The Election Day Prediction Thread

Maxine Waters will take over as chair of the House Finance and Banking Committee and from that PULPIT she will get Nancy Pelosi to pass bills to impeach everboby they hate and pass bills to construct a socialistic money structure meanwhile cutting off all money for any budgets they disapprove of in their great stability of character.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Red Tsunami....will usher the end of the Democratic Party.
  2. Obama and Hillary will take the blame, they will blame Trump!
The purpose of this thread is not to discuss politics but just straight out predictions. It should not be based on how you feel politically or who you hope wins, but just who do you think will win the race or races you are watching or are vested in.



Republicans keep control of the Senate. Pick up 2 to 3 seats


Democrats gain control of the House albeit narrowly.

Pick up 24-26 seats. (23 seats needed for control)


Governor: Desantis (Very Close)
Senate: Nelson
I predict that people will say and do a bunch of ridiculous shit and nothing will really change, regardless of the results.

Sorry bout that,

  1. Waters will get arrested.
  2. Pelosi will resign.
  3. Obama will go back to Kenya, his wife Mike will move to England.
The purpose of this thread is not to discuss politics but just straight out predictions. It should not be based on how you feel politically or who you hope wins, but just who do you think will win the race or races you are watching or are vested in.



Republicans keep control of the Senate. Pick up 2 to 3 seats


Democrats gain control of the House albeit narrowly.

Pick up 24-26 seats. (23 seats needed for control)


Governor: Desantis (Very Close)
Senate: Nelson

Predicting that Republicans hold the House, but just so, with Democrats picking up 20 seats.

Republicans will hold Senate and gain at least 2 seats

Brian Kemp will win Georgia's gubernatorial election.


DeSantis by 2-5% for Governor

Bill Nelson by 1-3% for Senate

McCaskill is done
Tester is Toast
Menendez will squeak out a win in New Jersey
I predict...……….

Hillary by a landslide in all races.....she'll get more votes than there are registered voters. :rolleyes:
I think the Reps will hang onto the house and the Senate.

The Dems sure haven't covered themselves in glory lately.

Oh and Pelosi has already said if the Dems win back the house she wants to raise taxes.

You can bet that goes over like a fart in church with most Americans.
Maxine Waters will take over as chair of the House Finance and Banking Committee and from that PULPIT she will get Nancy Pelosi to pass bills to impeach everboby they hate and pass bills to construct a socialistic money structure meanwhile cutting off all money for any budgets they disapprove of in their great stability of character.

We already have a socialistic money structure.
The purpose of this thread is not to discuss politics but just straight out predictions. It should not be based on how you feel politically or who you hope wins, but just who do you think will win the race or races you are watching or are vested in.



Republicans keep control of the Senate. Pick up 2 to 3 seats


Democrats gain control of the House albeit narrowly.

Pick up 24-26 seats. (23 seats needed for control)


Governor: Desantis (Very Close)
Senate: Nelson
/----/ Here's a prediction that came true: Far-right Bolsonaro wins Brazil presidential race
Far-right Bolsonaro wins Brazil presidential race
This squared:

THIS is the reason for the VIOLENCE in this country. These people are shameless. They're considered "journalists"

It never gets old, these cowardly spineless jackass’s Reaping what they sow...
What do these motherfuckers think, we had to put up with eight years of Obama… Karma is a bitch
More of this

I predict nothing changes and republicans invent another thing like their deep state hoax to excuse themselves sucking ass despite controlling all branches of govt.

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