Zone1 The Dumbest Comment A Black Leader Has Ever Made

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Just because you don't hear about them, it doesn't mean they don't happen.
My question is why did it take so long to outlaw this practice?
You didn’t answer my question. When was the last lynching, and did the government carry it out? Or was it a horrible racist who did it?
You didn’t answer my question. When was the last lynching, and did the government carry it out? Or was it a horrible racist who did it?
I was hoping you wanted to know why the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill in 1922 was never passed. The Southern Democrats halted it by way of a filibuster. Southern Democrats justified their opposition to the bill by arguing that lynchings were a response to rapes and proclaiming that lynchings were an issue that should be left for states to deal with.
Why does that sound familiar? :dunno:
Anyway I don't have an answer to your question because lynchings can happen anywhere with no media coverage.
I was hoping you wanted to know why the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill in 1922 was never passed. The Southern Democrats halted it by way of a filibuster. Southern Democrats justified their opposition to the bill by arguing that lynchings were a response to rapes and proclaiming that lynchings were an issue that should be left for states to deal with.
Why does that sound familiar? :dunno:
Anyway I don't have an answer to your question because lynchings can happen anywhere with no media coverage.
None of that proves anything. No state sanctions lynchings, and hasn’t for decades. In CURRENT times, blacks are being favored.
Best of luck in trying to change what is.
So you’re saying that whites will just have to live with blacks being favored due to their race, and just accept that they, the whites, will lose out on jobs, promotions, and college spots to blacks who are less qualified due to anti-white racism?
So you’re saying that whites will just have to live with blacks being favored due to their race, and just accept that they, the whites, will lose out on jobs, promotions, and college spots to blacks who are less qualified due to anti-white racism?
What are their options? Things are the way they are until such time as they are not. Owning people was a thing. Now it is not. Perhaps you should become an activist or become an influencer and try to change what you feel is wrong.
What are their options? Things are the way they are until such time as they are not. Owning people was a thing. Now it is not. Perhaps you should become an activist or become an influencer and try to change what you feel is wrong.
The best way I can change how things are is to vote to remove the party that is supporting the anti-white racism, which of course is the Democrats. I’ve been afraid to be more active in campaigning for Republicans because I live in a liberal area and they are horrific to people who disagree with them (someone had their tires slashed the night she put out a Trump banner), but perhaps I should go ahead - and just put my car in the garage.

The Left must be stopped.
The best way I can change how things are is to vote to remove the party that is supporting the anti-white racism, which of course is the Democrats. I’ve been afraid to be more active in campaigning for Republicans because I live in a liberal area and they are horrific to people who disagree with them (someone had their tires slashed the night she put out a Trump banner), but perhaps I should go ahead - and just put my car in the garage.

The Left must be stopped.
What do you think the effect of you voting for a Republican will be in your quest for equality?
You’re blaming current whites for what whites generations ago did.

Anyway, normal Americans are getting sick of it. It will swing back to a balanced position, starting when the left gets it butt handed to it in November.
YOU are doing what past generations have done. People of color are normal Americans and we're tired of your racism. The nation has never had balance and until whites like you are made irrelevant we are going to fight. So get in shape.
There is no black favoritism or anti white racism.
What do you think the effect of you voting for a Republican will be in your quest for equality?
We can put a stop to the anti-white racism being shoved down our children’s throats, and stop brainwashing them to think that blacks are oppressed victims and whites are racist oppressors.
Good luck.
Thank you. With the full onslaught of the Far Left, we will need it.

We’ve already made inroads in Virginia, with the Republican Governor. He has banned CRT crap from the classroom. Now we need to do it nationwide.
Thank you. With the full onslaught of the Far Left, we will need it.

We’ve already made inroads in Virginia, with the Republican Governor. He has banned CRT crap from the classroom. Now we need to do it nationwide.
I'm sure once you have reached your goal, you will no doubt treat all minorities as equals, right?
Now that you have experienced it for yourself you can clearly see how wrong it is.
We can put a stop to the anti-white racism being shoved down our children’s throats, and stop brainwashing them to think that blacks are oppressed victims and whites are racist oppressors.
You can't stop the truth with lies. History is doumented. You reap what you sow.

Your anti black hatred is so strong that you ignore the fact that you are arguing with a member of the first nations in this country. These are people whites tried to wipe out. You see,blacks aren't the only ones. And you, the white female who today has no more autonomy over your own body, are supporting the white men who refuse to even today give you equal rights.

You will be made to face the truth of your history. You have no other choice. Those like you have violated spiritual laws. Those laws supercede mans little constitution. Either America gets right, or it gets destroyed and YOU nor any other so called "normal american" can stop what is going to come if you refuse to face the truth.
CRT was never taught in Virginia. But whites like lisa need to just sucknjit up and face the truth.
I'm sure once you have reached your goal, you will no doubt treat all minorities as equals, right?
Now that you have experienced it for yourself you can clearly see how wrong it is.
I’ve always treated everyone the same. I judge people as individuals.
CRT was never taught in Virginia. But whites like lisa need to just sucknjit up and face the truth.
No, but the former Governor used the tenets of what is behind CRT as a guide to how to give special consideration to black kids. The instructions were on a memo, distributed to teachers. One black parent stood up in a Loudoun County school board meeting and was livid. As an educated, affluent black man, he didn’t want his privileged kid being taught he was a victim.

Blacks like IM2 figure that if they can deny the inequality being advanced in the liberal school system, enough “useful idiots” will fall for what he claims.
Again, he made that comment in 1910. During Jim Crow. Apparently he was wrong. And only white racists believe this statement to be true. As expected whites like you are in here trying to tell blacks about something YOU have never faced. Only a racist IDIOT would believe that blacks want racism to go on forever.
IM2, it is you who want racism to go on forever.
You can't stop the truth with lies. History is doumented. You reap what you sow.

Your anti black hatred is so strong that you ignore the fact that you are arguing with a member of the first nations in this country. These are people whites tried to wipe out. You see,blacks aren't the only ones. And you, the white female who today has no more autonomy over your own body, are supporting the white men who refuse to even today give you equal rights.

You will be made to face the truth of your history. You have no other choice. Those like you have violated spiritual laws. Those laws supercede mans little constitution. Either America gets right, or it gets destroyed and YOU nor any other so called "normal american" can stop what is going to come if you refuse to face the truth.
I have no anti-black hatred, and your lashing out is not appropriate for Zone 1.
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