The Dirty Little Truth About the Minimum Wage

You are stating falsehoods stemming from ignorance of what drives revenues

No, that's what YOU are doing.

Go to the Treasury Dept. website and you can find revenues for every year there. The first two years of the Bush cuts we had reduced revenue because he cut taxes on the middle income brackets. The third and fourth year we returned to around the same amount of revenue and by the fifth year we had increased tax revenues. Again, we cut top marginal rates and it always increases revenue. Every time.
You are stating falsehoods stemming from ignorance of what drives revenues

No, that's what YOU are doing.

Go to the Treasury Dept. website and you can find revenues for every year there. The first two years of the Bush cuts we had reduced revenue because he cut taxes on the middle income brackets. The third and fourth year we returned to around the same amount of revenue and by the fifth year we had increased tax revenues. Again, we cut top marginal rates and it always increases revenue. Every time.

Everything you just said was already addressed in my post (after 5 years revenues were down by 3-4%ofGDP compared to 2000). I don't know how to explain it to you in simpler terms, but let me try by means of proving contradiction of your standard:


1. If what you say is correct, that tax-cuts cause revenues to increase, then the opposite effect should be observed when taxes are raised - CORRECT?

2. Take a look at the revenues and point me to a time when taxes were increased and revenues decreased - YOU CAN'T.

3. How can you possibly reconcile that tax-cuts and tax-raises BOTH cause increased revenue according to your standard - a blatant logical contradiction.

There is no reconciliation - your standard of proving causation is a proven bullshit.
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The fact remains the federal government is collecting more taxes than ever before dollarwise, and still the debt is skyrocketing. What is wrong with this picture? :lmao:
Progressives and their fucked up view that the government is everything to everyone and has no faults... it's like a cult.:itsok:

Just face the fact the federal government are takers, there is never enough for them to take…
For many decades now the debt is only skyrocketed, and revenue has increased at the same time. Common sense would say are fucked up corrupt federal government has no idea what it's doing…

Progressives/snowflakes have such a fragile ideology and view of the world...:lmao:
The fact remains the federal government is collecting more taxes than ever before dollarwise, and still the debt is skyrocketing. What is wrong with this picture? :lmao:

Your ignorance, debt growth is not skyrocketing, growth has been SHRINKING under Obama.

This is the debt increases per year:


In big part due to increase in revenues, but also due to relatively slow growth of Federal spending...which will change as baby boomers are retiring and we have to take care of them in SS and Medicare spending.

Trump's proposed policy would heavily accelerate debt growth however, doubling it over 10 years. So if you voted for that asshole you have no fiscal foot to stand on.

The fact remains the federal government is collecting more taxes than ever before dollarwise, and still the debt is skyrocketing. What is wrong with this picture? :lmao:

Your ignorance, debt growth is not skyrocketing, growth has been SHRINKING under Obama.

This is the debt increases per year:


In big part due to increase in revenues, but also due to relatively slow growth of Federal spending...which will change as baby boomers are retiring and we have to take care of them in SS and Medicare spending.
Wrong, The data has been skyrocketing in for decades.
National debt is only rising while tax collecting is rising along with it...

The federal government's nothing but a money pit of waste, fraud and abuse… fact
The fact remains the federal government is collecting more taxes than ever before dollarwise, and still the debt is skyrocketing. What is wrong with this picture? :lmao:

Your ignorance, debt growth is not skyrocketing, growth has been SHRINKING under Obama.

This is the debt increases per year:


In big part due to increase in revenues, but also due to relatively slow growth of Federal spending...which will change as baby boomers are retiring and we have to take care of them in SS and Medicare spending.
Wrong, The data has been skyrocketing in for decades.

"Skyrocketing" means acceleration of debt build up, which is measured as change in annual deficit. Annual deficits have be shrinking under Obama. In 2009 it was increased by 1.3T in 2015 it was increased by 0.4T - a clear slow down, not acceleration.

if you're too stupid to understand the above I can't help you.
The fact remains the federal government is collecting more taxes than ever before dollarwise, and still the debt is skyrocketing. What is wrong with this picture? :lmao:

Your ignorance, debt growth is not skyrocketing, growth has been SHRINKING under Obama.

This is the debt increases per year:


In big part due to increase in revenues, but also due to relatively slow growth of Federal spending...which will change as baby boomers are retiring and we have to take care of them in SS and Medicare spending.
Wrong, The data has been skyrocketing in for decades.

"Skyrocketing" means acceleration of debt build up, which is measured as change in annual deficit. Annual deficits have be shrinking under Obama.

if you're too stupid to understand the above I can't help you.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The fact remains the federal government is collecting more taxes than ever before dollarwise, and still the debt is skyrocketing. What is wrong with this picture? :lmao:

Your ignorance, debt growth is not skyrocketing, growth has been SHRINKING under Obama.

This is the debt increases per year:


In big part due to increase in revenues, but also due to relatively slow growth of Federal spending...which will change as baby boomers are retiring and we have to take care of them in SS and Medicare spending.
Wrong, The data has been skyrocketing in for decades.

"Skyrocketing" means acceleration of debt build up, which is measured as change in annual deficit. Annual deficits have be shrinking under Obama.

if you're too stupid to understand the above I can't help you.
Shit for brains, The debt is only going up... at an extraordinarily fast rate. Fact
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The federal government collected a record amount of taxes in fiscal year 2015, totaling $3.25 trillion in revenue, according to the latest monthly Treasury Department statement. ... Most of the $3.25 trillion came from individual income taxes, which comprised almost half of that total at $1.5 trillion.Oct 15, 2015
The fact remains the federal government is collecting more taxes than ever before dollarwise, and still the debt is skyrocketing. What is wrong with this picture? :lmao:

Your ignorance, debt growth is not skyrocketing, growth has been SHRINKING under Obama.

This is the debt increases per year:


In big part due to increase in revenues, but also due to relatively slow growth of Federal spending...which will change as baby boomers are retiring and we have to take care of them in SS and Medicare spending.
Wrong, The data has been skyrocketing in for decades.

"Skyrocketing" means acceleration of debt build up, which is measured as change in annual deficit. Annual deficits have be shrinking under Obama. In 2009 it was increased by 1.3T in 2015 it was increased by 0.4T - a clear slow down, not acceleration.

if you're too stupid to understand the above I can't help you.
The debt is only going up... fact
Basket weaving?

someday, little timmy, you'll contribute something to a thread.

Today isn't that day. Tomorrow isn't looking promising.

Okay, back to the subject of the OP, which is typical right wing "Greed is Good" and the last thing you want is people voting for wealth redistribution.

The reality is, FDR saved the economy without plunging the country into fascism or authoritarianism. and when WWII was over, we were in a position where our well compensated, unionized middle class created the greatest standard of living the world had ever seen up to that point.

Until Republicans came along and fucked it up.

Increase unemployment payment amounts Start rebuilding our infrastructure with union jobs and tax all income over 250,000usd, 94%.
You are stating falsehoods stemming from ignorance of what drives revenues

No, that's what YOU are doing.

Go to the Treasury Dept. website and you can find revenues for every year there. The first two years of the Bush cuts we had reduced revenue because he cut taxes on the middle income brackets. The third and fourth year we returned to around the same amount of revenue and by the fifth year we had increased tax revenues. Again, we cut top marginal rates and it always increases revenue. Every time.

Everything you just said was already addressed in my post (after 5 years revenues were down by 3-4%ofGDP compared to 2000). I don't know how to explain it to you in simpler terms, but let me try by means of proving contradiction of your standard:


1. If what you say is correct, that tax-cuts cause revenues to increase, then the opposite effect should be observed when taxes are raised - CORRECT?

2. Take a look at the revenues and point me to a time when taxes were increased and revenues decreased - YOU CAN'T.

3. How can you possibly reconcile that tax-cuts and tax-raises BOTH cause increased revenue according to your standard - a blatant logical contradiction.

There is no reconciliation - your standard of proving causation is a proven bullshit.
You're comparing apples and bicycles. He's talking about the TOP tax rate, not taxes in general, and he's talking in dollars, NOT percent of GDP. Now get back in there, and let's have a clean fight.
The fact remains the federal government is collecting more taxes than ever before dollarwise, and still the debt is skyrocketing. What is wrong with this picture? :lmao:

Your ignorance, debt growth is not skyrocketing, growth has been SHRINKING under Obama.

This is the debt increases per year:


In big part due to increase in revenues, but also due to relatively slow growth of Federal spending...which will change as baby boomers are retiring and we have to take care of them in SS and Medicare spending.
Wrong, The data has been skyrocketing in for decades.

"Skyrocketing" means acceleration of debt build up, which is measured as change in annual deficit. Annual deficits have be shrinking under Obama. In 2009 it was increased by 1.3T in 2015 it was increased by 0.4T - a clear slow down, not acceleration.

if you're too stupid to understand the above I can't help you.
The debt is only going up... fact

Do you understand how the fed works? Have you ever heard of a debt based economy? We are in debt because that is the way it was designed...and the workforce are slaves. There isnt enough currency in circulation to pay our debt.
The fact remains the federal government is collecting more taxes than ever before dollarwise, and still the debt is skyrocketing. What is wrong with this picture? :lmao:

Your ignorance, debt growth is not skyrocketing, growth has been SHRINKING under Obama.

This is the debt increases per year:


In big part due to increase in revenues, but also due to relatively slow growth of Federal spending...which will change as baby boomers are retiring and we have to take care of them in SS and Medicare spending.
Wrong, The data has been skyrocketing in for decades.

"Skyrocketing" means acceleration of debt build up, which is measured as change in annual deficit. Annual deficits have be shrinking under Obama. In 2009 it was increased by 1.3T in 2015 it was increased by 0.4T - a clear slow down, not acceleration.

if you're too stupid to understand the above I can't help you.
The debt is only going up... fact
Yup. And the dirty little secret is this: Give Washington more revenue and what do you think they'll do with it? Reducing the debt is never an option they'll take.
Basket weaving?

someday, little timmy, you'll contribute something to a thread.

Today isn't that day. Tomorrow isn't looking promising.

Okay, back to the subject of the OP, which is typical right wing "Greed is Good" and the last thing you want is people voting for wealth redistribution.

The reality is, FDR saved the economy without plunging the country into fascism or authoritarianism. and when WWII was over, we were in a position where our well compensated, unionized middle class created the greatest standard of living the world had ever seen up to that point.

Until Republicans came along and fucked it up.

Increase unemployment payment amounts Start rebuilding our infrastructure with union jobs and tax all income over 250,000usd, 94%.
That would be as useful as shooting yourself in the foot, because here's what you would see. No one would have an income over $300,000 and here's why. They would still make a lot of money, but very little of it would get reported as regular income. In fact, that's why Warren Buffet is running around talking about raising the income tax. Most of his money doesn't get reported as regular income so raising taxes on it wouldn't impact him much at all. So, instead of taxing billions at 94%, you would end up taxing maybe millions and losing a whole lot of revenue. Dumb idea.
1. If what you say is correct, that tax-cuts cause revenues to increase, then the opposite effect should be observed when taxes are raised - CORRECT?

Nope. It depends on when and where taxes are raised and by how much. As Friedman pointed out, you can increase tax rates during an economic boon and it doesn't affect revenue.

The rest of your suppositions are based on this fallacy so no need for me to address them. Again, any time (in modern history) we have lowered top marginal tax rates, it has resulted in increased revenues. Raising top marginal rates during a recession or depression has always resulted in less revenue. NOTE; TOP MARGINAL RATES... not ALL tax rates.
The fact remains the federal government is collecting more taxes than ever before dollarwise, and still the debt is skyrocketing. What is wrong with this picture? :lmao:

Your ignorance, debt growth is not skyrocketing, growth has been SHRINKING under Obama.

This is the debt increases per year:


In big part due to increase in revenues, but also due to relatively slow growth of Federal spending...which will change as baby boomers are retiring and we have to take care of them in SS and Medicare spending.
Wrong, The data has been skyrocketing in for decades.

"Skyrocketing" means acceleration of debt build up, which is measured as change in annual deficit. Annual deficits have be shrinking under Obama.

if you're too stupid to understand the above I can't help you.
Shit for brains, The debt is only going up... at an extraordinarily fast rate. Fact
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Shit for brains, going up is NOT the same thing as skyrocketing. Current 2% of GDP deficits is historically average rate.
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