The Difference

Trump's actual answer to health care: "We'll come up with new plans." He actually said that, and Rubio rightfully kicked him in the nuts. "What is your plan? What is your plan?"

The man has absolutely no idea what he will do. None. All he had was the bit about "lines" and "it will be a beautiful thing".

He's clueless.

So who are you voting for? the 75 year old communist or the 70 year old murderer? Talk about clueless.....

Oh, look! This is the best example of a Fallacy of the Excluded Middle I have seen in a while. I see them all the time on here, but this is textbook! Well done!

I'm supporting John Kasich, retard.

These idiots think if you are trashing ANY of the Republican candidates, it must mean you are for Clinton or Sanders.

It just doesn't get more retarded than that.

I have bad news for you, dipshit. There is no daylight between Trump and Clinton. So if I don't support Trump, why the fuck would I support Clinton?

So, I'll ask you once more. Who are you supporting? Afraid to stand up for your guy?
What part of "I'm supporting John Kasich, retard" do you not understand...retard?

Relax fella - I hit the button too early. I'm 72. I make typing errors. You?
No, you made ASSUMPTIONS, and that is why you had a giant blind spot when I said who I supported. Since I didn't say the person you ASSUMED, you didn't see it.

This happens to you retards all the time on this forum. You aren't the first.
John Kasich has as much chance as I do..

I know that. I've said it often that he is not batshit crazy enough for you retards.

Unlike you, though, I stand by my principles and don't vote for the rabid dogs just because they are more popular.

Principles? Standing on "principles" will get either of those two elderly folks elected. It's folks like you - who stayed at home during the last presidential election. Do it this year and this country is lost.
So who are you voting for? the 75 year old communist or the 70 year old murderer? Talk about clueless.....

Oh, look! This is the best example of a Fallacy of the Excluded Middle I have seen in a while. I see them all the time on here, but this is textbook! Well done!

I'm supporting John Kasich, retard.

These idiots think if you are trashing ANY of the Republican candidates, it must mean you are for Clinton or Sanders.

It just doesn't get more retarded than that.

I have bad news for you, dipshit. There is no daylight between Trump and Clinton. So if I don't support Trump, why the fuck would I support Clinton?

So, I'll ask you once more. Who are you supporting? Afraid to stand up for your guy?
What part of "I'm supporting John Kasich, retard" do you not understand...retard?

Relax fella - I hit the button too early. I'm 72. I make typing errors. You?
No, you made ASSUMPTIONS, and that is why you had a giant blind spot when I said who I supported. Since I didn't say the person you ASSUMED, you didn't see it.

This happens to you retards all the time on this forum. You aren't the first.

Well, I find it rather odd that you are "suddenly" a republican, that's all.....
John Kasich has as much chance as I do..

I know that. I've said it often that he is not batshit crazy enough for you retards.

Unlike you, though, I stand by my principles and don't vote for the rabid dogs just because they are more popular.

Principles? Standing on "principles" will get either of those two elderly folks elected. It's folks like you - who stayed at home during the last presidential election. Do it this year and this country is lost.
You get the government you deserve. And you tards worked double overtime to get Obama elected twice. You deserve him inflicted on you.
Trump's actual answer to health care: "We'll come up with new plans." He actually said that, and Rubio rightfully kicked him in the nuts. "What is your plan? What is your plan?"

The man has absolutely no idea what he will do. None. All he had was the bit about "lines" and "it will be a beautiful thing".

He's clueless.

So who are you voting for? the 75 year old communist or the 70 year old murderer? Talk about clueless.....

Oh, look! This is the best example of a Fallacy of the Excluded Middle I have seen in a while. I see them all the time on here, but this is textbook! Well done!

I'm supporting John Kasich, retard.

These idiots think if you are trashing ANY of the Republican candidates, it must mean you are for Clinton or Sanders.

It just doesn't get more retarded than that.

I have bad news for you, dipshit. There is no daylight between Trump and Clinton. So if I don't support Trump, why the fuck would I support Clinton?

So, I'll ask you once more. Who are you supporting? Afraid to stand up for your guy?
What part of "I'm supporting John Kasich, retard" do you not understand...retard?

Relax fella - I hit the button too early. I'm 72. I make typing errors. You?
And other extreme errors in judgment.
Principles? Standing on "principles" will get either of those two elderly folks elected.
It's nice to see my suspicions confirmed.

You assholes have no principles. You admit it.

I have always known that.
John Kasich has as much chance as I do..

I know that. I've said it often that he is not batshit crazy enough for you retards.

Unlike you, though, I stand by my principles and don't vote for the rabid dogs just because they are more popular.

Principles? Standing on "principles" will get either of those two elderly folks elected. It's folks like you - who stayed at home during the last presidential election. Do it this year and this country is lost.
You get the government you deserve. And you tards worked double overtime to get Obama elected twice. You deserve him inflicted on you.

If you say so. However, I voted for Romney - NOT Obama. And isn't it interesting that suddenly, you are worried about "Barry". You change parties?
The dumb shits think electing a rabid dog in order to prevent a Democrat from winning will make a difference!

The dumb shits think electing a rabid dog in order to prevent a Democrat from winning will make a difference!


So please, enlighten me....should we all stay at home in November (and elect the two old folks) or should we vote democrat (and elect one of the two old folks) because we don't like the choices? should seek serious help...
John Kasich has as much chance as I do..

I know that. I've said it often that he is not batshit crazy enough for you retards.

Unlike you, though, I stand by my principles and don't vote for the rabid dogs just because they are more popular.

Principles? Standing on "principles" will get either of those two elderly folks elected. It's folks like you - who stayed at home during the last presidential election. Do it this year and this country is lost.
You get the government you deserve. And you tards worked double overtime to get Obama elected twice. You deserve him inflicted on you.

If you say so. However, I voted for Romney - NOT Obama. And isn't it interesting that suddenly, you are worried about "Barry". You change parties?
There you go again, making assumptions. Do you never learn?

I have never supported Obama, dumb ass. I detest the man.

But you know what I hate more? Idiots like you manufacturing bullshit and making assumptions and destroying the GOP. I hate the people who have ruined the conservative brand more than anything.

It's assholes like you who are the reason Obama has won. Twice.

Obama could easily have been defeated by the Truth. But you dumb asses obliterate your integrity by manufacturing bullshit and sacrificing your principles.
John Kasich has as much chance as I do..

I know that. I've said it often that he is not batshit crazy enough for you retards.

Unlike you, though, I stand by my principles and don't vote for the rabid dogs just because they are more popular.

Principles? Standing on "principles" will get either of those two elderly folks elected. It's folks like you - who stayed at home during the last presidential election. Do it this year and this country is lost.
You get the government you deserve. And you tards worked double overtime to get Obama elected twice. You deserve him inflicted on you.

If you say so. However, I voted for Romney - NOT Obama. And isn't it interesting that suddenly, you are about "Barry". You change parties?
There you go again, making assumptions. Do you never learn?

I have never supported Obama, dumb ass. I detest the man.

But you know what I hate more? Idiots like you manufacturing bullshit and making assumptions and destroying the GOP. I hate the people who have ruined the conservative brand more than anything.

It's assholes like you who are the reason Obama has won. Twice.

The question remains - are you going to sit this election out while you lay on the floor at home throwing your tantrum because YOUR guy wasn't nominated? I would suggest that your logic is so flawed that it is YOU who is the dipshit
"I will make new plans and it will be a wonderful thing."

This is the RETARD at the front of the polls. Jesus H. Christ.

The man was a far left wing Democrat a few months ago.
I know that. I've said it often that he is not batshit crazy enough for you retards.

Unlike you, though, I stand by my principles and don't vote for the rabid dogs just because they are more popular.

Principles? Standing on "principles" will get either of those two elderly folks elected. It's folks like you - who stayed at home during the last presidential election. Do it this year and this country is lost.
You get the government you deserve. And you tards worked double overtime to get Obama elected twice. You deserve him inflicted on you.

If you say so. However, I voted for Romney - NOT Obama. And isn't it interesting that suddenly, you are about "Barry". You change parties?
There you go again, making assumptions. Do you never learn?

I have never supported Obama, dumb ass. I detest the man.

But you know what I hate more? Idiots like you manufacturing bullshit and making assumptions and destroying the GOP. I hate the people who have ruined the conservative brand more than anything.

It's assholes like you who are the reason Obama has won. Twice.

The question remains - are you going to sit this election out while you lay on the floor at home throwing your tantrum because YOUR guy wasn't nominated? I would suggest that your logic is so flawed that it is YOU who is the dipshit
Yes, I am going to leave the top of my ballot empty if Trump is the nominee.

You know why? Because when you vote for the "lesser of two evils", you are still voting for EVIL! Duh!

And that's how we devolved from Clinton to Bush to Obama.

When you vote for an evil motherfucker of any stripe, you are telling them they are doing something right. And I will be goddammed if I am going to do that. The liars, hypocrites, bigots, and psychopaths who have hijacked my party are not doing a single fucking thing right, so they don't DESERVE my vote. My vote has to be EARNED, dipshit.

Until you tards finally figure that out, you deserve the Obamas and the Bushes and the Trumps and the Clintons.
An employer should have NOTHING to do with your healthcare. You are a hostage in that situation. It's take-it-or-leave-it bullshit. You have no options. You have to take the one insurance company plan offered, or have none at all. And if you work for a small business, your company has zero leverage with the insurance company. If one employee in a small business runs up massive insurance bills, everyone in the company sees a giant spike in their premiums.

Your employer should be responsible for paying you cash, and then it is left to you how you spend it. Period. If your employer wants to offer other bennies, that should be the employer's prerogative, not the government's.

Employer-sponsored health insurance is one of the single biggest causes of rising health care costs. It needs to go away.

Trump's bit about "lines" is correct, but he clearly never thought of it until one of his trainers fed it to him and practiced it with him.

I have been saying from the get-go you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy all your other insurance. You pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the United States that you wish. THAT is what gives you real leverage, just like it does with auto, home, and life insurance. YOU have the upper hand.

You pick the options you want with the money you have. THAT is how it should work.

The "lines around the states" is nothing new
Republicans have been spouting interstate competition, tax cuts and tort reform for decades

They actually could have gotten most of that if they participated in crafting obamacare from the start
The "lines around the states" is nothing new
Republicans have been spouting interstate competition, tax cuts and tort reform for decades

Yes, but since Trump has been a Democrat until a few months ago, he did not know that until this week.
Principles? Standing on "principles" will get either of those two elderly folks elected. It's folks like you - who stayed at home during the last presidential election. Do it this year and this country is lost.
You get the government you deserve. And you tards worked double overtime to get Obama elected twice. You deserve him inflicted on you.

If you say so. However, I voted for Romney - NOT Obama. And isn't it interesting that suddenly, you are about "Barry". You change parties?
There you go again, making assumptions. Do you never learn?

I have never supported Obama, dumb ass. I detest the man.

But you know what I hate more? Idiots like you manufacturing bullshit and making assumptions and destroying the GOP. I hate the people who have ruined the conservative brand more than anything.

It's assholes like you who are the reason Obama has won. Twice.

The question remains - are you going to sit this election out while you lay on the floor at home throwing your tantrum because YOUR guy wasn't nominated? I would suggest that your logic is so flawed that it is YOU who is the dipshit
Yes, I am going to leave the top of my ballot empty if Trump is the nominee.

You know why? Because when you vote for the "lesser of two evils", you are still voting for EVIL! Duh!

And that's how we devolved from Clinton to Bush to Obama.

When you vote for an evil motherfucker of any stripe, you are telling them they are doing something right. And I will be goddammed if I am going to do that. The liars, hypocrites, bigots, and psychopaths who have hijacked my party are not doing a single fucking thing right, so they don't DESERVE my vote. My vote has to be EARNED, dipshit.

Until you tards finally figure that out, you deserve the Obamas and the Bushes and the Trumps and the Clintons.

Well, hell, then sonny, why don't you just do the right thing and vote for one of the two elderly? That will show us, right? I have one motto when it comes to politics - I don't give a damn who you vote for, but if you don't vote - keep your damned mouth shut.

Sit at home and throw your tantrum - that's your right. But keep your damned mouth shut. Now- I'm done with this ridiculous "dialogue" with you.
And just to make the record clear, I deserved George Bush as President. I voted for that retard twice. I went with the "lesser of two evils" stupidity back then. I was what used to known as a "barrel chested Republican" for two and a half decades. Someone who votes the straight party ticket every election.

But it was Bush who finally snapped me out of the stupidity of that kind of thinking. He was such a horrible President, I finally came to my senses and saw the destruction being done by the retards, hypocrites, liars, and bigots to my party and to the Conservative movement.

And I have been very, very pissed since then.
Donnie's "believe me" policy has worn thin with everyone except his staunch supporters.

You get the government you deserve. And you tards worked double overtime to get Obama elected twice. You deserve him inflicted on you.

If you say so. However, I voted for Romney - NOT Obama. And isn't it interesting that suddenly, you are about "Barry". You change parties?
There you go again, making assumptions. Do you never learn?

I have never supported Obama, dumb ass. I detest the man.

But you know what I hate more? Idiots like you manufacturing bullshit and making assumptions and destroying the GOP. I hate the people who have ruined the conservative brand more than anything.

It's assholes like you who are the reason Obama has won. Twice.

The question remains - are you going to sit this election out while you lay on the floor at home throwing your tantrum because YOUR guy wasn't nominated? I would suggest that your logic is so flawed that it is YOU who is the dipshit
Yes, I am going to leave the top of my ballot empty if Trump is the nominee.

You know why? Because when you vote for the "lesser of two evils", you are still voting for EVIL! Duh!

And that's how we devolved from Clinton to Bush to Obama.

When you vote for an evil motherfucker of any stripe, you are telling them they are doing something right. And I will be goddammed if I am going to do that. The liars, hypocrites, bigots, and psychopaths who have hijacked my party are not doing a single fucking thing right, so they don't DESERVE my vote. My vote has to be EARNED, dipshit.

Until you tards finally figure that out, you deserve the Obamas and the Bushes and the Trumps and the Clintons.

Well, hell, then sonny, why don't you just do the right thing and vote for one of the two elderly? That will show us, right? I have one motto when it comes to politics - I don't give a damn who you vote for, but if you don't vote - keep your damned mouth shut.

Sit at home and throw your tantrum - that's your right. But keep your damned mouth shut. Now- I'm done with this ridiculous "dialogue" with you.

write this down ..

Trump is older than Hillary.

now, stfu

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