The Donald Lives

and PERMANENTLY lose the Right to Bear Arms
We all remember when the morons said this about Obama.

I assure you, the NRA secretly wants Hillary to win, so sales will go through the roof.

You are such a stupid fuck

Killary will nominate two fascist scumbags who will clim that Americans do not have an individual right to bear arms.

Fascists love bureaucratic discretion.

Killary will nominate two fascist scumbags who will clim that Americans do not have an individual right to bear arms.

Fascists love bureaucratic discretion.
Sorry, I don't believe self proclaimed mind readers — especially when they are mind numbingly stupid.
Trump may live now, but he shut the windows, locked the doors, and set the house on fire. That sorry sob is perfectly wiling to take everyone, and everything down the tubes with him attempting to win something he can't.
"Patrick J. Buchanan"


Trump by a landslide, of course

A Trump Path to Victory

In the past six months, millions of Democrats voted for a 74-year-old socialist against the establishment choice, Hillary Clinton, as Bush-Romney-Ryan Republicanism was massively repudiated in the Republican primaries.

As Trump said last week, “We got here because we switched from a policy of Americanism — focusing on what’s good for America’s middle class — to a policy of globalism, focusing on how to make money for large corporations who can move their wealth and workers to foreign countries all to the detriment of the American worker and the American economy.”

Yesterday, news arrived that in May alone, the U.S. had run a trade deficit in goods of $60 billion. This translates into an annual deficit of $720 billion in goods, or near 4 percent of our GDP wiped out by purchases of foreign-made rather than U.S.-made goods.
Trump will lose the election
Not legally...but we know democrats don't do things more than likely he will lose via cheating from the dumbocrats. Then he either refuses to concede,files tons of lawsuits,sets up a parallel administration or bankrolls an army of patriots to keep America safe or he might push Texas to declare independence and get Russia to recognize them. You people are STILL in the mindset that Trump is some pussy pushover like McCain or Romney...I am excited to see what happens either way!
The Donald Lives

Well, sort of...

Did the women deserve to be groped without invitation?
Could they have done something about it?
Slap to the face, knee to the groin, visit to an attorney.
But, nope.

Failure to resist a criminal act does not decriminalize the act.
It indicates there was no criminal act, moron. There are no supporting witnesses or documentation. It all runs in the other direction. These women are douche bag opportunists. They are participating in an organized smear campaign. They belong in prison.

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