The disturbing view of Muslims in the US

How are any of those groups "in charge" of the religion of Islam?

If they aren't, who is? They are killing, raping, and destroying in the name of islam and none of the "normal" muslims are stopping them, so I would say that they are in control.

How does any of that imply that ISIS "controls" say, my Muslim neighbor?

I said they control the religion, not your neighbor. If you neighbor doesn't agree with them he may disappear one day. I suggest that he watch his back.


Who is it that you think is going to come after him?

ask him, I am sure he knows.

I'm pretty sure that he's not living in fear, as you imagine.

You made the comment, are you going to back out of it now?
ISIS, the Iranian ayattollah, al qaeda, hamas, hexbollah, boko haram. How many more do yo need?

How are any of those groups "in charge" of the religion of Islam?

If they aren't, who is? They are killing, raping, and destroying in the name of islam and none of the "normal" muslims are stopping them, so I would say that they are in control.

The vast majority of "normal" Muslims are either actively or passively fighting to the death against ISIS, or living thousands of miles away from the middle east.

no they aren't, if they were ISIS would have been destroyed long ago. How many attacks have the Saudis conducted on ISIS? the Bahrainis? UAE? Qattar? Kuwait? The only one who has done anything is Jordan and only in retaliation for burning a jordanian pilot alive.

Saudi Arabia is spending billions of dollars to protect themselves from ISIS, and have apparently foiled a significant number of ISIS attacks and arrested ISIS members. The rest of the countries that you've mentioned are esentially shielded by Saudi Arabia, and don't have anything to worry about as long as they can hide back there.

It's irrelevant anyway, because those countries that you've mentioned represent only a tiny fraction of Muslims worldwide.

Please list the prominent american muslims who have condemned ISIS, Jihad, and the killing of non-muslims.

Um, all of them?

Saudi Arabia has built a wall to keep them out of their country. They are spending their money to create an enclave where only saudi muslims can live. They are not attacking ISIS. The 9/11 attackers were mostly saudis.

I do not understand why you libs refuse to accept the reality that radical islam is a real and present danger to the USA.
If they aren't, who is? They are killing, raping, and destroying in the name of islam and none of the "normal" muslims are stopping them, so I would say that they are in control.

How does any of that imply that ISIS "controls" say, my Muslim neighbor?

I said they control the religion, not your neighbor. If you neighbor doesn't agree with them he may disappear one day. I suggest that he watch his back.


Who is it that you think is going to come after him?

ask him, I am sure he knows.

I'm pretty sure that he's not living in fear, as you imagine.

You made the comment, are you going to back out of it now?

muslims who do not comply with the mullahs and ayatollahs seem to disappear or lose their heads. I hope you neighbor is aware of the danger.

or maybe he is one of them, watch your daughters.
Why do leftists so vehemently protect the most VIOLENT, BLOOD THIRSTY, MURDEROUS, STONE AGE, REPRESSIVE, ANTI HOMO, ANTI WOMAN, THE REASON BEHIND 9/11 CULT on the planet?


I think I know... because conservatives by and large see it for what it is, so it is all but MANDATORY for the left to disagree with conservatives, even though they KNOW they're WRONG. It's something they HAVE to do, even though their defense of it is a PATHETIC, CONTRADICTORY, HYPOCRITICAL FARCE.

And there you have it, end of story.
Why do leftists so vehemently protect the most VIOLENT, BLOOD THIRSTY, MURDEROUS, STONE AGE, REPRESSIVE, ANTI HOMO, ANTI WOMAN, THE REASON BEHIND 9/11 CULT on the planet?


I think I know... because conservatives by and large see if for what it is, so it is all but MANDATORY for the left to disagree with conservatives, even though they KNOW they're WRONG. It's something they HAVE to do, even though their defense of it is a PATHETIC, CONTRADICTORY, HYPOCRITICAL FARCE.

And there you have it, end of story.

well said, bond. well said.
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How does any of that imply that ISIS "controls" say, my Muslim neighbor?

I said they control the religion, not your neighbor. If you neighbor doesn't agree with them he may disappear one day. I suggest that he watch his back.


Who is it that you think is going to come after him?

ask him, I am sure he knows.

I'm pretty sure that he's not living in fear, as you imagine.

You made the comment, are you going to back out of it now?

muslims who do not comply with the mullahs and ayatollahs seem to disappear or lose their heads. I hope you neighbor is aware of the danger.

Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

reducing any group to the sins of a few is bigotry.

but you know that.

yeah, would that be like blaming all gun owners for the acts of a few mentally ill idiots?
Why do leftists so vehemently protect the most VIOLENT, BLOOD THIRSTY, MURDEROUS, STONE AGE, REPRESSIVE, ANTI HOMO, ANTI WOMAN, THE REASON BEHIND 9/11 CULT on the planet?


I think I know... because conservatives by and large see it for what it is, so it is all but MANDATORY for the left to disagree with conservatives, even though they KNOW they're WRONG. It's something they HAVE to do, even though their defense of it is a PATHETIC, CONTRADICTORY, HYPOCRITICAL FARCE.

And there you have it, end of story.

no one is "protecting the most violent". intelligent people know that not all members of any group are bad and most are good. bigotry is your problem. not anyone else's.

and no, that doesn't mean i am defending terroristic animals. it just means whether the terrorist is a white christian like timothy mcveigh or a muslim, they should be vilified. but just like all white christians aren't kkk animals; not all muslims are ISIS or Al Queda. A smart person knows the difference.
How are any of those groups "in charge" of the religion of Islam?

If they aren't, who is? They are killing, raping, and destroying in the name of islam and none of the "normal" muslims are stopping them, so I would say that they are in control.

The vast majority of "normal" Muslims are either actively or passively fighting to the death against ISIS, or living thousands of miles away from the middle east.

no they aren't, if they were ISIS would have been destroyed long ago. How many attacks have the Saudis conducted on ISIS? the Bahrainis? UAE? Qattar? Kuwait? The only one who has done anything is Jordan and only in retaliation for burning a jordanian pilot alive.

Saudi Arabia is spending billions of dollars to protect themselves from ISIS, and have apparently foiled a significant number of ISIS attacks and arrested ISIS members. The rest of the countries that you've mentioned are esentially shielded by Saudi Arabia, and don't have anything to worry about as long as they can hide back there.

It's irrelevant anyway, because those countries that you've mentioned represent only a tiny fraction of Muslims worldwide.

Please list the prominent american muslims who have condemned ISIS, Jihad, and the killing of non-muslims.

Um, all of them?

Saudi Arabia has built a wall to keep them out of their country. They are spending their money to create an enclave where only saudi muslims can live. They are not attacking ISIS. The 9/11 attackers were mostly saudis.

This is a very poor excuse for a paragraph. The sentences appear to be entirely unrelated to each other.

I do not understand why you libs refuse to accept the reality that radical islam is a real and present danger to the USA.

I do not understand how you nutbars can live in the "reality" of pants-shitting fear you create for yourselves.

Life exists as nothing more than "real and present" dangers, and as far as I'm concerned, "radical Islam" is pretty far down the list in terms of probability, right near "bears" and "improperly connected propane grills".
I said they control the religion, not your neighbor. If you neighbor doesn't agree with them he may disappear one day. I suggest that he watch his back.


Who is it that you think is going to come after him?

ask him, I am sure he knows.

I'm pretty sure that he's not living in fear, as you imagine.

You made the comment, are you going to back out of it now?

muslims who do not comply with the mullahs and ayatollahs seem to disappear or lose their heads. I hope you neighbor is aware of the danger.


Can you give me an example of a single American Muslim who has ever been "disappeared" or beheaded by "the mullahs and ayatollahs"?
Fuck Islam

yes. and that's disgusting.

but so was the beating death of matthew shepard by white christians because he was gay.

or the lynching of blacks down south by white christian supremacist

or the rape of young boys by catholic priests

etc etc etc

no matter how many videos you post.

can't we agree that violent bigoted people suck but aren't reflective of the majority of their group?
I said they control the religion, not your neighbor. If you neighbor doesn't agree with them he may disappear one day. I suggest that he watch his back.


Who is it that you think is going to come after him?

ask him, I am sure he knows.

I'm pretty sure that he's not living in fear, as you imagine.

You made the comment, are you going to back out of it now?

muslims who do not comply with the mullahs and ayatollahs seem to disappear or lose their heads. I hope you neighbor is aware of the danger.

Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

reducing any group to the sins of a few is bigotry.

but you know that.

yeah, would that be like blaming all gun owners for the acts of a few mentally ill idiots?

do you ever respond to anything by staying on topic?

guns shouldn't get into the hands of the mentally ill. they do because of lax gun laws.

Why do leftists so vehemently protect the most VIOLENT, BLOOD THIRSTY, MURDEROUS, STONE AGE, REPRESSIVE, ANTI HOMO, ANTI WOMAN, THE REASON BEHIND 9/11 CULT on the planet?


I think I know... because conservatives by and large see it for what it is, so it is all but MANDATORY for the left to disagree with conservatives, even though they KNOW they're WRONG. It's something they HAVE to do, even though their defense of it is a PATHETIC, CONTRADICTORY, HYPOCRITICAL FARCE.

And there you have it, end of story.

no one is "protecting the most violent". intelligent people know that not all members of any group are bad and most are good. bigotry is your problem. not anyone else's.

and no, that doesn't mean i am defending terroristic animals. it just means whether the terrorist is a white christian like timothy mcveigh or a muslim, they should be vilified. but just like all white christians aren't kkk animals; not all muslims are ISIS or Al Queda. A smart person knows the difference.
Thank you for that prime example of a contradictory, hypocritical, and yes, PATHETIC defense of islam.

Now why don't you find the new Mecca in Michigan and walk down the street praising Jesus, and see how far you get before one of your "peaceful" muslims kicks your scrawny ass, and while you're getting your ass kicked, see how many of the other "peaceful" muslims step in to stop it.

Wise up, bubble head.
What's life like in Muslim countries?

What's the point here?

I don't like Islam. I also don't like Christianity. Doesn't mean I wouldn't stand up for people from both religions to have freedoms, rights, and the chance to just get on with their life.
That's the problem: there are plenty of people who'd stand up for the rights of Muslims to practice their faith as they wish. But their faith instructs them that other faiths are beneath them and are to be tolerated only as much as necessary and converted or destroyed if at all possible. There are plenty of Muslims who openly espouse Sharia Law--Muslims in western nations wherein they enjoy the right to freedoms of speech and religion.
Cognitive dissonance anyone?
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