The effort to deconstruct America is now a major-party platform.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Are we going to allow the left to control speech, healthcare, take away our ability to defend ourselves, eliminate our borders and, finally, eliminate our constitution?

Look at what they are asking for these days. Open borders, government-run healthcare, government control over businesses, more talk of one world government and socialism.

They want everything to be the opposite of the way it is now. Leftists do not believe in a government by the people, for the people. They clearly believe in rulers. They believe in disarming the population like every single dictator has done in the past. They want to declare all opposing views as hate speech and outlaw it. They claim that equal outcomes are possible through social engineering. They believe that government is the sole owner of all property and wealth and that they should decide how much we each have.

And they've managed to keep enough people in poverty and uneducated that they have faithful followers that believe they will benefit from total government control.

Our rights will no longer exist. Government will have all the rights and all the control. It's the exact opposite of what our country is about. Our country is wealthy and free because of our constitution. The leftists would rather be like every other third world shithole where there is nothing but poverty and an all-powerful government ruling over the people.

The effort to deconstruct America is now a major-party platform. | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative
If they can't allocate that puny 5 billion for the wall I think we are closing in on the end of this experiment.
The world is changing, you can drown or learn to swim. Do not blame your inability to cope with the world on others.
Sounds like Globalism and the New World Order to me.

Soros funds that shit each and every day.

Not the America I want.
The world is changing, you can drown or learn to swim. Do not blame your inability to cope with the world on others.
What is the world changing to? The United States is being blended into the new world order and the real fact is many people are becoming poorer in real terms. We live off of foreigners who are near sweatshop workers. Never a word about that by the people who want dignity for all here. We have improved conditions for our own workers even in lower paying jobs compared to them but the massive taxes give them a harder life and then they may need government help. So many people have drowned and a stock market collapse or disaster will test the swim theory big time. Especially for the privileged employees who are overcompensated and live off of egos. Crippled Ken...

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