The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering.

One of the most frightening statistics of all: Black teens have an unemployment rate of about 50%.

But that's not the scary part. The statistic only counts the Black teens who are not in school and ARE ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR WORK! The ones who are just "chillin'" are not counted.

So what's the REAL unemployment rate for this demographic. The mind is boggled.
Agreed, but it is not only black teenage unemployment rates the central government lies about. They lie about EVERY demographic.

But hey...the economy is doing just fine, just ask an Obamabot. However they will change their tune as soon as an R gets in the WH...they are so terribly predictable.

The unemployment rate is calculated exactly the same way it was under Bush. Nothing has changed. There is no big conspiracy. The truth of the matter is that most people who truly want to work are working. Now they may not be working in the job they want or making enough money, but they are working. I personally do not know anyone who is currently unemployed. My 18 and 19 year old kids have two jobs each, making $12 to $18 per hour, and they will be starting college next semester. Yea, the economy is in shambles. Kids can't get jobs. We live in a city that notoriously has high unemployment. Go figure.
Who stated the calculation changed under W? The rate is a fraud. With nearly 100 million Americans of working age not working, one would think the economy ain't so good.
Why? 25 million are disabled, 25 million 65 and older (but not disabled ed) 12 million are full time students. Add in stay home spouses, early retirees, independently wealthy etc. only 624,000 are willing and able to work but "gave up." So why is 94 million people not trying to work a disaster?
Cons always imply that Obama has somehow changed the calculations.

Obama is a single payer communist who had 3 communist parents, voted to left of Bernie Sanders, an open communist, so no surprise he cant be trusted. U3 is 5.1% but u6 is 10.3, incomes are down 6%, food stamps are 50 million, interest is 0%, LFPR is horrible and most believe we are on wrong track.

Obama should be honest and admit as a typical liberal he mucked up domestic and foreign policy big time!!
One of the most frightening statistics of all: Black teens have an unemployment rate of about 50%.

But that's not the scary part. The statistic only counts the Black teens who are not in school and ARE ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR WORK! The ones who are just "chillin'" are not counted.

So what's the REAL unemployment rate for this demographic. The mind is boggled.
Agreed, but it is not only black teenage unemployment rates the central government lies about. They lie about EVERY demographic.

But hey...the economy is doing just fine, just ask an Obamabot. However they will change their tune as soon as an R gets in the WH...they are so terribly predictable.

The unemployment rate is calculated exactly the same way it was under Bush. Nothing has changed. There is no big conspiracy. The truth of the matter is that most people who truly want to work are working. Now they may not be working in the job they want or making enough money, but they are working. I personally do not know anyone who is currently unemployed. My 18 and 19 year old kids have two jobs each, making $12 to $18 per hour, and they will be starting college next semester. Yea, the economy is in shambles. Kids can't get jobs. We live in a city that notoriously has high unemployment. Go figure.
Who stated the calculation changed under W? The rate is a fraud. With nearly 100 million Americans of working age not working, one would think the economy ain't so good.

Cons always imply that Obama has somehow changed the calculations and that they are being calculated differently now compared to when Bush was in office. You guys crack me up. Secondly, there are only 95 million non-working adults if you include all retirees. That includes everyone from age 16 until death. Retirees are not supposed to be counted as part of the active workforce. Those who are doing these calculations are making the numbers match what they want. It's an absolute joke.

Here are the facts. Our population is about 320 million. 149 million are in the workforce. Children under the age of 16 account for 23.2 % of the population. Retirees account for 12.4% of the population. 23.2 plus 12.4 = 35.6 percent of the population. 320 * 35.6% = approx 114, so 320 -114 = 206 million eligible to be in the workforce. We know 149 million are working. 206 - 149 = 57 million not working who might be able or want to work. That does not account for the disabled who cannot work, nor does it account for full-time college students who do not work, nor does it account for stay at home moms and dads, nor does it account for those who don't have to work because they are financially secure.
If big ears were an R, you would be screaming about the lowest worker participation rate in decades and I would be with you. But being a hypocrite, never seems to concern leftists.
Of course the economy is recovering.

Who says it's not?

Global Rally Shows Relief at End of $11 Trillion Stocks Meltdown
With almost $11 trillion erased from global shares in the three months, and oil suffering its worst quarter since 2009, analysts debated whether Wednesday’s rally was just a blip. Riskier markets sold off amid a prolonged commodity slump, slowing growth in China and an exodus from emerging-market assets as the U.S. prepared to raise interest rates as soon as this year. Friday’s payrolls report will show the economy created 200,000 or more jobs for the sixth month this year, strategists forecast.
The DOL has been lowering their forecasts month after month revising down, their estimates. 5 year ago, the amount of Labor participation was above 250,000 but since the goals cant be reached, instead of improving the conditions for hiring, they have lowered the standards, to MAKE IT SEEM, that all is good. But TRUTH doesn't give the liberals a break, 11 trillion dollars are no longer out in the world, that will affect every countries economies. Just a matter of time before the ripple effect start US into a 25 year depression, at it will be Obama's fault.
Billionaire Carl Icahn warns of 'danger ahead' for U.S. economy
In a rare move — even for an investor so accustomed to the public spotlight — the founder and chairman of $8.5 billion Icahn Enterprises has produced a video warning of "danger ahead' for the U.S. economy that also advocates Trump as the best candidate to fix the nation's problems.
Oh oh, to US, also bad news for the libtards. Obama policies, of flooding the market with FAUX dollars doesn't seem to be working, as the rich got richer, but the backbone of America(middleclass) got poorer, and even Carl Icahn sees the writing on the wall. But what Carl doesn't understand is that if the economy tanks before the 2016 elections, people start rioting in the streets, B. O. can and will declare martial law, which will suspend elections until order is restored. This means that Stinky(B.O.) can remain president until...... God forbid if this happens as the last best hope for the world will become a despot dictatorship.
Billionaire Carl Icahn warns of 'danger ahead' for U.S. economy
In a rare move — even for an investor so accustomed to the public spotlight — the founder and chairman of $8.5 billion Icahn Enterprises has produced a video warning of "danger ahead' for the U.S. economy that also advocates Trump as the best candidate to fix the nation's problems.
Oh oh, to US, also bad news for the libtards. Obama policies, of flooding the market with FAUX dollars doesn't seem to be working, as the rich got richer, but the backbone of America(middleclass) got poorer, and even Carl Icahn sees the writing on the wall. But what Carl doesn't understand is that if the economy tanks before the 2016 elections, people start rioting in the streets, B. O. can and will declare martial law, which will suspend elections until order is restored. This means that Stinky(B.O.) can remain president until...... God forbid if this happens as the last best hope for the world will become a despot dictatorship.

Sure, because he got above 10% official unemployment and he didn't use martial law, just like he didn't take your guns.

But then again every recession has basically got better, so why wouldn't this one?
Global Rally Shows Relief at End of $11 Trillion Stocks Meltdown
With almost $11 trillion erased from global shares in the three months, and oil suffering its worst quarter since 2009, analysts debated whether Wednesday’s rally was just a blip. Riskier markets sold off amid a prolonged commodity slump, slowing growth in China and an exodus from emerging-market assets as the U.S. prepared to raise interest rates as soon as this year. Friday’s payrolls report will show the economy created 200,000 or more jobs for the sixth month this year, strategists forecast.
The DOL has been lowering their forecasts month after month revising down, their estimates.
Can you provide a link for that? It's not clear what data you're talking about...forecasts of what, estimates of what? Perhaps you mean jobs? DOL (properly BLS) only does a 10 year forecast, which doesn't get revised, and the monthly estimates have been revised both up and down.

5 year ago, the amount of Labor participation was above 250,000 but since the goals cant be reached, instead of improving the conditions for hiring, they have lowered the standards, to MAKE IT SEEM, that all is good.
That makes no sense. Who lowered what standards? And "labor participation was above 250,000?" I have no idea what you think that means. The Labor Force is at 157,000,000. Labor Force Participation is expressed as a rate and is currently 62.6% I don't know what your 250 thousand is.
Global Rally Shows Relief at End of $11 Trillion Stocks Meltdown
With almost $11 trillion erased from global shares in the three months, and oil suffering its worst quarter since 2009, analysts debated whether Wednesday’s rally was just a blip. Riskier markets sold off amid a prolonged commodity slump, slowing growth in China and an exodus from emerging-market assets as the U.S. prepared to raise interest rates as soon as this year. Friday’s payrolls report will show the economy created 200,000 or more jobs for the sixth month this year, strategists forecast.
The DOL has been lowering their forecasts month after month revising down, their estimates.
Can you provide a link for that? It's not clear what data you're talking about...forecasts of what, estimates of what? Perhaps you mean jobs? DOL (properly BLS) only does a 10 year forecast, which doesn't get revised, and the monthly estimates have been revised both up and down.

5 year ago, the amount of Labor participation was above 250,000 but since the goals cant be reached, instead of improving the conditions for hiring, they have lowered the standards, to MAKE IT SEEM, that all is good.
That makes no sense. Who lowered what standards? And "labor participation was above 250,000?" I have no idea what you think that means. The Labor Force is at 157,000,000. Labor Force Participation is expressed as a rate and is currently 62.6% I don't know what your 250 thousand is.
U.S. jobless claims rise to four-month high
The four-week moving average of claims, considered a better measure of labor market trends as it irons out week-to-week volatility, rose by only 6,750 to 298,000 last week.
Now if we can get above 200,000 the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering. Are you calling Carl Icahn a LIAR?
Global Rally Shows Relief at End of $11 Trillion Stocks Meltdown
With almost $11 trillion erased from global shares in the three months, and oil suffering its worst quarter since 2009, analysts debated whether Wednesday’s rally was just a blip. Riskier markets sold off amid a prolonged commodity slump, slowing growth in China and an exodus from emerging-market assets as the U.S. prepared to raise interest rates as soon as this year. Friday’s payrolls report will show the economy created 200,000 or more jobs for the sixth month this year, strategists forecast.
The DOL has been lowering their forecasts month after month revising down, their estimates.
Can you provide a link for that? It's not clear what data you're talking about...forecasts of what, estimates of what? Perhaps you mean jobs? DOL (properly BLS) only does a 10 year forecast, which doesn't get revised, and the monthly estimates have been revised both up and down.

5 year ago, the amount of Labor participation was above 250,000 but since the goals cant be reached, instead of improving the conditions for hiring, they have lowered the standards, to MAKE IT SEEM, that all is good.
That makes no sense. Who lowered what standards? And "labor participation was above 250,000?" I have no idea what you think that means. The Labor Force is at 157,000,000. Labor Force Participation is expressed as a rate and is currently 62.6% I don't know what your 250 thousand is.
U.S. jobless claims rise to four-month high
The four-week moving average of claims, considered a better measure of labor market trends as it irons out week-to-week volatility, rose by only 6,750 to 298,000 last week.
I'm not getting the relevance. Perhaps you could write full sentances and complete thoughts? DOL does not forecast UI claims. The revisions to UI claims data are usually upwards as late claims are processed. So I still don't know what you were talking about as far as forecasts and revisions and what significance you're assigning to UI claims, which have dropped massively in the last few years and are comforably at pre-recession levels.

Now if we can get above 200,000 the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering. Are you calling Carl Icahn a LIAR?
If we can get above 200,000 what? And what does that have to do with UI claims? And what does Carl Icahn have to do with anything?
Global Rally Shows Relief at End of $11 Trillion Stocks Meltdown
With almost $11 trillion erased from global shares in the three months, and oil suffering its worst quarter since 2009, analysts debated whether Wednesday’s rally was just a blip. Riskier markets sold off amid a prolonged commodity slump, slowing growth in China and an exodus from emerging-market assets as the U.S. prepared to raise interest rates as soon as this year. Friday’s payrolls report will show the economy created 200,000 or more jobs for the sixth month this year, strategists forecast.
The DOL has been lowering their forecasts month after month revising down, their estimates.
Can you provide a link for that? It's not clear what data you're talking about...forecasts of what, estimates of what? Perhaps you mean jobs? DOL (properly BLS) only does a 10 year forecast, which doesn't get revised, and the monthly estimates have been revised both up and down.

5 year ago, the amount of Labor participation was above 250,000 but since the goals cant be reached, instead of improving the conditions for hiring, they have lowered the standards, to MAKE IT SEEM, that all is good.
That makes no sense. Who lowered what standards? And "labor participation was above 250,000?" I have no idea what you think that means. The Labor Force is at 157,000,000. Labor Force Participation is expressed as a rate and is currently 62.6% I don't know what your 250 thousand is.
U.S. jobless claims rise to four-month high
The four-week moving average of claims, considered a better measure of labor market trends as it irons out week-to-week volatility, rose by only 6,750 to 298,000 last week.
I'm not getting the relevance. Perhaps you could write full sentances and complete thoughts? DOL does not forecast UI claims. The revisions to UI claims data are usually upwards as late claims are processed. So I still don't know what you were talking about as far as forecasts and revisions and what significance you're assigning to UI claims, which have dropped massively in the last few years and are comforably at pre-recession levels.

Now if we can get above 200,000 the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering. Are you calling Carl Icahn a LIAR?
If we can get above 200,000 what? And what does that have to do with UI claims? And what does Carl Icahn have to do with anything?
being liberals, nothing, as your homeboy can do no wrong. But you would be howling out your ass, if the person in the rainbow house was a republicrat. More people are out of a job than working, many of those working, now are on 29 hour work weeks(thank Obamacare for that) the dipshit FED says unemployment is around 5.2% yet only 200,000 people are applying for jobs. To make a roaring economic recover, you would need approximately 365,000 a month to break even. Lliberalism, is all about failure, it failed in the USSR, it is failing in Cuba, and any other socialist country, now America is moving farther to it, and we are going to FAIL badly. And George Bush has been out of office now for over 6 3/4 years. Bunch of dumbasses who vote Dumbocrat.
Dow jumps triple digits; Nasdaq jumps 2%
"Nothing has changed fundamentally from yesterday to today except that most of the globe is rallying with weaker-than-expected data points, with the hope of more stimulus from central banks," said Ryan Larson, head of U.S. equity trading at RBC Global Asset Management.

We want to "see if this is not a short covering rally but retail and institutional buying," he said.
More stimulus, nothing about profits from sales. Boy the world is in a mess, more FAUX money being printed with nothing to show for it. 25 year Greatest Depression if we are lucky, it might be far worse, the way things are going.
Global Rally Shows Relief at End of $11 Trillion Stocks Meltdown
With almost $11 trillion erased from global shares in the three months, and oil suffering its worst quarter since 2009, analysts debated whether Wednesday’s rally was just a blip. Riskier markets sold off amid a prolonged commodity slump, slowing growth in China and an exodus from emerging-market assets as the U.S. prepared to raise interest rates as soon as this year. Friday’s payrolls report will show the economy created 200,000 or more jobs for the sixth month this year, strategists forecast.
The DOL has been lowering their forecasts month after month revising down, their estimates.
Can you provide a link for that? It's not clear what data you're talking about...forecasts of what, estimates of what? Perhaps you mean jobs? DOL (properly BLS) only does a 10 year forecast, which doesn't get revised, and the monthly estimates have been revised both up and down.

5 year ago, the amount of Labor participation was above 250,000 but since the goals cant be reached, instead of improving the conditions for hiring, they have lowered the standards, to MAKE IT SEEM, that all is good.
That makes no sense. Who lowered what standards? And "labor participation was above 250,000?" I have no idea what you think that means. The Labor Force is at 157,000,000. Labor Force Participation is expressed as a rate and is currently 62.6% I don't know what your 250 thousand is.
U.S. jobless claims rise to four-month high
The four-week moving average of claims, considered a better measure of labor market trends as it irons out week-to-week volatility, rose by only 6,750 to 298,000 last week.
I'm not getting the relevance. Perhaps you could write full sentances and complete thoughts? DOL does not forecast UI claims. The revisions to UI claims data are usually upwards as late claims are processed. So I still don't know what you were talking about as far as forecasts and revisions and what significance you're assigning to UI claims, which have dropped massively in the last few years and are comforably at pre-recession levels.

Now if we can get above 200,000 the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering. Are you calling Carl Icahn a LIAR?
If we can get above 200,000 what? And what does that have to do with UI claims? And what does Carl Icahn have to do with anything?
being liberals, nothing, as your homeboy can do no wrong. But you would be howling out your ass, if the person in the rainbow house was a republicrat.
I didn't vote for Obama, and my position wouldn't change regardless of who is President.

More people are out of a job than working,
As of August, 59.4% of the adult civilian non-institutional population were employed. This is higher than anytime before 1977.

many of those working, now are on 29 hour work weeks(thank Obamacare for that)
How many? What is your source?

the dipshit FED says unemployment is around 5.2% yet only 200,000 people are applying for jobs.
The FED doesn't calculate or publish unemployment data. And where are you getting that only 200,000 people are applying for jobs? Do you mean each month, each week? Cite your source. About 6.5 million people were hired from July to August (net change of 196,000): Labor force status flows by sex, current month

To make a roaring economic recover, you would need approximately 365,000 a month to break even.
Break even with what? How are you deriving that number?
Stocks drop as quarter gets off to a rocky start
The ISM manufacturing data is "indicative of the sector moving towards contraction at this point," said Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at Rockwell Global Capital. "The ISM was certainly very disappointing and taking stocks out of the surge,"

"I think the market is probably going to stay on the jittery side, looking ahead to jobs," he said. "We'll probably just linger around these levels until we get earnings season out of the way."
As long as Janet Yellow continues to keep interest rates at 0%, American Citizens will suffer, and the Rich will continue to get rich. That is the liberal way.

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