The Economic Recovery Of 2013

They were wailing and tooth gnashing under bush when we were at 5 percent unemployment. Now at 7.3 percent its a huge success.

Bull shit. No one with an ounce of understanding of economics considers 5% unemployment to be an issue. I suspect you are simply imagining this "wailing and tooth gnashing".

What was an issue is that the employment to population ratio began falling in 2000 when China started ramping up manufacturing and exports. The real price of fuel went from decades of constant dollar to increasing as well.

Well no that's not right either.
You post crap showing you dont understand what GDP is and I'm the embarrassment? Yeah, you've been here 3 weeks. I'll take bets you wont be here in another 3. You dont have the chops to run with the big dogs, s0n.

The big dogs?
All you post is, "You're wrong and I'm right!".
What the heck is that?

You're an embarrassment.
Still waiting for links to CEO interviews saying americans are stupid and lazy. Go ahead, s0n.

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Chris Bosh Campaign For More Programmers - Forbes

Same old mantra since post 9/11.
They were wailing and tooth gnashing under bush when we were at 5 percent unemployment. Now at 7.3 percent its a huge success.

Bull shit. No one with an ounce of understanding of economics considers 5% unemployment to be an issue. I suspect you are simply imagining this "wailing and tooth gnashing".

What was an issue is that the employment to population ratio began falling in 2000 when China started ramping up manufacturing and exports. The real price of fuel went from decades of constant dollar to increasing as well.

Bull true. Wasn't it bill clinton who signed the most favored nation with china? Yeah, thought so.

"Pelosi was not to be outdone, however, firing back at the president who she claimed had "the worst jobs record since the Great Depression," in spite of Friday's news that the October jobless rate fell to 4.4 percent, the lowest it has been in more than five years."

Bush Buoyed by Good Employment News, Fires Away at Dems, Pelosi | Fox News
Should the president be given the responsibility for employment in the United States?
Am I adept at navigating websites with reams of referrals to other posts and articles, no I am not. But I am trying to think my way through our dilemmas. Identifying trends or trying to and debating them would seem to be a function of this website. Comfort class where are the supporting documents. Well 50 million on food stamps, a general dimunition of pride and work ethic, a fixation on video games and and an addiction to social media, the ability to live more comfortably on the govt dole than by having a job, the lack of cultural shame anymore for not working and living off of others., the destruction of the American dream and America by our educational institutions, an emasculation of the male gender, the waning of the family unit. Blah blah. Blah the conventional wisdom now is to look out for oneself, what's in it for me. And right now what's in it for me means who is going to do the most for me who is going to give me the most money. Hello the govt. and with no mechanism to separate the needy from the greedy, what have they got to lose. Living down here on the factory floor seems to offer more insight into the real world, whether I am interpreting this insight correctly remains to be seen, but I stand by the idea of a comfort class

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