The downside of carrying a firearm...

Bull shit

in 2011, per the FBI:

8583 murders were committed with firearms
4081 murders were committed without

Almost half as many are committed without firearms..a pretty significant percentage.

728 were committed with hands and feet.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

And I'll say it again

According to the CDC 80% of those gun murders are gang related and most likely perpetrated by criminals with illegally obtained guns.

So tell me how does placing restrictions on law abiding gun owners put a dent in that 80%?

Sounds like a win-win to me.
But guns kill more people than knives, fists, feet, baseball bats, lead pipes combinedThat is why we are concerned with gun violence

Not true.

Actually plain falling kills TWICE as much people as firearms do.

should we ban sidewalks, roofs and ladders?

Falling is not murder

2/3 of all MURDERS are caused by guns

To claim we can't do anything about gun violence untill all other possible causes of death are eliminated is ridiculous

What, exactly, do you propose to do about gun violence? Wave a magic wand and make it go away? In other words, until you have a proposal that actually does something about the problem, stop screaming about the fact that the sky is blue.
in 2011, per the FBI:

8583 murders were committed with firearms
4081 murders were committed without

Almost half as many are committed without firearms..a pretty significant percentage.

728 were committed with hands and feet.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

And I'll say it again

According to the CDC 80% of those gun murders are gang related and most likely perpetrated by criminals with illegally obtained guns.

So tell me how does placing restrictions on law abiding gun owners put a dent in that 80%?

It doesn't in any way.


This is not a gun ownership problem when 80% of gun murders are most likely committed with illegally obtained weapons and confined to an extremely small population in a few cities.

It's a problem with our cities
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When someone gets shot, they say they died by gunshot, not by human being. Therefore, ipso facto, if the cause of death was by gunshot, guns kill people.

Ipso Facto ... Your determination is no more valid than the other ... "Gunshot" is a condition not a weapon ... The cause of death was "gunshot" not "gun" alone ... And still indicates an action resulting in a condition over a material item.

Yeah yeah, "guns don't kill people, bullets kill people"...

"Bullets don't kill people, the force of their action kills people"....

"The force of bullets doesn't kill people, the loss of blood from the damage kills people"...

Ad infinitum; what's the point?

What part of "no more valid" don't you get?

We have 300 million

How many do they have?

300 million averages out to less than one per person

That's not a lot.

Sweden has a population of 9 million so if they have more than 9 million guns in the country then they have more per person than we do.


Sweden has one gun for every four people, we have a gun for almost evry American

Our murder rate is three times that of Sweden

We have 4 times the guns per capita, but only 3 times the murder rate?

Obviously, guns aren't the problem.
What, exactly, do you propose to do about gun violence?

Severely punish gun crimes.

Commit a crime with a gun = life in prison
Commit a crime with a gun and take a life = public execution.

Full due process followed with certain and swift penalty.

Gun crime will drop.
Falling is not murder

2/3 of all MURDERS are caused by guns

To claim we can't do anything about gun violence untill all other possible causes of death are eliminated is ridiculous

How many of those are from legally owned registered firearms?

I'm all for getting rid of illegal guns as long as you leave law abiding people alone.
All guns in the US start out by being purchased legally, so in fact, it's the legal gun owners who are not responsible to take care of their shit, as well as too lax gun laws that don't punish the legal owners of the gun when it gets used in a crime.

Lying again?

frontline: hot guns: "How Criminals Get Guns" | PBS
Ipso Facto ... Your determination is no more valid than the other ... "Gunshot" is a condition not a weapon ... The cause of death was "gunshot" not "gun" alone ... And still indicates an action resulting in a condition over a material item.

Yeah yeah, "guns don't kill people, bullets kill people"...

"Bullets don't kill people, the force of their action kills people"....

"The force of bullets doesn't kill people, the loss of blood from the damage kills people"...

Ad infinitum; what's the point?

The point is that you are placing the blame on an inanimate object and ignoring the real problem. I'm surprised quite frankly, that you aren't smart enough to figure that out.

No shit, Sherlock. That's why I said the original premise that "guns kill people", is a strawman. Nobody says inanimate objects act by themselves. This is a distraction tool to evade the issue. And it's fucking stupid. Ergo the satire. Or was that over your head too?
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It seems only fair to tell you that I do not have a clue as to what you are talking about in Los Angeles.

But I can tell you this. I lived in New Orleans for 10 years, and there are nieghborhoods where even the cops don't enter at night unless they are in teams of four. So, unless you are Sylvester Stallone, I feel secure in telling you that, even with my firearms training through the Pima County Sheriff's department, I would not enter certain nieghborhoods in New Orleans without a bazookaza, but I bow down to you, the ultimate terminator, who is prepared to take on an entire group of gangsters who are armed to the teeth, have nothing to lose, and hate your guts, just for being in their neighborhood.

Of course, if you have George Zimmerman with you, that would be a different story altogether.....

Like I said ... You don't know who or what you are talking about.
I don't have any business to do in the neighborhoods you are a talking about ... I don't need any drugs, and the places I frequent are little easier to get to and more enjoyable.
I don't need to be Sylvester Stallone to get from the JW Marriot to Mike Anderson's.

I carry a firearm for the chances the criminals don't stay in their neighborhood.
It is hilarious ... Gun grabbing freaks call us nuts ... And then think we are going to try an armed assault on the 9th Ward.

Frankly, having lived in New Orleans, I don't find either one of these POVs rational at all. It isn't a war zone and there's no need to walk around packing.

And by the way folks it's "As I said" -- not "like I said".

It would be "As I Said" ... If I had related exactly what I said ... I didn't say the same thing and paraphrased so therefor it was "Like I said" ... Correct yourself.

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All sense of perspective and reason are gone from this argument.

Put in perspective outside of gang related murders there are only about 2500 gun murders in this country annually.

in a country of nearly 350 million that's hardly a blip.

And it puts murders by firearms on par with murders by knives, blunt objects and hands and feet.

It is the violence confined to an extremely small segment of the population in isolated cities that skews the stats.
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Yeah yeah, "guns don't kill people, bullets kill people"...

"Bullets don't kill people, the force of their action kills people"....

"The force of bullets doesn't kill people, the loss of blood from the damage kills people"...

Ad infinitum; what's the point?

The point is that you are placing the blame on an inanimate object and ignoring the real problem. I'm surprised quite frankly, that you aren't smart enough to figure that out.

No shit, Sherlock. That's why I said the original premise that "guns kill people", is a strawman. Nobody says inanimate objects act by themselves. This is a distraction tool to evade the issue. And it's fucking stupid. Ergo the satire. Or was that over your head too?

I love it when stupid people say stupid things about other stupid people.

Guns kill people, in one chilling graph
The irrational outrage and illogical posts from lefties here is a result of getting beaten numerous times by the NRA, the 2nd Amendment, and rational courts numerous times. It funny to read the abject stupidity that this butthurt has brought them to.


Refill your popcorn, 'cuz here's a rerun of that irrational outrage and illogical posts:
Do you live in the US?
If not, then why the fuck do you even care?
If so, then when are you leaving?

your COMMIE LEFTIST ANTI CONSTITUTION BULL SHIT isn't going to hold water here...
It is you CONSTITUTION HATING, RADICAL, COMMIE LEFTARDS that think everyone should be disarmed that are the minority.
Fuck off, COMMIE.

Most are for self defense, you ignorant shit stain on society. ... But to a moron, there is no difference between the initiation of violence and defending oneself.

Because you can not fix stupid. You just can not.

Given the fact that you have zero understanding of what living in America is like maybe you ought to keep your idiotic opinions to yourself....
You're a LIB-pussy waste of bandwidth.

were you born stupid or when you realized you were a liberal ?? :lmao:

I'm glad you're no longer living in the US, we have enough ignorant people here already.

These LIB-pussy-men-who-pee-sitting-down are fools. Whenever they are in any sort of harms way who do they run to crying like the babies they are?

Oh, thanks for offering yourself up as an example of the stupidity I was talking about.

Damn that liburrul butthurt.

Reading comprehension not your strong suit?

Is editing out inconvenient content and replacing it with blank lines yours?

You work for the Ministry of Truth, Comrade? Are those "unposts" that never happened now?
When someone gets shot, they say they died by gunshot, not by human being. Therefore, ipso facto, if the cause of death was by gunshot, guns kill people.

Ipso Facto ... Your determination is no more valid than the other ... "Gunshot" is a condition not a weapon ... The cause of death was "gunshot" not "gun" alone ... And still indicates an action resulting in a condition over a material item.

Yeah yeah, "guns don't kill people, bullets kill people"...

"Bullets don't kill people, the force of their action kills people"....

"The force of bullets doesn't kill people, the loss of blood from the damage kills people"...

Ad infinitum; what's the point?
Guns don't die. People die.

Why can't gun lovers see a correlation between guns and gun violence?
in 2011, per the FBI:

8583 murders were committed with firearms
4081 murders were committed without

Almost half as many are committed without firearms..a pretty significant percentage.

728 were committed with hands and feet.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Two thirds of all homicides are committed by firearms. Not knives, not baseball bats, not hands and feet....guns

ZERO are committed by firearms.

Perfect example. Desperately trying to hang his hat on semantics so as to avoid at all costs the actual issue. Cheap rhetorical bullshit tactic employed by those bereft of argumentative basis. :eusa_hand:
Like I said ... You don't know who or what you are talking about.
I don't have any business to do in the neighborhoods you are a talking about ... I don't need any drugs, and the places I frequent are little easier to get to and more enjoyable.
I don't need to be Sylvester Stallone to get from the JW Marriot to Mike Anderson's.

I carry a firearm for the chances the criminals don't stay in their neighborhood.
It is hilarious ... Gun grabbing freaks call us nuts ... And then think we are going to try an armed assault on the 9th Ward.

Frankly, having lived in New Orleans, I don't find either one of these POVs rational at all. It isn't a war zone and there's no need to walk around packing.

And by the way folks it's "As I said" -- not "like I said".

It would be "As I Said" ... If I had related exactly what I said ... I didn't say the same thing and paraphrased so therefor it was "Like I said" ... Correct yourself.

You're, like, quite a dancer :thup: ;)

I put that there because I know you're literate and would know what I was talking about. Quantum Dickbag made the same grammatical error but he can't read and would never admit he fucked up anyway.
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Why can't gun lovers see a correlation between guns and gun violence?

The correlation is the criminal willful act.
The correlation is immediacy. A handy gun, a heated situation equals murder. A heated situation and a bat, a car, a fist equals a hospital stay at worst. But usually not a murder. Why? Because the gun is a deadly weapon that can be used without physical contact with the victim.

How many dead Floridians would there be in that movie theater if the assailant was armed with nothing but his fists?
Two thirds of all homicides are committed by firearms. Not knives, not baseball bats, not hands and feet....guns

ZERO are committed by firearms.

Perfect example. Desperately trying to hang his hat on semantics so as to avoid at all costs the actual issue. Cheap rhetorical bullshit tactic employed by those bereft of argumentative basis. :eusa_hand:

What's the difference in you desperately trying to ignore the obvious in attempts to make the counterpoint?
You are an expert at this rhetoric ... But yours is the same argumentative bullshit.


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