Zone1 The Dumbest Comment A Black Leader Has Ever Made

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So give up your car, your phone, your TV, your computer, the internet, electricity, your refrigerator, air conditioning, your washer and dryer, life-saving medical procedures, and go back to living in a Teepee if you think life was so much better before whitey arrived.

You don’t know how good you have it.
You going to move back to Europe?
You going to move back to Europe?
No. I’m not the one complaining that America was better off before white Europeans arrived, and I like my car, my air-conditioning, my fridge, my washer, the electricity to run them, my computer, the Internet, and my phone. (Thanks to the whites you despise.)

You OTOH are saying this country would have been better off if whites never came here. So MOVE if you think it’s so terrible.
Indians did a damned good job of committing genocide on other indians.
There warfare but nothing comparable to the genocide they endured

If we were so good for them, why did their population decline?
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Nope. We were here first.
I’m just saying that if you are so miserable with all the ways whites have improved your life here in America, you might be happier elsewhere. If you don’t think so, that means that whites have improved America.

What makes me what to throw up is that liberals like you spout off about how bad racism is, and then proudly scream your contempt and disdain for whites.

This is an example of the anti-white racism being advanced by libs throughout the country. Once we kick the America-haters to the curb in November, we can put a stop to all this racism.
So give up your car, your phone, your TV, your computer, the internet, electricity, your refrigerator, air conditioning, your washer and dryer, life-saving medical procedures, and go back to living in a Teepee if you think life was so much better before whitey arrived.

You don’t know how good you have it.
Genocide was wrong
Slavery was wrong

Stop pretending that TVs, internet and cell phones make it OK
“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.”
Booker T. Washington

Booker T. Washington, My Larger Education, Garden CITY New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1911, pg. 118, Booker T. Washington. My Larger Education; Being Chapters from My Experience

In the history of black leadership in America, this comment by Washington is perhaps the dumbest of all time. Now I'm sure the usual suspects are going to jump in and try to teach me from their perspective of being white just how great these comments were for black people and how blacks like me should think just like Washington.

These words were written in 1910 or 1911. Jim Crow was the law of the land. Lynching was going on, blacks could get killed and the killer go free. Washington watched various black towns and neighborhoods burn to the ground. Sharecropping was going on with blacks basically returning to slavery. Black codes made it possible for blacks to be arrested for nothing and end up as part of convict leasing. I don't think Washington could vote without a poll tax since he lived in the south. With all that going on, Washington made his comment.

It was the dumbest comment a black leader has ever made.

You're just mad because you voted for one of them.
Genocide was wrong
Slavery was wrong

Stop pretending that TVs, internet and cell phones make it OK
Also.….nobody is saying “you have a car and and a computer and a TV and the Internet and a phone, so that makes up for the fact that you used to be a slave.”

The crying liberals who are enjoying all the modern conveniences and life-saving medical advancements were NEVER slaves.
I’m just saying that if you are so miserable with all the ways whites have improved your life here in America, you might be happier elsewhere. If you don’t think so, that means that whites have improved America.
Whites have made this land better? Half the country hates the other half, we have mass shootings weekly, and you think that is improvement?
OMFG. I never said that made it OK.

Stop pretending that things that happened centuries ago mean we are a horrible country that needs to be destroyed.
Sorry Sue….you did exactly that

You have to take the good with the bad in looking at our country. You can’t justify past transgressions by pointing out we now have TV and Internet
Whites have made this land better? Half the country hates the other half, we have mass shootings weekly, and you think that is improvement?
That’s the Democrats who have instigated a race war, and have convinced their followers that Republicans are evil racists.

Wasn't like this 15 years ago, before the Radical Left hijacked the Democrat party.
I’m just saying that if you are so miserable with all the ways whites have improved your life here in America, you might be happier elsewhere.
Has anyone seen such a racist statement?
Sorry Sue….you did exactly that

You have to take the good with the bad in looking at our country. You can’t justify past transgressions by pointing out we now have TV and Internet
Who is Sue?

And the past is past. Right now we have (or had, before the Dems went on their rampage) a terrific country.
Has anyone seen such a racist statement?
What’s racist about that? He said how awful the whites have made this country, and I suggested that if he feels the country is so awful, he might be more happy elsewhere.

On the other hand, I notice you didn’t call the anti-white racist on HIS actual racist statement. It would be the same thing as if a white person said blacks ruined this country.

And this is the problem. A white says something not racist, and a liberal claims she’s racist. A non-white makes an statement showing total contempt for whites, and….radio silence.
Who is Sue?

And the past is past. Right now we have (or had, before the Dems went on their rampage) a terrific country.
Sorry forgot which nut job I was talking to

Your “ignore the past” because we gave you TV and smartphones is offensive

So are your claims about a white america
Whites have made this land better? Half the country hates the other half, we have mass shootings weekly, and you think that is improvement?
Indians constantly warred against each other, enslaved the surviving women, tortured the men to death so, yes I think whites have made huge improvements.
Enjoy your next Klan meeting

They will enjoy your white America rants
^^^ This is how deranged and hateful today’s liberals are.

By background to other posters, an anti-white racist complained that white Europeans have ruined this country, so in defense I pointed out the many ways whites have improved it, via technological and medical advancements. Thus, because I said something favorable about whites, I am now accused of being a member of the KKK.

To RW: You have been reported for your disgusting and false inflammatory attack, and now I am putting your hateful white-hating butt on ignore.
That’s the Democrats who have instigated a race war, and have convinced their followers that Republicans are evil racists.

Wasn't like this 15 years ago, before the Radical Left hijacked the Democrat party.
Radical left, radical right. Both wings from the same bird. The only difference is Democrats aren’t as racist as Republicans. Republicans don’t even try to hide it anymore. They just voted against interracial marriage and took power away from tribes in Oklahoma.
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