The Dream of Liberals and Deep State is coming: WWIII


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
By using of Google Translator you can read this Russian analytic material. Are we ready to die for insane interests of Deep State, MSM presstitutes, DNC, RINOs, neocons and other liberals?
The videos below show self-speaking pictures.

Since January 2015, the preparation of the US for an attack on Russia has become obvious.
First, I will only recall some of the events that accompany this training - combat, logistics, information. The fragmentary data collected together will help to estimate the scale of the preparations. Then thesis about the meaning of events happening right now.
War is a competition of organizational structures. The initial task is not the mass transfer of heavy equipment, but the deployment of staffs and the preparation of conditions for the mass deployment of troops. The question is not "how much?", But "where?" And "how?". This includes a whole range of activities - familiarizing the command staff with the terrain in which they will have to fight, the organization of premises for future barracks and hospitals, the location of storage of ammunition and parking equipment, information training of the local population - people are taught that armored vehicles striding along the roads become routine background, the "humanization" of the enemy in the media and the preparation of public opinion for the inevitability of war. Etc. etc. etc.


Read more by using of Google Translator

.О грядущей большой войне |


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