Zone1 The Dumbest Comment A Black Leader Has Ever Made

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Glad your done talking to me, IM2.
Like I've always stated and you ignore, it will take 2-3 generations to erase racism down to a level
where it will no longer be spoken. But, that's not the objective of the race baiters. They want to reverse
racism and have it go against the whites. That's where some posters on this very board are at. Equal rights is not
the objective.
Nobody wants to reverse racism and impose it on whites. That is another lie made up by white race pimps. Whites have been saying it's going to take 2-3 generations to end racism forever. This is the luxury you have when you don't face racism and benefit from it's existence. You are truly ignorant.

Unfortunately I can't put you on ignore because you're a moderator. So I request that you stop responding to my posts. Your stupid comments make civil conversation impossible.
Indians did a damned good job of committing genocide on other indians.
Here we go with more white denial. The Native Americans did not implement the Indian Removal Policy.
Nobody wants to reverse racism and impose it on whites. That is another lie made up by white race pimps. Whites have been saying it's going to take 2-3 generations to end racism forever. This is the luxury you have when you don't face racism and benefit from it's existence. You are truly ignorant.

Unfortunately I can't put you on ignore because you're a moderator. So I request that you stop responding to my posts. Your stupid comments make civil conversation impossible.
It's not your choice to pick and choose who you want to listen to your topical slant, IM2.
This board does not work that way.
By the way, I heard what I posted from a Black man, perhaps, he wasn't part of your tent?
I know, right? Thanks :lol:
Well, lets look at the facts.

500 nations were already here.

These "founders" owned slaves.

George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, James Monroe, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, John Marshall, Samuel Chase, John Hancock, Benjamin Harrison, John Dickinson, William Floyd, George Mason, Joseph Hewes, John Penn, Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll, George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, George Taylor, Caesar Rodney, George Read, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris, Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark, Josiah Bartlett, William Hooper, William Whipple, Stephen Hopkins , and Oliver Wolcott.

I am not free because of them.
It's not your choice to pick and choose who you want to listen to your topical slant, IM2.
This board does not work that way.
By the way, I heard what I posted from a Black man, perhaps, he wasn't part of your tent?
The option to ignore makes it possible to pick and choose. I can't put you on ignore, which I want to do, because you're a moderator. I don't want to talk to you anymore. I request that you quit responding to my comments because I don't get the choice I would have to put you on ignore because of your position.

Your use of words from someone black doesn't mean anything. I have posted statements by whites pointing out white racism and you dismiss them. You slant, I don't. But you have been so brainwashed by your racial resentment that you actually believe the trash you believe is truth. Repeating black sellouts shows your lack of credibility. Now I have asked you to stop responding to my posts because I can't put you on you on ignore. From this point on any response from you will be considered harrassment.
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Tell that to the ghosts of the Mohicans. What do you call what happens when you kill all the men of a tribe and then rape, enslave and/or kill all the women and either kill or adopt all the children? I call it genocide.
I noticed something about you. You always bring up 1 tribe. There are 574 recognized tribes in this country.
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I noticed something about you. You always bring up 1 tribe. There are 574 recognized tribes in this country.
That's what they do. They use one non white example as representation for all, then cry about being painted with a broad brush when you or I point out the behavior of a specific portion of the white community.
Man oh man. Lil im.2 is gonna be soooo pissed!
Seriously, you really have to shudder when a black man, in the 21st century, who may likely have received benefits of affirmative action if he went to a competitive school, and likely was promoted over a better qualified white if he lives in a liberal city, declares “I am not free.”
The word "founder" means different things.
You are free to access a basic education. You know that right?
I am better educated than you. That's why I can say that those men "founded" nothing.

They were illegal aliens who became an occupying force and then imposed rules of occupation that you call the constitution.
Seriously, you really have to shudder when a black man, in the 21st century, who may likely have received benefits of affirmative action if he went to a competitive school, and likely was promoted over a better qualified white if he lives in a liberal city, declares “I am not free.”
I don’t know enough about him to comment on the suppositions. But I know this for sure:

As soon as you convince yourself that you’re not free, you’re right! You become a prisoner of your own foolish thought process.
What’s a colonizer mindset?

As far as enemies, not all Democrats. Just the far leftists hellbent on destroying this nation, as a result of their being brainwashed into thinking this is a bad country. They are doing so by incentivizing illegals, intentional driving inflation, and positioning people who disagree with liberalism as domestic terrorists or white supremacists.

One of your fellow leftists just called me a member of the KKK. Yes, that is how hateful your peers have become.
Let me sum it up. Have you ever thought that this would be a better country if a group of people (black/native/Democrat/Mexican) whatever would act the way you think they should? If so you’re a colonizer. The colonizers imposed their will on everyone who wasn’t like them. They imposed their rules, their religion on us and if we didn’t you killed us. They are still doing it to this day.
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That's what they do. They use one non white example as representation for all, then cry about being painted with a broad brush when you or I point out the behavior of a specific portion of the white community.
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I am better educated than you. That's whybI can say that those men "founded" nothing.

They were illegal aliens who became an occupying force and then imposed rules of occupation that you call the constitution.
The Indians had immigration laws? :lol:
You just keep digging deeper and deeper. But you probably enjoy that, doncha? Constant state of oppression.. Whether its your delusion or how most people are smarter than you..
Bless your heart
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