So the republican solution to our healthcare system is as little government as possible right?

In many respects reflected from world history, it is reasonable to suggest that too much government is not a good thing. However, “too much” is a very relative concept. There really is such a thing as “too little of government” and I mean that beyond the measure of anarchy as an alternative. Government, when designed properly, can benefit the lives of its citizens.
ACA is an important point to raise in the this topic. While it is certainly flawed and has failed in some of its promises in terms of affordability, it’s never the less improved healthcare in many ways. It has not changed that ACA has protection for pre-existing conditions for anyone who has health insurance. There is also a much higher cap for how much an insurance policy will cover for a medical event. The cap used to be 500,000 but it became 1,000,000 thanks to ACA. Now you can argue that ACA undermines the definition of insurance, but the point here is that healthcare should not be treated like insurance.

Corporate lobbyists own our politicians. Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are slaves to big money. They are guided more by money than by principle. Both parties are bitches to special interests.

The goal of these lobbyists is to strengthen the power of the corporation’s will and to have less regulation by the government. With less government, what is to prevent the healthcare industry from undermining the healthcare their consumers need?

This is already true.

Insurance company: “Hey guess what, if you pay $600 a month, we will eliminate your deductible for basic healthcare needs!”

The point is that Big Pharma has a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit for their shareholders. This includes undermining the plan the consumer signed up for to save money. Business is business after all.

Only government can ensure that consumers get basic healthcare services.
Now you got it ,Red. Less Gov't is the solution.
Sorry are the one who needs to turn your bar stool right side up.

The federal government is a huge problem. The founders warned against it and it has fullfilled their worst nightmares. They now regulate all kinds of things they shouldn't.

With respect to health care, I think I've gone on record as saying (even in this thread which you might could read is your head was outside of your colon) that I would favor state run systems. Not a federal system.

I appreciate your desire to spend my money the way you want. I'll spend it for taxes....the way I want.

And you can GFY.
Why not have a national health care system like most of the planet's countries have?
Why not have a national health care system like most of the planet's countries have?
Because they universally suck. Unless you are a small country, like Denmark, or Holland, a national health care system is unaffordable.

The NHS is a horror show.

The Canadian system is so great their politicians come to the USA for their medical procedures.
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The U.S. Constitution forbids the Federal government from creating a universal, compulsory healthcare or health insurance system. For specifics look at Article I, Section 8, which is a listing of every power of Congress, and the Tenth Amendment. The clear meaning is that these specific powers are granted to Congress, and EVERYTHING ELSE is reserved to the States. I know that Democrats don't like this fact, and they have ignored it for nearly 100 years, but it is a fact, and the current Supreme Court would not allow socialized medicine in the U.S. It is amazing to me that the Department of Education remains intact; its very existence is unconstitutional.

Second and just as important, the U.S. has a massive healthcare and health insurance "industry," where every single stake-holder has gotten involved BECAUSE the healthcare regime is set up the way it is. You CANNOT just say to those millions of doctors, nurses, technicians, scientists, insurance fukkers, etc., that "we" are going to change everything now. Do you think your doctor would be satisfied being a government employee, making money that is listed on a salary scale? Some young ones would but mostly not.

Congress could conceivably go through the back door and create a healthcare "trust fund" as they did for SS and Medicare, but that would require another PAYROLL TAX, on top of the payroll taxes we are already paying, and that payroll tax would have to be sufficient to pay for the whole shooting match, now and in the future. How many Americans do you think would be accepting of another payroll tax of 8-10% of their wages on top of FICA and Medicare tax?

This probably could have been done shortly after WWII, when it was done by other Western democracies, but it is simply too late now.

And for the record, THIS IS WHY such super majorities are required for a Constitutional Amendment. The Founders didn't want 50%+1 to be making historic, burdensome changes to American life.
While it is certainly flawed and has failed in some of its promises in terms of affordability
Bingo. Everything the left does fails, and yet you keep voting for more failure. Why?
  1. We were promised the ACA would make healthcare “affordable”. It didn’t
  2. We were promised “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”. It didn’t. In fact, White House emails showed Obama discussing how 10 million Americans would lose their doctor if the ACA were ever to be passed
  3. We were promised “if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance”. It didn’t. In fact, White House emails showed Obama discussing how 10 million Americans would lose their insurance if the ACA were ever to be passed
At the end of the day, the Democrats are about one thing and one thing only: power. They deeply desire totalitarian control. And they know that controlling the economy and healthcare and transportation and communication, all leads to that totalitarian control.
Here's a concept for you.
Here’s a concept for you: get the votes to amend the U.S. Constitution or shut the fuck up.

The federal government has 0 authority to control healthcare, implement healthcare, or do anything else with healthcare.

The people in your little photo were voted out because lazy, greedy people such as yourself are constantly looking for handouts and you know the Dumbocrat Party is the perfect grift for that.
Also, individual states already have the power to design their own healthcare plans.
Bingo! Legal at the state level. Therefore there is absolutely no reason in the universe to implement anything at the federal level unless one is simply desiring totalitarianism.
80% of workers in this country live paycheck to paycheck.
Thanks to the failed policies of the Dumbocrats that you support 🤷‍♂️
People have no choice but to work shit jobs because wages are way behind on the cost of living.
Because the failed policies that you support and advocate for keep causing inflation 🤦‍♂️

If people like you would learn basic economics, we wouldn’t have this problem. When you raise minimum wage, guess what happens? Every business raises their prices to cover the new costs of the government mandate. Thus, the minimum wage worker is no further ahead. But everyone else - who didn’t receive an artificial government mandated increase to their salary - gets screwed. Seriously Billy, at some point you need to use some common sense. And you need to stop denying reality.
But what about personal savings? American received a lot of cash from the government during the pandemic. In fact, when Biden took office, Americans had $2.3 trillion in personal savings. That number shot up to $5.7 trillion following Biden’s March 2021 ironically named "American Rescue Plan."

But by June of this year, a mere 27 months later, personal saving had dropped by nearly $5 trillion to a much diminished $862 billion.

Again, it isn’t just lower-income Americans who have watched their savings diminish. According to a Bloomberg analysis, the average middle-class household has lost over $33,000 in real wealth in just the past year.
Biden inflation has absolutely crushed the American people. They’ve been forced to dip into their savings just to keep their head above water.


“So the republican solution to our healthcare system is as little government as possible right?”

Yep. Because LIBERTY always achieves the best possible results with the maximum possible prosperity.

Isn’t it sad that all of you fascist totalitarians just cannot find a way to accept liberty? You’re all so scared in life, you want total control of everything 24x7.
Why not have a national health care system like most of the planet's countries have?
Where to begin here?
  1. Every other nation’s healthcare is vastly inferior to ours. Why do liberals always want to lower the bar?
  2. We’re $34 TRILLION in debt without government healthcare thanks to the tax and spend and spend and spend and spend and spend Dumbocrat Party. We’d be well over $200 trillion by now with government healthcare. We cannot afford it thanks to the reckless spending of liberals.
  3. It’s illegal. If you want “national” healthcare you’d have to amend the constitution before anything else. Let me know when you have the votes.
So to recap, you want something illegal which we can’t afford and produces infinitely worse results, when you already have something legal, affordable, and literally #1 in the world? FFS, make it make sense 🤦‍♂️
Bingo. Everything the left does fails, and yet you keep voting for more failure. Why?
  1. We were promised the ACA would make healthcare “affordable”. It didn’t
  2. We were promised “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”. It didn’t. In fact, White House emails showed Obama discussing how 10 million Americans would lose their doctor if the ACA were ever to be passed
  3. We were promised “if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance”. It didn’t. In fact, White House emails showed Obama discussing how 10 million Americans would lose their insurance if the ACA were ever to be passed
At the end of the day, the Democrats are about one thing and one thing only: power. They deeply desire totalitarian control. And they know that controlling the economy and healthcare and transportation and communication, all leads to that totalitarian control.
I love how you just cherry pick shit. Obviously ACA wasn’t a complete success but you sound like a fucking retard ignoring the good.

Take coverage for pre existing conditions for example. Is your dumbass going to pretend that one thing isn’t a monumental improvement for healthcare access? How about assured coverage for ER visits? How about the fact that 45 million of people who didn’t have health insurance before now have it.

You’re fucking stupid I hope you know that lol.
Where to begin here?
  1. Every other nation’s healthcare is vastly inferior to ours. Why do liberals always want to lower the bar?
  2. We’re $34 TRILLION in debt without government healthcare thanks to the tax and spend and spend and spend and spend and spend Dumbocrat Party. We’d be well over $200 trillion by now with government healthcare. We cannot afford it thanks to the reckless spending of liberals.
  3. It’s illegal. If you want “national” healthcare you’d have to amend the constitution before anything else. Let me know when you have the votes.
So to recap, you want something illegal which we can’t afford and produces infinitely worse results, when you already have something legal, affordable, and literally #1 in the world? FFS, make it make sense 🤦‍♂️
Hey dumb fuck, the quality of healthcare in the US is obviously sophisticated. The problem is that most people can’t afford the healthcare they need. Even if with a “good” insurance plan, you still contend with a high deductible. People in other countries do not have that burden. And no, I’m not suggesting ACA fixed these issues. It just significantly improved it.

I know you probably struggle with basic reading comprehension because you’re a Neanderthal moron, but a little research won’t kill you.
Thanks to the failed policies of the Dumbocrats that you support 🤷‍♂️

Because the failed policies that you support and advocate for keep causing inflation 🤦‍♂️

If people like you would learn basic economics, we wouldn’t have this problem. When you raise minimum wage, guess what happens? Every business raises their prices to cover the new costs of the government mandate. Thus, the minimum wage worker is no further ahead. But everyone else - who didn’t receive an artificial government mandated increase to their salary - gets screwed. Seriously Billy, at some point you need to use some common sense. And you need to stop denying reality.

Biden inflation has absolutely crushed the American people. They’ve been forced to dip into their savings just to keep their head above water.

Who ever claimed democrats fixed poverty? Absolutely no one. You’re too stupid for any sort of reasoned argument so instead you create false premises.

If government spending was the sole driving factor behind inflation, we would have this issue regardless of who was in charge. Actual educated economists say that the pandemic is the main driver of the current inflation issue.

It’s simply a myth that raising the minimum wage causes any sort of substantial extra business costs. Obviously too high of a jump will cause that, but smaller increments will not. How do I know? Because STATES have been raising their wages for years you stupid FUCK. And guess what happens when people have higher paychecks? THEY SPEND MORE MONEY ON THE ECONOMY.
Take coverage for pre existing conditions for example. Is your dumbass going to pretend that one thing isn’t a monumental improvement for healthcare access?
So a person refuses to carry healthcare insurance the entire life, gets diagnosed with cancer, then runs to an insurance company and signs up, royally fucking over the company, causing healthcare costs to skyrocket for the rest of us.

Please explain how that is a “monumental improvement”. Explain it to us all like we are 5.
How about the fact that 45 million of people who didn’t have health insurance before now have it.
Highest estimates at the time of Obamacare was 30 million. Highest. And guess what? Obamacare caused 10 million to lose their existing care.

You’re a mountain of misinformation. No wonder you vote Dumbocrat 🤦🏼‍♂️
Hey dumb fuck, the quality of healthcare in the US is obviously sophisticated.
The problem is that most people can’t afford the healthcare they need.
Not even remotely true
Even if with a “good” insurance plan, you still contend with a high deductible. People in other countries do not have that burden.
So your “solution” is crappy healthcare because it costs less? 🤦🏼‍♂️

You get what you pay for.
And no, I’m not suggesting ACA fixed these issues. It just significantly improved it.
For the record, Obama and the Dumbocrats told us it would absolutely fix those issues. It hasn’t. Democrats always lie and they always fail.
When you raise minimum wage, guess what happens? Every business raises their prices to cover the new costs of the government mandate. Thus, the minimum wage worker is no further ahead. But everyone else - who didn’t receive an artificial government mandated increase to their salary - gets screwed.
If government spending was the sole driving factor behind inflation, we would have this issue regardless of who was in charge.
Now that is true. Fortunately for me, at no point did I mention anything about “government spending”. I clearly stated government mandates (ie policies, taxes, etc.). Not a word about “government spending”. Your total lack of basic reading comprehension explains why you vote Dumbocrat 🤦🏼‍♂️
You are right, the democrats are forcing the private sector to do things they should not be doing.
And that would be our, for profit democrat politicians, that force the private sector to do things to keep the for profit democrat politicians in power
How come your politicians don’t explain this? I have to hear it from Elecktra on Usmb.
Actual educated economists say that the pandemic is the main driver of the current inflation issue.
  1. No they don’t. Propagandists with an agenda state that. Actual honest economists don’t state that at all
  2. Then why did all of your fellow leftists scream “Trump crashed the economy” and “Trump lost jobs while President” if the pandemic is to blame? After all, it actually existed during Trump. There hasn’t been any “pandemic” under Biden. The vaccine was already out by the time he took office. Oops. Next excuse for the failures of Democrats?

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