Zone1 The Dumbest Comment A Black Leader Has Ever Made

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Let's see, 7 whites were sitting on the supreme court. Where was the exclusion of whites?

Whites have always had a different set of standards.

I guess Lisa believes whites are entitled to everything.
Reported again.
no the black thugs make it tougher for you. blacks like yourself never taking resp. for ANYTHING in your life. Most blacks act like children.
And this has exactly what to do with Washingtons comment?
Yes, you have done both. Any time you ta;k about returning to the intent of the founders, that's evidence of your obsession with the past. Now as this is zone 1, I cannot use the language necessary to describe my disdain for people who practice racism while simultaneously lyijng about how all that is in the past.
You fantasize too much for your own peace of mind

The Founders were great men and both of us stand on their shoulders

You are a free man today thanks to them
That’s a problem too, but that’s for financial reasons. We are talking about abolishing RACISM.
That preference exists only in private schools, almost all of which are solidly on the left

Schools like harvard are desperate to find QUALIFIED black students even if they are less qualified than ideal
Another black leader spoke to those times. W.E.B. Dubois.

“Most persons do not realize how far [the view that common oppression would create interracial solidarity] failed to work in the South, and it failed to work because the theory of race was supplemented by a carefully planned and slowly evolved method, which drove such a wedge between the white and black workers that there probably are not today in the world two groups of workers with practically identical interests who hate and fear each other so deeply and persistently and who are kept so far apart that neither sees anything of common interest.

It must be remembered that the white group of laborers, while they received a low wage, were compensated in part by a sort of public and psychological wage. They were given public deference and titles of courtesy because they were white. They were admitted freely with all classes of white people to public functions, public parks, and the best schools. The police were drawn from their ranks, and the courts, dependent on their votes, treated them with such leniency as to encourage lawlessness. Their vote selected public officials, and while this had small effect upon the economic situation, it had great effect upon their personal treatment and the deference shown them. White schoolhouses were the best in the community, and conspicuously placed, and they cost anywhere from twice to ten times as much per capita as the colored schools. The newspapers specialized on news that flattered the poor whites and almost utterly ignored the Negro except in crime and ridicule.” -W. E. B DuBois

According to Washington, DuBois wanted to keep the grievances alive so he would not lose his job. But DuBois was one of the founders of the finest American civil rights organization in history-The NAACP. This is the organization that ended school desegregation. This is further proof of the fallacy in Washington's comments.

There was a well documented history of opposing views between DuBois and Washington, and Washington's comment that is being discussed in your thread, was in direct reference to Dubois' ideology.

A similar parallel could be drawn between MLK and
Malcolm X.

In both cases, they ALL would been more effective had they been aligned, as opposed to being publically at odds with one another.

They were all subjected to the same second class citizenship and oppression.

And….so why are you diverting the thread?
I didnt

But if you prefer to blot out world history before Columbus discovered America then I suppose you could base your anger and self loathing in how non whites were treated during colonial times

However whites dont do that any more
I didnt

But if you prefer to blot out world history before Columbus discovered America then I suppose you could base your anger and self loathing in how non whites were treated during colonial times

However whites dont do that any more
America had no control of world history before Columbus

We did have control of what was in our Constitution
America had no control of world history before Columbus

We did have control of what was in our Constitution
America changed the direction of world history for the better

But as lbs doggedly insist, we were not perfect

Now its time for libs to stop living in the 17th century
America changed the direction of world history for the better

But as lbs doggedly insist, we were not perfect

Now its time for libs to stop living in the 17th century
Think of all the wonderful and advanced technological, scientific, and medical advancements that have come out of America! To hear these America-hating libs talk, you’d think our country was a big drag on the world.

And NONE of them seem to appreciate how lucky they were to be born in this country.
Think of all the wonderful and advanced technological, scientific, and medical advancements that have come out of America!
Did you know?
Before colonization we needed exactly none of that. The land gave us everything we needed. We could drink out of any river. Due to your advances we can’t anymore.
Think of all the wonderful and advanced technological, scientific, and medical advancements that have come out of America! To hear these America-hating libs talk, you’d think our country was a big drag on the world.

And NONE of them seem to appreciate how lucky they were to be born in this country.
Nice diversion

But institutional racism is part of our history.

Something Conservatives don’t want taught
Did you know?
Before colonization we needed exactly none of that. The land gave us everything we needed. We could drink out of any river. Due to your advances we can’t anymore.
Yep and you lived in skin tents and starved and froze to death in the winter. I believe life expectancy for a Native American was in the high thirty years before Columbus.
No, Meister, it's those like you. Ignoring it only allows it to continue.

Each year there are between 15-20,000 murders in America. No one tells people they want to see murder go on forever when they advocate to end murder. Every society in history has had murder in them, but nobody justifies murders today with that argument.

So while we have 15-20,000 murders, we have several million racists. There are a minimum of 50 racists to every murder in this country. But we are not supposed to talk about that because whites like you don't want to hear bad things about whites even as you want to run your mouth endlessly on the problems other races have.

Your comment was stupid and it shows that you cannot be taken seriously.

I'm done talking to you.
Glad your done talking to me, IM2.
Like I've always stated and you ignore, it will take 2-3 generations to erase racism down to a level
where it will no longer be spoken. But, that's not the objective of the race baiters. They want to reverse
racism and have it go against the whites. That's where some posters on this very board are at. Equal rights is not
the objective.
Did you know?
Before colonization we needed exactly none of that. The land gave us everything we needed. We could drink out of any river. Due to your advances we can’t anymore.
So give up your car, your phone, your TV, your computer, the internet, electricity, your refrigerator, air conditioning, your washer and dryer, life-saving medical procedures, and go back to living in a Teepee if you think life was so much better before whitey arrived.

You don’t know how good you have it.
So give up your car, your phone, your TV, your computer, the internet, electricity, your refrigerator, air conditioning, your washer and dryer, life-saving medical procedures, and go back to living in a Teepee if you think life was so much better before whitey arrived.

You don’t know how good you have it.
They might not have had those things
But they didn’t have to endure a genocide either
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Glad your done talking to me, IM2.
Like I've always stated and you ignore, it will take 2-3 generations to erase racism down to a level
where it will no longer be spoken. But, that's not the objective of the race baiters. They want to reverse
racism and have it go against the whites. That's where some posters on this very board are at. Equal rights is not
the objective.
I think we were well on our way there (erasing racism to a level where it will no longer be spoken), beginning in the 60s.

But now we have swung in the opposite direction - where racism is being actively promoted by liberals, only it’s against whites. It is SO bad that a white who says we should abolish race-based admissions standards, where there is a lower standard set for blacks, is attacked and bullied for weeks on end because she won’t agree to allow discrimination to continue based on skin color.

The biggest racists are on the left.
They might not have had those things
But they didn’t have to endure a genocide either
And are we genociding Native Americans this century, or the last century, or the century before that? Anyone alive doing that?

This sudden focus by liberals back on some wrongdoings of early America, and downplaying everything this country has made available for its citizens and how it has helped the rest of the world, is nauseating. I really wish you people who want to destroy this country would just move somewhere else.

MY family thanks our lucky stars that we were born here - and that is DESPITE neighborhoods and clubs being restricted to Jews, and having antisemites key J E W across our new car, and having a friend’s parent not let me in her house because NO JEWS ALLOWED! and tons of other shit I put up with. My family still appreciated the opportunities that came with this country, and I am alive today because of it.

Shame on you.
“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. ... Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.”
Booker T. Washington

Booker T. Washington, My Larger Education, Garden CITY New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1911, pg. 118, Booker T. Washington. My Larger Education; Being Chapters from My Experience

In the history of black leadership in America, this comment by Washington is perhaps the dumbest of all time. Now I'm sure the usual suspects are going to jump in and try to teach me from their perspective of being white just how great these comments were for black people and how blacks like me should think just like Washington.

These words were written in 1910 or 1911. Jim Crow was the law of the land. Lynching was going on, blacks could get killed and the killer go free. Washington watched various black towns and neighborhoods burn to the ground. Sharecropping was going on with blacks basically returning to slavery. Black codes made it possible for blacks to be arrested for nothing and end up as part of convict leasing. I don't think Washington could vote without a poll tax since he lived in the south. With all that going on, Washington made his comment.

It was the dumbest comment a black leader has ever made.
If Blacks were to start thinking for themselves the Democrats would lose their biggest voting block, wouldn't they?
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