The Dystopian Conviction (TrumpUSA)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Part of the cerebral appeal of colorful and expressive American comic book avatars (pictured below) such as Squirrel Girl and Carnage (Marvel Comics) is how they represent conviction and teamwork.

We know from Islamic art/literature and Judaism art/literature that depictions of conviction and teamwork involve a discussion of the pure profitability of survivalism and the dangers of destructive behaviors.

The Christian Bible tells us about the human value of empathy and courtesy. Such considerations are related to an evaluation of conviction and teamwork.

Conviction and teamwork are certainly important in our modern age of network-driven politics (e.g., European Union, NATO, etc., etc.).

So how do we coordinate pop-culture art such as Marvel Comics avatars with social and philosophical considerations regarding human teamwork and 'civilized behaviors'?

When I think about Squirrel Girl (a diplomat of compassion) and Carnage (an agent of malice), I think about the sensibility of pure pity.

While we should not overtly pity others in challenging circumstances (since everyone has a chance of surviving), we might consider how pity is linked to human mettle.

Such considerations are relevant to our current sociological evaluation of the sensibility of our capitalism-subjective 'TrumpUSA,' which many fear will give rise to another form of consumerism-excess such as Reaganomics (which incidentally was spearheaded by our last celebrity-president Ronald Reagan!).

Salvaging production (e.g., Microsoft) from ruthless commerce (e.g., Enron) saves us from dystopia.


SQUIRREL GIRL: You're as ugly morally as you look physically.
CARNAGE: I have no pity!
SQUIRREL GIRL: Without compassion, you'll never be a true leader...
CARNAGE: I have no pity!
SQUIRREL GIRL: We cheer Facebook and Wall Street, because people care about networking.
CARNAGE: People care about caffeine and credit cards.
SQUIRREL GIRL: That's very cynical.
CARNAGE: Do you think the Gulf War was about teamwork?
SQUIRREL GIRL: Maybe Iraq was a petroleum pit, but we can learn from that event.
CARNAGE: I have no pity!
SQUIRREL GIRL: Do you expect policemen to cater to your desire for mischief?
CARNAGE: No, I expect cops to eat doughnuts and brutalize ethnic minorities!
SQUIRREL GIRL: Cops are flawed like anyone else, but we empathize with their interest in civics.
CARNAGE: What do you think I am, just a vagrant?
SQUIRREL GIRL: Maybe you're not a pure vagrant, but you're no spokesman for sanity.
CARNAGE: I don't see how 'TrumpUSA' is unbiased.
SQUIRREL GIRL: It's true that capitalism and consumerism create biases (e.g., OPEC), but we need faith.
CARNAGE: The demand for power is a reality, and the urge to dominate arises naturally.
SQUIRREL GIRL: That's why teamwork protects us from vanity.
CARNAGE: What's so humbling about poverty and ostracism (e.g., Third World Countries)?
SQUIRREL GIRL: TrumpUSA challenges us to express conviction in Las Vegas and carpools!
CARNAGE: You're talking about McDonald's Monopoly.
SQUIRREL GIRL: Strength comes from the 'Burger King bazaar'!
CARNAGE: I have no pity!



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