give a fock. So, I think you gotta put the blame where it belongs. The story in the summer was "how can this be happening? the man never answers?" Now the story is "It's unbelievable, but believe it."
Now which one of those sounds like someone who knows what the fuck he is talking about?

Trump was fed a line about "lines around the states" by one of his trainers in the past week or so.

"We should have gotten rid of the lines around the state so there's great competition."

He sounds like a poorly trained monkey!

When Kasich speaks, you can actually hear the glaze setting in on the eyes and brains of the rubes who came to watch a WWF match.

Sad. Really, really sad.

True but the Media is also complicit in this. Notice how Rump gets center stage, as if he needs the exposure, and the three most animated speakers get bunched together 2-3-4 so that they make a nice camera frame. You could have tuned in to the debate any number of points and inferred there were only three candidates. If CNN had an honest bone left in its corporate body it would have put the louder candidates on the fringes and a Carson/Kasich front and center.

Then again, the whole scene was a mockery -- they opened up with a roaring raucous crowd that far more resembled a game show than a political debate. Even brought the game show sound effects.

The circus some politicians have done to the concept of political discourse is pathetic, but the hyper porn orgy mass media has made it into is even worse.
People in the media have pointed out that he NEVER actually answers a question, e.g. how he'd get Mexico to pay for a wall, how he'd deport 10 million . If they asked how he'd take down state market restrictions on insurance, he'd give some bullshit "I've got really smart people who will look into that and take care of it.

And the people voting for him don't give a fock. So, I think you gotta put the blame where it belongs. The story in the summer was "how can this be happening? the man never answers?" Now the story is "It's unbelievable, but believe it."


How do you BS your way through a campaign for POTUS ?


have idiots who believe you.
Now which one of those sounds like someone who knows what the fuck he is talking about?

Trump was fed a line about "lines around the states" by one of his trainers in the past week or so.

"We should have gotten rid of the lines around the state so there's great competition."

He sounds like a poorly trained monkey!

When Kasich speaks, you can actually hear the glaze setting in on the eyes and brains of the rubes who came to watch a WWF match.

Sad. Really, really sad.

True but the Media is also complicit in this. Notice how Rump gets center stage, as if he needs the exposure, and the three most animated speakers get bunched together 2-3-4 so that they make a nice camera frame. You could have tuned in to the debate any number of points and inferred there were only three candidates. If CNN had an honest bone left in its corporate body it would have put the louder candidates on the fringes and a Carson/Kasich front and center.

Then again, the whole scene was a mockery -- they opened up with a roaring raucous crowd that far more resembled a game show than a political debate. Even brought the game show sound effects.

The circus some politicians have done to the concept of political discourse is pathetic, but the hyper porn orgy mass media has made it into is even worse.
People in the media have pointed out that he NEVER actually answers a question, e.g. how he'd get Mexico to pay for a wall, how he'd deport 10 million . If they asked how he'd take down state market restrictions on insurance, he'd give some bullshit "I've got really smart people who will look into that and take care of it.

And the people voting for him don't give a fock. So, I think you gotta put the blame where it belongs. The story in the summer was "how can this be happening? the man never answers?" Now the story is "It's unbelievable, but believe it."


How do you BS your way through a campaign for POTUS ?


have idiots who believe you.
It's either that his supporters are idiots who believe he has a plan, even though when asked repeatedly what is the plan, he offers no answers, OR his supporters have given up on any plan that's been offered because it fails to meet some preconditions they've set for it to gain their support.

My guess is that at this point, his supporters aren't even interested if he has a plan.
Now which one of those sounds like someone who knows what the fuck he is talking about?

Trump was fed a line about "lines around the states" by one of his trainers in the past week or so.

"We should have gotten rid of the lines around the state so there's great competition."

He sounds like a poorly trained monkey!

When Kasich speaks, you can actually hear the glaze setting in on the eyes and brains of the rubes who came to watch a WWF match.

Sad. Really, really sad.

True but the Media is also complicit in this. Notice how Rump gets center stage, as if he needs the exposure, and the three most animated speakers get bunched together 2-3-4 so that they make a nice camera frame. You could have tuned in to the debate any number of points and inferred there were only three candidates. If CNN had an honest bone left in its corporate body it would have put the louder candidates on the fringes and a Carson/Kasich front and center.

Then again, the whole scene was a mockery -- they opened up with a roaring raucous crowd that far more resembled a game show than a political debate. Even brought the game show sound effects.

The circus some politicians have done to the concept of political discourse is pathetic, but the hyper porn orgy mass media has made it into is even worse.
People in the media have pointed out that he NEVER actually answers a question, e.g. how he'd get Mexico to pay for a wall, how he'd deport 10 million . If they asked how he'd take down state market restrictions on insurance, he'd give some bullshit "I've got really smart people who will look into that and take care of it.

And the people voting for him don't give a fock. So, I think you gotta put the blame where it belongs. The story in the summer was "how can this be happening? the man never answers?" Now the story is "It's unbelievable, but believe it."

Rubio did some of that last night in demanding a Trump healthcare plan and the best he could get out of him was "lines around the states"
Now which one of those sounds like someone who knows what the fuck he is talking about?

Trump was fed a line about "lines around the states" by one of his trainers in the past week or so.

"We should have gotten rid of the lines around the state so there's great competition."

He sounds like a poorly trained monkey!

When Kasich speaks, you can actually hear the glaze setting in on the eyes and brains of the rubes who came to watch a WWF match.

Sad. Really, really sad.

True but the Media is also complicit in this. Notice how Rump gets center stage, as if he needs the exposure, and the three most animated speakers get bunched together 2-3-4 so that they make a nice camera frame. You could have tuned in to the debate any number of points and inferred there were only three candidates. If CNN had an honest bone left in its corporate body it would have put the louder candidates on the fringes and a Carson/Kasich front and center.

Then again, the whole scene was a mockery -- they opened up with a roaring raucous crowd that far more resembled a game show than a political debate. Even brought the game show sound effects.

The circus some politicians have done to the concept of political discourse is pathetic, but the hyper porn orgy mass media has made it into is even worse.
People in the media have pointed out that he NEVER actually answers a question, e.g. how he'd get Mexico to pay for a wall, how he'd deport 10 million . If they asked how he'd take down state market restrictions on insurance, he'd give some bullshit "I've got really smart people who will look into that and take care of it.

And the people voting for him don't give a fock. So, I think you gotta put the blame where it belongs. The story in the summer was "how can this be happening? the man never answers?" Now the story is "It's unbelievable, but believe it."


How do you BS your way through a campaign for POTUS ?


have idiots who believe you.
It's either that his supporters are idiots who believe he has a plan, even though when asked repeatedly what is the plan, he offers no answers, OR his supporters have given up on any plan that's been offered because it fails to meet some preconditions they've set for it to gain their support.

My guess is that at this point, his supporters aren't even interested if he has a plan.

Snake oil

They believe the promises and think they have actually been cured
Trump's actual answer to health care: "We'll come up with new plans." He actually said that, and Rubio rightfully kicked him in the nuts. "What is your plan? What is your plan?"

The man has absolutely no idea what he will do. None. All he had was the bit about "lines" and "it will be a beautiful thing".

He's clueless.

It worked for Obama.
Trump's actual answer to health care: "We'll come up with new plans." He actually said that, and Rubio rightfully kicked him in the nuts. "What is your plan? What is your plan?"

The man has absolutely no idea what he will do. None. All he had was the bit about "lines" and "it will be a beautiful thing".

He's clueless.

It worked for Obama.
Wrong. Obama put a package on the table.

A Detailed Analysis of Barack Obama’s Health Care Reform Plan | THCB
There are two hospitals close to me in my state. Both are run by the same healthcare insurance company. thus they get to set what they charge for different services. Thus they can charge just about anything they want. How does anything stop that from happening?
Trump's actual answer to health care: "We'll come up with new plans." He actually said that, and Rubio rightfully kicked him in the nuts. "What is your plan? What is your plan?"

The man has absolutely no idea what he will do. None. All he had was the bit about "lines" and "it will be a beautiful thing".

He's clueless.

It worked for Obama.
Wrong. Obama put a package on the table.

A Detailed Analysis of Barack Obama’s Health Care Reform Plan | THCB

Hope and Change?

When did he put this "package" on the table?
There are two hospitals close to me in my state. Both are run by the same healthcare insurance company. thus they get to set what they charge for different services. Thus they can charge just about anything they want. How does anything stop that from happening?
You stop that by getting government out of health care, and by allowing any insurance company to sell health insurance anywhere in the country.
Trump's actual answer to health care: "We'll come up with new plans." He actually said that, and Rubio rightfully kicked him in the nuts. "What is your plan? What is your plan?"

The man has absolutely no idea what he will do. None. All he had was the bit about "lines" and "it will be a beautiful thing".

He's clueless.

It worked for Obama.
Wrong. Obama put a package on the table.

A Detailed Analysis of Barack Obama’s Health Care Reform Plan | THCB

Hope and Change?

When did he put this "package" on the table?
Look at the date on that article. Did you even bother to read it? It was released while Obama was still competing against Clinton in the primaries.
There are two hospitals close to me in my state. Both are run by the same healthcare insurance company. thus they get to set what they charge for different services. Thus they can charge just about anything they want. How does anything stop that from happening?
You stop that by getting government out of health care, and by allowing any insurance company to sell health insurance anywhere in the country.

maybe I don't really understand how it works. How I understand is, a hospital has contracts with insurance companies spelling out the cost for services. So if the Hospital is owned by the same people selling health care insurance then that company is going to be able to charge the least. I seriously doubt if they care what anyone else charges what they charge will be less, and that is what I am seeing.

Your last two sentences, agrees with Trump. Simple and sweet. Not like Kasich answer which sounds like the government giving money to doctors that save money. How exactly is that a savings?
Now which one of those sounds like someone who knows what the fuck he is talking about?

Trump was fed a line about "lines around the states" by one of his trainers in the past week or so.

"We should have gotten rid of the lines around the state so there's great competition."

He sounds like a poorly trained monkey!

When Kasich speaks, you can actually hear the glaze setting in on the eyes and brains of the rubes who came to watch a WWF match.

Sad. Really, really sad.

True but the Media is also complicit in this. Notice how Rump gets center stage, as if he needs the exposure, and the three most animated speakers get bunched together 2-3-4 so that they make a nice camera frame. You could have tuned in to the debate any number of points and inferred there were only three candidates. If CNN had an honest bone left in its corporate body it would have put the louder candidates on the fringes and a Carson/Kasich front and center.

Then again, the whole scene was a mockery -- they opened up with a roaring raucous crowd that far more resembled a game show than a political debate. Even brought the game show sound effects.

The circus some politicians have done to the concept of political discourse is pathetic, but the hyper porn orgy mass media has made it into is even worse.
People in the media have pointed out that he NEVER actually answers a question, e.g. how he'd get Mexico to pay for a wall, how he'd deport 10 million . If they asked how he'd take down state market restrictions on insurance, he'd give some bullshit "I've got really smart people who will look into that and take care of it.

And the people voting for him don't give a fock. So, I think you gotta put the blame where it belongs. The story in the summer was "how can this be happening? the man never answers?" Now the story is "It's unbelievable, but believe it."

Rubio did some of that last night in demanding a Trump healthcare plan and the best he could get out of him was "lines around the states"
I dunno. Obviously we'll have to wait for the general election, and while I have no love for Hillary and think her foundation and personal finances should have disqualified her, hopefully she can get the Socialist from Brooklyn by way of Burlington out of the race .... though since he is not really subject to pay back in the Senate for carrying on a Quixotic fantasy campaign, he may dog her like emails.

She will have actual policies. For example, her HC policy page is not totally incompatable with a Kasich approach, although his is more focused while her's is "defend Obamacare."

I've always believed in "if you give them a choice between sane and crazy, they'll pick sane every time." But W lied so often, that much of the base, is unwilling to accept some answers ... or messengers. For example, it may be unacceptable to a lot of people to them that there are no easy answers in the ME and Arab Spring - and containing Iran and getting any kind of uneasy peace in Syria, and getting the European refugees a safe place to be returned to- is perhaps the best we can hope for during the coming decade.

Trump has no actual budget policy. But people may prefer that to being told that 'yes we have to raise actually paid taxes from the folks making 500K and even more on 1 million, but we really have to cut benefits and at least limit home mortgage deductions."
There are two hospitals close to me in my state. Both are run by the same healthcare insurance company. thus they get to set what they charge for different services. Thus they can charge just about anything they want. How does anything stop that from happening?
You stop that by getting government out of health care, and by allowing any insurance company to sell health insurance anywhere in the country.

maybe I don't really understand how it works. How I understand is, a hospital has contracts with insurance companies spelling out the cost for services. So if the Hospital is owned by the same people selling health care insurance then that company is going to be able to charge the least. I seriously doubt if they care what anyone else charges what they charge will be less, and that is what I am seeing.

Your last two sentences, agrees with Trump. Simple and sweet. Not like Kasich answer which sounds like the government giving money to doctors that save money. How exactly is that a savings?
Trump was just taught in the past week by his animal trainer to parrot the line about insurance companies and geographic restrictions. He's a performing bear. I doubt Trump could speak for more than ten seconds on the issue. "It will be a wonderful thing."

You are correct that if an insurance company owns a hospital, that's a serious conflict of interest. Which is why you won't have that problem if every insurance company is able to sell health insurance in that geographical area.

You know what the difference between the health, home, auto, and life insurance industries is? The health insurance industry is the only one in which the government is the biggest player, and the government gets to write the rules for its competitors!

How's that working out?

We need to be able to buy our health insurance the same way we buy all our other insurance, and that means getting government out and free enterprise in.
Trump's actual answer to health care: "We'll come up with new plans." He actually said that, and Rubio rightfully kicked him in the nuts. "What is your plan? What is your plan?"

The man has absolutely no idea what he will do. None. All he had was the bit about "lines" and "it will be a beautiful thing".

He's clueless.

It worked for Obama.
Wrong. Obama put a package on the table.

A Detailed Analysis of Barack Obama’s Health Care Reform Plan | THCB

Hope and Change?

When did he put this "package" on the table?
Look at the date on that article. Did you even bother to read it? It was released while Obama was still competing against Clinton in the primaries.

Sorry, I did miss the link. His plan, when can I expect the 2500 dollar savings?
The damn fools on the Left want more and more government involvement in the markets, and then they are surprised when that market is captured by a special interest who has paid their government stooges with big contributions to legislatively tilt the field in their favor!

So what do they do to solve that problem? Demand moar government involvement!

There are two hospitals close to me in my state. Both are run by the same healthcare insurance company. thus they get to set what they charge for different services. Thus they can charge just about anything they want. How does anything stop that from happening?
You stop that by getting government out of health care, and by allowing any insurance company to sell health insurance anywhere in the country.

maybe I don't really understand how it works. How I understand is, a hospital has contracts with insurance companies spelling out the cost for services. So if the Hospital is owned by the same people selling health care insurance then that company is going to be able to charge the least. I seriously doubt if they care what anyone else charges what they charge will be less, and that is what I am seeing.

Your last two sentences, agrees with Trump. Simple and sweet. Not like Kasich answer which sounds like the government giving money to doctors that save money. How exactly is that a savings?
Trump was just taught in the past week by his animal trainer to parrot the line about insurance companies and geographic restrictions. I doubt Trump could speak for more than ten seconds on the issue. "It will be a wonderful thing."

You are correct that if an insurance company owns a hospital, that's a serious conflict of interest. Which is why you won't have that problem if every insurance company is able to sell health insurance in that geographical area.

You know what the difference between the health, home, auto, and life insurance industries is? The health insurance industry is the only one in which the government is the biggest player, and the government gets to write the rules for its competitors!

How's that working out?

We need to be able to buy our health insurance the same way we buy all our other insurance, and that means getting government out and free enterprise in.

Auto insurance seldom am I told where to take my car for repair.

The above bolded. Right now there are at least 6 different insurance carriers wanting to sell me health insurance. The one that owns the hospitals is the cheapest so far. I am not sure what adding more insurance companies is going to do.

I have an idea. Open the VA health system to ALL veterans. Even if the ones who make money pay some sort of premium. That would be completion and that would be pay back for those who served but didn't become destitute. That would help the veterans already using the system and help those vets who are now not eligible and actually be direct competition by a large health care organization.
The damn fools on the Left want more and more government involvement in the markets, and then they are surprised when that market is captured by a special interest who has paid their government stooges with big contributions to legislatively tilt the field in their favor!

So what do they do to solve that problem? Demand moar government involvement!

It is the inevitable march towards single payer.

And, I think my kid is about to go into debt for medical school )-:

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