"The Dream" is no where to be found.

Wrong, you can't allow your racism to influence the fact that 300 years of oppression should be let go in 40 years of freedom.

I am sick and tired of hearing complaints about present day conditions based on what happened hundreds of years ago.

There are no slaves today, unless being slaves to the Democrat-induced welfare reliance.

No black person is oppressed today, on the contrary, they are given all kinds of unfair advantages wrapped in the repugnant coat of affirmative action.

If pointing out the futility of bitching by race baiting complainers makes me a racist, so be it.

Thats what most people say when they dont have even a rudimentary understanding on what racial trauma does to the psyche of a person or group. Its kind of useless even discussing it with a racist because they are too traumatized themselves to understand such a complex problem.

A person who has even the smallest bit of what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. correctly placed ahead of color of skin, you know, CHARACTER, would display that character by stopping to complain about what his ancestors suffered, but he, himself never had to endure, and get over it, and go on with life and do something for himself, instead of bitching and complaining and relying on government programs and affirmative action.

Thru history many nations have been conquered by other, stronger, smarter and far less tolerant people than white Americans of any time in the history of America. Hell, some people have been totally eradicated by genocide. Those who are still under the domination of other people are far worse off than the black people in America, because none of the other conquering powers had the decency to encourage one of the conquered ones to be the leader of their country, as America has.

On e one hand you liberals brag about the success of black people, on the other you bitch about how oppressed black people are. Make up your mind which is it or shut up.
I am sick and tired of hearing complaints about present day conditions based on what happened hundreds of years ago.

There are no slaves today, unless being slaves to the Democrat-induced welfare reliance.

No black person is oppressed today, on the contrary, they are given all kinds of unfair advantages wrapped in the repugnant coat of affirmative action.

If pointing out the futility of bitching by race baiting complainers makes me a racist, so be it.

Thats what most people say when they dont have even a rudimentary understanding on what racial trauma does to the psyche of a person or group. Its kind of useless even discussing it with a racist because they are too traumatized themselves to understand such a complex problem.

A person who has even the smallest bit of what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. correctly placed ahead of color of skin, you know, CHARACTER, would display that character by stopping to complain about what his ancestors suffered, but he, himself never had to endure, and get over it, and go on with life and do something for himself, instead of bitching and complaining and relying on government programs and affirmative action.

Thru history many nations have been conquered by other, stronger, smarter and far less tolerant people than white Americans of any time in the history of America. Hell, some people have been totally eradicated by genocide. Those who are still under the domination of other people are far worse off than the black people in America, because none of the other conquering powers had the decency to encourage one of the conquered ones to be the leader of their country, as America has.

On e one hand you liberals brag about the success of black people, on the other you bitch about how oppressed black people are. Make up your mind which is it or shut up.

Maybe you have trouble understanding tense. Blacks are not oppressed. The type of slavery experienced here in the US coupled with subsequent years of racial oppression destroyed the fabric of Black families. More and more of us are becoming enlightened on just what bad habits were handed down from those times and to deal with and change them. Since Blacks are not a one celled amoeba some are going to recover faster than others. We are individuals. Thats like saying all white people are serial killers, pedeophiles, or rapists. Guess what? Some Black people are still going to be criminals regardless just like the criminal element in the white race. Others will be the POTUS, doctors, attorneys, teachers etc. Only an ignorant clown would try and lump all Blacks into one group.
Except, of course, for the 'Conservatives'. They seek to put thing back to pre-Civil War status.

You just couldn't resist that kind of stupid, hyper-partisan hackery, could you? YOU are part of the problem, and what you are referencing in the above quote - whether you realize it or not - is in fact the shameful legacy of the democrat party, fool.

That dog in your avie is probably smarter than he is.

That dog is smarter than everyone here, including of course me.
Thats what most people say when they dont have even a rudimentary understanding on what racial trauma does to the psyche of a person or group. Its kind of useless even discussing it with a racist because they are too traumatized themselves to understand such a complex problem.

Isn't that convenient for someone like YOU, who cannot discuss the issue beyond "you don't get it, you're not from the 'hood!".

You have long since become completely transparent.
Thats what most people say when they dont have even a rudimentary understanding on what racial trauma does to the psyche of a person or group. Its kind of useless even discussing it with a racist because they are too traumatized themselves to understand such a complex problem.

Isn't that convenient for someone like YOU, who cannot discuss the issue beyond "you don't get it, you're not from the 'hood!".

You have long since become completely transparent.

I dont waste too much time typing to people that are lacking in intelligence. When they show a level of understanding that can handle what I have to say i go beyond simple sentence structure. Show some intelligence and politeness you get hear my complete thoughts. Act like a braindead KKK robot and I will just clown you. :lol:
Thats what most people say when they dont have even a rudimentary understanding on what racial trauma does to the psyche of a person or group. Its kind of useless even discussing it with a racist because they are too traumatized themselves to understand such a complex problem.

Isn't that convenient for someone like YOU, who cannot discuss the issue beyond "you don't get it, you're not from the 'hood!".

You have long since become completely transparent.

I dont waste too much time typing to people that are lacking in intelligence. When they show a level of understanding that can handle what I have to say i go beyond simple sentence structure. Show some intelligence and politeness you get hear my complete thoughts. Act like a braindead KKK robot and I will just clown you. :lol:

Ouch my irony!
Either "The Dream" is here or it's not.

If it is can we all just wake up and get on with our lives?
We aren't allowed to question the content of Obama's character because of the color of his skin. That is NOT the dream of MLK.
The first post is a perfect example of the racism of the right.

20,000 Currently Estimated at March on Washington, 100,000 Were Expected
www.breitbart.com ^

08-28-2013 | Staff

While over 100,000 people were expected to show up at today’s ceremonies marking the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, late estimates put the crowd numbers at 20,000. Mike Levine of ABC News reported at 2:10 p.m. ET that unofficial crowd estimates from law enforcement sources put the number at “over 20,000.”

Nice try. What have the Progressive Socialists done to advance the tenets of MLK in the 6 years they've been in power? The sham of the racist card is that the PML has played it at every turn and have continually kept the Black people on their Progressive Slave plantations.

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