The Difference

Hating and denouncing racist evil, fascist or otherwise, is a noble cause. Using violence (on any side) is a violation of law and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I wouldn't disagree under normal circumstances. These guys came geared up and armed up. Most of the counter protestors were in normal clothing. There is no "both sides are to blame".
NBC/ABC showed a picture of one anti-racist protester with an aerosol can that he had lit off the spray and was trying to burn one of the racists. That's not violence? From what I saw some on both sides came prepared for violence so denying it is ludicrous at best. Granted no one on the anti-racist side ran anyone over in a vehicle like that sick fuck did but violence is still violence and needs to be denounced in and of itself.

Trying to burn?
Maybe taunting.

View attachment 143975
You're justifying an overt act of violence? You're no better than they are.

Violence toward whom?

Do you have any evidence that anyone was actually harmed with that spray can?
If I took a swing at you but missed it would still be an act of violence even though you were not hurt. Care to try again?
The Counter protesters usually just tired to drown out those idiots, or shield the people at the funerals from seeing them. There rarely were direct confrontations.

There were often direct confrontations. Counter protesting is not uncommon, the klan can tell you about that.


35 Times The Westboro Baptist Church Lost Badly

And those people are wrong. You don't use violence to get your point across.

Yet nobody from the right has every complained. At least the Westboro Baptist church were non-violent, can hardly say that about the klan, neo-nazis and the alt right, vroom, vroom.

People who attack others without provocation should be punished, no if's ands or buts.
Well, duh. Hence the anti in their name.

Considering they use fascist tactics their name is kind of a joke.
Using fascist tactics to fight fascists seems like a great idea.

Only plays into their hands, but you are to dumb to realize that.

It doesn't at all. Standing up to these racist fucks is the right thing to do. After this disaster, cities around the country will not be giving these idiots any more permits to protest in this manner.

They have to give them permits, because you can't deny permits due to the content of a protest, nor can you deny a permit due to a heckler's veto, which is a back door method of denying a permit due to content.

You can certainly deny a permit on the grounds of public safety. They can certainly not allow any gear or weapons. They can certainly contain the size and duration.
Says the far left drone that supported the killing of cops!

No one supports the killing of cops.

The fact that you have to lie in order to attempt a moral equivalency only shows how weak your position truly is.


Who are they?

They are people supporting the killing of cops.

You said no one did, I just showed you people who do.

Who are they?

You don't know?
neither do you.

And those people are wrong. You don't use violence to get your point across.

Yet nobody from the right has every complained. At least the Westboro Baptist church were non-violent, can hardly say that about the klan, neo-nazis and the alt right, vroom, vroom.

the klan, neo-nazis and the alt right, vroom, vroom
Or antifa


aren't you?

or now that the orange sociopath is president, is fascism in vogue among white supremacist rightwingnuts?

anti-fascist, yes

But I don't belong to a group that promotes violence, nor do I condone them.

Do you?
The Counter protesters usually just tired to drown out those idiots, or shield the people at the funerals from seeing them. There rarely were direct confrontations.

There were often direct confrontations. Counter protesting is not uncommon, the klan can tell you about that.


35 Times The Westboro Baptist Church Lost Badly

And those people are wrong. You don't use violence to get your point across.

Yet nobody from the right has every complained. At least the Westboro Baptist church were non-violent, can hardly say that about the klan, neo-nazis and the alt right, vroom, vroom.

have you forgotten Ferguson, baltimore, chicago, Dallas, and there are many others. fk are you truly that ignorant of a human being?
I wouldn't disagree under normal circumstances. These guys came geared up and armed up. Most of the counter protestors were in normal clothing. There is no "both sides are to blame".
NBC/ABC showed a picture of one anti-racist protester with an aerosol can that he had lit off the spray and was trying to burn one of the racists. That's not violence? From what I saw some on both sides came prepared for violence so denying it is ludicrous at best. Granted no one on the anti-racist side ran anyone over in a vehicle like that sick fuck did but violence is still violence and needs to be denounced in and of itself.

Trying to burn?
Maybe taunting.

View attachment 143975
You're justifying an overt act of violence? You're no better than they are.

Violence toward whom?

Do you have any evidence that anyone was actually harmed with that spray can?
If I took a swing at you but missed it would still be an act of violence even though you were not hurt. Care to try again?

You don't know that man's intent, dope.
I understand that he's a big, scary black guy but you have no idea what that photo depicts.
There were often direct confrontations. Counter protesting is not uncommon, the klan can tell you about that.


35 Times The Westboro Baptist Church Lost Badly

And those people are wrong. You don't use violence to get your point across.

Yet nobody from the right has every complained. At least the Westboro Baptist church were non-violent, can hardly say that about the klan, neo-nazis and the alt right, vroom, vroom.

the klan, neo-nazis and the alt right, vroom, vroom
Or antifa

It sucks how the Nazis get a bum rap.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA...
Is counter-protesting hate groups an extremist view?

Can you be putting yourself in danger by doing so?

Is it going to accomplish anything of substance?

Would it be better to ignore them, as they deserve?

Would all that protesting energy be put to better use by taking someone we disagree with out to lunch and sincerely communicating with them?

you don't think publicly standing up to Nazis is an effective tool?

hmmmm... i do. it might make them crawl back into their holes where they belong.

and at a minimum it sends a message to those in power that the orange one can't be allowed to legitimize these freaks.

I'm going out with my sign this week. i feel like I'm obligated to and if i don't then I'm complicit.

"All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing".
Standing up to them is one thing, confronting them where violence is bound to happen is a whole different ball of wax. If the anti-racists had not shown up the racist rally would have been nothing more than a postscript on the national news, by confronting them it gives them the self validation they're looking for and creates the national attention they crave.

there is always violence when Nazis and their satellites are not around. the protesters did nothing wrong.

a terrorists drove a car into them and killed a young woman who stood up to hate. remember her name, my friend. it was heather hyer. and she was very brave.

the scum defending the Nazis, (not you) are an insult to her memory.

this war was fought already. they don't get better when left to their own devices.
Considering they use fascist tactics their name is kind of a joke.
Using fascist tactics to fight fascists seems like a great idea.

Only plays into their hands, but you are to dumb to realize that.

It doesn't at all. Standing up to these racist fucks is the right thing to do. After this disaster, cities around the country will not be giving these idiots any more permits to protest in this manner.

They have to give them permits, because you can't deny permits due to the content of a protest, nor can you deny a permit due to a heckler's veto, which is a back door method of denying a permit due to content.

You can certainly deny a permit on the grounds of public safety. They can certainly not allow any gear or weapons. They can certainly contain the size and duration.

The only threat was from the counter protesters, and you can't allow bad reactions to be a reason to deny a permit. This is content based and unconstitutional.

If you make everyone at the protest be unarmed, then the government is responsible for making sure the counter protesters are also unarmed.
Considering they use fascist tactics their name is kind of a joke.
Using fascist tactics to fight fascists seems like a great idea.

Only plays into their hands, but you are to dumb to realize that.

It doesn't at all. Standing up to these racist fucks is the right thing to do. After this disaster, cities around the country will not be giving these idiots any more permits to protest in this manner.

They have to give them permits, because you can't deny permits due to the content of a protest, nor can you deny a permit due to a heckler's veto, which is a back door method of denying a permit due to content.

and they had a permit.

irrelevant to the obligation of decent people to protest against them.
most definitely is relevant. you don't get to decide that you whiney scrub. you don't get to make up rules to meet your end goal. sorry chunckster.
The "Alt Right" is based on bigotry and hate. Nothing ethnic or religious minorities can do will make them OK in the eyes of fuckers like Spencer and Duke.

"ANTIFA" is based on hatred of bigotry. You can be any color or creed. If you aren't a bigot, they will have no problem with you.

These are facts.

If you think they are equally evil. You are a fucking idiot.

So you're saying ANTIFA is justified in physically attacking fellow citizens trying to legally exercise their constitutional rights. If that's the case you're just as bad as the Nazis.


Fuck your legally. They were not legally expressing their rights. They were inciting violence.

Tell me child, who had the permit? There would have been no violence if the leftist commie pukes hadn't shown up looking for a fight, dressed in armor and armed with clubs, pepper spray, impromptu flame throwers and bats. Your leftist commie pukes have demonstrated several times that they don't need a group to go against to get violent, a single scheduled speaker is all it takes for them to burn and destroy private property. You pretending your side is innocent here is just denying reality. I disagree with the message of the supremacist, but they had the law and Constitution on their side and had every right to do their little march unmolested.

NBC/ABC showed a picture of one anti-racist protester with an aerosol can that he had lit off the spray and was trying to burn one of the racists. That's not violence? From what I saw some on both sides came prepared for violence so denying it is ludicrous at best. Granted no one on the anti-racist side ran anyone over in a vehicle like that sick fuck did but violence is still violence and needs to be denounced in and of itself.

Trying to burn?
Maybe taunting.

View attachment 143975
You're justifying an overt act of violence? You're no better than they are.

Violence toward whom?

Do you have any evidence that anyone was actually harmed with that spray can?
If I took a swing at you but missed it would still be an act of violence even though you were not hurt. Care to try again?

You don't know that man's intent, dope.
I understand that he's a big, scary black guy but you have no idea what that photo depicts.
From a legal standpoint it looks to be an act of intentional violence. Obviously you're unfamiliar with how criminal law works.
There were often direct confrontations. Counter protesting is not uncommon, the klan can tell you about that.


35 Times The Westboro Baptist Church Lost Badly

And those people are wrong. You don't use violence to get your point across.

Yet nobody from the right has every complained. At least the Westboro Baptist church were non-violent, can hardly say that about the klan, neo-nazis and the alt right, vroom, vroom.

People who attack others without provocation should be punished, no if's ands or buts.

So, what's your excuse about not defending the Westboro Baptist Church?
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA . He's basically saying Both sides are just opposite extremists views .

That's rediculous . Wanting to run minorities out of the country is an extreme view . Not likening racism is not .

Think of that Westboro baptist. Church . If you counter protest them does that make you a crazy religious freak?

No, Its totally ok to protest the KKK and skinheads etc. But it's not ok to bring weapons and create a violent confrontation.
Protest yes, violence No. It's not very hard to figure out.

And those people are wrong. You don't use violence to get your point across.

Yet nobody from the right has every complained. At least the Westboro Baptist church were non-violent, can hardly say that about the klan, neo-nazis and the alt right, vroom, vroom.

People who attack others without provocation should be punished, no if's ands or buts.

So, what's your excuse about not defending the Westboro Baptist Church?

They have a right to protest same as anyone else. If someone assaulted them the cops need to arrest those people.

That being said they are assoles, just like the White Nationalists are, but the 1st amendment is primarily about defending assholes.
Here lies the problem wh Trumps reaction to VA...
Is counter-protesting hate groups an extremist view?

Can you be putting yourself in danger by doing so?

Is it going to accomplish anything of substance?

Would it be better to ignore them, as they deserve?

Would all that protesting energy be put to better use by taking someone we disagree with out to lunch and sincerely communicating with them?

you don't think publicly standing up to Nazis is an effective tool?

hmmmm... i do. it might make them crawl back into their holes where they belong.

and at a minimum it sends a message to those in power that the orange one can't be allowed to legitimize these freaks.

I'm going out with my sign this week. i feel like I'm obligated to and if i don't then I'm complicit.

"All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing".
Standing up to them is one thing, confronting them where violence is bound to happen is a whole different ball of wax. If the anti-racists had not shown up the racist rally would have been nothing more than a postscript on the national news, by confronting them it gives them the self validation they're looking for and creates the national attention they crave.

there is always violence when Nazis and their satellites are not around. the protesters did nothing wrong.

a terrorists drove a car into them and killed a young woman who stood up to hate. remember her name, my friend. it was heather hyer. and she was very brave.

the scum defending the Nazis, (not you) are an insult to her memory.

this war was fought already. they don't get better when left to their own devices.
You bring up the young girl who lost her life because some scumbag thought it was a good idea to kill...... To me? Maybe if you read my other posts you'd have not done that. I'm not comparing degrees of violence I'm simply stating that violence should always be condemned no matter who commits it and that by confronting the racists instead of ignoring them gives them national attention and self validation. They're a minority fringe group, treat them as a minority fringe group, don't give them the attention they crave thus marginalizing them even further.
NBC/ABC showed a picture of one anti-racist protester with an aerosol can that he had lit off the spray and was trying to burn one of the racists. That's not violence? From what I saw some on both sides came prepared for violence so denying it is ludicrous at best. Granted no one on the anti-racist side ran anyone over in a vehicle like that sick fuck did but violence is still violence and needs to be denounced in and of itself.

Trying to burn?
Maybe taunting.

View attachment 143975
You're justifying an overt act of violence? You're no better than they are.

Violence toward whom?

Do you have any evidence that anyone was actually harmed with that spray can?
If I took a swing at you but missed it would still be an act of violence even though you were not hurt. Care to try again?

You don't know that man's intent, dope.
I understand that he's a big, scary black guy but you have no idea what that photo depicts.
sure we do, he is firing fire that is a military weapon at another human being in an aggressive manner. I can tell from the picture, the dude on the step was backing up. so injury didn't happen. See you have double standards and are no better then the group you detest. you are scum
No one supports the killing of cops.

The fact that you have to lie in order to attempt a moral equivalency only shows how weak your position truly is.


Who are they?

They are people supporting the killing of cops.

You said no one did, I just showed you people who do.

Who are they?

You don't know?

Some anti-fa type idiots, or BLM idiots.

Again, you said "no one", I did a quick google search and found some people who make your statement a false one.

I made the statement based on your false allegation and generalization of those groups.

You countered with a photo of people you admittedly can't identify. How dumb.
Considering they use fascist tactics their name is kind of a joke.
Using fascist tactics to fight fascists seems like a great idea.

Only plays into their hands, but you are to dumb to realize that.

It doesn't at all. Standing up to these racist fucks is the right thing to do. After this disaster, cities around the country will not be giving these idiots any more permits to protest in this manner.

They have to give them permits, because you can't deny permits due to the content of a protest, nor can you deny a permit due to a heckler's veto, which is a back door method of denying a permit due to content.

You can certainly deny a permit on the grounds of public safety. They can certainly not allow any gear or weapons. They can certainly contain the size and duration.
Then why didn't Charlotteville do that? I recall a planned anti-fa counter-protest in Oregon last winter or spring that turned to nothing when the police refused to allow them to wear masks. Non-event. Perfect.

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