The Economic Brainfry


VIP Member
Aug 9, 2014
Just try to look up what is actually going on with our economy, and you will run across all sorts of numbers. If I had to guess, I would say that it is meant to be confusing. At one time, I tried to find out what the trade deficit with China was per year. I found numbers that ranged from around three hundred billion per year to over seven hundred billion per year. Though recently I looked up what the total U.S. trade deficit was. As close as I could tell, in 2013 it was 537 billion.

I also looked up what the U.S. pays on interest each year for our total national debt. As far as I could tell, it is 420 billion. All of this is getting close to one trillion dollars per year. That's a pretty good chunk of change that we could be doing better things with. Rather than just watch it go down the toilet. But we aren't completely broke. (Yet) Because the U.S. takes in a little over 2 trillion dollars each year in taxes. What kills me with all this is how the rich keep getting richer with all this going on. But what at the same time makes the poor poorer is no mystery. Someday, the economy is bound to go belly up.
You can say what you will about Hitler. (And you do) But he was able to fix Germany's economy. I wonder what American politicians will do. Maybe instead of bailing out the wealthy, they will make them gods.
Hitler. (And you do) But he was able to fix Germany's economy. .

a stupid liberal lie!!

Schacht was one of the few finance ministers to take advantage of the freedom provided by the end of the gold standard to keep interest rates low and government budget deficits high, with massive public works funded by large budget deficits.[23] The consequence was an extremely rapid decline in unemployment – the most rapid decline in unemployment in any country during the Great Depression.[23] But whether this helped the average German is a matter of debate—while more Germans had jobs, a focus on rearmament meant rationing in food, clothing, metal, and wood [30] for most citizens. Rationing eventually extended to use of fuel and production of cars, leaving many Germans unable to drive. Goering nationalized the steel industry and formed the Hermann Goering Works in 1937 with a goal of providing cheap iron and coal.[31] However, production fell short of rearmament demand. When production in the nationalized iron ore industry declined, “brown shirts” seized private stores from factories, churches, and cemeteries.[32]

Meanwhile, the Nazis replaced the Weimar trade unions with what many Germans saw as the new and improved unions called the German Labour Front and banned strikes, sacks and lockouts.
Hitler. (And you do) But he was able to fix Germany's economy. .

a stupid liberal lie!!

Schacht was one of the few finance ministers to take advantage of the freedom provided by the end of the gold standard to keep interest rates low and government budget deficits high, with massive public works funded by large budget deficits.[23] The consequence was an extremely rapid decline in unemployment – the most rapid decline in unemployment in any country during the Great Depression.[23] But whether this helped the average German is a matter of debate—while more Germans had jobs, a focus on rearmament meant rationing in food, clothing, metal, and wood [30] for most citizens. Rationing eventually extended to use of fuel and production of cars, leaving many Germans unable to drive. Goering nationalized the steel industry and formed the Hermann Goering Works in 1937 with a goal of providing cheap iron and coal.[31] However, production fell short of rearmament demand. When production in the nationalized iron ore industry declined, “brown shirts” seized private stores from factories, churches, and cemeteries.[32]

Meanwhile, the Nazis replaced the Weimar trade unions with what many Germans saw as the new and improved unions called the German Labour Front and banned strikes, sacks and lockouts.
Your stupidity is awe inspiring. That Hitler revived the Germany economy and ended unemployment is a well known fact.
Someday, the economy is bound to go belly up.

dear, you're an illiterate. We are doing better than most of the world in terms of growth and have the highest standard of living in human history!!!
Are you a homo or something? I told you in another thread I started to stop calling me "dear." If you must show everybody how stupid you are, address me as cultsmasher. Or Mr Smasher. Anything but "dear." Unless you want me to start ignoring you again.

Now you quoted me as saying that our economy is bound to go belly up. Then you spout the brainwashed propangda that we have the highest standard of living in the world. I wish you would quit smoking so much weed when you write. If you find a problem with my assertion that the economy is bound to go belly up someday, argue that point. Not the U.S. standard of living. Besides, we had been all around your bullshit ideas on that before. The U.S. ranks lower in just about any social or economic standard than much of the developed world.

The reason that we pay less for our food than most other countries is because we live in a country rich in arable land and wide open ranges for cattle to graze. Not because of any economic or social brilliance. The rate of poverity we have with many other developed countries may be about the same. But what of the poor in those countries. Well one huge expense they don't have to deal with is medical coverage. And in France and probably other developed countries, they don't have to pay for collage. I would call being free from student debt is a big plus. Why don't you just give up. Admit that I am right and become a Facist too.
Admit that I am right and become a Facist too.

dear, you have the IQ of a liberal facist for sure. USA is richest in human history because it has the most capitalism. It is least likely to collapse since it is least centralized. Resources don't matter as Japan and Saudi Arabia demonstrate so convincingly.
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The reason that we pay less for our food than most other countries is because we live in a country rich in arable land and wide open ranges for cattle to graze. Not because of any economic or social brilliance.

for 3rd time dear, Japan has no resources yet its people are rich. Saudi Arabia is made of resources yet its people are poor. China starved 60 million to death, then switched to capitalism and now 60 million are buying cars.

Please post on fridge for daily review. Do you have the courage to learn?
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. Well one huge expense they don't have to deal with is medical coverage. And in France and probably other developed countries, they don't have to pay for collage. I would call being free from student debt is a big plus. Why don't you just give up. Admit that I am right and become a Facist too.

dear, education and health care are not free!! A child would know that just not a liberal!!
Your stupidity is awe inspiring. That Hitler revived the Germany economy and ended unemployment is a well known fact.

dear, any govt can end unemployment by forcing people at gun point to sweep the streets or build weapons!!

A child would know that, just not a liberal.
But what at the same time makes the poor poorer is no mystery. .

so then why are you so afraid to tell us what makes the poor poorer, if not liberalism? Don't ever forget, China just switched to conservative Republican capitalism and instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty!

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