The dreaded gay-wedding-cake saga ends: bakers must pay 135 K

Well, there are some people who don't follow the law. They are called "criminals". I'm not one of them, myself. Of course, some times it pays off in the short term. Back in the 1960's Lester Maddox closed his restaurant in Atlanta rather than to integrate it. He was rewarded by being elected governor. However, times quickly changed and he ended up dying in poverty, all but forgotten, along with Ross Barnett and George Wallace.
Oh, I forgot. Only left-wingers can ever play the victim? Must have missed that in the forum rules.

Sorry Sensei. I'm not as experienced as you, but I'll learn.

Okay, here's the first lesson, Daniel-san. You don't get to play victim when you've created your own problem.

Here's a list of things the Kleins could have done.

1) They could have baked the fucking cake.
2) They could have come up with some other excuse for not baking the cake that didn't involve hurling homophobic epitaths at their customer.
3) They could have refrained from orchestrating a hate campaign against this couple on social media.
4) They could have gotten out of the Wedding Cake Business altogether once it was clear that gay marriage was legal.

In short, they put themselves in the position they are in. NO one put them in it.

Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed. :)
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

What violates my beliefs is between me, my Bible, my Church, and G-d.

Not some random pagan that thinks he can tell me what my faith is.

Pagan: "Your Bible is wrong, and made up, and your god is a myth.... and you are a hypocrite because I've read your Bible and you are not following it!"

Christian: "Let me get this straight.... You are mad and calling me a hypocrite, because I have not followed your private interpretation of a book you think is full of errors, completely made up, about a god you deny exists?"

Am I the only one that finds that funny? :p

Here... Look up this phrase "Credibility gap"

NOT when you open up a business. Then you follow secular law.
Oh, I forgot. Only left-wingers can ever play the victim? Must have missed that in the forum rules.

Sorry Sensei. I'm not as experienced as you, but I'll learn.

Okay, here's the first lesson, Daniel-san. You don't get to play victim when you've created your own problem.

Here's a list of things the Kleins could have done.

1) They could have baked the fucking cake.
2) They could have come up with some other excuse for not baking the cake that didn't involve hurling homophobic epitaths at their customer.
3) They could have refrained from orchestrating a hate campaign against this couple on social media.
4) They could have gotten out of the Wedding Cake Business altogether once it was clear that gay marriage was legal.

In short, they put themselves in the position they are in. NO one put them in it.

Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed. :)
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

What violates my beliefs is between me, my Bible, my Church, and G-d.

Not some random pagan that thinks he can tell me what my faith is.

Pagan: "Your Bible is wrong, and made up, and your god is a myth.... and you are a hypocrite because I've read your Bible and you are not following it!"

Christian: "Let me get this straight.... You are mad and calling me a hypocrite, because I have not followed your private interpretation of a book you think is full of errors, completely made up, about a god you deny exists?"

Am I the only one that finds that funny? :p

Here... Look up this phrase "Credibility gap"

NOT when you open up a business. Then you follow secular law.

Well that's too bad for you. Because we are going do business, and we will not follow your secular laws on this matter.

So now what?
Oh, I forgot. Only left-wingers can ever play the victim? Must have missed that in the forum rules.

Sorry Sensei. I'm not as experienced as you, but I'll learn.

Okay, here's the first lesson, Daniel-san. You don't get to play victim when you've created your own problem.

Here's a list of things the Kleins could have done.

1) They could have baked the fucking cake.
2) They could have come up with some other excuse for not baking the cake that didn't involve hurling homophobic epitaths at their customer.
3) They could have refrained from orchestrating a hate campaign against this couple on social media.
4) They could have gotten out of the Wedding Cake Business altogether once it was clear that gay marriage was legal.

In short, they put themselves in the position they are in. NO one put them in it.

Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed. :)
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

I think so too. They shouldn't serve fat people either. Gluttons. Most of them are probably fat though. :lol:
Well, there are some people who don't follow the law. They are called "criminals". I'm not one of them, myself. Of course, some times it pays off in the short term. Back in the 1960's Lester Maddox closed his restaurant in Atlanta rather than to integrate it. He was rewarded by being elected governor. However, times quickly changed and he ended up dying in poverty, all but forgotten, along with Ross Barnett and George Wallace.

If that is what is required to follow my faith... so be it.
Okay, here's the first lesson, Daniel-san. You don't get to play victim when you've created your own problem.

Here's a list of things the Kleins could have done.

1) They could have baked the fucking cake.
2) They could have come up with some other excuse for not baking the cake that didn't involve hurling homophobic epitaths at their customer.
3) They could have refrained from orchestrating a hate campaign against this couple on social media.
4) They could have gotten out of the Wedding Cake Business altogether once it was clear that gay marriage was legal.

In short, they put themselves in the position they are in. NO one put them in it.

Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed. :)
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

What violates my beliefs is between me, my Bible, my Church, and G-d.

Not some random pagan that thinks he can tell me what my faith is.

Pagan: "Your Bible is wrong, and made up, and your god is a myth.... and you are a hypocrite because I've read your Bible and you are not following it!"

Christian: "Let me get this straight.... You are mad and calling me a hypocrite, because I have not followed your private interpretation of a book you think is full of errors, completely made up, about a god you deny exists?"

Am I the only one that finds that funny? :p

Here... Look up this phrase "Credibility gap"

NOT when you open up a business. Then you follow secular law.

Well that's too bad for you. Because we are going do business, and we will not follow your secular laws on this matter.

So now what?

No, it's too bad for you, because you will be sued and probably go out of business. Then I suppose you would be here, crying. :oops: Waaa, the government won't allow me to discriminate against the people I don't like!!! *stomps feet, takes ball and goes home*
The laws of your state violate my religious freedom. You don't get to tell me who I must serve.

And I won't. Period.

You also don't get to tell me what business I'm allowed to do. Sorry. I'm not your slave, and nor am I a second class citizen.

And you won't. Period.


You are discriminating against me, and trying to justify it. Who is the hypocrite now?

Nope, you have NO religious freedom to discriminate against those who do not follow your religion when doing business. NONE. Claiming it is your religious right to restrict where other people do business is nothing but dishonest. People like yourself have already tried this angle back years and years ago to challenge the civil rights of black people to shop and do business freely. You lost. It has been determined that so-called "religious freedom to discriminate" does not trump another's civil rights, nor does it trump the business laws that have been set and enforced by your respective state. When you apply for a business permit or license in your city/state/locality, you are agreeing to abide by the laws.

You don't get it darling. I don't care what you think. You can say I don't have religious freedom until the day I die. I don't care. Have I ever cared what others thought of my faith?


I am going to practice my faith, because I do have religious freedom, and I will prove it by doing it no matter what you do, or say, or think, or what laws you make, or what people you elect.

See these men darling? They had religious freedom right up to the moment they were killed. Some are on video praying the moment the sword struck them down. Stories say that some of them were singing to G-d, when they were shot dead.

I'm not asking your permission ChrisL. I'm not getting your blessing to have religious freedom.

I will be a Christian from this day forward, until my death. I will practice my faith, as my Bible directs me, until the end of my life.

So you can do whatever you want, but if required, I'll be singing praises until I'm strapped into the electric chair, the power is switched on.

Your laws will not stop me. Your fines will not stop me. Your jails, prisons, regulations, and everything else will not stop me.

You have to make a choice. You either practice what you yourself preach, and be tolerant... or you best pass a law to kill me, because we Christians are not going away, and we're not changing.

ISIS understands that Christians will not give up, and we won't capitulate. That's why they resorted to kill Christians for their faith.

If those men will die for their faith, what do you think you are going to do to me, to stop me?

Look, go ahead and open a business. You will be sued. :dunno: You can cry about it all day long, and it isn't going to change anything. The government is never going to recognize it to be your religious right to discriminate.

And I'll still practice my faith. Now what?

Now what? Well, for starters, you might need a second job.....

I'll just open my business again.

Now what?
Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed. :)
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

What violates my beliefs is between me, my Bible, my Church, and G-d.

Not some random pagan that thinks he can tell me what my faith is.

Pagan: "Your Bible is wrong, and made up, and your god is a myth.... and you are a hypocrite because I've read your Bible and you are not following it!"

Christian: "Let me get this straight.... You are mad and calling me a hypocrite, because I have not followed your private interpretation of a book you think is full of errors, completely made up, about a god you deny exists?"

Am I the only one that finds that funny? :p

Here... Look up this phrase "Credibility gap"

NOT when you open up a business. Then you follow secular law.

Well that's too bad for you. Because we are going do business, and we will not follow your secular laws on this matter.

So now what?

No, it's too bad for you, because you will be sued and probably go out of business. Then I suppose you would be here, crying. :oops: Waaa, the government won't allow me to discriminate against the people I don't like!!! *stomps feet, takes ball and goes home*

Translation: Waaaaa!!!!! Somebody doesn't agree with me so the Government needs to Make Them Think Like I Do, or DESTROY them. Waaaaa!!!!! I can't handle any viewpoints different than my own. Waaaaa!!!!!! I can't be bothered to find another bakery so Waaa!!!!! The Government should shut down the bakery that doesn't agree with me. Waaaaaa!!!!!
Well, there are some people who don't follow the law. They are called "criminals". I'm not one of them, myself. Of course, some times it pays off in the short term. Back in the 1960's Lester Maddox closed his restaurant in Atlanta rather than to integrate it. He was rewarded by being elected governor. However, times quickly changed and he ended up dying in poverty, all but forgotten, along with Ross Barnett and George Wallace.

If that is what is required to follow my faith... so be it.

Andy, I really don't think any of us care what you do. The courts determine if someone has violated the law. I am content with that arrangement. Sorry if this shatters your martyr complex.
Nope, you have NO religious freedom to discriminate against those who do not follow your religion when doing business. NONE. Claiming it is your religious right to restrict where other people do business is nothing but dishonest. People like yourself have already tried this angle back years and years ago to challenge the civil rights of black people to shop and do business freely. You lost. It has been determined that so-called "religious freedom to discriminate" does not trump another's civil rights, nor does it trump the business laws that have been set and enforced by your respective state. When you apply for a business permit or license in your city/state/locality, you are agreeing to abide by the laws.

You don't get it darling. I don't care what you think. You can say I don't have religious freedom until the day I die. I don't care. Have I ever cared what others thought of my faith?


I am going to practice my faith, because I do have religious freedom, and I will prove it by doing it no matter what you do, or say, or think, or what laws you make, or what people you elect.

See these men darling? They had religious freedom right up to the moment they were killed. Some are on video praying the moment the sword struck them down. Stories say that some of them were singing to G-d, when they were shot dead.

I'm not asking your permission ChrisL. I'm not getting your blessing to have religious freedom.

I will be a Christian from this day forward, until my death. I will practice my faith, as my Bible directs me, until the end of my life.

So you can do whatever you want, but if required, I'll be singing praises until I'm strapped into the electric chair, the power is switched on.

Your laws will not stop me. Your fines will not stop me. Your jails, prisons, regulations, and everything else will not stop me.

You have to make a choice. You either practice what you yourself preach, and be tolerant... or you best pass a law to kill me, because we Christians are not going away, and we're not changing.

ISIS understands that Christians will not give up, and we won't capitulate. That's why they resorted to kill Christians for their faith.

If those men will die for their faith, what do you think you are going to do to me, to stop me?

Look, go ahead and open a business. You will be sued. :dunno: You can cry about it all day long, and it isn't going to change anything. The government is never going to recognize it to be your religious right to discriminate.

And I'll still practice my faith. Now what?

Now what? Well, for starters, you might need a second job.....

I'll just open my business again.

Now what?

Now what? I would call you stupid, that's what. :p Really friggin stupid.
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

What violates my beliefs is between me, my Bible, my Church, and G-d.

Not some random pagan that thinks he can tell me what my faith is.

Pagan: "Your Bible is wrong, and made up, and your god is a myth.... and you are a hypocrite because I've read your Bible and you are not following it!"

Christian: "Let me get this straight.... You are mad and calling me a hypocrite, because I have not followed your private interpretation of a book you think is full of errors, completely made up, about a god you deny exists?"

Am I the only one that finds that funny? :p

Here... Look up this phrase "Credibility gap"

NOT when you open up a business. Then you follow secular law.

Well that's too bad for you. Because we are going do business, and we will not follow your secular laws on this matter.

So now what?

No, it's too bad for you, because you will be sued and probably go out of business. Then I suppose you would be here, crying. :oops: Waaa, the government won't allow me to discriminate against the people I don't like!!! *stomps feet, takes ball and goes home*

Translation: Waaaaa!!!!! Somebody doesn't agree with me so the Government needs to Make Them Think Like I Do, or DESTROY them. Waaaaa!!!!! I can't handle any viewpoints different than my own. Waaaaa!!!!!! I can't be bothered to find another bakery so Waaa!!!!! The Government should shut down the bakery that doesn't agree with me. Waaaaaa!!!!!

Hey, the point here is that government doesn't recognize discrimination as a religious custom or practice. In the eyes of the law, we are ALL Americans. Gay people are taxpaying American citizens, and you don't have any "right" to limit or restrict where they do business.
Well, there are some people who don't follow the law. They are called "criminals". I'm not one of them, myself. Of course, some times it pays off in the short term. Back in the 1960's Lester Maddox closed his restaurant in Atlanta rather than to integrate it. He was rewarded by being elected governor. However, times quickly changed and he ended up dying in poverty, all but forgotten, along with Ross Barnett and George Wallace.

If that is what is required to follow my faith... so be it.

Andy, I really don't think any of us care what you do. The courts determine if someone has violated the law. I am content with that arrangement. Sorry if this shatters your martyr complex.

Agree . . . totally. Participating in this thread has been an eye rolling experience.
Yes they could bowed to public pressure and violated their religious beliefs. We already know they could have done that, under the gun of public demand.

Like blaming a woman for rape. Should have just agreed to have sex. It's her fault for not just doing what she was told.

Lying is also not an option. That defeats the entire purpose. The point is to follow their religious views.

Nor should they need to come up with lies to practice their faith, in a country supposedly founded on religious freedom.

Yeah, they could have left the cake business... that's your version of religious freedom eh? You have the freedom to leave whenever we decide to violate your freedom?

In short, you came up with a dozen rationalizations to violate these people's religious freedom, and blame them for it.

Thanks, but you are dismissed. :)
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

What violates my beliefs is between me, my Bible, my Church, and G-d.

Not some random pagan that thinks he can tell me what my faith is.

Pagan: "Your Bible is wrong, and made up, and your god is a myth.... and you are a hypocrite because I've read your Bible and you are not following it!"

Christian: "Let me get this straight.... You are mad and calling me a hypocrite, because I have not followed your private interpretation of a book you think is full of errors, completely made up, about a god you deny exists?"

Am I the only one that finds that funny? :p

Here... Look up this phrase "Credibility gap"

NOT when you open up a business. Then you follow secular law.

Well that's too bad for you. Because we are going do business, and we will not follow your secular laws on this matter.

So now what?

No, it's too bad for you, because you will be sued and probably go out of business. Then I suppose you would be here, crying. :oops: Waaa, the government won't allow me to discriminate against the people I don't like!!! *stomps feet, takes ball and goes home*

No, not likely. Memorize Pizza collected over a million. Sweet Cakes collected over $300,000 (so far).

And they are both still in business, and continue to practice their faith.

If I go out of business, I'll just start up somewhere else.

Years ago in my parents church, there were a couple that decided to rent out an apartment over their garage. However, they decided they only wanted committed Christians in their apartment. Specifically boys and girls going to Christian colleges.

They ran that ad in the paper for years. Then some pagans complained (because the rent was really cheap). They ignored them until lawyers got involved.

Did they stop renting it out to Christians only? Nope. They just circulated the ads in Christian fliers, and churches, and Christian publications.

They never stopped practicing their faith up to the day they went home to be with the Lord.

You can't stop us darling. You never will.

Like I said... Christians have been dying for their faith for thousands of years. Your little law suits, and little fines, and such.... not a problem. We will handle that, and far more.
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

What violates my beliefs is between me, my Bible, my Church, and G-d.

Not some random pagan that thinks he can tell me what my faith is.

Pagan: "Your Bible is wrong, and made up, and your god is a myth.... and you are a hypocrite because I've read your Bible and you are not following it!"

Christian: "Let me get this straight.... You are mad and calling me a hypocrite, because I have not followed your private interpretation of a book you think is full of errors, completely made up, about a god you deny exists?"

Am I the only one that finds that funny? :p

Here... Look up this phrase "Credibility gap"

NOT when you open up a business. Then you follow secular law.

Well that's too bad for you. Because we are going do business, and we will not follow your secular laws on this matter.

So now what?

No, it's too bad for you, because you will be sued and probably go out of business. Then I suppose you would be here, crying. :oops: Waaa, the government won't allow me to discriminate against the people I don't like!!! *stomps feet, takes ball and goes home*

No, not likely. Memorize Pizza collected over a million. Sweet Cakes collected over $300,000 (so far).

And they are both still in business, and continue to practice their faith.

If I go out of business, I'll just start up somewhere else.

Years ago in my parents church, there were a couple that decided to rent out an apartment over their garage. However, they decided they only wanted committed Christians in their apartment. Specifically boys and girls going to Christian colleges.

They rant that ad in the paper for years. Then some pagans complained (because the rent was really cheap). They ignored them until lawyers got involved.

Did they stop renting it out to Christians only? Nope. They just circulated the ads in Christian fliers, and churches, and Christian publications.

They never stopped practicing their faith up to the day they went home to be with the Lord.

You can't stop us darling. You never will.

Like I said... Christians have been dying for their faith for thousands of years. Your little law suits, and little fines, and such.... not a problem. We will handle that, and far more.

Get this guy's number. It is off to the FEMA camp for him!
Well, there are some people who don't follow the law. They are called "criminals". I'm not one of them, myself. Of course, some times it pays off in the short term. Back in the 1960's Lester Maddox closed his restaurant in Atlanta rather than to integrate it. He was rewarded by being elected governor. However, times quickly changed and he ended up dying in poverty, all but forgotten, along with Ross Barnett and George Wallace.

If that is what is required to follow my faith... so be it.

Andy, I really don't think any of us care what you do. The courts determine if someone has violated the law. I am content with that arrangement. Sorry if this shatters your martyr complex.

Agree . . . totally. Participating in this thread has been an eye rolling experience.

Fantastic! It doesn't shatter anything. I'm not here to be a martyr. I'm simply saying the truth. Christians are going to follow their faith. And you people can't stop us.

If you are good with that, fantastic. Let's move on. :)
Because it's bullshit ... they violate their religious beliefs all the time. Any wedding cakes they've ever sold to any non-Christian couple, violated their religious beliefs. Obviously, they used their religion to shield their bigotry against homosexuals.

What violates my beliefs is between me, my Bible, my Church, and G-d.

Not some random pagan that thinks he can tell me what my faith is.

Pagan: "Your Bible is wrong, and made up, and your god is a myth.... and you are a hypocrite because I've read your Bible and you are not following it!"

Christian: "Let me get this straight.... You are mad and calling me a hypocrite, because I have not followed your private interpretation of a book you think is full of errors, completely made up, about a god you deny exists?"

Am I the only one that finds that funny? :p

Here... Look up this phrase "Credibility gap"

NOT when you open up a business. Then you follow secular law.

Well that's too bad for you. Because we are going do business, and we will not follow your secular laws on this matter.

So now what?

No, it's too bad for you, because you will be sued and probably go out of business. Then I suppose you would be here, crying. :oops: Waaa, the government won't allow me to discriminate against the people I don't like!!! *stomps feet, takes ball and goes home*

No, not likely. Memorize Pizza collected over a million. Sweet Cakes collected over $300,000 (so far).

And they are both still in business, and continue to practice their faith.

If I go out of business, I'll just start up somewhere else.

Years ago in my parents church, there were a couple that decided to rent out an apartment over their garage. However, they decided they only wanted committed Christians in their apartment. Specifically boys and girls going to Christian colleges.

They rant that ad in the paper for years. Then some pagans complained (because the rent was really cheap). They ignored them until lawyers got involved.

Did they stop renting it out to Christians only? Nope. They just circulated the ads in Christian fliers, and churches, and Christian publications.

They never stopped practicing their faith up to the day they went home to be with the Lord.

You can't stop us darling. You never will.

Like I said... Christians have been dying for their faith for thousands of years. Your little law suits, and little fines, and such.... not a problem. We will handle that, and far more.

Well, go ahead and do what you must, but you will not change the laws, and people (no matter who they are) are going to be fined for breaking laws. That's the way we do things here in America. Just because your a Christian, we don't recognize that you have any religious right to be an asshole. :D
Well, there are some people who don't follow the law. They are called "criminals". I'm not one of them, myself. Of course, some times it pays off in the short term. Back in the 1960's Lester Maddox closed his restaurant in Atlanta rather than to integrate it. He was rewarded by being elected governor. However, times quickly changed and he ended up dying in poverty, all but forgotten, along with Ross Barnett and George Wallace.

If that is what is required to follow my faith... so be it.

Andy, I really don't think any of us care what you do. The courts determine if someone has violated the law. I am content with that arrangement. Sorry if this shatters your martyr complex.

Agree . . . totally. Participating in this thread has been an eye rolling experience.

Fantastic! It doesn't shatter anything. I'm not here to be a martyr. I'm simply saying the truth. Christians are going to follow their faith. And you people can't stop us.

If you are good with that, fantastic. Let's move on. :)

So, are you going to enter the lion's den for your magical mystery man? :D
What violates my beliefs is between me, my Bible, my Church, and G-d.

Not some random pagan that thinks he can tell me what my faith is.

Pagan: "Your Bible is wrong, and made up, and your god is a myth.... and you are a hypocrite because I've read your Bible and you are not following it!"

Christian: "Let me get this straight.... You are mad and calling me a hypocrite, because I have not followed your private interpretation of a book you think is full of errors, completely made up, about a god you deny exists?"

Am I the only one that finds that funny? :p

Here... Look up this phrase "Credibility gap"

NOT when you open up a business. Then you follow secular law.

Well that's too bad for you. Because we are going do business, and we will not follow your secular laws on this matter.

So now what?

No, it's too bad for you, because you will be sued and probably go out of business. Then I suppose you would be here, crying. :oops: Waaa, the government won't allow me to discriminate against the people I don't like!!! *stomps feet, takes ball and goes home*

No, not likely. Memorize Pizza collected over a million. Sweet Cakes collected over $300,000 (so far).

And they are both still in business, and continue to practice their faith.

If I go out of business, I'll just start up somewhere else.

Years ago in my parents church, there were a couple that decided to rent out an apartment over their garage. However, they decided they only wanted committed Christians in their apartment. Specifically boys and girls going to Christian colleges.

They rant that ad in the paper for years. Then some pagans complained (because the rent was really cheap). They ignored them until lawyers got involved.

Did they stop renting it out to Christians only? Nope. They just circulated the ads in Christian fliers, and churches, and Christian publications.

They never stopped practicing their faith up to the day they went home to be with the Lord.

You can't stop us darling. You never will.

Like I said... Christians have been dying for their faith for thousands of years. Your little law suits, and little fines, and such.... not a problem. We will handle that, and far more.

Well, go ahead and do what you must, but you will not change the laws, and people (no matter who they are) are going to be fined for breaking laws. That's the way we do things here in America. Just because your a Christian, we don't recognize that you have any religious right to be an asshole. :D

I have no intention of trying to tell you how to live your life.

The 'asshole' is the one trying to tell others how they must live their lives, and how they must run their business, and who they must serve.

Which one is doing that? I don't care about your laws of the land. We already covered that.
Well, there are some people who don't follow the law. They are called "criminals". I'm not one of them, myself. Of course, some times it pays off in the short term. Back in the 1960's Lester Maddox closed his restaurant in Atlanta rather than to integrate it. He was rewarded by being elected governor. However, times quickly changed and he ended up dying in poverty, all but forgotten, along with Ross Barnett and George Wallace.

If that is what is required to follow my faith... so be it.

Andy, I really don't think any of us care what you do. The courts determine if someone has violated the law. I am content with that arrangement. Sorry if this shatters your martyr complex.

Agree . . . totally. Participating in this thread has been an eye rolling experience.

Fantastic! It doesn't shatter anything. I'm not here to be a martyr. I'm simply saying the truth. Christians are going to follow their faith. And you people can't stop us.

If you are good with that, fantastic. Let's move on. :)

So, are you going to enter the lion's den for your magical mystery man? :D

If required. The lions den, could be the pagan jails oppressing Christians for following their faith. So, yes. If required, I will.

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