CDZ The Dilemma in a Nutshell


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
There are two kinds of people out there: Those who want to control others, and those who want to be left alone. If you are in the first group, why do you want to control me if I am not hurting others? If you are in the second group, what can we do about it? It is paradoxical that the former will break one law (e.g., civil disobedience) in order to enforce another, whereas the latter tend to obey all laws, even if they don't like them. What ever happened to "live and let live?"
“There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.”
― Robert A. Heinlein

“Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.”
― Robert A. Heinlein

I've never seen anyone who wants to control people who is competent to do so. It's always a self-conferred ability, backed up with nothing.
There are two kinds of people out there: Those who want to control others, and those who want to be left alone. If you are in the first group, why do you want to control me if I am not hurting others? If you are in the second group, what can we do about it? It is paradoxical that the former will break one law (e.g., civil disobedience) in order to enforce another, whereas the latter tend to obey all laws, even if they don't like them. What ever happened to "live and let live?"
The issue you raise is mostly related to America's current political situation. What can you say specifically about one side controlling others, or the other political side?

I'm a Canadian and I would suggest that Americans have squandered away most of the freedoms we and the leading democracies of the world still have intact. Alas my American friend, your political system has failed in the eyes of half of your people!

What is your specific complaint all about? How about something specific on 'live and let live'? How is one side violating that requirement in a democracy to some degree that isn't necessary control over anarchism?
According to libs if ya dont mask you are killing people yet here is this rube trying to get killed by following a covid killer
The world is full of crazy exceptions to rational and decent behaviour but far too many Americans are looking for the exception because they're really just looking for a fight.
If it continues they'll get their fight and it could be with guns.
It's a time to de-escalate and accept that the factor that has promoted the hate has been sent out to pasture.
Perhaps Texas should let other states run their own and let live and all.
I think you are ignoring the reality of the complaint from Texas, or you haven't made yourself aware of the debating points that have been brought up.

If Americans don't stand with freedoms and rights (live) then they will lose more than they have already lost. (let live)
Perhaps Texas should let other states run their own and let live and all.
I think you are ignoring the reality of the complaint from Texas, or you haven't made yourself aware of the debating points that have been brought up.

If Americans don't stand with freedoms and rights (live) then they will lose more than they have already lost. (let live)
Bold of you to assume she's not okay with Americans losing freedoms.
Perhaps Texas should let other states run their own and let live and all.
I think you are ignoring the reality of the complaint from Texas, or you haven't made yourself aware of the debating points that have been brought up.

If Americans don't stand with freedoms and rights (live) then they will lose more than they have already lost. (let live)
Bold of you to assume she's not okay with Americans losing freedoms.
You're going to receive many more lessons on rights and freedoms from citizens of other countries now. Most of us feel that you've sold out your rights and freedoms to the Trump regime.

And definitely not suggesting that you've done any better with making Biden your president. However, Biden is so weak that it's likely he won't be responsible for the continuing harm you people are intent on causing because you can't leave Trump's side.
Perhaps Texas should let other states run their own and let live and all.
I think you are ignoring the reality of the complaint from Texas, or you haven't made yourself aware of the debating points that have been brought up.

If Americans don't stand with freedoms and rights (live) then they will lose more than they have already lost. (let live)
Bold of you to assume she's not okay with Americans losing freedoms.
You're going to receive many more lessons on rights and freedoms from citizens of other countries now. Most of us feel that you've sold out your rights and freedoms to the Trump regime.

And definitely not suggesting that you've done any better with making Biden your president. However, Biden is so weak that it's likely he won't be responsible for the continuing harm you people are intent on causing because you can't leave Trump's side.
I'm not very interested in what other countries have to say about our internal affairs. Most of them have fewer rights than do Americans.
Perhaps Texas should let other states run their own and let live and all.
I think you are ignoring the reality of the complaint from Texas, or you haven't made yourself aware of the debating points that have been brought up.

If Americans don't stand with freedoms and rights (live) then they will lose more than they have already lost. (let live)
The Texas complaint was not based in reality.

"live and let live" about letting me vote the way I want. Oh want tight restrictions on how people vote.

There are a lot more than two kinds of people.
the kind that baffle me the most are the herd followers.
But we are all a mess , told our self's that we are better than anyone else in the world.
We Lack perception.
Perhaps Texas should let other states run their own and let live and all.
I think you are ignoring the reality of the complaint from Texas, or you haven't made yourself aware of the debating points that have been brought up.

If Americans don't stand with freedoms and rights (live) then they will lose more than they have already lost. (let live)
The Texas complaint was not based in reality.

"live and let live" about letting me vote the way I want. Oh want tight restrictions on how people vote.

Canada has normal rules and restrictions on how voting is conducted. Your country has lost that ability and a lot more.

It's not the point that the Texas complaint was based on reality or not. You don't seem to understand the issue. The Scotus did of course and you should try to read the dissenting opinions so you understand. I've already explained enough times that the question is going to be revisited afterward when the election result isn't an issue to distract from the problem.
What is your specific complaint all about?
Let's start with closing schools, churches and businesses on the whim of certain state governors. How about requiring/not requiring/requiring nearly useless face masks? How about "stay at home" orders? How about restricting politically incorrect speech? How about taxing certain businesses while giving huge tax "incentives" to others? I know this is normal in Canada, but I don't want to live in Canada.
What is your specific complaint all about?
Let's start with closing schools, churches and businesses on the whim of certain state governors. How about requiring/not requiring/requiring nearly useless face masks? How about "stay at home" orders? How about restricting politically incorrect speech? How about taxing certain businesses while giving huge tax "incentives" to others? I know this is normal in Canada, but I don't want to live in Canada.
Let's stop with the face mask issue you've raised. It's not possible for me to deal with all of your issues at once.
First, I don't agree that the face masks are useless. If a person coughs under a face mask, it's pretty certain that the cough will be at least partially contained. Can we deal with your face mask issue completely before moving on to your other issues?
Then when I can see that you are sincere with your questions we can get to them too.
What ever happened to "live and let live?"

Ask the native American Indians..

I don't think that's a good example. The Indians fought the English settlers. Torture, drunkenness, capturing whole towns, kidnapping women and children, stealing horses and other livestock and guns ---- the Indians were a bad lot. There's a reason we used to play cowboys and Indians with cap guns. No, the Indians definitely did not "live and let live" and their depredations were so severe we eventually had to move them on.

I have always wondered why no one asks WHY we went to all the trouble to set up reservations ---- ELSEWHERE. Because they killed, robbed, tortured, drank, lay around, were dirty, and took everything they could get hold of. Huh, that reminds me of another group more lately --------- who could that be, who could that be??

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